Wellness Your Way with Megan Lyons

Nutrition #179

Megan Lyons, Harvard graduate and management consultant turned double Board Certified Clinical and Holistic Nutritionist and owner of The Lyons’ Share Wellness, brings you Wellness Your Way. Each week, she offers tips and tricks to get physically, emotionally, and mentally healthier in YOUR way. Wellness Your Way delivers the best takeaways from thousands of individual clients, and sets you on your unique path to feeling your very best. From health news you can use to product reviews, the show offers tactical strategies YOU can use to improve your health, happiness, and quality of life. So grab a mug of tea or lace up your walking shoes; let’s dive in!

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Recent Reviews
  • SamBGuia
    Megan Lyons brings a refreshing approach to wellness
    Her expertise shines through in every episode. What sets this podcast apart is its emphasis on science. She really digs deep and takes a closer look than most wellness podcast out there. Great job Megan!
  • Missin my points
    Making the world a better place one podcast at a time
    I love listening during my walks. The format is a great mixup of beneficial healthy tips. Megan has put me on the path to healthiness. Her knowledge is incredible and she continually searches and shares her treasure trove. The show notes are a huge plus to make sure you can easily and quickly get to the shared content. Consistency is the key.
  • gavta gitl
    My Favorite Health Podcast Ever!!
    Bite sized, scientifically backed, preventative health and nutrition information for my busy lifestyle!
  • arianaokeefe
    Amazing Show!
    One of the best health and wellness podcasts out there! Megan is incredibly smart, well spoken, and always has really great guests on the show. Definitely would recommend listening if you’re curious about wellness or a health expert, everyone will benefit!
  • hemingwayhalfdozen
    Solid evidence based and practical rubber meets the road simple practices:)
    Thanks for bringing both the data and practical application so getting and staying healthy doesn’t have to be daunting. Keep up the great work Megan!
  • Dr. Cori
    So much great info!
    Easy to listen to with great actionable tips that help improve your health and well-being. I highly recommend this podcast if you want to live your best life!
  • erinbusbee
    Look forward to listening every Tuesday!
    I love how positive Megan is and how approachable her tips are. She presents the facts and tells you what you need to know but won’t ever make you feel guilty about anything. I also love the structure- the scientific news you can use, Megan recommends, veggies of the matter, and the Q&A. No filler, just good info!
  • CeHall
    I learn something new every week
    Thank you for teaching me more about my health and how to stay healthy. I share some of the information with my Nurse Practitioner when I have questions about using supplements & how they might interact with my current meds. I think she appreciates you too!
  • the only mom in the pool
    I can’t wait for new episodes
    Megan’s podcast has truly changed my life and my habits. I look forward to my daily walk to listen to her reviews of recent studies, her recommendations and her guidance on the confusing world of nutrition. I have actually listened to many of them twice. She is so relatable and breaks down complicated information into (oh no, wait for it…) easily digestible bites. She is a self proclaimed lifelong learner and data nerd who has helped me open my mind to the power of nutrition to support whole health. Check it out, read her blog, and “grab a mug of tea or lace up your walking shoes” to enjoy all of her wisdom!
  • Sugs5
    Awesome podcast!
    Informative and practical info provided on many aspects of wellness. Recommendations are easy to understand and implement. Megan is a gem - super smart but very relatable.
  • nutritionbylizzy
    A must listen
    Friendly, informative and inspiring; this podcast ticks all the boxes. Megan is an amazing host and I love the range of topics she discusses on her show. If you’re someone who values their health and wellness, this podcast is a must listen.
  • obacker19
    Energizing, Inspiring and Insightful! 🙌
    Regardless of where you are in your journey - this is a must listen for you! Megan does an incredible job of distilling complex topics into actionable insights you can use to improve your health, energy, mindset and vitality - with guests who've actually walked the path. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
  • Farrarmansfield
    The BEST!
    I just LOVE this podcast! Megan is so cheery and positive. She is also very articulate, intelligent and thoughtful. She addresses a wide variety of health and wellness topics, all of which are relevant and helpful. I love the format of her episodes with a scientific study, a product recommendation, and the main segment. And I enjoy how she alternates between one of these episodes and one where she interviews a guest. I just found the podcast a few weeks ago and have found myself listening to all of the old episodes to catch up!
