13 Days of Halloween

Fiction #80

Season Four: Penance

Without warning, Sayuri has been locked up in the Pendleton Rehabilitation Center, and no one is willing or able to tell her why. Actually, getting any information from her fellow inmates or the labyrinthine bureaucracy that runs the facility seems impossible. But is the Pendleton really a prison, or something else? 

Starring Natalie Morales. New episodes air daily from October 19th through Halloween.

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Recent Reviews
  • alywally3
    Good stories!
  • Beckerett22
    This was my favorite fall tradition
    I love the quirky human side of horror which has been portrayed so well in this series. I can’t tell you how much I looked forward to this show the past four years. I am quite sad to see it end.
  • Silver Castaway
    What happened??!!!
    This podcast is one of my favorite Halloween Traditions the past three years, I’m very sad it there wasn’t a story this year. I’ll look forward to it again next year!!! Don’t skip 12 Ghosts this year at Christmas.
  • HandyJ*
    Season 5
    I look forward to 13 days of Halloween every October, I’m sad there’s no season 5 this year!
  • H0LLYW00D_360
    What happen?
    I love these series, I was sad to see we didn’t get one this year =[
  • awalker623
    No season 5?!
    One of the Halloween podcasts I look most forward to has no new season! 🥺 I’m crushed!
  • MyHerosKryptonite
    Great stories
    I love this podcast and was looking forward to hearing it this year. I’m sad we didn’t get one:( Please bring a season 5 next year!!
  • scott502
    Season 5
    This is a great binge-able show. Bummed there wasn’t a season 5 this year.
  • Danimalstwiztid
    No 5th season
    What kinda Halloween prank is this? I look forward to this show every year. Where is season 5?
  • ClaudiaEnriquezBecerra
    No new season this year, I looked forward to my nightly wars with this stereo podcast stories. Please Please Please bring this back. I’m re listening to past season 1 and will have to do this as a yearly Halloween tradition until you bring it back
  • ZambarZ
    Unlistenable scratching S4 E1.
    The production/ sound editing is really letting me down on the first episode. Once a specific character enters the narrative, the scratching sounds became a chalkboard in my brain. If you have even mild misophonia, AVOID.
  • Fabulation
    Sad about no season 5
    I got so excited to listen to this again this year and am crushed there’s no season 5! It’s such a great show and fun way to get into the spirit of Halloween! Bring it back!!
  • Shell0987
    Love this podcast
    I look forward to this every year. Hoping to have a season 5 please.
  • Wat U Want? It's Free
    Loved this series, wish there was more.
    It’s sad to see people that say they loved it and give one star because there’s not a new season.
  • Akbrainey1517
    New season???
    Are we getting a new season 5 this year.
  • Wolf Trainer
    I love this show. I recently just started listening to Podcasts last year. This is by far my favorite. I love the stories, actors, and production. I wish this was made all year round.
  • Absurd Reviewer
    No Season 5?
    This show is great, and I have been eagerly waiting for season 5, but looks like it’s not going to happen?
  • Natedogg2114
    I was so looking forward to a new season this year… I guess I will just replay the old seasons. Thank you for what you have given us though 😊
  • Sunshine_sparx
    Season 5 please?
    I love this podcast and every year I look forward to a new season. Please, please say there’s going to be a season five this year.🎃
  • Macandcheesy12345
    So disappointed there’s no new season this year and wish they would of said that on one of their other podcasts!
  • Marisa ;)
    Season 5???
    I’ve been waiting. 😱
    Sad - No Season 5???
    It’s very unfortunate that we don’t get to a Season 5. This was a show that I loved and it really helped get me in the mood for Halloween. Money and rating be damned Grim and Mild. You built a following because of the great concepts and stories for us, and now it feels like capitalism has won out yet again.
  • AMHal86
    Season 5?
    Look forward to this every year.
  • Junebug4895
    Where is the new season?
    I have been looking forward to the new season but alas it’s not here! Please tell me it’s not gone for good!
  • starrylibra
    Love this podcast! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Always a good storyline…great actors! Wish there was more podcast like this. Pleeeeeeeassseeeee be another season!!! I am patiently waiting!! This is my favorite podcast. I look forward to this every year…
  • beazy87
    Where is season 5? 🥺
    I look forward to this every year. These are so fun, my favorite way to listen is while walking my dog in the woods. Extra creepy.
  • jos_bird
    Continues to capture me
    I love the 13 Days of Halloween series and 12 Ghosts. I return to these series through out the year. I have probably listed to ear 3 or more times. I am engrossed by the tales and the storytelling. I think this is such a lovely body of work and I look forward to it every year.
  • Caviar cowboy
    October 24
    Really hope there’s a season 5
  • falalamanda
    Favorite Podcast!
    Will there be a season? I look forward to this every year!
