Nutrition for Littles

Nutrition #119

Alyssa Miller RD will cover how to handle picky eating, mealtime meltdowns, building a healthy relationship with food and so much more. If you have young children and mealtimes look more like a battlefield than a peaceful family meal make sure to tune in, subscribe and share this podcast with all your mom friends.

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Recent Reviews
  • LeahCBG
    Great ideas to make meal times better
    I work as a Parent Educator and have found all of the tips and tricks extremely helpful. Meal times are easier for the families I work with now because of her suggestions and guidance!
  • rach94507
    Alyssa is a Picky Eater expert
    Alyssa is so helpful and I am so grateful for her knowledge and expertise! Her table talk program is AMAZING! Highly recommend it! Thank you Alyssa for helping our family and children get to the root cause of picky eating!
  • valeriet1234
    Tools I never thought of!
    As a parent you feel helpless when your child is a picky eater. It’s frustrating and it’s worrisome when you wonder if they’re getting the nutrients they need. Alyssa’s approach and ideas are like nothing I had ever heard. Thanks so much Alyssa!
  • Mecorre
    Learned so much!!!
    Mom of 3 here and I have learned so much from the info in this podcast!! I love that Alyssa is a dietitian, I trust her advice and the strategies she shares. My 6 and 4 year old have tried so many new foods since implementing her techniques, highly recommend to any parent.
  • DRTML111111
    Alyssa has so many great tips and has helped me SO MUCH in my journey with picky eating. 10/10 recommend!!!
  • mariesm229
    As a mom of 2 picky eaters, dinner time became a time of stress and wanting to live off cereal. Thank you, Alyssa, for giving us say tips to get us to enjoy dinner again! This podcast is a must listen!
  • jkmc8627
    Highly suggest
    I've purchased her Table Talk program and listened to the podcast - Alyssa shares tons of great information and ideas to help shape a balanced eater. She conveys things in small, digestible nuggets that are easy to implement and over time you see changes in your child(ren).
  • Laurenkay1993
    So helpful
    Love this podcast! Honestly has helped me so much in reversing my son’s picky eating habits and setting up our next baby for success. She keeps episodes short and to the point. She’s also very relatable, humble, and knowledgeable. If you’re struggling with picky eating this is worth a listen.
  • JackInTheGram
    I LOVE the information provided in this podcast but consistently referring to listeners as mama makes it impossible for me to get my spouse engaged in listening to them because he doesn’t feel included and it also makes me feel very much like I’m the one expected to take the initiative in caring for my children when there are two of us raising our children. I’m much less inclined to listen because of the framing.
  • Desiresdestiny
    Thank you
    My baby is only 5 months but listening to your stuff helps me mentally prepare 😀
  • Elmn8899
    Practical Advice
    I started listening to this podcast when I was preparing for the whole milk transition. I have since listened to multiple other episodes. Alyssa gives you practical advice on how to feed your little while hopefully staying away from picky eating! I love that they are short episodes as a busy Mom!
  • bcjsnsjdf
    New mom here
    I am a new momma here and this has been a great podcast to help ease my mind with all of the advice out there. The podcast is short and sweet and gets to the point. Perfect for this working mom.
  • wellnessforthewin
    So helpful and realistic!!!
    I love all that Alyssa shares on this podcast. So much useful information that is realistic for moms to apply, and really empowers moms to care for their babes in a way that feels good to them. I’ve been grateful for this podcast as a first time mom navigating feeding my son!
    Exactly What I Need As A Mommy!!
    Being introduced to the wealth of wisdom that flows from Alyssa has been such a gift in my motherhood journey! Finally I’m learning how I can not only journey toward food freedom myself but also instill that in my children so they won’t have to face all the body challenges I’ve had to face! Definitely binging episodes!
  • WFNative
    As an RD myself, I find the eating struggles with my toddlers the trigger that makes me lose my cool. Alyssa has turned it around for me and made meal times fun again and taken away the constant battles and stress that surrounded meal time and brought back the enjoyable experience it should be. Division of reponsibilty is an absolute game changer! Thank you Alyssa!
