The Joy Filled Podcast - Christian Motherhood, Stay at Home Mom Mindset, and Faith Based Encouragement


In a culture trying to sell us the lie that we should be anything but “just a mom”, Joy Filled exists to come alongside you and help you thrive in this season at home and experience the fullness of joy in the simplicity of homemaking and raising a family. The early years of motherhood are hard, but they’re so so good. I’m determined to give these ‘good old days’ everything I’ve got and I’m bringing you along with me.

We’ll host honest conversations on faith, motherhood, homemaking, and everything in between. My prayer is that you leave encouraged in Christ, equipped to carry the weight of motherhood with joy, and reminded of the truth that God has given you everything you need to steward your arrows well.

There is so much joy here. Let’s experience it together.

The Joy Filled Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit

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Recent Reviews
  • annakristen515
    Much needed
    I’ve been seeing this podcast on homepage for a while and finally clicked on it to listen! It’s exactly what I need and I feel so seen in this season of young motherhood!
  • Bianca MM.
    Mindful and Grace-filled
    I haven’t listened to this podcast in quite a while. However, I am prepping to create a mom, faith-based podcast, of my own. So I imagine I will be around more often. Today my family and I started a chapter of life that is going to be a rollercoaster. My husband will be gone, for work, one month at a time. Returning home for only two weeks before heading out again. We moved four hours away from everyone we know, so I will be navigating through solo parenting in a new environment. I listened to the solo parenting episode. In good timing, I should say. God knew I would look for answers here. I am so thankful for the tips and tricks discussed on the show. Every time I come back to the podcast, I am reminded of how much grace the Lord has for me and how much grace I should be giving myself. Keep up the good work, you are doing awesome. Jesus is without a doubt speaking through you, I am living proof of this fact. Thank you. God bless.
  • M&D Mama
    Absolutely Love!
    I love this podcast so much! I look forward to new episodes each week. I’m a young mom. Navigating this journey and growing my faith with Jesus. I’m so grateful to have this space to come too and not feel so alone. Thank you for the joy Jenna 🩷
  • BreAnna_134
    The prayer I didn’t know I desperately needed
    The episode “Growing Your Relationship With God Even In The Trenches Of Motherhood” was so inspiring and desperately needed. I can’t explain how much the prayer at the end truly reached my soul, I was in THE MIDDLE of doing dishes during that prayer, and it reached me so deeply that it brought me to my knees, hands still wet and dripping suds onto my floor, along with some long built up tears that needed to be let go of. It helped me totally break through the shame I was feeling of not connecting as deeply with the Lord these last couple weeks, and I am going to take this break through and run with it to my couch with my bible in hand. Thank you so much Jenna! You may not even know what you’ve done, but the Holy Spirit is working through you! God bless you and your family.
  • Lillian Cherryhoof Sso
    This is my absolutely favorite podcast to listen to weekly. Every time it alerts me for a new episode, I jump for joy. Literally.
  • Demi Cope
    My moment of overwhelm has been overcome with God strength.
    Just listened to your overwhelmed podcast and really appreciate what you are doing and how God has lead you to do this podcast as a ministry to us mothers out here. I was just feeling overwhelmed and came back to the bedroom and thought I should just scroll through social media to stop feeling overwhelmed but chose not to do that and looked for a podcast to listen to and hadn’t listened to any of yours even tho I saved you podcast to eventually listen too, but thank that God led me to this podcast in the time I needed it. And the verse you shared is a scripture God has given me as a promise years ago and there have been different times he’s used it to help me and that was definitely a reminder to me that His promises are always there for me to claim if I remember to. Thank you so much again. And also really appreciate the prayer time at the end of your podcast. ❤️
  • linzB-rock
    Yes! 😍
    I love your heart for people and for God. 🤍
  • AnaShy2022
    My favourite podcast
    Hi Jenna, your podcast is so supportive and inspiring! Every time you pray for me at the end of the episode, I start to cry. My heart is full of joy on this new journey of motherhood! Thank you so much!
  • Alicia0315
    So grateful i found this podcast!
    When I finish listening to The Joy Filled Podcast it feels like i just got a big warm hug from a friend. It has been helping me so much in connecting to my faith and motherhood. Thank you Jenna! ❤️
  • Milo12345678
    This podcast brings me so much encouragement!
    I listen to this podcast almost daily while doing laundry or other housework. Jenna reminds me to find joy in the mundane or overwhelming moments, and that I am not alone in the thick of parenting and homeschooling small children. She brings me so much encouragement and gives endless good advice on parenting, homeschooling, and nurturing a relationship with God. One of my favorite podcasts!!
