heretics. | andrew gold


What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

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  • nucuplmnjuyh
    Tatchell episode
    Andrew do you really think a”tiny minority “ of men attack women?! Also you’ve made a mess of Bindel and especially Butler.
  • angrylf
    Not very good
    The host doesn’t appear to have very sharp interview skills or to fully understand the basic principles of journalism - he puts out catty gossip as ‘news’. He should have a show on Bravo rather than trying to do journalism.
  • ΘΔΡ
    What is it with all these English transphobes?
  • LoredonaLucrezia
    One of my favorite podcasts
    I listen to many of Andrew’s podcasts. They are always super informative and engaging. So many interesting guests and topics.
  • Iamnotamonster
    A bit tired
    I’ve been listening to this for years, and while I was initially fascinated by the anti-woke topics, it’s getting a bit repetitive. I know that Andrew finds it difficult to find those of varying viewpoints, but listening to different people yammering on about the same topic is tiring. I’m still tuning in though, mate, not giving up.
  • Luckiirish
    Really enjoy OtE + Heretics
    The purpose of the universe 🔮🌌 Love all the things trxns & specialists you’ve interviewed. Would love to hear from non-Brits too! Read your book! Loved it. 5stars reviewed on Audible Very hot taboo topics. I’m hooked.
  • DC-chillen
    I can understand why he was fired from BBC…
    I used to like Andrew, and I would hope he means well 🤷🏻‍♀️. But when the Russell Brand thing came out, he just defended him, even though Brand does have a raunchy reputation. Seeing as Andrew was a journalist, it would have been more respectful and helpful to maybe explain how investigative journalism works! That’s really important for people to know! But no, he’s still a child whining about how he was fired from his job at the BBC. And I believe he said something about (I’m paraphrasing) it’s selfish of reporters to be worried about whether or not their investigative work will hold up to scrutiny. No, that’s not selfish of them…folks have bills to pay. I was very appalled by his attitude towards the Israeli genocide on Gaza. He doesn’t seem to understand that if a trip to Israel is free, that means they have something to sell (good PR, defend Israel’s reputation). Basically you are the product of the free trip, they’re not going to show you the ugly side. I thought a respectable journalist would look at both sides! I unsubscribed at that point. Just because people are sympathetic to Palestinians, doesn’t mean they hate Jews. And Jews should do actual research on what life is like for Palestinians in Israel, and what life was like in Gaza before the bombardment. I also cannot stand him describing himself as a “fallen BBC reporter “ and I find it disturbing that he brags about being in a beer pong competition with a 12 year old kid on his website! That child has an extremely serious drinking problem! This is not something to be proud of!! And please stop complaining and whining about how you were fired by the BBC. It’s childish even if they wouldn’t let you do some major hosting gig on TV. And it’s been years now, so it’s time to move on! This is why I love Conan, he’s not a baby who whines about being kicked out of Late Night! And he’s doing great! 😊
  • B. Birdell
    Episode after episode
    Great listening! I started listening about six months ago. Episode 199 is a standout for me - super interesting and thank you for letting your guests talk! Bonus points! The royal family is a cult?? That’s a bit of a stretch. The Jon Atack one the week of 7/2/23 is really good. I learned something I didn't know about Charles Manson. Re: RussellBrand: what you should have said is nothing. Live and learnn. I wish he would quit talking about all the things. YouTube doesn't let him do. It interrupts the flow of the podcast and it's not anything I can do some thing about so just don't bring it up. Just don't do the things you're not supposed to do and just quit talking about it! 1/3/2024: andrew's gone off the rails. Why talk only about transwomen and not transmen? Keeps heading downhill...
  • bull&$it
    Loved your talk with Tom Nash! Such an inspirational spirit. I had a bad day today. But after listening to his story my problems don’t feel so horrible or insurmountable. Great interview, I really enjoy your pod. ✨ Thank you 🙏
  • FritoHigh
    Love the premise!
    It’s refreshing to hear from so many diverse voices that oftentimes hood the elites and the establishment accountable and a great counter culture show. It’s refreshing to see a show that is liberal and allows for free speech and free thought to reign.
  • brave_rage101
    Authenticity Abounds
    Andrew’s goofy thoughtful curious vibe coaxes guests into speaking as comfortably as they’d be chatting in your living room...albeit, about really tough & important stuff! 80% of the audio pod episodes are the best ever, anywhere, hands down. Not much for the royal fam mumbo jumbo.