  • anybeth333
    Such great advice
    I love the super practical and smart advice that Alyssa provides in these short but super informative episodes geared towards busy moms. Listening to this podcast and following her on instragram has really made me change the way I look at feeding both of my kids, especially my "pickier" daughter. She constantly reminds me that what matters most is my kids' long term relationship with food, not exactly what they are or are not eating at any one meal. Listening to this podcast and her other one, The Mama Well, has also made me reexamine my own relationship with food and look at how what I do and say might impact my children in the future.
  • MGJ9
    It’s the little things
    Listening to Alyssa’s podcast has helped me make little but important things in my feeding approach.I grew up in a household where my mom put so much effort into making the food but reading was a whole another ballgame. As a busy mother I would like to focus more on the feeding and less on prepping meals so this podcast has been super helpful
  • MrsBeccaLamb
    So helpful!
    I’ve followed Alyssa for a while now, found her through Diet Riot, and now listen to The Mama Well and I just love learning from her! She is a wealth of information on how to help your children eat and grow with a HEALTHY relationship with food!
  • 66joann
    Must Listen!
    Such wonderful information packed in short podcasts! Because you know life with toddlers, you don’t have much free time!
  • GA481
    So much info in bite-sized chunks
    I’ve learned so much about my sons picky eating and tips and strategies that help him and even my older stepson. Even better are the short episodes which make it easy to get through one while I’m on a walk, in my car or folding laundry!
  • laurenmckins
    Practical and Real
    Love this podcast and I’m so glad I found it! The topics make me feel like I’m not alone when it comes to my concerns and worries regarding my son’s picky eating. Her advice is practical and SO helpful. I also love that the episodes are a quick, but impactful listen! So thankful!
  • Apaschel
    Love it!
    Super helpful info for parents looking to foster intuitive eating with their kiddos. Alyssa’s podcast is my go to when I need guidance on food related issues with my kiddo.
  • MariaAllen
    I love the advice shared here for helping children learn to eat and helping let go of our own food issues!
  • jenzak1
    Short eps, important content
    As a parent, we don’t have a ton of time — Alyssa’s short and helpful episodes help me get valuable insight and tools to use with my picky eater right away. It’s so easy to feel alone on the picky food journey — and this podcast reminds me every time that this is a normal part of raising a toddler. Can’t wait for more episodes!
  • hetch615
    Very realistic to life at the table
    Loving these podcasts. If I have a question about my picky eater I know I can find it here! She keeps it very relatable to what struggles really are at the table and guides you through navigating them without worry. You can definitely tell she’s a mom whose been through it all but is also very educated and knowledgeable on the nutrition end of things. I also like how she occasionally answers listener questions.
  • TheoNsid
    User Friendly and Uber helpful
    Love the content of the podcasts and how easy it is to get what you need. Episodes are short and usually hit one topic which is nice when you don’t have much time and a loud toddler. I keep going back for more and have loved implementing what I’m learning.
  • MushkeeWolf
    I have a picky eater 🙌🏼
    My 4 year old is such a picky eater and these podcasts are so so informative. I love listening to Alyssa. It has given be a different outlook on mealtimes and food in general. My main best tip is dessert together with the meal.. always a winner!
  • elebellexo
    Great content
    Love all the tips and tricks
  • Ashley_C1213
    So thankful for this podcast and the help it provides. My daughter is a super picky eater and this helps me to learn new ways to expand her lost of safe foods. Thank you! <3
  • LBrohajan (Lauren Brocone)
    Helps me feel like I can do this!
    I appreciate that the episodes are short enough that I’m not feeling overwhelmed (and have time to listen!) and that Alyssa breaks them down into actionable items while also explaining the method and philosophy behind them. I have realistic expectations that this will take time and consistency and confidence that this is the right approach. So grateful for this content!
  • Nmt1219
    Quick, easy listen packed with information
    Love this podcast is a quick, easy listen. I’ve finished every podcast learning at least one thing new!
  • savann89
    So helpful and encouraging!
    The strategies I’ve learned from Alyssa on her podcast and Instagram have honestly changed my life. I went from meals being a high pressure, performance based ordeal, to connecting and enjoying the company of my family while we eat. I cannot recommend this podcast enough. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Alyssa!
  • mariehilton
    Great content
    As a mother of a “picky eater” I have started implementing so many of these strategies in hopes of one day my child will try new foods and have more of a variety of likes. We have definitely made progress but still have a ways to go. So thankful for this podcast.
  • Stephanie0329
    Picky eater mamas unite!
