Law of Attraction Changed My Life


Just a basic bitch making a good life happen. Want to manifest amazing things into your life too? Join me, it's not a cult! I've been practicing the law of attraction for over 10 years with incredible results, hopefully you will leave our weekly sessions together both informed & entertained. 
Join today for twice monthly Manifest With The Moon episodes every new and full moon.

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Recent Reviews
  • A.Minch
    Fran and LOA have Change My Life!
    Listening to Francesca’s podcast is like listening to your favorite friend. LOACML has become a regular part of my morning routine, and the tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way have already shaped my life in new ways (I’m talking $20K salary raises, reaching my physical fitness goals, starting my own small/side business, and more). LOA is as much about the mindset as it is about the work; Francesca’s pod lays the foundation for you to DO the work. So… what are you waiting for?!
  • NicoleLaCroix22
    Positive vibes, easy listening, relatable
    Listening to this podcast is like hanging out with an unapologetically herself, positive, supportive friend. Topics are approachable no matter what phase of your life. I always feel energized after listening.
  • ClaireHunn
    Not bad!
    I just found this podcast today and have only listened to one episode from February and like it a lot and have saved a few more episodes. The only thing that I don’t like is the cussing. I’m not a prude in any way, but my 10-year-old son is listening in the car with me and could totally benefit from the information on manifesting and positive thoughts, but I understand it’s not a podcast specifically for kids.
  • ShanCub
    Great Energy!!!
    I am loving this podcast! Francesca is awesome… I’ve already put some of her suggestions into play in my life!! Her heart for her listeners is real! So glad I found her!! 💗💗💗
  • MG loves the Calls To Action!
    A life changing podcast
    Start from the beginning of these episodes and follow along with Fran on her journey of changing in life and I can guarantee yours will change too.
  • MathWhit
    I want to be friends with Fran!
    This is my go-to podcast for fun, laughter, motivation, and manifestation! I’m obsessed with this podcast and listen to it weekly. Fran is hilarious, inspiring, and real. Even though I live in SoCal and she’s in England, her parenting-style is so relatable!
  • Rosieboo23
    Thank you for your most recent episode!
    I have to say, going against what others said and uploading this video as you genuinely felt the need to do, was very impactful. Myself and I’m sure many others can relate to having monkey wrenches thrown at us, even as super manifestos… getting yourself back on track is the real spiritual test it feels like.. healing and leveling up aren’t linear though. I have a new found respect for you for being vulnerable and sharing what you’re experiencing- that’s the real lesson to be learned. How to keep your ish together while in the thick of it and avoid self abandonment and defeat? Thank you for showing up authentically, always 💕
  • Leanne Jill
    LOA Queen!!
    I’ve learned sooo much listening to this podcast and it’s legit changed my life!! Fran is so honest and personable and oh so funny! She really breaks everything down so it’s easy to understand and implement into your own life! Please come to the states soon!!
  • Target_luvr
    Can we be friends?!
    I absolutely LOVE listening to your podcast. You’re so REAL and I feel like we’d be friends if lived near one another. You’re amazing. Thank you for being so authentic and saying whatever is on your mind. It helps make the podcast so relatable, fun and helpful!
  • KayKelleyUK2USA
    Manifesting Magic
    Discovering Fran's podcast felt like stumbling upon a hidden treasure in the vast world of content. Her down-to-earth vibe and relatable approach instantly hooked me, making her show a constant source of inspiration, no matter where I am in my life. Traveling all the way from Florida to London for her live event was an adventure in itself, but it was totally worth it. Seeing her in person brought the inspiration to life in a whole new way, and the sense of community among us B’s was electric. Being part of her book club has been a game-changer too. It's like having a friend recommend the perfect book just when you need it most. The discussions and insights on our Facebook group have added so much depth to my manifesting journey. Fran isn't just another content creator; she's like that wise friend who's always there with practical advice and a dose of humor. Her podcast is like a warm cup of tea for the soul, and I'm grateful for the guidance and positivity she brings to every episode. Fran’s podcast is a must-listen!
  • RWGS1980
    I’ve been looking for this podcast for years!
    I've tried many times over to find a podcast I enjoy on my 2-hour daily commute, to no avail. Then I found LofA Changed My Life! I was weary at first, thinking it might be full of toxic positivity, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Listening to Francesca makes me feel like I’m in the car with a good friend. We laugh together, we cry together, I’m tearing up just writing this overdue review. I’m all the way in Houston, Texas but I feel like I’m part of a community here. I even signed up for the NYE Goal Setting party and, for the first time ever, I’m reaching my goals! No small feat for a 43 y.o. single mom of 4 with ADHD! The days a new episode comes out are always my better days. This review may sound cheesy but it’s the absolute truth and I stand by it. Thank you Francesca, and your whole team. I hope you continue to produce this show and spread your light, one listener at a time!
