The Jesse Kelly Show

News #115News Commentary #29

Unfiltered and Unapologetic, Jesse Kelly is the greatest mind of the 21st century now on demand. From history to politics to pizza The Jesse Kelly Show has it all in a no nonsense kind of way. Whether you're a veteran like Jesse, or just a good ol fashion red blooded American, the show has something for everyone.“Jesse Kelly brings intelligence, unique insight, and cutting humor to the world of political commentary.” — Jesse Kelly

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Recent Reviews
  • Derek Gates 11
    The Divide
    I listen to the open of your Mar 2, 2022 episode regularly. To remind me of why we fight the scum of DC. You alone are not the Divide, We the People 🇺🇸 are with you making the divide wider and stronger. #WeWillNeverForget. #TheDivide.
  • Notadamncommie
    Love The Jesse Kelly Show
    I love, love, love the Jesse Kelly show. I like the podcast much better than the tv show on The First because Jesse’s humor comes out. Love the history and comedy and of course the insight into the demise of western culture.
  • Frank and Cressa Dovigh
    Literally Great
    Jesse Kelly is literally great
  • Scotty n NC
    Anti communist leader
    The Jesse Kelly Show is by far the best conservative podcast in the world. Listening to Jesse gives me hope for the future of America.
  • busby62
    Jesse Kelly
    I have noticed some bad reviews as of late. I have decided those must come from some testosterone deprived girly men. How could you bash an obviously committed anti-communist if that weren’t so? Besides being funny, I afraid to tell it like is, he’s also handsome. He reminds me of……..ME! Only taller.
  • Fad Flub
    “Free Speech”, LOL!
    Jesse is a total “Con. Inc.”, Controlled Opposition fraud—-Thank you for completely censoring my previous review!
  • zackdaddy85
    Male LMT
    F U
  • Swings39
    Best talk show host period
    Tells the truth. Make you laugh. Understands that pizza is to be dipped in ranch every single time. And looks like me so is obviously handsome.
  • RoutineDrop
    We need more sane voices like his. I found him through Tuckers podcast. He represents the majority of Americans that want the insanity to stop.
  • Backroads Buck
    The Truth Hurts
    You know you’re going to get the truth with this show, right? You’re may get your feelings hurt, you may get a little offended, you may even want to walk away. But you won’t because deep down in your core you know the truth hurts. You listen to one of these shows and within five minutes you’re hooked. Oh, people threaten to turn it off, but they can’t! Because nothing is as addicting as the truth when our entire life is surrounded by lies 24/7/365. So pull up an ear and listen to the truth for a change. You’re never going to be the same afterwards. Forewarned.
  • Kokosz30
    Jessy is the MAN! Literally!
    After seeing JK on the Tucker show, this is all I listen to now.. Literally, the best.
  • Jesse Dunlap
    If you love commercials, you’ll love this
    If you love listening to ad after ad after ad… you’ll love this! Also, stop comparing him to Rush, one of the most brilliant Americans to ever live! Jesse Kelly rehashes and over-explains fairly simple conservative viewpoints. Comparing him to Rush, who had a remarkable gift, makes you sound pretty dumb.
  • Dr. Albert Falls
    World Famous Author.
    Jesse Kelly is a world famous author who is also THE menu whisperer, a top three napper, a committed anti-communist, and is literally so handsome. More importantly, he’s a committed husband and father. This isn’t your mommy’s show, this is your daddy’s show. Listen and learn and act.
  • Auntie Kathy!
    A rare Man!
    Jesse is a committed anti communist! And smart and devastatingly handsome To boot❣️❣️❣️
  • Land of Enchantment Lobo
    Jameson Ellis TX-2
    Republican Primary Voters - Vote Jameson Ellis for U.S. Congress TX-2
  • Joseff Biden
    Jesse Kelly
    He’s so handsome and smart. He literally is the best menu whisperer ever.
  • JillD55
    Jesse IS the best, even if he says so.
    He’s so much like Rush, and that’s a high compliment. He’s informative AND funny, just like Rush was. We listened to Rush from 1989 to 2021 and miss him terribly, but Jesse fills the hole in our hearts.
  • rschmidt1957
    Interesting perspective
    Truthful opinions
  • jesnlil
    It’s called….
    Accelerationist. And, it’s better than the alternative. Ruin it. In MY time.
  • I’m with you always m28:20
    Forget it
    I’ll never vote for trump again don’t matter what.
  • Blitzer36095
    You are soooooo good looking
    THE face of radio. Literally!
  • Tlb000004
    Literally the most handsome!
    This man is literally the best and most handsome man to ever grace radio. He’s a world famous author with a handful of community college credits to his name too. He’s also very cultured and goes to Europe. High brow radio right here. Impress your friends and family and listen to the Jesse Kelly Show.
  • whoaachick
    Never miss a show!
    Love Jesse! Thank you for what you do!!
