Geology Bites


What moves the continents, creates mountains, swallows up the sea floor, makes volcanoes erupt, triggers earthquakes, and imprints ancient climates into the rocks? Oliver Strimpel, a former astrophysicist and museum director asks leading researchers to divulge what they have discovered and how they did it. To learn more about the series, and see images that support the podcasts, go to @GeologyBitesTwitter: @geology_bitesEmail:

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Recent Reviews
  • Laohuhuzi
    One of the finest science podcasts in any subject
    This is perhaps the best science podcasts out there. Well produced and well researched, interviews that are engaging, perceptive, and has great scientific depth, but also broadly illuminating. It is a model of effective science communication for every scientist/science communicator out there. I give it a million stars if it’s possible.
  • dharmajoan
    Enjoy this show
    Thank you for this geology gem of a show.
  • MTrudnak
    Awesome pod!
    This podcast has very quickly become one of my favorites. Diverse range of topics and all extremely engaging! Thanks Oliver.
  • Huachuca Rock Hound
    High level content
    This is not a dumbed down version of earth science topics but rather a high level discussion of important topics in the field of geology. Absolutely outstanding!
  • kristi history
    Thank you
    I LOVE this podcast. Pure science no agenda.
  • Collegebasketballonly
    Great source of information
    Great show! As always. Love to hear your guest’s say, Extraordinary ideas require extraordinary evidence. Makes their new information to me much more credible. Oliver is a great interviewer and draws out his guests excitement in their subject.
  • Annliarubio
    Interesting and Well Produced
    This is a topic that has always fascinated me and it is exciting to listen to all of the guests and the host is excellent. My daughter just got her MS in Geology and I am happy to learn about some of the things she talks about! We used to go rock hunting when she was little and it sparked her professional life!!! Thank you for producing this wonderful podcast!
  • guz42
    Accessible but not dumbed down
    If you love geology and remember a bit of Earth Science from 9th grade, you will enjoy this podcast. The host does an excellent job of translating and clarifying exactly what I need in order to understand the work of the guest scientist. To American ears, his English accent, nice voice, supreme clarity and measured speech creates a soothing and calm space in which to become fully immersed in the topic. I find it very enjoyable.
  • Kitgeology
    Concise and Informing
    The podcast is concise, interesting, and informative. Extraneous information or banter is not part of Geology Bites podcasts. Geology Bites provides information and background talks regarding current events related to geology or other branches of physical science. Thank you to Oliver Strimpel and guests for theses talks.
  • Deming Fan
    Great podcast.
    I’m what scholars might call a moron. I have just enough knowledge of geology to convince myself that I’m learning something that I can incorporate into my life other than shouting out wrong answers at the TV while watching Jeopardy. Despite being a moron, and serial wrong answerer, it’s clear that the host and his guests are experts in their field. I enjoy this podcast and recommend to anyone interested in geology.
  • Guto the geologist
    The podcast I’ve been looking for
    The caliber of guests on this show is world class. The conversation is informative yet easy to follow. I’ve been lucky enough to study under a few of the guests that teach at CU - Boulder and still learned so much from them on this podcast. Keep up the great work, I look forward to each episode.
  • CurlsintheSquatRack
    Excellent information
    Concise interviews with geology researchers. Excellent audio quality. Has a great companion website as well.
  • vtshep
    Best geology podcast format
    I have spent the last 1.5 years learning about geology by listening to the entirety of 3 different geology podcast series, reading books, and watching online lectures. In my opinion this podcast nailed the format better than others. Each episode is full of information that is edited flow and be coherent. Awesome work, thank you!!
  • Greensisland
    Eloquent and informative stories about geology
    This is just about one of the best podcasts in my library. Mr. Strimpel and his interviewees provide a way to understand rocks in our world in a way that utilizes the experience and knowledge of the top geologist in the world. He is able to unpack complicated theories and research so that the novice can understand how volcanoes work and other geologic phenomena. I could listen to this podcast indefinitely. What a treasure!
  • soozezip
    Earthy Conversations
    Geology Bites invites listeners into fascinating dialogues with leading researchers about the chemistry, physics, and biology that created, and continue to create, the universe—the very ground, mountains, and oceans that make up this home planet of ours! As someone without much science training, myself, I appreciate that host Oliver Strimpel facilitates these conversations with genuine curiosity. Listening to this podcast feels like spending a spirited evening in a cozy study, sipping tea, or brandy, with Oliver and his guests.
  • kharpp
    Informative and insightful
    I am so pleased to have found this podcast! I teach geology and have already had my students use several episodes, which they have enjoyed and benefited from very much. What the host does especially well is find guests who are doing important and current work in a variety of geoscience fields, first. Then he crafts a thoughtful series of questions that introduces critical concepts clearly and also allows the guests enough time to really explain their ideas. Really great educational tool thank you so much!
  • Nettynew
    Erudite yet light (From Steven Lord)
    I am enjoying very much Oliver Strimpel's new blog "Geology Bites" At first, I was a little put-off by how how and dry the interviews seemed (I usually listen to Ira Flato's Science Friday and read the NYT science science pieces. This show is decided more scholarly academics . But the style has grown on me: each interview is crisp, clear, short (20 min) and to the point. Strimpel's is an Oxford PhD and so not only knows his stuff, but is often personally acquainted with the interviewees. These are researchers/professors who know how to talk simply, and yet are often on the cutting-edge pioneers in there fields (like the discoverer of plate tectonics, for example.) They know the four corners of the Earth and talk about its diverse geology with gusto. The scripting keeps the discussion tight, as opposed to Flato's"gee-whizz"style, yet I learned unexpected cool facts: the 1 um/sec velocity measurements watching continents bobbing on the mantle made by space satellites, how a tiny bit of moisture can make a rock "soft", why earthquakes tend to hit the most practical places to live on Earth, or why a volcano is more like a stein of beer than a water rocket. It's a bonus to hear the guests speaking such beautiful English, diphthongs and all. Never before have I heard the last "I" in California enunciated!,
  • Rationalscientist
    This is great!
    I have now listened to three of these podcasts, and cannot recommend them highly enough! I thought I knew the outlines in this field but have been surprised at how much new has been discussed that I was unaware of. I like the Q & A format, and how experts in the subject are engagingly quizzed with just the sort of questions the ‘man in the street’ might ask. Keep them coming! Alex Lehar
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