Heal from Infidelity


Heal from Infidelity is a podcast dedicated to teaching women how to heal their lives from the inside out after betrayal in their marriages. Life Coach Andrea Giles combines her own personal experience and coaching wisdom to help women move past their biggest hurdles of learning to trust themselves (and others) again. She will teach you how to create a life you never dreamed possible. You’ll be amazed at what you are capable of when you learn how to powerfully help yourself. For more information, visit andreagiles.com.

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Recent Reviews
  • ArabianGirl
    Sadly necessary but very good
    Really good and helpful for processing.
  • Leroy20243
    Game Changer
    It’s taken me a bit to write this because I wanted to make sure and do Andrea justice. And then, I ultimately realized that no words can ever fully encapsulate my gratitude for her. Her wisdom and guidance were instrumental in supporting me through hands down THE most challenging time of my life. I was blindsided when finding out about my husband’s sex addiction, and I truly felt that the ground beneath me just fell away. We have two children still at home and had spent almost 20 years together. Most of it a beautiful, loving partnership. I was a shell of a woman for at least a few months after initial D-Day. But I know that I would have stayed that broken for so much longer without Andrea’s help. It’s now almost 1 year after final D-Day, and I know without a doubt that I would not be nearly as far along in my healing process without the teachings of these podcasts and Andrea’s group coaching program. Infidelity is such a taboo topic, and I needed clear, unbiased advice, especially from someone who has been through it herself. I still refer to her podcast on a regular basis, often multiple times for my favorite ones. But seriously, the group coaching was a GAME CHANGER for me. Some women in my group had been struggling for 5+ years before joining her program, trying to navigate this alone or without the support of a legit expert in this field. And ultimately you just can’t navigate something as traumatizing and confusing as this alone. I also truly appreciate that she doesn’t try to sway people one way or another about whether they ‘should’ stay or go. Andrea gives you the building blocks to learn to trust YOURSELF again so that you feel empowered to make the decisions that are for your highest good. And how to truly recognize if this is indeed a safe person to give it a shot again with. The tools and growth that I have cultivated within myself are priceless…I will have them at my disposal for the rest of my life. No matter who I end up with. And I have Andrea to thank for that. She is a true gem in this world. A powerful yet compassionate angel walking around in a human suit. Consider yourself extremely lucky for coming across this podcast…and HER! If you can find a way to do her program, don’t even hesitate. I borrowed money from a friend to make it happen. And I am so soooo grateful that I did. Life changing stuff.
  • Strongernow13
    Finally achieving a sense of calm in the chaos
    I was a bit skeptical that Andrea's podcast would be helpful to me since it is supposed to be geared to a woman's perspective. After listening to a couple episodes, though, I was quickly proven wrong. I am almost 2 months removed from confirming and confronting my wife's affair that was going on for at least 6 months. In the time after, I was lost and an emotional wreck for what seemed like every waking minute of every day. Therapy has helped some. But I still found myself scouring infidelity groups on social media for hours, which was just furthering a lot of my toxic thinking. This week I found this podcast. For the first time since, I have really started to feel a good positive change in myself. I am frequently nodding along to experiences she and her guests share. It's really helping me to find some inner peace after riding unending waves of strong emotions. I've learned how to accept things I cannot change about my soon to be ex and our marriage. Andrea's advice and coaching is helping pave the way for me to focus my emotions, thoughts, and actions in ways that will serve me best going forward. It's also been invaluable in beginning to start dispensing the intrusive thoughts I have not previously been able to shake. There really is an episode for almost every conceivable angle of this. Thank you Andrea for helping in the restoration of me. I am so grateful for the work you're doing!