  • ttttttyttyyyyyyyy
    Life changing podcast
    Francesca is amazing. Always such an inspiration
  • Julia Caitlin
    Workspace for success
    I listened to this podcast about changing your workspace and immediately came home and did some re-organizing. My home office is very tiny and the desk was against a corner and my back faced the door. Had no idea it was bad feng shui till I listened to this enlightening podcast. I can't believe the difference it made! After four years of my office space being a catch all for paper clutter and seldom using it, I love it now!! This has been the most productive week for me now that the energy has changed in there! Thank you!!
  • Ohio Heather
    Such a Joy!
    Francesca- so happy you took a chance and made this podcast during the pandemic (love that story)! You are so easy to listen to, inspiring and SO full of personality! Your authenticity is very refreshing. Thank you - can’t wait to listen to more!
  • christyRNball
    You are such a bright light!
    Hey Mama, I am also a single mom of three and get it! I drive for work and you make my days go by fast. Would love to start a book club and would 100% buy a step by step course on how to do it! Keep shining friend.
  • foxy11223341000
    So far I love her!
    At first I was a little thrown off when I heard her cursing, but after I was like … I love how real she is, how it feels like a conversation I’m saving with my best friend. I’m 2 episodes in and I’m hooked! I can’t wait to see how this podcast changes my life. I ready!!! (Btw I just searched law of attraction and this was the first on that popped up) I’m so glad it did.
  • Alexus M. Brown
    Life changing
    I loveee this podcast. She’s so personable & breaks things down in the most simple way. Her personal story is so inspiring. Feels like I’m listening to a digital best friend. 10/10 would recommend for all things manifestation, money work, self care, inner healing, etc!!
  • It’s Linda
    This podcast has changed my life!!!
    Francesca and this podcast have literally changed my life for the better! I’ve been here since the beginning congratulations on your 200th episode!
  • melodyw213
    Fran’s podcast is like a warm, soft blanket for the spirit.
    This podcast is such a joy to listen to! Fran is so great, listening feels like having a conversation with a friend! If you’re just looking for some positivity in your day, don’t go any further. Come for the fun and laughs, stay for the amazing lessons and inspiration that will carry you through your day!
  • AmandaDB85
    Favorite podcast
    My favorite, go to Manifesting podcast!! Love how real and honest she is!
  • Grande Dame Tay
    THE Most Fun Show
    I love this podcast so much and it’s inclusiveness of everything life. Fran is the best 🥳
  • lala_larissa333
    One of my favorites!!!
    This is such a great podcast, it’s like listening to a bestie in one of those amazing convos where you lose all track of time. Full of amazing information shared in an inspiring, funny, and relatable way!
  • Jeannine J9
    Inspiring and relatable
    I really enjoy this podcast. Fran is relatable, funny, and inspiring. I’ve had many positive changes in my life from what I’ve learned on the podcast. Highly recommend! Congrats, Fran, on 200 episodes!
  • DaisyLeeUS
    Life Changing for Real People
    This is a wonderful podcast with specific information that we can all use, regardless if how busy we are or where we are starting. It works!
  • Heidi@DEY
    LOVE this podcast
    I was searching for my next manifesting podcast and came upon this lovely woman!! I’ve already been exposed to so many amazing concepts that I can’t wait to practice in my life and to introduce to my own customers and students!! I love listening to your raw and realness! Congrats on 200 episodes. It’s so fun to have something new to binge for a bit!! I’ve gotten so much inspiration from you to keep me going while creating my own brand here in the US! Would love a follow back: @delightfully_enlightened_you
  • LH92133
    Used to love
    I absolutely loved this podcast. Relatable, helpful, uplifting. The topic of current global events being continually brought up completely turned me off and I can’t listen any longer. That isn’t why I was tuning in, it was for the opposite of all that. Unfortunate, because I really loved the older episodes so much and would look forward to them.
  • Amanda Junie
    Relatable, inspiring
    I love Fran’s down to Earth approach to manifesting and intentional living. It’s great to listen to a fellow toddler mom navigate life and owning your own business.
  • IndyBritney
    The best podcast that keeps me coming back for more!
    I love Listening to Fran! She is a real mamma that can really cheer a girl up!
  • cecii18!
    Sincere and Real !
    I have been listening to the Pod for a long long time ! As a member of Fran’s Book Club I can really see all the value she has added to my life. Thank you Fran for always keeping it real On this pod and everywhere else you truly are a gift to us. I enjoy turning on your Pod in the mornings it always sets my day to start on a positive note . Thank you , Thank you , Thank you!!!
  • AutumnBender
    Loving it!!
    I started this back in December to help me start my new year off right and I’m loving it. It’s a great de-stressor and makes me feel so much better about myself
  • Hannah Wensel
    Always brings me back from the dead!
    I’ve been listening to this podcast consistently for about a year, purchased her subliminals, read the books she recommends - any time I feel like i’m in a rut of falling backwards, it ALWAYS makes me feel more motivated. I’ve practiced what she preaches and have seen results that have blown my mind and taught me gratitude and I’m so thankful for that - love love love this podcast!
  • SoulfulTravel
    Beautifully honest approach to manifestation!