  • thehannahhughes
    Jenna has such a gift for encouraging women. I love getting to hear her heart and learn from her in this podcast!
  • Lola pahola
    Into my spiritual mama season
    This came at the perfect time. Thank you for letting God use you! Love all your podcasts!
  • baiuxvd
    Jenna Fills My Cup!
    Wow! I’m so grateful to God for bringing Jenna’s amazing podcast to me. I really struggle with Motherhood (like really) as I am a divorced, single mom of 2 kiddos. I have sacrificed so much time with my kids as I tell myself I am not worthy to be their mom due to my reactions and emotions. Jenna has shifted my mind and heart to remember WHY I am supposed to be my kids’ mom and HOW to FIND JOY in being their Mama! 🙏🏻 Hallelujah! So real, so authentic, so in touch with The Holy Spirit! ❤️ Thank you from the bottom of my struggling Mama heart, Jenna! God Bless you!
  • Kayla Beckwith
    Boost of energy and confidence
    Love listening to Joyfilled! It always fills my cup. It’s like getting advice from your bestie. Jenna, I love your personality, advice, raw emotions, and positivity. Thank you!
  • Mm1727
    Positive and Uplifting Vibes, yet so realistic and relatable
    The host is so authentic and relatable. Her episodes leave me with a sense of joy as well as comradeship when it comes to motherhood and life in general. All of the good/joyfilled vibes during an episode. #jesussaves #thejoyofthelordismystrength
  • Dontknowanickname2
    So Encouraging!
    As a new mama, I always find encouragement here. I love the way God is using Jenna to help us moms not feel so alone in the struggles. There are so many beautiful things about motherhood and hard things that I didn’t expect. Jenna has a great way of acknowledging both and giving genuine encouragement that makes me feel so much less alone. Thank you!!
  • Lisa Michellelle
    So encouraging.
    As a new mom navigating motherhood with a now toddler, I am yearning for encouragement from other Christian moms. This podcast has truly blessed me in so many ways!! I do feel like I’m sitting on the couch with a friend.
  • Leftcoastadventures
    Beautiful podcast!
    Just discovered this podcast today! I’ve been searching for a Christian moms podcast for a while and I’m so glad I found this one. It’s easy to listen and so much good information. I love the theme and inspiration. The joy of the Lord is our strength! I’m catching up on old episodes while I cook and clean and it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for!
  • Hillcountryhoney
    Just what I needed
    This was such a fresh listen and reminder. I loved it with all my mama heart and know you will too! She is so relatable and connecting you feel like you’re just sitting on the couch together.
    Life changing!
    Joy filled has changed my life as a mom and child of God! Jenna’s transparency, joy, and amazing encouragement is what every mom seeking the Lord needs to hear!!
  • Mama Farris
    Fresh Breath of Air Each Week
    Every episode is just a sweet lift of encouragement that’s God filled and always brings back my focus in this busy world. Thank you!! Enjoy them every week!!
  • AngelaMae134
    We need to do life together
    I have listened and looked around for a lot of podcast that are steered towards Christian women and this has been one that I have always come back to and stuck with. I love Jenna and the realness and rawness and the topics that her episodes are about. I just feel like I can relate to a lot in this time of life that we are in. Being in my thick of motherhood and having littles is so hard. I know all ages have their hard times and I just love that I can come to this podcast and get encouragement from another Christian mom. I’ve been telling all my girlfriends about this podcast because I love it so much.
  • Moni-Reyna
    Joyfully, Thankful
    Your words are exactly what I needed to hear this week, I need this reminder of what Gods word says about how I think, I am grateful for you and your obedience to the Lord for talking about this and bring encouragement and perspective to my life.
  • Finleyoctober
    Looking for hope.
    I’ve been hunting for encouraging podcasts after my first miscarriage last month. I just finished the one on grief with Kellie Bullard. Thank you for the vulnerability and topic. The community of moms facing and sharing their stories is meeting me where I’m at.
  • Danesa Harbison
    Thank you!
    Jenna, your words of God’s Truth were spoken so eloquently and timely for me. I’m a first time SAHM struggling with rebuilding my mental health and maintaining a healthy relationship with myself. Your voice was so soothing to me today and encouraging during an emotionally heavy moment. It calmed me and lifted me up. Thank you for your vulnerability and uncommon approach to relatability in motherhood, it’s a breathe of fresh air. Much love!!
