Ask Lisa: The Psychology of Parenting


“Ask Lisa: The Psychology of Parenting” is the essential podcast for parents seeking expert guidance, tested strategies, and psychological insights on raising kids, especially tweens and teens. Join renowned clinical psychologist Dr. Lisa Damour and former journalist and mom of two Reena Ninan as they explore real-life parenting challenges.  Looking to learn more about how to boost kids’ resilience, build their confidence, or support their emotional well-being? Dr. Lisa and Reena have got you covered! Together they address listener questions about stress, anxiety, social media concerns, school pressures, and challenges in peer relationships. Each episode provides practical advice and science-backed solutions to help parents raise resilient, confident, and emotionally healthy kids.Tune in every week for the latest topics in parenting, child psychology, and family wellness. Get answers to your most pressing parenting questions. New episodes drop every Tuesday.Keywords: ask lisa podcast, dr. lisa damour, reena ninan, psychology, parenting, podcast, teens, tweens, parenting teens, parenting tweens, teen parenting, tween parenting, parenting tips, parenting advice, positive parenting, parenting podcast, teen behavior, tween challenges, raising tweens, raising teens, parenting hacks, parenting help, family dynamics, kids podcast, mental health, teen mental health, attachment styles, emotional intelligence

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Recent Reviews
  • kbm7777777
    Love live live and gratitude
    I love this podcast so much and I’m so grateful as a mother and teacher. Thank you one million times.
  • J K W
    Love everything about Dr. Lisa’s approach
    I have been listening to and reading Dr. Lisa’s research and guidance for awhile and she’s has yet to steer me wrong. I’m a mental health professional that works with a lot of teens and I’m a mom to a fantastic teen son. I can’t thank you enough, Dr. Lisa for being a guiding light🖤
  • KLM2K
    Trying hard…
    To listen to what seems like valuable content but having very difficult getting past the wows and whispering. Hope either the hosts change overtime or I manage to become more tolerant of the grating bits
  • Mom & Lolo
    This podcast is a true blessing
    I have been struggling with how to handle some of the complex issues arising with my 13 year old daughter. Thanks to the recent finding this show and delving into the archives for content applicable to our situation, I feel so much better prepared to understand and appreciate the adolescent years with my daughter. Dr. Lisa and Reena, thank you. You do amazing work. 🫶🏻
  • TurdFerguson65
    Never again
    I listened to an episode from 2023 hoping to gain insight into parenting a child with ADHD and instead had to listen to Reena’s judgements about medicating children. Dr. Lisa is correct to discuss following the standard of care for children who have ADHD. If you actually have a child with this condition, you will know it in your heart. You will watch your child suffer socially and academically. You will see the judgmental looks from other parents who have no idea how hard your kid is trying to comply with society’s expectations of children. The last thing we need is someone like Reena being judgy without experiencing the challenges of parenting a child who is neurodivergent with ADHD. If it was just Lisa on the pod, I would listen again, but no way with this host. Maybe read up on the diagnosis and standard of care before being so judgmental of others.
  • BleuBijou
    Love Lisa’s perspective and tools
    Hi there, Brian so glad to find this podcast as I have read the emotionalize of teenagers and untangled twice now to tune up what I have learned and will be listening to this podcast every week. I do have a question if anybody can address if there is a podcast spec to helping teens deal with a tormentor in their friend group. And all suggestions are welcome.
  • mrsamandamk
    I tell everyone about Lisa Damour!
    After reading untangled about four times, I stumbled across this podcast. I was thrilled to continue to get nuggets of wisdom from Dr. Lisa. There is truly no one who understands the young mind (especially during the transition through puberty and teen years) as she does! The only reason I took a star off is Lisa and the cohost both whisper-talk. It’s really distracting! This is my problem, not theirs, but I want to throw my phone across the room sometimes.🤣
  • EVoll2
    Amazing content.
    The content is amazing, very relevant and easily digestible meaning the advice and the information they share is so easy to take into your daily life. The only reason why I took off a star is for the whispering. Why are the hosts constantly whispering. It’s so distracting that I specifically came on here to see if other people felt the same way I did and we’re making that observation through their reviews and they did.but otherwise the content is really great
  • Nieztejziemi
    Eye opener. Relatable
    I value Dr. Lisa’s voice because it is always spot on and backed up by research.
  • From120475639
    Absolutely LOVE this podcast!!
    Dr Lisa Damour is a fantastic resource for parents who would like information on a wide range of parenting topics. She is smart, measured, engaging and offers superb advice and recommendations. I love the format of the podcast and I recommend it to parents all the time. I think it is the best parenting podcast out there.
  • guerragram
    Thank you, thank you Lisa!
    I appreciate Lisa’s books so much and am so excited to discover this podcast! I love her voice of informed reason that has helped me be a much more calmer, informed, effective parent. The clarity and how actionable her gems of wisdom are—priceless! Thank you Lisa for being you and sharing your knowledge and expertise with all of us parents! 10/10 HIGHLY recommend to every parent and know.