  • *Smalls
    When I was lost, Andrea held my hand
    It has not even been 2 weeks since I confronted my husband about his 3 month long affair. Day 1, my life had been blown to bits. My emotions and mind were uncharacteristically explosive one second then ultra sad and painful the next. The thought of a therapist came to mind but that took research and I needed something immediately. Almost like an ER doctor. I needed urgent care. I couldn’t talk to just anyone or family members about it because it would’ve caused more destruction and more confusion. Day 2 I said to myself, “There’s got to be a podcast or an audio book about this”. I had never subscribed to a podcast. I barely listen to them. I don’t know exactly how it happened but I typed in my search and the first podcast that showed up for me was Andrea’s. I am sooooo sooo grateful for every episode she has made. I didn’t start in chronological order. I found titles based on what I was feeling and on topics I needed help with at the moment. Every day, maybe twice a day, I’d find an episode and I’d find time for myself and listen and breathe. EVERY episode helped me find myself again. Helped speak reason into my soul and life. Helped me feel safe. HELPED. I am forever grateful for you, Andrea. My words can’t eloquently express how much you have helped me. Thank you so much. There’s a long journey still ahead but I am hopeful which is a great start. Thank you from my healing heart.
  • DTHuntsman
    The Episode I’ve been waiting for!
    Thank you Andrea for you podcast. You’re correct that there are guys out here that listen, and find help, in your podcast. I can speak for all of us hurt dudes in saying we’d love more ‘casts pointed in our direction. Keep up the great work!!! Darren H
  • Pretendlibrarian
    Amazing! Simple, effective & wise!
    Many, many years out of a (mostly) healed infidelity & repaired marriage these episodes ring true and are still helpful. If anything, it is healing & validating to hear similar experiences & feelings. Wish I could have had it as a lifeline. Best part is how Andrea doesn’t die on a hill for any one “right” outcome - she is just the ultimate nonjudgmental infidelity Guide.
  • Janabanan
    Love this podcast
    I listen to a lot of podcasts but this is the only one that I’ve listened to every episode! Being a part of the “infidelity club” isn’t anywhere I ever wanted or thought I’d be. This podcast (along with therapy) helped me get my head in a good space to make important decisions and keep my sense of self. I have recommended this podcast to so many women who are or have gone through any kind of infidelity. Thank you so much for sharing your gift Andrea!
  • ashley4000
    Highly recommend
    Andrea does a great job recognizing the heartache of infidelity while leading you to growth that can result.
  • nicoelmarieg4
    It was like therapy for me!
    After going through 2 episodes of infidelity, this podcast has been so helpful to me. The last infidelity encounter felt like it literally crushed my soul. I didn't know what to do or where to go. We started couples counseling, but never got to the root of the issue. I'm so thankful I found this podcast. I started at the first episode and listened daily. Andrea's voice became so comforting to me. It was a like a little bit of salve on my burning wound that cooled it a little more each day, and helped me to slowly heal. I also feel like there are so many aspects of this podcasts that could be beneficial for anyone just working to focus on their self worth, and how to process the hardships of life. It has been a year. I ended up staying, but still listen to each new episode.
  • Shattered dust
    Peace and hope
    I am thankful for this podcast. I happen to come across after hearing and enduring my husband‘s infidelity less than a year ago. We are healing immensely, but this helps me heal from the inside out for myself. Something I most desperately needed, and continue to listen to all the podcast to grow for my self, and the next together for our marriage.
  • ThaiMomma
    A Lifeline
    On NYE 2022, my world came crashing down as I uncovered my husband’s infidelity that he hid for a year. The first two months post D-Day was a blur, a nightmare. I was broken and I don’t even know how I got up in the morning. I felt so alone. The first therapist I went to told me I being a “drama queen” for asking the same questions of my husband over and over. The second therapist told me that “marriage is hard, being single is hard, so choose your hard”. I found Andrea during a time when I had no vision of my future, no path to healing, and no hope of getting on the other side of this chaos that had become of my life. After listening to her podcasts and joining her program, I see that the worst thing that ever happened to me has been the best thing. I now feel empowered that I have the ability and resilience to live with or without him. I used to feel this pit in my stomach when I passed by places I knew my husband and the AP went, but Andrea has shown me that his actions/infidelity is not going to make my world smaller and I have the power to not assign meanings to anything that doesn’t serve me. Andrea has provided words of wisdom, advice, and comfort during the darkest days of my life - and she can help you navigate through this too. You will become a part of a loving community of women who are your biggest cheerleaders and friends. This has been a safety net that has literally saved me. I don’t know the outcome of my marriage but I do know this - that I will have peace and joy in my life regardless. Much love and compassion to you and wishing you the best in your healing journey.
