The PCOS Girls Podcast


Welcome to The PCOS Girls Podcast! We are Brigitte and Mel, two Australian women with PCOS..who can't stop talking about it.Join us as we over-share about our lives with PCOS, letting you in on how we have used natural medicine to improve our PCOS, overcome our fertility issues and become mums.All peppered with tonnes of research, facts and tips.Brigitte Warne is the founder of PCOS to Wellness and the creator of the hormone balancing Cysterhood Tea and Mamahood Tea.Melissa Christie is the founder of PCOS Pathways and the creator of The PCOS Journal, a health diary for women with PCOS.

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Recent Reviews
  • MomoBella8
    My FAV Girls Podcast!
    I just love listening to these ladies ❤️ the information and knowledge they have shared has been soooo helpful! Thank you for all that you do!
  • 101-music
    Such a Resource!
    The ladies deserve to be paid for their work. They’ve taught me more about PCOS than the five doctors I’ve been to. Enjoy listening to them, especially the weekly catch-ups. And for their consistent reminders to be kind to yourself and that less is more when it comes to PCOS.
  • Beth Cecil
    Encouraging safe place for people struggling with PCOS
    Hello Ladies, I first want to start out by saying thank you. I was diagnosed when I was 17 and never really did anything with the information. No one explained to me what PCOS was, why I had it, what I should do for it. I was given a blind diagnosis and told that this was my life now. I was put on birth control immediately and no one ever said a word about it again. I was never even offered a follow up appointment. For 8 years I have been on some form of hormonal birth control and no one even checked up on me. It never helped with my symptoms other than semi regulating my periods and I just thought that this is what life looked like for someone with PCOS. Life with PCOS couldn't change. I decided about a year ago to take my PCOS and overall health more seriously, and immediately felt like I was fighting an impossible battle. I was discouraged from the lack of knowledge and care available, and ultimately I had no idea where to start. My healthcare professionals were incredibly discouraging when I decided to get off of birth control, but I tried anyway. When I showed back up in her office a few months later, discouraged and inflamed with all of my symptoms I was told, “I told you so” and bullied back onto hormonal birth control.I had lost hope entirely. I had been searching high and low for hope when I found your podcast. It was the first time I felt like maybe there was hope. Maybe feeling awful in my body didn’t have to be normal. Maybe birth control wasn’t the only option. You deliver information in such a safe and encouraging way. You both have given me the courage, the knowledge, and the support to feel like I am making informed decisions about my body and my PCOS. I am having my IUD removed this afternoon and although I am worried about what is to come, I now have the knowledge and the strength to trust myself in my decision making. You have given me the knowledge to not get discouraged during this lifelong process, especially the process of coming off of birth control. So again I want to say thank you. I am sure you get dozens of messages like this everyday, but you have truly changed my life. I encourage everyone I know with PCOS to listen to you guys. Please keep doing what you are doing. You are changing lives. Beth Cecil
  • Werrrrrrrdddd
    I love Brig and Mel! They are funny, kind, normal girls who are battling PCOS themselves. I have listened to every ep and enjoyed all of them. As an American I must say I am fond of their accents too. I love the interviews and love their perspectives. A must listen if you have PCOS!
  • brittni eden
    Good info..
    Great info just wish the self promoting wasn’t half the episodes. I totally understand why it’s done but maybe shortening the plugs. Otherwise amazing show.
  • Ariel1728
    Very informative!
    Lots of great information even if you don’t have PCOS you can learn a lot about your health. The girls are fun and entertaining too! I’ve tried other PCOS podcasts that are so monotone and boring.
  • Asheybooo
    Good podcast
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for a little over a year now and have learned a lot of valuable things through them! I only have one issue in that I wish they were more cognizant that infertility and pregnancy loss are very common with PCOS and it can be difficult to listen to their episodes when the first 20 minutes is them talking about all their children. Even in the miscarriage episode they were talking about them. As cute and loving they are about their children, it can feel hurtful sometimes and makes me jealous. So I write this with a trigger warning if you’ve experienced pregnancy loss and are still sensitive to listening to people talk about their children and newborns. It does also give me hope, but right now more than anything it’s jealousy
  • Emilyb1015
    Game changer!!! ❤️
    This podcast has truly been my saving grace! I recently was diagnosed with PCOS, and wanted to get more informed of the condition without becoming overwhelmed. This podcast has been absolutely AMAZING, and I feel more confident in the lifestyle changes I am implementing to help alleviate my PCOS symptoms. Bridgette and Mel are so relatable and compassionate in the way the talk about PCOS and their journeys, and I can’t thank them enough! ❤️
  • Lindsay1416
    LOVE 💙
    Found this podcast when I got diagnosed with PCOS. Now I listen to their episodes during my morning walks and it’s so insightful. I have learned so much about how to manage my PCOS. It also gives me hope 🙌🏻 Thanks Brigitte and Mel!