    My 2.5 year old has struggled with picky eating due to starting off her food journey with an egg allergy. She has outgrown it luckily, but the pickiness remains. What I love about Alyssa is she gives solutions to help, but also takes into consideration that real life happens and gives suggestions for those situations as well. I love listening to this podcast while I’m working and always walk away with something fun to try with my little one.
  • lab334573
    Really works
    Great feedback and usable information. Tried two techniques discussed, intro of a new food (broccoli) and taking dessert off the pedestal and both were a success. 18 m old asks for broccoli for breakfast and no whining about a cupcake!
  • Lexy Michel
    Helpful & Practical & REAL
    I was so thankful to find the mama.and.me_rd Instagram account, and then this podcast! We have been struggling with our 13-month old picky eater and honestly I had given up! I’ve found so many helpful tips to introducing variety to my son, and also staying calm in the process 😅 So thankful for this channel!
  • BethB03
    Great Advice!
    I love listening to Alyssa’s great advice for my twin littles! I often don’t have much extra time to research so her podcast is my go to ☺️
  • Bitz505
    Solidarity in picky eating!
    This podcast is just amazing. I love how real Alyssa is and how practical her tips and discussions are. There is no magic fix for serious picky eating, but no longer feeling alone in this journey/battle has been huge.
  • imall_vol
    So Helpful
    I can’t tell you how much Alyssa’s guidance has helped me to become a parent who can feed her child confidently and calmly. We’re only at 2 years old, but off to a good start and I don’t plan to stop listening any time soon.
  • AMW2587
    Raising a happy, independent eater
    I recommend anyone with young children check out this podcast! But especially people who may not have the healthiest relationship with food themselves (hello 🙋🏼‍♀️ first Weight Watchers meeting at 13) in order to learn how to break those habits and help raise a healthy, independent and intuitive eater. It’s definitely changed the way I approach feeding my son and I’m so grateful if found Alyssa (check her out on Instagram too! Mama and Me RD)
  • ae.kosk
    So helpful
    As a mom of two littles, this podcast is so helpful and practical! Love that the episodes and short and specific. I recommend it for other parents and caretakers!
  • Mer7rickst
    Expert advice, easy to follow
    Great podcast, filled with lots of helpful tips! So many simple changes to help your little eat better!
  • Jesslynn12216
    So helpful!!
    This podcast has been very helpful in learning what and how to serve good to born my 4 and 1 year old sons. Alyssa takes the guesswork out of feeding littles! She is extremely knowledgeable but all of the information she presents is accessible and easy to understand. I love listening to her podcast, following her on Instagram and receiving her emails. It’s been a godsend!
  • Meghan p @meggorud89
    Great podcast!
    I am so grateful for this podcast! Alyssa shares so much amazing information about selective aka picky ;) eaters in a concise (#mom life) and fun way! I originally started following Alyssa on instagram and when I realized she had a podcast I was so excited- and it did not disappoint! Each episode is an amazing evidence-based nugget of information that has helped us understand more about our daughter’s eating behaviors and takes the pressure off at mealtimes! I always look forward to this podcast. This is an amazing resource! Thank you for all the wonderful info!
  • Sallisonian
    Excellent, quick advice!
    This is a great podcast for anyone looking to help foster a good relationship with food with their children! The episodes are quick, with helpful information presented succinctly and thoroughly. I love listening in the car on the way to daycare!
  • alitort
    Great for picky toddlers!
    Great tips and tricks to diversify toddler eating!
  • alij22
    Awesome podcast!
    These podcasts are so informative, encouraging and helpful for my little ones and for me! I’m so thankful to have found them! Thank you Alyssa!!
  • BJWalsh2
    Informative and quick!
    Love how realistic these episodes are can listen quickly. Alyssa makes such great points/ plans and doesn’t make you feel guilty at all about where you are now. Highly recommend this podcast!
  • yogiheartyogi
    Real Life Useful Tips
    This podcast gives real life useful tips on how to help stop picky eating!
  • Krishma87
    Picky eating
    Dinner has always been a struggle. I think the way I was raised nutritionally- it’s hard to break a cycle like that (no choice in foods, made to finish your whole plate etc). Alyssa’s podcast on when to worry and ideas to help with picky eating have helped so much of shifting my mindset on how to feed my toddler and the best part- they actually work! Her advice is amazing. Thank you Alyssa!
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