  • JennyD11244
    Love the content, but I almost don’t want to listen
    I have to agree with other reviews regarding the voice level and the low talking or whispering by both hosts. I absolutely love Lisa’s books which is why I gravitated towards this podcast. So much relevant material. But, I feel that the whispering is unnecessary and just wish that both hosts would speak in normal clear voices so they can be heard well and listeners can focus on the content. I also have an issue with the co host, not having teens of her own but little kids I find she doesn’t often relate to the topic at hand, which makes it not as relevant. Thank you for all you do and please keep up the good work in general.
  • NotSumthinNice
    Enjoy it but
    I really enjoy the information. I would like to hear more about younger kids, especially toddlers. They can be exhausting. The reason for the 3 start rating is because there are multiple episodes I was excited to listen to due to the title but the episode is a sample from an different podcast. I would really like these episodes to be properly labeled.
  • Runner850
    Invaluable resource
    I listen to the Ask Lisa podcast episodes multiple times, as I have an almost-13-year-old and they have been an incredibly helpful resource! I understand my child better and have some great tools to help her and our relationship as she grows. THANK YOU and please keep the episodes coming!
  • yakcamak
    Great advice, annoying co-host
    Lisa’s advice is usually very good and clearly evidence-based. The co-host is super annoying, though. I always listen wishing that they had another expert on the show so there could be a meaningful back and forth conversation about the issue at hand.
  • Thrive2Live
    Gun model ad at beginning of episode
    I was shocked to hear an advertisement for miniature model guns, AK-47s, etc. at the beginning of a podcast on Lisa’s show. I stopped and hit replay to make sure I was hearing it correctly. I feel very strongly that show focused on parenting kids and keeping them safe as the #1 priority should have nothing to do with anything related to guns and selling them either as toys or models, or in any other fashion…shocked and sad that this was allowed on the podcast.
  • ToddOrBillyS
    For the love of God, stop whispering!
    I have never written a podcast review before, but listening to one episode of Ask Lisa motivated me to. I like the content, but please stop with lapsing into a whisper over and over. The voice of host and cohost are appealing, but just stop the whispering. It is so … I don’t know … contrived? Pretentious? I can barely stand it.
  • cpatrickmohan
    Relevant, useful, important — listen now
    Lisa’s books have been really helpful to me and her podcast episodes relevant. Thank you for this useful advice navigating the most important role I’ll ever have — that of parent to two fabulous kids.
  • Herself Follower
    Parents of Tweens and Teens Thank You!
    Thank you for being a highly reliable resource for parents of tweens and teens. This is such a hard age group and your quality advice is very much needed and appreciated. Please keep putting out this content for us!
  • Cheater11243355522266
    Whispering hurts the listener’s ear.
    The whispering overpowers, ironically, the content. Please consider speaking up.
  • DGD2018
    Very practical and applicable advise
    I love this podcast. I am learning so much and using what I learn immediately with my young kids. I also appreciate Dr. Lisa Damour’s books. She is such a treasure! So humble and honest and very well informed and wise.
  • AHro827
    Excellent Advice and Support for Parents
    I love the question and answer format. As a Dad to an 11 year old and 9 year old, I want to be the best I can be. Lisa’s book and this podcast are helping me. Thank you!
  • She Who Rides Far
    Peaceful Parenting Podcast
    Dr. Lisa is so soothing to listen to and in her parenting inspiration and advice! I learn so much from her and gain confidence just hearing an expert is aligned with my intuition already. I love listening while I hike. She gets me thinking about how I can show up better for myself and my child.
  • sbe1970
    Love her books and now love her podcast and her very soothing voice! Balm for the weary parent, wondering if their child is ok!
  • Edhmomma
    Five star content, but whisper voices
    The content in this podcast is top notch. Well researched, well articulated, and so deeply important to those of us raising teenagers. I also am sensitive to the pacing of podcasts and hate chatty hosts, and these hosts have meaningful banter that feels relevant to moving the topic forward. HOWEVER - they don’t speak to each other at all. They whisper. Like literally whisper to each other the entire podcast, as if they’re recording under the scornful eye of a stern librarian. I don’t get it. Has no one told them they’re being recorded and people want to hear their words? They are in serious need of vocal coaching. I turn up my volume to listen, but still they drop certain words or sentences to inaudible levels — usually the most important ones. And then my ears get blasted when the next show in my line up comes on and the hosts are speaking at normal volumes. So in summary, sometimes I suffer through the whispering because the content is so good, but their whispering makes it so hard to listen.
  • EarsopenMarinCA
    Great content - cringe format
    I love the content in this podcast! However, I find the conversational dynamic between the host and Dr Lisa painful to listen to. Why do they whisper so much? Why do they giggle and say “Wow!” so much? Can we get a different host? Or could Dr. Lisa run the show on her own? And can she please speak clearly without whispering half the episode?
  • leviandbetsy
    Dr. Lisa really gets practical in this podcast, which is what I so appreciate about her. Her research and steady encouragement is such a help to parents who feel like they just need a roadmap for their teen (🙋🏻‍♀️).
  • NMKK07
    Thank you!