  • simuneeruddin
    The BEST podcast ever!!
    I have been diagnosed with PCOS and have dealt with so many frustrating symptoms like hair loss, hirsutism, and constant fatigue for over a decade. It’s just so great to have this podcast and this community. It just makes me feel better knowing that there’s this support and that there are all these natural ways to treat my PCOS! Also, Brigitte and Mel are the best!
  • Faith GM
    Soooo glad y’all are back!
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about three months ago and was looking to dive deeper. This podcast is an answered prayer. I have been listening to all the old episodes every time I jump in the car and I am ecstatic that y’all are back! Thank you so much for all you do! You give me hope!
  • podcastingover
    Is this podcast over??
  • lauren meisner
    The best PCOS support system
    I have been listening to the PCOS Girls for a few months since I got my (long awaited) diagnosis and let me tell you, it is so comforting to hear about other women having been through the same frustrating issues. It feels like I’m alone in this sometimes and since listening I feel like I have people on my side giving me sisterly advice. I have adopted so many of the things that they have talked about to help them heal their symptoms and track everything through my PCOS journal, which is incredible. Thank you so much Mel and Brigitte for giving me an outlet that makes me feel heard, not alone, and supported with sound advice from women going through the same thing.
  • AuntieRissy
    I love listening to these guys! Tips and tricks are amazing! ❤️❤️❤️
  • Schonste
    Real information about PCOS
    I don’t listen to many podcasts, but I stumbled across this one and I love it. I was diagnosed with PCOS about 15 years ago and I didn’t understand it and the doctors didn’t have many answers for me. I hate doing research for this type of thing because I never know where to look. I’m the type of person who wants someone to just tell me what I need to be doing and it didn’t get that from my doctors, so I did almost nothing to manage my PCOS, I just lived with the symptoms. Brigitte and Mel may not be doctors, but they have done the hard work of figured out what our bodies need and they share it openly. Although I’ve just started listening to the podcast (just finished episode 6) and barely started making changes, listening to this podcast makes me feel empowered to make the changes to manage my PCOS instead of letting it manage me. Thank you Brigitte and Mel for sharing what you have learned and what has and hasn’t worked for you. I’m excited for this new health journey where I can finally feel good, both inside and out!
  • KaraLaube
    Love love love
    I found this podcast a few weeks ago and have binged almost every single episode! I have been struggling with PCOS for many years and often feel alone in it. Listening to this podcast has been SO helpful. Thank you ladies for taking your time to help other women. You are so appreciated!! ❤️
  • jenniferhinerman
    If you have pcos please listen!
    I was just diagnosed with pcos and your podcast has been my safe place where I can learn and listen and feel better about all of this news I just got. Thank you for sharing your stories and providing so much generous information on how to overcome and manage pcos!
  • Shana Nanna
    A great listen!
    It’s really nice to hear from women who have experienced the same (super frustrating) symptoms of PCOS, and not in a boring way like from a lot of medical professionals. I have read a lot of material/ books from professionals and these ladies are recommending the same things but in a more enjoyable way to listen to, making it easier to understand and remember.
  • MTBiegs
    Sisterly advise
    I love this podcast, it feels like listening to your older sisters but with actual like good advise that works. I appreciate the different perspectives you both bring. I love your dynamic!
  • HRM 17
    Love the PCOS Girls
    This podcast is incredible! I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and I’ve been binge listening. This has helped me process my diagnosis and has significantly improved my mental health. Mel and Bridget are so fun to listen to. They provide great advice for changing your lifestyle and habits to optimize your health and minimize the impacts of PCOS.
  • RebeccaN31
    So so encouraging and helpful
    I have ignored my PCOS for near on 10 years, and I discovered these amazing women on Spotify and I have listened to every nearly every episode. They say over and over that they are not health practitioners, but I think the information that they are giving the public access to is so incredibly valuable. I live in a rural area where the treatment for PCOS is strictly BC and Metformin. I’m so thankful to have access to this outlet.. to learn about my hormones and body, outside of a medical setting. While I look for a supporting practitioner in my area, This is truly life changing. Thank you.