  • sandblaster73
    Awesome job dude!!!
  • Shamrock715
    DeSantis is just awful.
  • Bee Guy 23
    Most handsome host (no homo)
    Guy is on the cutting edge
  • blind puppy
    Oh great one
    Thank you for your lessons. You are right! You know that though. Glad I found you . Still want a pin!!! Getter done! I have a whole family that wants one. They’re not blood either . I’m mean a whole big giant family. Fight one brother . We will too.
  • Nick 7140
    Huge stud
    This guy is a huge stud muffin. He is “changing peoples lives” Listen, thank you !
  • Slaggles
    I like how Jesse makes me uncomfortable
    While always smiling that beautiful smile of his, Jesse tells the hard truth, good and hard, then offers ways to fight the marxists who are currently in charge. He is witty, wise, winsome, and wild. I will never stop listening to his podcast. He is THE BEST! Susan in Texas
  • BobK77
    Must-Listen : Save Our Country From Communists
    Everyone who cares about their country, and wishes to prevent communist rule, needs to tune into this show. You will learn so much — useful to the mission of blocking communist rule — that you will not learn elsewhere. Barna, a listener who "grew up under the evils of communism”, summarized Jesse Kelly’s unique characteristic: "I find your insight into communism the best I have seen of anyone without direct experience living under communism.” I will add two key qualities of Jesse Kelly which are critical to his superb performance in this role: [1] A deep knowledge and understanding of history … of the history that matters most, and best explains, the topics of communism, and how to apply that history in understanding today’s world. [2] An ability to analyze, summarize, condense, and simplify complex topics into explanations that *anyone* can understand … all without losing any of the critical essence of the topic. Keep up the superb teaching and encouragement of The Anti-Communists !
  • HiDef24
    Most handsome podcaster ever. thank you..
  • Rickysmith702
    The best part time radio show ever!!! Literally
  • chanfamfirst1
    Too many commercials!
    Too many commercials!
  • parler#1
    Thank you
    Thank you sir. Enough said
  • Trap59
    Mui Elagante Oracle
    Could there be a man more unsuitable for a radio gig?! It’s a shame to waist that mui elagante mug on a radio show. Oh wait! There’s more!!! He’s on TV too. Whew! All is well now! Girls if you need some eye candy to make your day brighter, Just tune in to The First TV and let the fawning begin. Viva el Oracle mui elagante!
  • WalkerNightfall1313
    The Most Handsome Man In Radio
    I’ve listened to the show for a long time, however tonight I tuned in to the television show. My jaw dropped. What I beheld was perhaps the most handsome man in the world. I had always thought the sultry sounds of his voice wafting over the radio waves lent itself to a face of wonders. Whether it was the confident sound of “Journalist Jesse” or the expertly delivered “Habla” that would put any Spanish speaker to shame. I always knew he was handsome. Having seen his face now confirmed my initial thoughts. Please give the show a listen, so you too can hear the most handsome man in radio.
  • brodiebeaz
    Handsome Peach fuzz!
    No one looks as good telling you what is about to happen than Jessie. He is a balding oracle, determined to the sun shine., even if it gives him freckles on his scalp.
  • retiredborderpatrol
    I love this leatherneck, and I don’t love many people!
  • OBS154
    First time review
    Great perspectives, truthful and on point. Great job!!!
  • Chanmast
    Certainly don’t agree with everything but find JK entertaining
  • Janeswt
    General Mark Milley
    I agree Mark Milley was a disaster, but Trump listen to his advice and didn’t fire him and gave him award the last day of his presidency. And what he said about Trump is outrageous. But Trump recently said in the past times, Milliy would’ve been executed for treason. Is that appropriate?is that smart?is Trump is a own worst enemy for things he says publicly?
  • I like sour stuff
    I absolutely love Jessie’s political opinion and trump 2024 🥳🥳🥳
  • Cat lord Ella
    Best show ever. Keep fighting the commies.
  • Uncle Dako
    Literally the best
    Best anti communist on the planet
  • Totalallstars
    Best face for radio
    Jesse is literally the most handsome radio show host and his face just makes the content so much better! I love looking at his face during the program!
  • Lincoln F. Sternn
    Blow Hard phony!
    Funded by the establishment.
  • Asciguy
    At best of average intelligence
    How is this dweeb a great mind exactly?
  • JesseBelly
    Bad advertisement
    1 star review for the annoying commercials on other podcasts
  • Dan from Berea
    Amazingly, he is as funny as he is handsome
    If I wasn’t into chicks, Jesse would be my first choiceo. He would
  • Lame company!
    Not a review.
    Jesse….My good friend Gunning recommended your podcast. So give em’ a Ty man. Like what I’m hearing.
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