  • HopelessWV
    2 year struggle
    I have been struggling with my husbands infidelity for over 2 years. He still refuses to admit the truth even though I have concrete proof. Every day I struggle with intrusive thoughts, self doubt and overall unsureness. I can no longer tell what is real and what is not, my whole existence and identity is lost. This is the first podcast that I’ve listened to that made me feel like there may be hope after all.
  • Greystone Mom
    A lifeline in a storm
    This podcast is like having your smart, no -nonsense, but compassionate BFF give you advice. In the dark days of discovery, it’s a lifeline to other stories like yours, empowering you to move forward and knowing you’re not alone - in fact- with this new knowledge about what has been going on in your life, you are able to regain control over it.
  • 9lt30
    Great insight for many issues
    I am new to the Podcast world, but so happy that I have found Andrea Giles. Whenever I reach an impasse or obstacle, I surely can find an episode that will calm me and reassure me that I am not crazy.
  • Nicoleiiieeee
    Thank you
    I found this podcast shortly after I discovered my husband had affairs with 3 different women. I was lost, confused, broken and I couldn’t tell you right from left. My whole world was pulled from beneath me. Listening to Andrea helped me understand that I’m not alone, that I am worthy to be loved correctly and most importantly that I will be okay. On my weakest days, I would turn on this podcast and really listen to the words she was saying. My healing journey wouldn’t be at the point it is today if I had not found this podcast. Thank you, Andrea, for everything.
  • Bugs!??
    Thank you!
    Andrea is very knowledgeable and easy to listen to and understand. She “gets it” and her perspectives and advice have been beyond helpful for me. I don’t know where I’d be if I hadn’t discovered her podcasts. Thank you, Andrea!!
  • Connection Matters
    Gives a fresh way to reflect on all angles
    I look forward to listening to Andrea each time a new episode comes out. She has lived what she is talking about and it helps me feel like she understands the realities of both the good and bad. I like that she helps us take a look from all angles and see that with deeper reflection, there may be more choices than what seems like the obvious one at first glance. I appreciate you so much Andrea!
  • HollyThur
    D-Day Reimagined
    The day my husband revealed he was having an affair with our neighbor/family friend led me to Andrea’s podcast. Andrea’s podcast led me to discover that the relationship with myself needed a lot of attention and rebuilding. D-Day for me has multiple meanings…..discovery of my husband’s poor choices, my friend’s poor choices but more importantly discovery of my true self and how to live a fulfilling life that I want. I was fortunate enough to expand my discovery journey by joining Andrea’s Know in 90 Group. I remember I was hesitant to join b/c of the cost. I never engaged in any self-help….didn’t read books or listen to podcasts on mental health and never participated in therapy. Andrea said “there is no greater investment than the one you make in yourself “. Truer words have never been spoken! The return I received on investing in myself benefits me every day and will for the rest of my life! Through that group, I had the privilege of meeting strong and powerful women who lifted me up in my darkest moments of self-doubt and trusted me to do the same for them. I still keep in touch with most of the women from my group and we now have friendships that discuss other things beside infidelity! Yes…there is so much more to life after infidelity, it’s true!!! Andrea’s work, this podcast, the way she relates to you with her own challenges and her ability to look at her surroundings and make note of those we choose to surround ourselves with will change your life. This podcast and Andrea Giles are gifts I wasn’t expecting. Searching the word “infidelity” in my podcast app was never anything I thought I’d do and it certainly wasn’t something I thought I’d feel eternally grateful for but I am. This podcast and Andrea Giles empowered me to go after what I want for the rest of my life. It caused me to face things about me that needed adjustment and to celebrate the things about myself that I love and that serve so much good in the lives of those that I love. 14 months after d-day I am mentally healthier, I am going after what I want and not doubting that I deserve every bit of it and I’m continuing to strengthen the relationships that mean the most to me in my life, including the one with my husband. We are giving Marriage 2.0 a try and it is a lot of work and an active choice we both make every single day. Thanks to Andrea and this podcast, I trust myself to make that choice and no one can take that trust in myself away from me. Thank you, Andrea, for sharing your work with me and empowering me to use infidelity as a catalyst for much needed change in my life.