  • Sicopaw
    I just can’t take the man child seriously
  • joshelliot
    I enjoy the show
    I've been enjoying the show, and it seems to be only getting better! keep it up! 👍
  • rugbycritic
    I thought this was a nuanced podcast in which differing views were discussed and given equal consideration. After listening to the last two episodes this does not seem to be the case. It seems to definitely lean towards conservative and right wing views.
  • aajamurray
    Andrew Gold podcast
    Just came across this podcast thanks to the YouTube algorithm! Great conversations, have listened to a few and look forward to listening to more
  • AnnaSewell
    Shaun Atwood interview oldie but a greatie!!
    Sorry if I’m a bit behind, catching up. This one is fantastic!! Goes from the jaw-drop to the hysterical ridculousness. I went to art sk00l, if I misspell a word or grammar is sketchy (no pun). - just remember a picture is worth a 1,000 words. Wanna drag? (as in race 🙄) Andrew you are a wonderful interviewer! I’ve only listened to a few so far, but I imagine your guests must truly appreciate you! I can hear it in their conversation with you.
  • ConvertOutEast
    Dude, you’re turning into my grandpa
    W-w-what happened, Andrew? Why so right wing crazy lately? Chill, bruh.
  • jski94
    Changed From 5 Star to 1 Star
    I loved Andrew’s show for years and then all of a sudden he turned into a weirdo right winger who is obsessed with trans people and DEI. If that’s your thing fine, but that’s definitely not the stuff I listen to. Sorry you’ve lost a loyal listener who started listening on episode 10.
  • AnakinCarver
    Andrew Gold is a bigot
    Desperate Rogan wannabe. Obvious why the BBC fired him.
  • LambChop914
    A New Fave
    A new listener, really enjoy this show. Interesting guests in a format that is not combative or argumentative but instead enlightening. Andrew is intelligent and interested in his guests opinions even when he disagrees with them. That is refreshing in and of itself. I’d like to see him expand into all sorts of topics because his style of unpacking a topic will work for any issue. Keep ‘em coming!
  • Kirtjay_s
    Recent Episode
    Kellie Jay Keene comes off as so hateful. She is inflating the trans thing way beyond rationality. I understand knowing both sides but Gold is only showing the one side, the side that scratches some judgmental itch Andrew has. INTERVIEW A TRANS PERSON and get their opinion too, they are seen as much more of a “heretic” than you could ever know I imagine.
  • JamieL45
    Used to be one of my weekly must listens.
    The absolute OBSESSION with trans hate has reached a fever pitch that I’ll never understand. Why, just why? Inviting every edgelord with an opinion to drone on and on with drivel that should’ve stayed on 4Chan where it belongs is an embarrassment to what used to be such a great podcast. Andrew is a fantastic host who used to bring valuable insight and attention to dangerous cults and other groups, stories I hadn’t heard anywhere else, but now it’s just hate on marginalized groups who don’t affect anyone else by simply existing. Get a grip, giving a platform to trash is not going to go the way you want, I mean unless you love the alt-right crowd then I guess you’ll be a hit. What a waste of talent.
  • Tryingtoremainafan
    severe disappointment
    I am a follower of the anti Scientology movement and I was a follower of yours too until your most recent harry/Meghan stunt & now I’m done. They are only in the media because the British press keeps putting them in the media. Recycling old stories and finding so-called “insiders” and “experts” to comment on them. They haven’t said anything in public in the past year—just attended events. It’s the deep seated racism & chauvinism & hate bait from people like you that keep it going. If anyone actually BELIEVES the garage that British (and Australian & Indian & Chinese) media puts out then I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. There was ZERO need for you to solicit MORE clicks by putting harry & Meghan in your headline. You know that YouTube has created a huge harry & Meghan hate machine and YOU used this to get more views and followers which is DISGUSTING. That’s exactly why you did it & you know it. Harry & Meghan are against ALL of the types of things that Scientology does (abuse, gaslighting, intimidation, slander)—but that obviously doesn’t matter to you. This is the grossest method of getting clout that you could’ve used. I now wish that you were not part of the anti Scientology movement because if you’re seeking clicks based on hatred of those two individuals then you are NO BETTER than the Scientology organization. Gross.