  • Runner4953
    Next season
    Will there be one this year?
  • DanielGS?
    Anthology +
    Is there any way to get away from the anthology model? Every season has a through line, but it’s essentially an anthology series. It’s well written for sure, but I’d like to see a whole cohesive season that doesn’t rely on the anthology method of storytelling.
  • Pixie_Stonehill
    Very delightful and creative. 👻🫀🫀🫀
    I haven’t listened to season 3 yet. I just finished season 2. I remember season 1 quite fondly. The creators of this are so totally talented. Leaves you wishing for more.
  • THD48
    One of my favorites
    The latest season was excellent! The writing’s specificity gave it a high degree of realism, and the mystery was well crafted throughout. Space exploration gone wrong would be a fun premise for a future season.
  • KnightRyder189851
    Do yourself a favor and just stop after Season 2
    I loved Season 1, it was a great concept that really drew you in with creepy stories. Season 2 wasn’t as good but was definitely worth the listen. I think having the “you” character talk took you out of the story a bit. Season 3 again was not as good as 1 or 2. It really seemed to lose something and was no longer creepy or scary, more so just a mystery story. Season 4 so far has been horrible. I really can’t get into it. Nothing is creepy or scary and the episodes are way way too long. 2 episodes have already been almost an hour…an hour of boring stories does nothing to keep your attention. I’m honestly contemplating not finishing the season and may not even give season 5 a chance (if there is one)… **UPDATE** I finished season 4 and it was just as bad as expected. It started to get slightly better but really fell off again at the end. My rating and review stay the same but I wanted to let readers know that I still think you should skip this season. Save yourself the time and just pass on it. Clearly, I’m not the only one who thinks this as the rating overall has dropped since this season was released. Hopefully Aaron sees this and goes back to the roots of the show for next year.
  • greycatdot
    Love these wee stories
    Didn’t choose this year because prison in real life should scare everyone but it’s a neat way to tell a story. Loved the hotel and seaside ones.
  • Nub ninja
    Skip episode ten. And eleven. S4 utter trash.
    The apple was too much. Lost a star there. Ok the chewing gum in episode eleven was also disgusting. Not sure the point of her microphone being INSIDE her mouth..
  • Sparkey54
    The ending ruins it
    The ending ruined the entire thing. It just was so bad I can’t give this more than one star. The storyline was great until the end too. This was incredible until the last two episodes and they completely destroyed the ground work that had been so carefully placed for a phenomenal story. You truly murdered a fantastic series and story with those two pathetic final episodes.
  • Purity Rae Salon
    Now Aaron, you know better
    Let me first start with saying how much I love just about every production of Grim and Mild that is made, from Noble Blood to Cabinet of Curiosity and even 13th days of Halloween, which I’ve enjoyed up until season four. this was not scary or entertaining. It was boring and I’m so disappointed. I will listen next season but please bring us the quality production. We know you for from Grimm and Mild.
  • ElzaHa
    Loved the first 3 seasons
    I look forward to this production every Halloween! I loved seasons 1-3. So creepy! I cared about the protagonists and was very invested in their well being. I still think about season 2, The Sea 😱😭 Sometimes I couldn’t listen to Season 3 bc I was so scared for Max! Season 4 was not enjoyable, I only stuck around hoping Sayuri (the 1st one we are introduced to) would meet her demise bc she was so unlikeable, selfish and her vibe did not match one of someone who was trapped in a psycho prison. I was not scared and half listened, which is not like the previous seasons where I was terrified. Hopefully season 5 mirrors the first seasons, it’s still a great podcast despite season 4 falling flat.
  • Jwb8888
    Each season is so different - good and bad
    The first season was great--I Re-listened this year it was so good. The second was pretty good but the third season drove me crazy with the annoying kid constantly running away from logical safe places and the whole ubiquitous kid/dog thing. Boring. This season I loved until the end. After all that puzzling it felt rushed to have no answers. I get the Gunslinger reference but it was very vague --we still don't know who is responsible or why. Short exposition after all the character development. Bummer. Voice acting was great, I liked the apple. It wasn't as creepy as the others but I was definitely engaged.
  • shadykellly
    Stick to stories, not narratives
    I really enjoyed the first season but did not care much for the third and even less the fourth. The actors are excellent across the board, but the writing- oof. The first season of this and the first season of 13 Ghosts were strong in that the overall structure supported 13 separate stories that tied in together. The last two seasons of 13 Days has leaned into one-off narratives that never quite connect, to me the listener or the main character we’re meant to be following. The final episodes of the third and fourth seasons were disappointing, unclarified, and muddled by preceding episodes that are full of unnatural sounding monologues and disjointed plot points. I’m hopeful future seasons will have multiple solo stories that tie into the bigger world building rather than one protagonist.