  • adnofo
    So amazing!
    I found this podcast the week before I was officially diagnosed. I was super stressed about all the ultrasounds, blood tests, and doctors appointments I had endured and still had coming up, all while juggling being a teenager during a global pandemic. This podcast helped me realize that although PCOS is a struggle, I’m not alone. I also learned so many valuable tips that greatly helped me start to manage my PCOS! I especially loved the pantry staples episode! Thank y’all so much!!
  • A1988firehammer
    Ya’ll are awesome
    I just found you guys this week and I think I have listened to the majority of your podcasts already. I am definitely struggling with PCOS and you ladies bring a joy to the subject where I have been rather depressed about my latest lab and it is helping me see the hope again.
  • MorganNelson016
    Love !!!!
    I love this podcast ! I can’t thank you girls enough for creating this podcast for us PCOS gals ! I use my PCOS journal and drink my Cysterhood tea everyday ! We are trying to conceive and you ladies give me hope ! Much love from Texas !!
  • qtsusie13
    Thank you PCOS Girls!
    Thank you for your amazing support, tips and attitude surrounding PCOS and all those dealing with it. You’re energy and relatability is so heartwarming. Your knowledge on health and wellness is stellar and you present the info in such a friendly and funny way. I’ve been dying for you to talk about the Covid-19 isolation and how it has affected your lives and PCOS so I’m so excited to listen to ep 9! Thank you so much for this!
  • Sarah Hopkins
    1st episode in already gaining hope ❤️
    Girls! It’s so great to have found you & know there are others like me who “get” the symptoms and have found treatments. Excited for the future listens! 🌻
  • Lilly345
    Definitely give a listen! An amazing resource!
    I’m always searching for new resources and ways to learn how to manage my PCOS and came across both of these wonderful ladies accounts on Instagram! This podcast is definitely one of my favorites to go to for information and I can’t wait to learn more! Plus they’re just fun to listen to! Thanks ladies for putting this information out there and making those of us with PCOS not feel so alone and uninformed.
  • Iza1989
    I love these girls! I first came across them on IG when my GP wasn’t much help and I would follow their recommendations and once I heard they had a podcast I jumped to it! Some much information! So detailed!! I love itt. Its the SOS my body needed
  • pcos_keto_queen
    Game changer!
    I have been following PCOS to wellness for well over 2 years. I have learned so much from her than I ever learned from doctors. I have gained the confidence to take back my body and learn what I can do to help me naturally with my PCOS. I have a beautiful baby boy conceived through IUI and I’m hoping our next child will come naturally even though doctors told me it never happen. From bridgette I found Mel and PCOS pathways and ordered her journal! I love it. I write my intentions for self care plan out my needs. And there’s incredible information on things id never heard of before! So excited your podcast has finally launched!
  • emvo725
    Love love love
    I have been following these girls on Instagram for a while now, and I am so glad they’ve come together for this podcast! Struggling with PCOS and trying to figure out the right path to find balance can be so stress inducing and often isolating. They not only provide useful and scientific-based PCOS advice, but they are a joy to listen to!
  • Elizabeth Nichole
    A Breath of Fresh Air for the PCOS Community
    I’ve been anticipating the release of this podcast since it was announced and I was not disappointed! I listened to the first episode today and it was so good I kept listening through the first three episodes. I fee like Brigitte and Mel are my new virtual podcast bffs! They are so down to earth and relatable. I learned a lot despite having done so much of my own research and listening to a ton of other podcasts. After listening I felt encouraged and inspired rather than discouraged and overwhelmed with the information given. They are funny, knowledgeable, and real. Thank you both! 💕
  • alishasj13
    Adorable and Informative
    I have listened to soooo many PCOS podcasts and this one has by far been my favorite. It’s the perfect mixture of scientific information, personal experiences, and fun! Both of the girls share deeply personal experiences and clearly genuinely care about sharing helpful information with their listeners. I learned things I didn’t know about PCOS (and I’ve done a lot of research on my own time) and appreciated that a “one size fits all” approach was never posed by either of the girls. Aside from the content itself, the quality of the audio was perfect (you don’t realize how important this is until you listen to a podcast recorded with a bad mic) and their accents are adorable. The hour flew by! If you have PCOS this is something you MUST listen to, and if you don’t, it’s it’s something you simply should listen to just because you can.
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