  • verbick_j_daniels_1
    Truly Life Changing
    I am a 21 year old soon to be first time mom to my son Joshua Lee. I started listening just a couple days ago and i haven’t been listening to them in order but this has motivated me so much to change my life for the better. I’ve strayed from the Lord for a couple years now when I had a huge fallout with my family due to heavy childhood abuse and trauma and I truly feel that this podcast was the nudge that God was giving to me to come home to Him. Her prayers over me at the end of every episode give me strength to keep going and keep pursuing Jesus. I’m now motivated to change my diet to stay healthy for myself and my family, to throw out all my immodest and not God-honoring wardrobe and get clothes that are still my style, and to make time every day to read the Bible and pray to the Lord. I am truly blessed to have found something to help me in my walk with Jesus and live for Him every single day. 10/10, please keep up the good work Jenna. If you read this. This helps me so much.
  • mirandanda
    Not only joy filled but raw filled :)
    I love how open and honest she is about what she’s going through and overall what we all go through here on earth and how she brings it right back to the Bible. I’m a new momma and 2 weeks postpartum definitely experiencing hard emotions and things that are hard to explain and it’s so comforting to know I’m not alone! Thank you Jenna for your joy filled yet raw and real filled podcast I pray the Lord continues to move through your ministry and bring more mommas together even in our trial so we can be formed into the women God calls all of us to be in Jesus name.
  • erinr722
    Inspirational, Real Life Encouragement
    I look forward to your podcasts every week! At the beginning of the year I became at stay at home mom. I had left the corporate world unsure of where God was steering me. I was so lost in trying to find myself, juggling between finding balance in my home-children-work, that I had completely lost focus of the important things. I’m so thankful that this podcast showed up as a suggestion. I wholeheartedly believe it was a God “wink”. I walk away feeling encouraged, motivated to dive deeper in my walk with Jesus, and love sharing this podcast with everyone I know. Thank you Jenna for sharing the love of Jesus, praying over us each week, and being a light in this dark world. ❤️
  • LLiry
    So sweet & Joy Filled
    I listened to the episode with the home birth turned hospital birth story. I cried all the way through! lol. I am pregnant with baby #3 and I really want a home birth but I’m not sure that’s what the Lord has in store for me. I’ve always been fearful & hesitant about hospitals and their lack of respect for moms preferences. First baby was a water birth, second was a assisted home birth turned hospital. My midwife never showed up & her assistant called and told me go to the hospital. This round I was going to have an unassisted home birth & tell no one. lol. But after listening to this, I want to write out my planned, really pray through it, talk to hubby, & be transparent with our doctor.
  • momma5:)
    Love this podcast!
    I am so thankful that my friend recommended this podcast! It is so encouraging and uplifting and relatable!
  • ItsNotSteff
    Jenna is sweet and her voice is calming
    Glad I was recommended your podcast by the main page. Jenna has good tips for moms and made me feel seen. God has anointed this podcast and showed it to me at just the right time. Thanks, Jenna! 💖
  • KaitlynnLovett
    New favorite! 💛
    This one is a must for all moms! As a single momma of 3, juggling life and kids is hard while also trying to point them towards Jesus. Your podcast always gives me the encouragement I need!!
  • shellypalmz
    This is the podcast every mama needs 🥰 so comforting. I’m able to get something out of each episode. Makes me feel so known 🩷 wish I would’ve found this sooner
  • Daniella0928
    Podcast review
    My names Daniella I’m 27 years old and I’m a full sahm to 5 kids while my husband works full time to provide for us with one child being fully medically complex and requires 99.9% of my attention or makes things very challenging and hard this podcast really helped me feel connected and encouraged me to keep going 💖💖💖
  • Tina 🫶🏼
    This what I needed to hear!!!
    Jenna, I must say this is some thing I was looking for to hearing in a podcast. I listen to many podcast when I’m at the office working. And this one has been added to my list of favorites! Becoming a full-time mom has been a huge challenge for me, but I know I have a purpose and you just confirm that with this podcast and my faith in God. Thank you!! This podcast gives great motivation to mothers!!
  • stephanie.ixo
    My favorite podcast
    Jenna, thank you so much for blessing us mamas with wisdom! Your podcast has been such a blessing. 🌸💓
  • Callmefran
    First Time Listening In
    As I was driving listening to music, I got the urge to listen to a podcast. I don’t really have any that I keep up with so I decided to just browse. After typing in “Christian Podcast” , The Joy Filled Podcast popped up and I clicked to see some of the episode titles. When I got to “ How to intentionally approach discipleship with your children this year” I knew that was the one. I love how Jenna got straight to the point and was detailed. This is exactly what I needed to hear. While some things I am doing, I could definitely be doing more and I plan to. Thank you Jenna for your perspective!!
  • Jessica Sowder
    Best mom podcast ever!
    I found this podcast and it has helped me in SO many ways!! She is so relatable. Her tips on everything have made my life better and I feel like I can actually be in the moment and not be consumed by social media or my procrastination. I love how she is so inspirational about god and how to better my relationship with him. I’m so grateful for this podcast!!! The new and old podcast touch me in so many ways I’m so thankful!