    I have 16 year old twins, a boy and a girl, and they’re completely opposite. I’ve been struggling emotionally to make sure my son is doing okay. And I get one word answers. Thank you for your Podcast about talking with your teenage sons. I have your book Untangled, and it’s wonderful. I appreciate your podcast and books, thank you!
  • shellbuggy
    filled with actionable advice
    this is a sensitive fantastic podcast with common sense strategies and a wide range advice for ages and both genders!!!! love love love
  • KarynClay
    Keep listening
    Even if you don’t think these topics are you directly related to you, keep listening. There are endless fruits of helpful concepts and information in here.
  • annereins
    Being a parent is hard
    I’ve benefited greatly from listening to this podcast. Lisa is sensible and takes on every parenting curveball.
  • Sydney D SLT
    Don’t miss this podcast
    Real life advice from a professional. A must listen for all parents. Her books are great too!
  • Moriahmt
    I love this show!
    Real life, professional and practical advice for being a better parent.
  • Loosah
    Essential listening
    This is the podcast I need.
  • I_love_wisconsin
    Practical and uplifting
    With a new teenager, I’ve been checking out lots of parenting podcasts. Ask Lisa is the only one I’ve stuck with… and now I use her advice almost every day to move from kid-parenting to teen-parenting (without losing my mind). After working through much of the Ask Lisa podcast catalog, I purchased both of Dr. Lisa’s books on Audible, and I started following her high-value posts/reels on Instagram. I now recommend the podcasts to my mom-friends, and we all find her *so* helpful. Truly life-changing!!
  • dmiller425
    Lisa is so insightful and disarming!
    My wife and I listened to ‘Untangled’, and it is a real paradigm shifter. This podcast promises to bring more of that, and we welcome frequent and periodic installments in a podcast format.
  • Tomtomtomleighleigh
    Great podcast!
    This podcast is so relevant and helpful. The hosts are so thorough and give reasons and responses when trying to understand our teens and what they are working through. Highly recommend. Even if you think the topic/title isn’t relevant to you, it is worth a lesson. I always have take a ways.
  • ERDocVt
    Super helpful!
    Thank you both for the time and honesty you put into this podcast. I appreciate the conversations and lots of them have opened my eyes to other ways of looking at things. I have recommended your books to many friends and your podcast has been super helpful :-)
  • Stamina Cosmetics
    Thank you! Excellent advice !
    Truly grateful 🥹
  • LPSParent
    Love - mostly. (4.5)
    Podcast resonates... so informative and thought provoking. This feels so nitpicky, but Reena's repeated use of "WOW, I've never thought of that!" (or some minor variation) in EVERY episode has become grating. Reena is great other than that, but with a podcast, the audio cringes matter.
  • TheOtherLisa
    My favorite podcast!
    Dr Lisa makes me a better, wiser, more prepared parent, plain and simple.
  • Grace mouse
    Start here
    Every week I learn something new about children, development, the human brain, and also about myself. This is the most thought provoking and insightful podcast I have ever found. Do not hesitate to subscribe, you will not regret it.
  • DvGuts
    Love Lisa and her advice is sound, BUT ….
    Lisa Damour’s license lapsed YEARS ago and she hasn’t renewed. Why is that??
  • educationuhgf
    Parenting advice when you need it in a way you need it
    One of my favorite parenting authors turned podcaster. I LOVE this podcast and Dr. Damour’s style of parenting. I have shared many episodes with friends and families as they face these timely issues.
  • SamsPlusMember
    Great information
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge! I love listening and find this so informative, engaging and with so many helpful tips. My kids are not quite teens yet, but I am a family physician and appreciate psychology colleagues and all that you offer as we work as a team!
  • Clontzem
    Thank you!!!
    Love the latest episode on 13. You described the relationship with my 13 year-old perfectly. It can be very, very hurtful. And I have been worried. It has been a little tougher with my second girl than my first as she is more vocal and more extreme.
  • AdeliciousT
    A goldmine of info!!!
    I absolutely loved Lisa’s book, Untangled. And I love how this podcast takes all that great advice and applies it to everyday parenting problems. You start listening to a podcast on how to get your kid to keep their room clean and end up learning a seriously important lesson on how to keep your kids off drugs!!! (Seriously. Listen to that one.) Thank you, Lisa! I highly recommend this podcast!
  • Jenn Gott
    Encouraging and realistic
    I never regret listening. Even when the episode doesn’t apply to my kiddos age (yet) I find the content thought provoking. Many ideas and solutions are given for problems we have already faced and will eventually. Lisa gives realistic, actionable advice with real life experiences to help navigate these tough issues. She breaks complex problems into steps we can take to ease the issue. Highly recommend for pre-teen (and teen) parents!
  • sarahlalaR
    It wasn’t an Avicii song. It was Mike Posner. Do your research!!
  • gfrtccdyh
    Dr. Lisa is pretty good- has lots of helpful tips, but I wish she’d just get down to business. All of her “empathic” comments about “oh wow, what a great question! That’s amazing!” Really? Just give us the tips! The filler, like the above” is *extremely* annoying. We don’t need to be talked down to.
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