  • sd12nichokson
    I’ve been looking for a new health/wellness podcast to listen to on my commutes and I am so glad I stumbled upon Wellness Your Way! I now follow on Instagram and have downloaded some great FREE resources that are beneficial for my health goals. Thank you Megan for your uplifting personality and effort to share your knowledge and expertise! I am hooked. 👍
  • Pinksugarrunner
    Must listen to!
    Megan is so positive and knowledgeable about everything. You can trust that she has done her research and is using the most up to date nutrition and wellness science (which is HARD to do) in her podcasts and everything she does.
  • MrsKeckamous
    Love everything Megan does, so especially this podcast!
    I listen to a lot of podcasts and audiobooks and Megan is my fav!
  • JuniSarah
    My Tuesday morning happy place
    The Wellness Your Way podcast is what I look forward to for my Tuesday morning walks. She shares so much information and knowledge In a simple, consumable format. Her no-nonsense, easy to follow tips on taking care of your whole self for the long haul are what I appreciate (and implement) the most. Thank you Megan for helping me embark on this journey of self care! I appreciate you so much!
  • easy & good app
    The answer to health and happiness
    Megan’s podcast is incredible! So informative and uplifting. After each podcast, I learn so many helpful tips, feel inspired to conquer my health goals and be my best self!
  • Mere23
    Highly Recommend!
    I can’t recommend this podcast enough! Each episode is quick, easy to listen to and full of helpful info. My favorite part is I feel like I get at least one (if not more) actionable steps to take after each episode. Megan shares super helpful info in an interesting and non-judgmental way.
  • whitstritt
    Go to podcast!
    This podcast is saved to my library as it’s one of my faves and go-to podcasts to listen to weekly. Megan provides well-rounded health related information and advice each week that is digestible, backed up with data and that can be adopted for each listener’s specific needs.
  • kklw1030
    Every week I look forward to Megan’s podcast! Such great information in an organized, easy to understand format! Keep up the good work and sharing your wealth of knowledge!!
  • JDMMaryland
    In love with format!
    As a busy mom, I love the format of this episode. I can break it down into smaller sections if needed. Each week Meghan gives so much knowledge in the most non-judgmental way. I also love her product recommendations each week and find myself buying them again and again!!
  • CF212
    Your Source For a Healthier You
    If you are in search of a podcast that provides solid information on health wellness, nutrition and so much more, look no further. Megan shares her wealth of knowledge in a fun and energizing way. She has a unique ability to captivate the listener, provides easy to implement strategies and makes you hungry (pardon the pun) for more. Each week I learn valuable information I can immediately put into use. I love kicking off my Tuesday morning listening to Wellness Your Way.
  • swclift
    Informative, Honest & Inspiring
    So much information to process each episode. Megan is amazing at sharing health and wellness information at the basic level so anyone can understand and implement in their life. Her honesty and vulnerability is inspiring. I look forward to the weekly episodes. Now all I need to do is incorporate some of these tidbits into my daily life.... consistently!
  • brooke6471
    Relevant topics based on science
    This podcast is awesome. The weekly content is presented in an organized and succinct manner. I love everything from the tips on favorite finds, to a recap on a recent food-related study, to the deeper dive discussion on the topic that is her focus of the week. It is all delivered in a non-pushy or judgemental way. She shares the information and you can do you with the information. If you are interested in overall health and want some good sound reviews on latest food data, research and/or products - this is the podcast for you!
  • Peggy Love
    Short, sweet, and to the point. Megan wastes no time delivering usable information and genuine care for her listeners. I savor every week’s installment. I learn something new and come away feeling capable of greatness!
  • TXLiandee
    Full of helpful and actionable tips!
    Megan does a great job sharing a handful of tips in each podcast in a way that is easy to understand and not overwhelming. She is very knowledgable, encouraging and positive. I’ve enjoyed listening to her.
  • -Vanessa A.
    5 stars!
    I so look forward to Megan’s podcast each week! She takes a balanced, positive approach to wellness and nutrition. Her podcasts are packed with useful information including scientifically-backed studies and great product recommendations presented in a concise, retainable format. She is sharp, knowledgeable and passionate about her work, and it shows!
  • Sara Virginia B
    Unlike so much of the health content out there, Megan shares information that is actually backed by research. But, rather than boring us with heavy scientific explanations, she shares holistic nutrition advice and realistic ways to apply it! I highly recommend this for anyone who is excited about maintaining healthy habits or starting new ones!