    I just started listening to this podcast and cannot get enough of it! I love the way that she approaches the law of attraction in a grounded way with a light hearted and relatable sense of humor to the beautiful universe that we create around us!!!
  • the real dr julie
    Loved the future self podcast
    So thoughtful in your suggestions. And so kind and optimistic in your tone Fran! Thanks so much! Happy new year! XO, Julie Marshall
  • EveDriver
    So uplifting!
    This literally has changed my outlook and my life! So grateful for you, Francesca! 💖
  • BeautifulMinimalMillennial
    Lost me…
    I LOVED this podcast. It was oozing woo-woo vibes. The whole premise of this podcast is/was spirituality, manifestations, and personal growth. Then Fran couldn’t seem to go a single episode without talking about current events. Be more like Mart who discussed the topic one time and then got back to his podcast. I’ve unsubscribed to both this show and the book club. If I wanted to hear about current events I’d watch the news.
  • I.Sanse
    Feel-good, practical, so funny
    This podcast has become a key part of my self-care routine and my routine in general. Fran is mega entertaining, I could listen to her talk about hygge(or anything) for hours and hours and her episodes are filled with practical tips, books and hacks anyone can implement. It’s an instant mood-booster! Fran, do you have any tips or could you do an episode on how to find balance between focusing on your manifesting goals (that haven’t happened yet) while also staying present in the moment? I find it so hard! I feel it makes me less present to be constantly thinking of what I want in the future. Does that makes sense? Any tips? Thank you🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼✨✨✨✨ Irene
  • AmandaID
    New Fav!
    This is one of my new favorite podcasts. Love the energy and message on each episode 🥰
  • Liza JPJ
    Practical, funny, and positive
    I parent three small children alone for most of the year, also self-employed, and I love this podcast because she’s also a mom of 3 who is doing it alone for the most part. Manifesting the life you want is possible even if you’re a busy mom. Not only that, she’s funny and it feels like listening to a friend. Uplifting. This podcast has really helped me. Fran’s the best! Go girl! Wishing you the best in the new year!
  • Trbsteg02
    Real, entertaining & life changing
    I have nothing but good vibes and great fortune from listening to this podcast. LISTEN NOW, it will change your life forever and for the better. This girl knows her $hit😊⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Sarah(with an H)
    This podcast changed my g**d**n life!
    I’ve been listening since 2021 and have made small tweaks to my mindset and environment based on the topics that Fran introduces. Listening on my commute to work always starts my day out positively and it feels like I’ve just had a conversation with a good friend. You’re the best Francesca, can’t wait for your book <3
  • Kenzie96 💕
    listened to one episode about “a technique that’ll help with procrastination”… i’m 15 mins into the podcast and no technique has been discussed.
  • basildale
    New to podcasts
    Being new to podcasts, I was fairly excited to listen. Unfortunately I did not get past the first fifteen minutes. If this is what all podcasts are like, I’m better dd without them. It seemed like just ramblings with colorful language that was not needed. The language was a huge turn off.
  • jaclyn-c
    This Podcast has awakened me
    Love you Fran! I too am a mom and resonate so much with the struggle of being a mom and wife with also my own identity. Self development has been a great way for me to better approach my life .
  • MarySperry
    She makes me so happy!! 🥰
    This is my very favorite podcast! Her accent and free spirit vibe make me so happy! I look forward to listening every week. Thank you Fran! You make my day! I love listening to all of your episodes, even the older ones I’ve missed. Xx!
  • Dex0818
    Best Podcast
    Howdy from Texas! Fran makes me laugh, she makes me think, but most importantly, she raises my vibe every time I tune in. Thanks, Fran, and keep up the good work!
  • Ari Dek
    Francesca Amber delivers her message in a relatable, thoughtful, and entertaining way. She borders on practical rather than woo-woo, which I really appreciate as it feels more constructive, inspiring, and down to earth.
  • suznol
    Good vibes
    I love Fran and this podcast. Her sage advice is inspiring, and I can tell that it will affect change if I stick with it. She recommends great books and other podcasts, etc. Thanks, Fran! Love from New Orleans.
  • chillier1
    Just what I needed to hear today.
    Thank you. I always enjoy the pod.
  • lidougla
    I found Fran about 10 months ago and I can truly say she has changed my life. I was struggling, feeling stuck. My life was fine but I felt like I was just passing through and not thriving. My grown daughter had mentioned manifesting to me a couple of times and I thought, that’s just wishful thinking, right? How does thinking, change tangible things in your life? Then I was on a road trip for work and was scrolling through podcasts and Fran popped up. 5 minutes in, I was hooked and knew I had found the mentor I was looking for. And don’t get me started about the book club. Fran is just so open and real. She is relatable and honest and I am so thankful for this podcast and book club. Thank you Fran! Your passion is life changing and I am so grateful for you!!!❤️❤️❤️
  • thottimusprime101
    life changing
    ive been listening 1 episode every day on my way to work in the morning and it made a huge difference in my mental health. absolutely love this podcast🩷🩷
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