  • leland
    Season 4 13 days of Halloween
    Just absolutely magnificent the storylines were amazing incredible. The acting was first rate the music just added to mood of the episode. You guys did awesome job! Cannot wait till next year
  • Pedrolr1123
    Seasons 1-3 are fire
    Seasons 1-3 are good enough to excuse season 4. Nuff said.
  • littlest frost giant
    Amazing as usual.
    Fantastic. Never stop making this series
    While S4 felt out of place with the lack of a spooky Halloween theme, it was incredibly engaging and a true treat. S3 is the best imo. Season 2 close behind. And for those parents complaining about language, your kids have heard far worse on TikTok. And seen far worse on the news. This is fiction. It’s fine.
  • Bhoelle1809
    Okay start, fast decline
    I’ve never understood how artists can ignore what makes their product so unique and special with each subsequent iteration. It’s why most sequels fail. It’s why the MCU is running aground. This show had an amazing premise, with an outstanding first season. The second season was good, but not nearly as good as the first. But this third season has nothing of what made the show so special to begin with. It’s really unfortunate. I hope they go back to basics in the future. S4 Update: So many mouth sounds! It’s infuriating! God, she’s always chewing and talking with her mouth full. It’s disgusting! She’s already the most annoying and unsympathetic protagonist in a story I’ve ever heard, but she can’t stop slapping her lips and chewing stuff. I hate it!!!!! This season is so off the rails I don’t understand how it got published. Is every episode written in complete isolation? There is absolutely nothing connecting one episode to the next. Which would be fine, if this were an anthology show. But the premise suggests a larger story connecting all the disparate episodes. Not only is this proving to be flimsy in season 4, but I get the impression that there IS NO larger story. Rather, the only thing connecting these episodes on a narrative level is the protagonist (which we never learn anything about) and the setting (which we either learn nothing, or get contradicting information about). This could work, if it were done well, but it’s not done well here. I’m only on the 5th episode, but I have absolutely no sense that I’d miss something vital if I skipped an episode. There are no clues given to us from one episode to the next, only more questions. And the answers we do get point to a complete mish-mash of concepts. Based on previous episodes, I don’t believe any of the questions posed will have satisfying answers. To be honest, this entire show feels like a collaborative effort to bring to life one person’s idea. There’s no cohesion. There’s no overarching plot or story thread. There are no established rules in this world, so any questions raised can be conveniently swept away with magic at any time. At first I was curious and had tons of questions about this “prison,” the people in charge, and how the protagonist got there. But very quickly I realized that none of that mattered in the slightest. As soon as they started talking about memory-wiping drugs, paradoxical architecture, and making people vanish with a whisper, I realized anything can happen just because the writers want it to. There will never be a satisfying reason/answer/conclusion to any of this because there are no rules to any of this. And that’s very frustrating. S1 was a great template for how a show like this can be produced effectively, but every other season has been falling way short. Of course, I know this is probably an unpopular opinion. There are tons of fans of this show, myself among them. I just think there’s a lot of lost potential. This show could be so much better. It’s frustrating to see (hear) it become almost a parody of itself. For those that want a well-produced anthology of creepy sounds and nonsensical stories to fall asleep to, this is the show for you. But for those who want a richer narrative experience, with established rules, mysteries you can take part in and try to solve, and a larger plot unfolding while connecting a dozen or so short stories about interesting characters, look elsewhere. Nothing but disappointment lurks here these days.
  • Ohiapo001
  • Wifflenipples
    Season 4 was a major letdown
    I don’t write reviews, but, felt compelled to express my disappointment in season 4. It was bad. Really bad. And boring. Yuck. Always look forward to 13 Days of Halloween, but maybe not anymore. Very disappointed and hope you manage to turn things around.
  • starhips79
    Season 4… meh
    Loved the earlier seasons, but this last one was boring and hard to follow. It’s not spooky or scary at all and just fell flat. It stinks because the first 3 seasons were so enjoyable.
  • Alopex 732
    Chewing noises
    The chewing noises in the latest season are absolutely horrendous; and the story is not really compelling or well written enough to make up for it.
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