  • Knights&castles
    There’s such a missed opportunity here. Gold sometimes has some really interesting guests on, and there are moments when the show approaches nuanced takes on difficult issues, but in the next moment Gold will loose that entirely to express some dogmatic viewpoint. In a wide-ranging episode with a psychologist guest, Gold mentions the U.S. congressional hearing where several presidents of prestigious universities were questioned and failed to unilaterally state that calling for genocide of Jews would violate codes of conduct. Clearly awful. But of course the nuance is that Americans do have Constitutionally protected rights to free speech, and universities must tread carefully in determining when and how speech might violate a code of conduct. It’s a gray area. One of many Gold seems to willfully trample through, despite claiming to believe that opposing sides on an issue need to be in dialogue together. In sum, I think that Gold has chosen to take his podcast and YouTube channel down a new, clickbait-maximizing path, giving lip service to dialogue, while failing to have any meaningful understanding of what that might look like.
  • Presto13
    Too much hate on marginalized people
    I enjoyed you on your come up, Andrew, but it appears I'm not the only one grossed out by your lazy focus on "nuances" of trans hate. I don't have time or energy for this. Please, back to more like Cults to Consciousness, tho Alex O'Connor might be alright... I find it hard to take you seriously now. All about the money/audience capture metrics?
  • Erinbangify
    Trans women are women
    It’s weird how obsessed folks are about what is between another’s legs. Absolutely unbelievable you had this woman on and are crying about cancel culture. We have the right to not follow, pay for, or tolerate antiquated, bigoted views. Nothing about her is punk rock and you’re nothing but a right wing sheep.
  • Aio1972
    Lack of understanding
    I get that you are more rightwing and I am not. However, the fact that you are accusing Gretta Thunburg of narcissism because you don’t agree with her message show a huge lack of self reflection on your part. I have given you a 2 stars because I find some of your content interesting and I do like hear the other side of the debate.
  • m/h/s
    You think nothing like me (& I love that :)
    This show is very unique - a mixed bag of all kinds of interesting and in depth conversations with people I didn’t even know would fascinate me! I had no idea who Andrew Gold was when I heard him speak about exorcisms as a guest on Strange Planet, but I’ve become a big fan of his paradoxically compassionate irreverence. Getting access to the mental processes of people so different than myself is an invaluable gift that this show really delivers on. I’ve been absorbed by every episode I’ve heard, but fyi it was Episode 53 (I survived a plane crash and had to eat my friends) that drove me to actually write a review. Very moving, and although I love the show’s style as it’s developed over 250 episodes, I’d also like to see some future story-format episodes like this one. WELL DONE, ANDREW! (now stop stroking yourself get back to work on more shows ;)
  • surround
    Love this guy!
    I ran across this podcast accidentally and am so very glad I did. SUCH A PLEASURE… that we don’t have to agree on everything and there can still be a conversation with a bit of critical thinking and quite a few laughs thrown in! Andrew’s content is consistently great. Thank you! Please, don’t stop!
  • ceela26
    Always interesting!
    This is an excellent podcast for people who have open minds and are free thinkers. No, you won’t agree with every guest. How boring that would be. There have been a couple I might even like to take a swing at irl. But Andrew is a sincerely interested and interesting person who enthusiastically tells the truth as he sees it and lets his guests do the same. What more could you possibly want? Happy Hanukkah Andrew!
  • MYKAL 87
    Remember violence
    Andrew…. I just listened to your interview about the cancelled man. While I disagree with the interviewers perspective, and will not stop listening to your podcast, I found the conversation very English/ Euro specific. I think you missed an important issue with the racism and physical threats that are overwhelming in the US. We can not have this conversation legitimately in the US when I’m America this whole topic is used for blatant attacks and violence. Just wanted to remind you that some countries are truly facing horrible violent attacks here in the developed world.
  • GatsbyNYC
    Name dropping
    Interesting content and mostly skilled interviews, but the constant references to people he's talked to in the past gets obnoxious. I want to hear what Andrew and his guests think, not what Christopher Hitchens once said. And shut up about YouTube restrictions. If you disagree with their policies, don't use them.
  • violetjohnson
    Not for me
    I used to like your podcast but when you recently said you put a poll on YouTube asking if trans women are LITERALLY women and that the 10% that answered yes were lying or wrong, that's too much. That attitude is why so many people aren't accepting of trans women and men. I'm out. Trans women are women.