  • dap1299
    Andrea Knows Her Stuff
    Andrea is a very caring person who has been in the trenches. This podcast is excellent for anyone struggling with infidelity in their marriage, and are trying to decide whether to stay or leave.
  • Healing777
    All Podcasts
    Andrea’s podcasts have really been an amazing Support throughout this journey of healing. I can’t say enough about how her podcast have help me find peace and strength. Highly recommend all of them!
  • So ready!
  • art studio-alv
    Honest filled wisdom to heal and grow
    Lots of practical tools and thought provoking questions to help you work through difficult situations. Real life content that both the betrayer and the betrayed can benefit from to move forward.
  • Christina Bishop
    The biggest blessing on this journey.
    This podcast has truly changed my life and my mindset. When my world was turned upside down, this podcast help guide me into my new life. Andrea you are such a blessing for giving this gift for free, thank you so much for your lessons, words, and advice.
  • Panda_1281
    Incredible gift
    This podcast has been an incredible gift and very helpful for my healing journey with infidelity with my relationship. Andrea does an amazing job explaining things and helping you work through your emotions! It’s very helpful for every day life as a human not just going through infidelity! I am so grateful I found this podcast and I am sure whoever else listens will be blessed with her wealth of knowledge and compassion!
  • Courtney 0610
    This feels like healing
    14 months after discovering infidelity, I still come back to Andrea’s podcast. In my hardest moments, I turn to them because I know how I feel after I listen. I don’t feel alone or hopeless. She is somehow emotionally invested, but remains totally neutral. I feel heard without having to speak. I’m so grateful for her and her knowledge, but mostly her heart.
  • MM 406
    Thank you
    I found this podcast at a time when I had regressed in my progress and healing and was starting to feel hopeless and so, so angry to the point that my negativity was affecting my kids, and I was seeing it manifest in them. Hearing her insight is helping guide me back to the path I had strayed away from for too long, and although I have a long way to go, I’m breathing cleaner air and feel much less weighed down. I often feel like she is speaking directly to me. Andrea is amazing.
  • grateful-Ma
    Search no more: Sanity-saver!
    Andrea understands. She provides practical wisdom, sisterly support, and inspiring coaching. This resource is a lifeline.
  • 3Jmt
    So good!
    This podcast is awesome. I felt so isolated and stuck after discovering my husband was having an affair. I didn’t know anyone personally that had been in this situation and was struggling to think through what I wanted to do. Andrea asks thought provoking questions for you to consider and actionable ways to think through determining what you really want and how to heal after the bombshell that is infidelity. I find it to be a really helpful resource in addition to couples therapy. I am so thankful for this resource!
  • KayVee5678
    A Life Saver
    I wanted to leave a very thoughtful review for this podcast, but I won't be able to do it justice. It's been more helpful to me than in-person therapy and antidepressants. (I would never dissuade anyone from seeking help from those things in a time of need, of course!) Andrea is sensitive and compassionate but also gives actionable advice for healing for a time that can feel really hopeless. 100% recommend this podcast to anyone who has had their life turned upside down by a partner's affair(s). Andrea says she reads all her reviews. I truly hope she sees this: Andrea, I just thank you so much for sharing your experience, your expertise, and your friendship. You often say in your podcast that you love us, and that just really feels good to someone who is feeling unloved and unrespected. You are really amazing. We love you, too!!
  • Monijazz7579
    Needed this podcast
    I just recently found this podcast! The first episode I found was recognizing truth and that’s what helped me to recognize my truth. Literally every thing mentioned is as if it was my marriage. I may not have all the puzzle pieces back together quite yet but this podcast will definitely help start to put together a much stronger puzzle of my own. Thank you for everything you share.