  • Dayali C.
    Short, sweet & to the point
    Ok am I the only one who can listen to Megan’s voice all day? Megan is a complete expert and you can listen to her podcasts just about anywhere. She covers various topic around health & wellness while keeping it brief and easy to digest. I love tuning in!
  • Erica Layne N
    Megan is warm, articulate, & whip smart!
    I’ve done some private work with Megan in the past and often tune in to her lives on social media. She is a FONT of knowledge, super articulate, and I love her balanced, self-accepting approach. I’m SO excited she started a podcast!
  • jennifer206
    Great information
    Love the format of Megan’s podcast. She breaks everything down in an organized, easy to understand manner. Learn something each episode. Love it.
  • AWSTX26
    Cheat days podcast
    Megan gives such a positive unique outlook on nutrition! This is a must listen for anyone wanting to improve their health in a natural and slow and maintainable way!!
  • MaegUT07
    Great Podcast with Action Items!
    I love this data-driven / health-focused podcast! Aside from providing great info, Megan gives product recommendations and a “call to action” that empowers me to do something to improve my health with each episode. Such a great podcast!
  • LTKMurphy
    Love it!
    I’ve followed Lyon’s share blog posts for years and love that Megan has put her wealth of knowledge into this podcast! Great refresher on the healthy tips she recommends and a great motivation to get back on track in simple, easy ways.
  • riahunt
    Informative, fun + relatable!
    Megan has a gift of sharing wellness nuggets of gold that are so relatable. I love her enthusiasm and positivity. She provides manageable tips and tricks that provide opportunities for the long run. She also explains the “why” behind the data and keeps it fun! Can’t wait for Episode #2!
  • Texas BB
    Highly recommend
    Megan is a great health and life coach! She is extremely knowledgeable and so encouraging. I will look forward to having a coaching session each week. After listening to this session I was motivated to go eat a veggie pack!!
  • teenaree
    I love that Megan mixed up the podcast with a few different pieces so more people can be served. There is something in it for everyone! I also loved her call to action at the end, so listeners can take the information & immediately begin putting it to use.
  • PaytonMcDill
    Such a great podcast!
    Megan is so engaging to listen to, so positive, and I am SO excited for this podcast. Episode 1 was fantastic!
  • LuckyLady1982
    💚 realistic ways to set yourself up for success
    Megan, what a motivating 1st episode! I’m so excited to hear the 2nd! I especially liked the tips on our WHY & taking small actions right away. Thank you!!
  • practicing mindfulness1
    The podcast I’ve dreamed of!!
    I am so excited about this podcast! I have been wanting a concise, but informative health and wellness podcast that gives great practical strategies, answers questions and breaks down current wellness trends.I love that Megan offers an abundance of strategies and ideas and allows her clients and listeners to choose what best works for them. Highly recommend!!!
  • Netnet99
    Great start!
    I know this is a brand new podcast, but I loved the first episode! I really liked how it was set up into different segments! Looking forward to more episodes!
  • EmInATX
    Uplifting and Knowledgeable
    Megan really knows her stuff and is the kindest and most relatable person. All of this despite how accomplished she is in her business and health endeavors! Excited to learn more each week!
  • Natalie Wolfe
    Love Megan’s voice & lots of helpful takeaways
    Megan has tons of great advice and is realistic about getting healthier. If anything, she will motivate you!!
  • @TheSelfLoveChallenge
    Love this podcast!!!
    Megan is so relatable and provides very manageable actions you can take towards your wellness goals. This podcast is a great way to learn new tips and tricks to get healthier in a variety of ways on your wellness journey.
  • JJdubbles
    Great listen!
    Practical information, engaging format, and easy to understand and apply! Highly recommend!
  • KevinRothWx
    Wellness that’s not overwhelming
    I love Megan’s approach to health and wellness: there’s big picture mental changes that can boost your confidence and help you see things through a more positive lens, plus snack-sized tips on health and fitness to help you make healthy life choices little by little. It’s wellness well done.
  • megan331
    Wellness gem!
    I love that Megan started a podcast to share her knowledge! She breaks down complicated topics into actionable steps, and motivates her listeners to living our healthiest lives, whatever that looks like for us. I love her focus on positivity and not beating ourselves up for being imperfect and human. Thanks Megan for all of your help and keep the podcasts coming!
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