  • jewelsrules
    Great encouragement!
    Just found you, enjoyed listening to the episode on making friends and building community. I’m doing better now, but struggled with this in the past.
  • ChristaFaithC.
    Thank you!
    I am so grateful to have found this podcast. I have searched and searched for one that really speaks to me and Jenna does exactly that. I have been putting effort into surrounding myself with Jesus constantly the past 5 or so weeks and having a podcast to help encourage me and give me another outlet to do that is truly a blessing.
  • Chillicothe woman
    Thank you!
    I am so grateful that k came across your podcast. It is helping me navigate my way back to the Lord, when I have felt lost for a long time.
  • pattersonbears
    Just what I needed
    I’m so grateful that I stumbled upon this podcast. I strayed from my faith between high school and the birth of my first child, and found my way back right before my son turned 1 when I felt like I wasn’t strong enough on my own to be the mama I wanted to be. I needed Jesus to give me strength. These episodes are on topics that are on my mind and as we are planning to try for one more baby, I’m so excited to enter this journey with a solid faith and the words of wisdom from this podcast with me to make me a stronger mama. Thank you for creating this podcast!
  • HarmonyJoyCarrier
    Thank you!
    I’m so happy that I found this podcast as a stay at home mom I’ve recently found myself getting lonely and not knowing what direction to follow. You made me feel so comforted and I have learned so much and feel guided in the right direction.
  • Girl mom 2 under 2
    Thankful to have found this podcast.
    I’ve really been struggling. 4 months postpartum & have a 2 year old. They’re both wonderful but I find myself struggling to be a calm mom & happy wife. I’ve only listened to two episodes so far & I feel a little better.
  • Melibers
    So thankful to have found this podcast
    I’ve stumbled upon this podcast today, and I’ve listened to 3-4 episodes while driving for work today. Only to realize that it was no accident I found this podcast. God lead me here. This podcast is exactly what I needed in my current season of motherhood. I see myself in Jenna as she is explaining her struggles and her personalities. I relate to her so strongly. At the end of each episode I’ve listened to, she prays over us as sisters. And I truly feel a sisterhood connection and I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in her prayers. So thankful to have found this podcast!
  • Angelin_S
    Thank you!
    Just finished listening to your podcast on purpose of our life! It’s an amazing and eye opening truth-Our purpose is in God, we do not need to run, looking for it in other things. I love how you talk about life and route them and gear them towards our creator. It’s so peaceful to listen to your voice. I am not a podcast listener, nor I have ever written a review before. I came across it by accident, believe me, your words were sent from God into my life at the right time.Now I listen and wait for your episodes everyday. Sending lots of love and prayers to you and your family! May be bless you.
  • ashgonzlove
    Episode topic
    I absolutely love this podcast. It’s everything I’ve ever needed! I’m curious to ask if you could possibly touch on the topic of disciplining our children in a godly way. How do we go about keeping them on the godly path but still disciplining strongly. Thank you!
  • Brittany2911
    First-time listener
    I’ve never left a podcast review before but wanted to thank you for your episode on the overwhelm of motherhood. Thank you for the reminder that there IS a better way and that there is no shame when we experience or struggle with overwhelm. The world tells us self-care is the answer but that leaves me jumping from one fun moment to the next with the return of overwhelm in between those self-care activities. It’s a slippery slope that often leads me to put my hope of peace/rest in the self-care activity rather than the Giver of Peace. Ive been wrestling through how to over burnout for a while. I knew the answer is Jesus but I often find myself almost paralyzed and feeling stuck wondering what my next step is. Really appreciate you reminding us of the Truth and what abiding in Him can practically look like when overwhelm starts to take over. Keep encouraging and speaking His Truth. I’m so glad I found your podcast and look forward to listening to more episodes that will encourage me in my walk with the Lord. Thanks!
  • Jillyjefferson
    Jenna is JOY
    So thankful for the reminder of the joy in parenting. Yes, It’s hard but there is so much joy! I love the way Jenna encourages us in that!! Amazing podcast for all parents
  • Jazmin_Z💕
    I am so thankful that I came across this podcast. Jenna covers many things about everyday life and how to keep ourselves grounded in Jesus. From navigating motherhood to marriage to seeking Jesus in the little moments, it really feels like I have a sister sitting with me speaking life and truth into my life. I don’t find it to be a coincidence that much of what she covers is always relevant to what I am seeking and/or going through in my own life. That’s how I know it’s God working through her. Thank you so much Jenna for sharing your gift—it truly blesses me on so many levels!🤍
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