  • rynkin
    Glad someone is talking helpfully about this rough stuff
    I’ve appreciated the candor and wisdom from this podcast.
  • joaquin shaw
    There for me in my darkest moments
    I am approaching my second anniversary of the day my life exploded in front of my face. I did stay with my partner, but whatever my decision was going to made was greatly impacted by the confidence & guidance Andrea provided through her podcast & also her coaching program. (I highly recommend Andrea’s program!) I am happy to report life does get better, and can truly be SO MUCH BETTER than it was before infidelity if we stick with the tools Andrea provides. I still struggle with lingering trauma, but I am so much more confident in who I am showing up as in life and in my relationship now. I am a whole person, not just a reflection of my partner. This is a concept I never imagined possible. Please trust that life has so much more to offer on the other side of infidelity. This podcast helped me through some tough moments, and I will admit to listening to my favorite episodes on repeat several times! Thank you Andrea for the gift of YOU! I am always looking forward to new podcast episodes. 🤍
  • bjppta
    This podcast is a Godsend!
    You literally started this podcast the same week my husband started having an affair 😞. Unfortunately I didn’t find out until more than a year later, and I am still struggling with moving forward today. I’ve listed to and read so many affair recovery books, podcasts, devotionals, etc. This is the first one that has given such direct, step-by-step recommendations on how to take my life back. I just wish I’d found it 2 years ago! Thank you for sharing what you’ve learned from your own painful experience!
  • FoX10142
    Although I am new to this podcast, I am finding Andrea’s coaching content and delivery style a life-changing experience. I actually discontinued my pricey in-person counselor because I find Andrea so much more helpful. Every time I finish an episode, I feel like I need to re-listen to it and take notes. She was the help I prayed for while I was in anguish and experiencing panic attacks and anxiety. I am now medication-free and use her episodes as the hug I need when the painful wave arrives as well as the training I need to live a transformed life. I have never met you, Andrea, but you are my dearest friend. Thank you.
  • Onedayatatime12
    Excusing Bad Behavior
    I LOVE all of Andrea’s podcasts but this one went right along with a situation I had this week. I spoke up when I felt I was treated unkindly. I worried that I should have just done what I would have usually done and swept it under the rug, but this time I stood up for myself. I feel empowered after listening to these podcasts. Andrea speaks so clearly and is so relatable. I just can’t say enough about how her and her podcasts have changed me and is helping me create a life I love.
  • podcastfan33
    Andrea is brilliant
    Andrea has so much love and compassion for those she serves and she is absolutely brilliant!
  • Alaska Mountain girl
    Best podcast for infidelity healing
    I can honestly say that I learn something new every time I listen in. This has been a very hopeful part of my healing journey.
  • pcrgh
    Heal Yourself
    I’ve been struggling on how to cope with all the upheaval that infidelity causes. I’ve been focused on trying to heal the marriage, instead of myself. This podcast has helped me shift the focus from my marriage to me. It has helped me tremendously. My husband has even noticed and, while that’s a benefit, that is no longer my goal. I want to be the best version of me. If he’s still there at the end, that’ll be my choice. Thank you so much!
  • Pwalla80
    My lifeboat
    Infidelity is an incredibly heart breaking and lonely experience. You need intense support but it’s also something you can’t share with the world. This podcast has helped me though my need for someone who understands what I’m going through - the pain, the doubt, the self esteem crash, the exhaustion, the anger - and can offer helpful suggestions of how to move forward. It’s been better than my therapist and I plan to take her course.
  • sara88888836364646
    Amazing free podcast and programs worth every cent
    Wow. This coach and podcast is incredible. Her programs are worth all of your time, money, and energy.
  • MrsMortimer
    Authentic and Truthful
    Andrea’s coaching has been so helpful for me! Not only have I experienced marital infidelity, but I have also dealt with betrayal in other forms (parental, etc). Andrea’s style of passing on insight strengthens my ability to make decisions I own and feel good about. Thank you, dear Andrea!
