Maintenance Phase


Debunking the junk science behind health fads, wellness scams and nonsensical nutrition advice.

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Recent Reviews
  • Grace Katherine Mathews
    Changed my life
    Hosts are delightful to listen to, and they are truly masterful journalists.
  • VileMayor
    Done with Michael Hobbes
    Makes good projects but gives up on them. I’m done getting invested. Aubrey I only blame Michael
  • Jonannewithpursiee
    Love the show
    Both Aubrey and Michael are a joy and really smart and insightful and fun
  • Omnichic82
    All bonus content
    I loved the show so much at first but it’s all just bonus content now. The title still says “updated biweekly” but there’s rarely a non-bonus episode every 3 months at this point. And it’s crazy because they used to be so understanding about not forcing people to pay for content. I understand that lives and commitments change, but I think the parameters and expectations of the show should be adjusted to be more honest with listeners.
  • karenkruse
    Love it- mostly
    I love this show and the hosts. They are so good at fact-checking and explaining complicated concepts. I just have one issue— they need to explain the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The fact that they never distinguish the two lowers their credibility. How do you host a health show and never think to say type 2 diabetes? They are very different diseases.
  • Scrambledeggshells
    Very interesting.
    Very interesting and I enjoy listening to their banter. More frequent episodes would make it better, it’s disappointing when everything is subscribers only. I can’t always afford to subscribe to everything.
    I'm gonna send you...
    ...straight to the Unsubscribe zone.
  • DocRevolt
    Conspiracy Theories and Bad Science
    I wanted to like this show, but it’s stunning how skewed and misleading so much of their coverage is. Any good critique NEEDS to be rooted in the facts, and while my leftist leanings might suggest I’d be into this show, my desire to actually learn about the facts instead of weird misinterpretations of science and bad-faith claims about other people’s motives has totally turned me off from it. Would not recommend.
  • jessimaui
    You all are right. Perspective shifting.
    I just thought of you two when watching Bob Harper struggling to run up a hill on the Traitors because thin doesn’t always equal healthy.
  • theotherginger
    And informative
  • paVEme/nt
    Debunking blue zones? Trying to justify your own unhealthy lifestyle? Did the blue zones guy make money on it? Who cares! The world‘s a better place with people trying to get healthier. You sound like Fox News trying to dig into something that’s actually good to find every little nook and cranny about it That might be bad. won’t be listening to this show anymore.
  • ccthethird
    Just so you know you sound just like RFK jr
    I enjoy this show but the way you guys treat/analyze data and studies sounds exactly like people like RFK jr, Joe Rogan, etc. Lots of cherry picking, generalizing and odd interpretations.
  • Mary J U
    One of my Favorite Podcasts
    I have been listening to this since the beginning and I can’t get enough. I love the dynamic of Aubrey and Michael. I’ve learned so much and I share this with everyone I know. I appreciate all your hard work and laughter. Thank you.
  • fnaocnrmclrla
    straw man "take downs" of conservative talking points intellectually equivalent to joe rogan if youre looking for facts, humor or nuanced discussion, look elsewhere
  • BayShola
    Miss this Show
    Like other reviewers, it’s been months sense an episode has come out that viewers don’t have to pay extra for and who has money to burn right now (and if you do, please donate those in need). Still I will give 5/5, because the reason everyone is sad or upset is because side this was such a great, informative, fact-based podcast that we all looked forward to. Like If Books Could Kill (also miss this), the only reason to not give 5 stars if because of the lack of consistency and pivot to pay per view during a time of high financial distress and rampant diet culture/disordered eating/eating disorder prevalence. Yes, it’d be great if this was still weekly or biweekly and assessable to working class people, but they never promised they would be. If you are new, you have tons of fantastic free episodes to listen to that hold up to this day. For new listeners: 5:5–follow and subscribe
  • Kathleen Paige1990
    Couldn’t love it more
    Love these two. Love this podcast. This show teaches me so much and brings me tremendous joy. Mike and Aubrey are the perfect podcaster duo. Thank you for making this show!!!