  • Tuhisa
    Liking This Podcast More All The time
    I’m enjoying this podcast more and more as I listen to various topics. I like that the host allows his guests to do most of the talking. He seems like a genuinely good guy. I have some issues with Chavie Weisberger saying she was available to give talks on subjects including being “Queer” because she is clearly bisexual, not Queer. Being bisexual can’t possibly present emotionally or in any other way the same as being exclusively gay. If one thinks about it, that just makes zero sense. If she wanted to be payed to give talks about being bisexual she would be in the appropriate wheelhouse. I’m very sorry that anyone has to be afraid simply because of the way they were born be it Jewish or Arabic or any other ethnicity or any designation of sexuality.
  • JChrismond
    What is it
    I’ve enjoyed many of your episodes, but I’m having a problem “getting it”. I have college, a good IQ yet I just don’t have a clue as to WHAT IT IS. I’ve listened closely and still do not get what it is about. A bunch of people controlling each other, walking around rather stiffly, doing nothing I’m able to grasp. I had planned to listen to a few podcast and find out what this nutty scientology stuff is about. I’ve enjoyed but I continue to understand nothing. NOTHING. What is it. Money and control and mind washing. Are they aliens. What is the deal. Please just say what it is in plain words PLEASE. Making me nuts. Is it just nothing. Surely there is more. Their principles, goals, beliefs. Or is it just being weird and that’s it. Thank You. Thank you. I’m understanding ‘what it is’. After hours of listening to various podcasts I could not figure out what it was I knew it was bad but especially after today I am finally understanding more of the meat of it. Thank you Wow. Thank you. I finally understand enough to satisfy my interest. Crazy. Thank you Wow, I can hardly believe how Awesome ttoy think you are. I had never heard of you and shall try to forget the short time I have. What a hoot. Thats why you have so many pics o yourself. Pity for you. What a sad case you are. Lol
  • storiented
    Great podcast on your experience of being Jewish in this climate
    It is heart breaking to hear about your experience walking past that rally. No one should have to deal with hate for their identity. I appreciate your perspective and I learned a lot through the statistics you offered. I read and listen to a wide variety of resources so I can get the most out of the available information. I wish others would do the same. I appreciate that you also offered compassion for the suffering endured by the Palestinians. I can not imagine what it would feel like to be either Muslim or Jewish but I do feel that being Jewish brings a lot of risks especially right now and that is so f-ing awful. I am so sorry for what you and others are going though and I am so impressed with your willingness to be authentic by sharing your fear and vulnerabilities. It is because of this I believe that you will remain strong. I wish you the best. I do have one small ask- I am a democrat. I did bristle when there were comments about the left supporting “decolonization “. This is the attitude on the progressive far left side. That is by no means representative of my views or the majority of democrats. You are right- after the Jewish targets, Americans in general are next on the list. I would appreciate hedging the declarations with some on the left or the progressive/ extreme far left for future comments. Again, I wish you the best along with hope that our country along with our allies remain strong and steadfast.
    Delightful Miscellany
    I don’t listen to all episodes based upon specific interests, but when I do I really like interview approach.
  • DianeW98683
    Population Collapse episode
    The Population Collapse episode is full of misinformation. For one thing, the Earth’s population is already way beyond the carrying capacity of the Earth and still growing. The birth rates of several countries are increasing including Israel (which used to be below replacement level and is now well above it), the US, and all of Africa. They didn’t even mention that issue nor the amount of land needed to feed each additional person born. Another issue they failed to mention is that each person born in third-world countries strives to live a US-style suburban lifestyle requiring cars for transportation. They are needlessly alarming people about a non-existent issue when there are real serious problems to deal with that people need to focus on. Another thing I’ve noticed about the Andrew Gold show is that it becoming more like Jerry Springer (with more sensational episodes) but this misinformation-filled episode is the last straw for me.
  • eireanneb
    A Real-life Thinking Human podcast
    Jus discovered you. Was looking for stuff on Scientology et al, but have heard your RBrand and Israel podcasts. Just floored at your honesty, balanced, thoughtful approach to crazy. We need more considerate thinkers in podcasting and online. Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity. Peace.