  • hannah!!!!!1919
    this podcast saved my marriage
  • Lo3124
    Helpful and Honest
    I am very thankful I found this podcast as it has been the only helpful resource for mr since I discovered my husband’s affair. I appreciate Andrea’s forward and direct approach. She considers all perspectives and remains open to different situations and contexts. As someone who is non-religious, I almost didn’t continue to listen, but I have found the religious aspects minimal and not invasive to my embracing her messages.
  • tiggercalsophie
    I keep going back to Andrea’s podcast
    I did individual coaching lessons with Andrea and I find her advice to be the most effective and motivating infidelity betrayal support I’ve experienced. I have done multiple consultations with several other life coaches, and I have worked with multiple therapists; however, none of them have been as helpful as Andrea. Andrea is very professional, trustworthy, knowledgeable, passionate about uplifting people, and she possesses strong coaching skills. Most of her techniques, methods and skills are equally comparable to that of a fully trained mental health therapist with a graduate degree and mental health clinical certification. She skillfully and effectively uses cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which is required for clients if they are having struggles with self-esteem, lacking self-confidence, or are just ‘stuck’ in life. She has a renown ability to help people overcome the pain of infidelity betrayal. She is very passionate about her job and truly cares about every client she works with. I’ve tried listening to other podcasts, and I just keep coming back to Andrea’s podcast. In fact, I listen to her episodes over and over. I also tell all my friends that are struggling with life issues or low self-esteem to check out her podcast -whether they have gone through infidelity betrayal or not. - Her podcasts are perfect for every person to listen to if you want to better your life. I highly recommend Andrea Giles podcast. Katie Christman, BASW, MSW, LICSWA
  • Donna0011
    I'm Going to be Ok
    I write this review as someone who never thought my husband would have an affair. I was shocked and numb. I searched podcasts and found Andrea. She is amazing and I feel that each episode is focused on how I am feeling that week. I am strong, I am empowered, and I take no responsibility for my husband's actions because of Andrea. I will not settle for anything less than I deserve - if you're in this club (sorry you are, my friend), listen to every episode of Andrea's podcast.
  • katieas15
    A Life Raft
    I discovered Andrea’s podcast shortly after D-Day. At that time, I felt powerless in the wake of my partner’s infidelity and unilateral decision to leave our marriage. Andrea’s calming presence acted to soothe my raw emotions, and her insight and practical tips on emotional regulation, the thought model, and recovering a sense of self after trauma allowed me to reclaim MY power. She gave me back the choice that had been stripped by my partner, allowing me to envision all of the possible paths for my future. I went from being (literally) on the floor to feeling empowered and able to find joy again in life. I have become a bolder, better version of myself, and am no longer afraid to go after what I want. The positive changes I made to myself trickled down to those around me - including my partner - and we are now exploring reconciliation together. Regardless of what happens in my marriage, I will carry Andrea’s wisdom and guidance with me always. Thank you, Andrea, for being my life raft in the tsunami of infidelity. Thank you for allowing to me to see, want, and create MORE for myself.
  • Catie Borland
    The Real Deal
    Andrea knows her stuff. She’s relatable, knowledgeable and feels safe. I recommend her to everyone I know that is struggling with betrayal in their marriage!
  • gods peach
    Nice try
    I appreciate her trying to reach Christian women who’ve experienced infidelity, but she needs more training on trauma of PTSD.
  • Sillewendy
    She’s great and non biased
    Its nice to hear someone just talk about the other person making their own decision instead of telling ppl to leave a marriage because of infidelity when in ur heart that’s not what u want but u know that’s what society says ur supposed to do. She simply talks about listening to urself and how to make decisions and how ur brain works in relation to being betrayed and moving forward. Its just really great advice and helpful info to help me make my own decisions on what I want in life. Much appreciated.
  • dolly.aguilar
    A much needed podcast
    Thank you for making this podcast. I recently found out my partner has not been completely faithful. It hurts and this podcast has been helping me do some hard work to get some peace . Thank you
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