  • NYUgirl112288
    Shocking…another episode only for subscribers. Lame.
    This used to be one of my favorite podcasts even though Aubrey is super annoying most of the time but without any warning this podcast suddenly became for subscribers only and they only put out a REGULAR episode MAYBE once a month?! They were barely putting out episodes before when it was for everyone and I was always patiently waiting for the next one to come out but now you want me to pay for very little content? They could have at least told us at some point that they were changing things. Every time it shows up in the feed that there is a new episode I’m immediately let down because after waiting such a long time for another episode I am smacked in the face with the words “subscribers only” Lame!! **Shocking - another month for subscribers only. And you still have yet to ever address this with the audience.
  • adrizzlin
    A must listen
    Aubrey and Mike are thorough and honest. Their research and transparency help me on my hard recovery days with so much disinformation out there… especially around health and weight biases. Now everywhere I look orthorexia (clean eating) seems to be promoted. Thank you for giving me back my sanity through your podcast.
  • aelindsay
    Favorite podcast
    Long time fan of both hosts for their respective works in writing and podcasts, show is always entertaining and informative without feeling condescending and I always leave with a more nuanced perspective of whatever the topic is. I selfishly hope Micheal’s health improves for more regular episodes but also we do not live to produce content and to rush someone’s healing is antithetical to health. So take your time and I look forward to whenever new episodes drop!
  • camocarmelcamel
    Favorite pod for years now
    Consistently good content since the beginning. Quality over quantity — the wait is worth it. I’ve seen too many pods end up producing garbage just to stick to a schedule, but not this one.
    Provocative and Entertaining
    Could not love this show more. Mike and Aubrey are amazing.
  • Emma KT
    Changed my life
    This podcast literally changed the way I view my body, and healed my relationship with food. It widened my mindset in so many ways, as well as led me to You’re Wrong About which further made me thing more complexly about the world. My only complaint is that they don’t post more! But I understand the lovely hosts do so much research they need time between episodes.
  • KCW87_
    I miss this show so much
    I’m a subscriber so I get the bonus episodes when they come out and I respect their need for a break, but selfishly I miss the regular episodes so much. I love Aubrey and Michael, their humor and the show as a whole. Once you get through this busy season, please bring back regular episodes.
  • Natnar8
    Fast and loose with facts
    I do enjoy this podcast but you really have to take ao much of what they say with a grain of salt… not everything they discuss is scientificly accurate. And seems like info is cherry picked to fit their (sometimes inaccurate) narrative, even if I overall agree with the point they are TRYING to make.
  • kevwebdev
    Honestly my favorite podcast.
  • sad little forest cryptid
    This is my favorite show!!
    You guys got me through the worst year of my life so far. I love laughing at stupid grifters with you!
  • ellaoh22
    I’m a subscriber but…
    They’ve stopped doing regular episodes so basically their content is going to be behind a paywall from now on. So typical of where podcasting is headed UPDATE: this show is barely recognizable. Everything Mike touches could turn to gold, but it turns into leftist political commentary. Why can’t any of his shows stay true to the original premise of the show? I’m a leftist myself but I’m tired of hearing about politics. Just do health and wellness please UPDATE: this podcast is so lazy now
  • BlueViolinist
    Don’t stop
    When Aubrey laughs, I laugh. Please don’t stop making this show.
  • anpf23
    They should change the name & category of this pod. This is not about health & wellness. It is nothing but very extreme leftist propaganda shouted at you as though that will help the crazy ranting make sense.
  • Mdot313
    Lost all credibility
    I used to listen to Aubrey and Michael because they would bring data and research to a topic and sometimes a different perspective than mine. Recently with the election, they have completely lost all credibility. I couldn’t even get through the RFK Jr. episode without laughing. The man is in better health at an old age than most people I know at 30. This podcast finds it more important to be left than tell the truth. Sad to not be a listener anymore because I enjoy their personalities so much.