  • Nullity
    Just found this …
    Edit 10/3/23: I need more gangster Andrew in my life. Can we just get a whole episode where he talks like that? Original:.. and wow! I normally do not listen to anything except true crime but I found this by accident and thank goodness I did. What a wonderful podcast. It’s nice to hear something intelligent and thought-provoking. Fantastic show!
  • tspmama
    Always interesting
    Andrew consistently has interesting guests and a fairly balanced and nuanced approach to what they have to say. As the unfortunate result of being human, he has the occasional misstep, but I like that he learns from them and acknowledges them honestly. I really appreciate the variety of guests he brings on. Don’t forget us podcast listeners in your quest for YouTube views, Andrew! We’re more loyal 😉
  • Dirk Rathbone
    Great Podcast
    Andrew always does a great job bringing on interesting guests and asking thoughtful questions.
  • Alymaylin
    Critical Thinker
    I appreciate Andrew’s goal of encouraging objective, critical thinking; something many struggle in achieving.
  • Bree by the beach
    Love on the edge!
    Andrew Gold! You are doing great walking the line of 2 extreme views. Don’t cave or apologize to the online bullies. Your fans know you! I love this Podcast. There is a wide variety of interesting topics and guests. The host is inquisitive and asks important questions that we are all asking. It’s a nice break from my true crime obsessions but equally interesting.
  • EllenpdxGirl
    Thank you!
    You are so open minded Andrew. Thank you for always looking at both sides. Like you I don’t believe Russell Brand’s denial of the recent allegations, and I think you went about it gracefully and openly and now rightfully so, you’ve decided to believe the women who’ve come forward. I just listened to your 9/19/23 ten min podcast explaining everything about the fuss surrounding the situation with Russell Brand and at the end you humbly asked anyone who really did support you and understand where you were coming from to leave you a good review if possible. Well here’s one of those -‘keep going mate, your content is highly original, well done, and cutting edge. Your coverage on a wide range of subjects never fails to disappoint, cheers.
  • Sophincollege
    Interesting Topics
    I have been listening to this podcast for a long time and I’ve enjoyed the wide range of topics as well as Andrew’s approach to different issues. Rather than telling us what to think, Andrew tries to give us all the information so we can make up our minds. I don’t listen to all of the Scientology episodes (seems like too many to me), but I know a lot of people find those especially interesting. Thanks Andrew for being willing to dive into interesting, taboo, and difficult topics!
  • Brit Janeb
    Chaotic Drivel
    Not sure what this guy’s background is, but he should not be podcasting! Of the few episodes I’ve listened to, he’s unprepared, steps over his guests when they’re answering him and responds to some like an inane teenager (girl who had been assaulted by police, lost count of how many times he said “oh my god” in response to her allegations instead of either an empathetic response or an intelligent comment /question). My guess is he tries to deliver something for all levels of intellect, but misses the mark by a mile. I have not been able to finish an episode due to my frustration at his lack of interviewing skills. He sounds totally chaotic and unsophisticated. There are many genres of podcasts and I can’t think of one where this guy would have a genuine comfort level. Too bad, because as a Brit living in the US, I always enjoy listening to another Brit. The scam that is Scientology should be a fascinating subject, but each guest he’s had on this subject has been reduced to a yammering ninny due to the immature level/style of questioning.
  • Lulu the cat
    Such wisdom and moderation.
    Love this podcast. It’s smart. I’ve been listening for a year. I was disturbed by the first take on the allegations against Russell Brand - but am very much appreciating Gold’s correction to his original take (posted 9/19). I was on the verge of unsubscribing after that first take, which praised Brand as well as Joe Rogan. (Really? Joe Rogan? Please reconsider that. What looks like transparency and honesty on his part is more like trolling, sorry to say.) Thank you for recognizing bias and standing up for fairness.
  • Alti44
    No Need For Apologies
    I enjoy listening to the interesting and insightful discussions Andrew conducts here. In regards to his recent apology/explanation, I feel this was unnecessary. Throughout the episode (since removed) Andrew remains emphatically objective, continuously making it clear he was merely presenting the information he had known up until that point. Andrew - don’t be so hard on yourself and keep up the great work!
  • mrkit2u
    Stretches your mind
    Andrew Gold has one of the most thoughtful and interesting podcasts. He focuses on mob-mentality thinking, high-control groups like cults, and illogical and hard-to-explain human behavior. Prepare to (and enjoy!) having your assumptions and beliefs challenged by a man with integrity. Five stars easy!
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