  • simondarren
    Overly loud
    Too much yelling. Shame the content seemed interesting…
  • Rabble Rousing RZA
    Total trash. Let’s be honest, nobody would even know this pod existed without Michael. Reading magazines doesn’t count as research.
  • ButlerButler123
    This is a laughable circle jerk
    A laughable circle jerk that I look forward to every 3 months they release a show. The antithesis to fat shaming. Supportive of FDA corruption. Fear Mongerers.
  • LydiaFaithfull
    Aubrey… Michael…
    Please hold my hand through the next four years. This childless cat lady needs you.
  • RoseCityDweller
    Makes my day every time!
    I adore this podcast and am gifting subscriptions to several close friends this year. It’s well researched. and entertaining. I always learn something and am a better human for it.
  • Katejspringer
    Painful to listen to
    The episode title caught my eye so I gave podcast a shot. If you want to listen to two women gab about things that they have clearly made their mind up about with out actually having a well rounded discussion all the while passing judgement on people, this is the podcast for you!
  • Richard Nacy Warner
    Always informative, and hilarious
    This is a brilliant and brilliantly funny podcast. ❤️❤️❤️
  • Eli, Jr Mad Lad
    If you guys are reading this, you should do an episode on blue zones
    I think you’d get a kick out of it. Great podcast btw
  • Flipponzel McSnazzle
    Could be good
    It gets tiring listening to people strain so hard to be funny. Hobbes is good on If Books because his co-host balances well with him.
  • pinky2anne
    Making me a better person
    Thanks for your work on this show and the way you model a thoughtful, inclusive approach to the world and the people in it. Oh and thanks for the fascinating stories and the laughs!
  • turtllgurll
    Michael! Aubrey… I love listening to these two. They are smart, light hearted and fun. Such important conversations happen here, and I love that they don’t take themselves too seriously, even if they are discussing some serious themes. Just brilliant!
  • susiepwedhsi
    10/10 no notes
    Amazing podcast. They are on a level all their own. Top tier. No one does it like the MP/you’re wrong about extended universe. Just a perfect show.
  • azdroj
    I’ve been a listener for years and every episode is informative, myth-busting, and hilarious.
  • Annaïse
    Best. Laughs. Ever
    I swear, Aubrey’s laugh has medicine in it. Love this show!
  • katinewton
    Binge listen worthy
    Very smart. Very funny. Very easy to listen to multiple episodes on end. I love how thorough they are in topics, entertaining and educational.
  • Gertrude rides again
    Trans friendly
    Is the transfer me it was so wonderful to hear someone standing up for us for once, thank you 🙏
  • Kimmo Rae
    I will always be a fat girl.
    Aubrey and Michael are rays of sunlight making this world brighter by illuminating truth. This podcast has given me so much information about the lies I’ve been told my whole life. They tell the truth about how the world treats fat people, how systems make it worse and about how being thin is NOT a moral victory. It’s also highly entertaining and makes you feel like you’ve just had an awesome conversation with your besties and can’t wait to hang with them again!
  • EmilySM27
    The best
    I look forward to listening to Aubrey and Mike every month! They have given me a new and much needed perspective on diet culture and fat phobia, and I always learn and laugh along with them. This is the best podcast.
    They made me care about Richard Simmons
    Great listen. Love these people.
  • Marcus D. Baldwin
    Hilarious and Revelatory
    It is very rare that you run across a pod that manages to be incredibly funny but also succeeds I reshaping your understanding on a lot of issues. These two are so fun, thoughtful, and adept at wielding their journalistic research skills to undermine some of the most toxic preconceptions of our culture. Always happy to see the notification that a new episode of theirs has dropped, even though Michael laughs like Snidley Whiplash’s dog sometimes.
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