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Kirsten888I just can’t get enough!I have two podcasts that I listen to religiously, and one of those two is At Last She Said It. Cynthia and Susan’s viewpoints are so refreshing! They are from the heart, honest, and innovative. This is where I come to hear a different take on all things spiritual as they relate to the LDS church. Everything from scriptures to policy. It’s not what you’ll hear in Sunday school! Which is great, because it opens my mind to so many new ways of thinking of things.
DDavis569CommunityI love knowing I’m not alone in my “non-standard”thoughts, practices, faith & beliefs. And it’s okay to be okay with my “buffet” of church. Thank you so much!!
hecallsmeshellSoothes my heart.At this point, Cynthia and Susan feel like dear friends. They talk about things that are meaningful to me, that most people in my life aren’t willing to talk about. With every episode I feel just a little bit less alone. Thank you, ladies!!
BakjesValidatingThank you for speaking up on difficult issues yet keeping it positive and optimistic.
webbca92A breath of fresh air!I love this podcast!! The topics they bring up are so needed. The guests they bring in are so informed. And the hosts are incredible! They aren’t afraid to approach any topic and they always do so with respect to everyone’s feelings around difficult topics but they also don’t rationalize away real issues. It is a great space for people who are in the church trying to understand their friends, people who find themselves on the edge of the inside and people who have stepped away! I feel at home with this podcast and the community it has created! Thank you so much for your hard work! It is making a difference in people’s lives! It’s made a huge difference in mine!
Erica OlsenI keep coming back to these twoI get tired of just hearing one perspective on podcasts, but here, I feel like there is so much discovery that I feel like I can learn something new every time and hold space for my growing faith in a refreshing way.
Turtleluv28EssentialThis podcast has truly expanded my views on faith and love. I am eternally grateful to these wonderful sisters for making a community where everyone can actually be seen. They are truly doing the Jesus work.
karenrjThey Say What I Am ThinkingThis podcast is one big Amen after another. It feels so good to know I’m not alone in how I feel and some of the struggles I’m currently having as an LDS woman. This podcast is like hanging with two great friends who open the door, get you a snack, and talk for hours. I LOVE it.
bc723724Great PodcastThoughtful voices of wisdom and experience.
Murffy_4Thank youI can’t thank these wonderful, intelligent, inspired ladies enough. Thank you for creating a safe space for us women who are struggling in the church.
JilZ64This podcast is my refugeThis podcast is my refuge. I listen and re-listen. Cynthia and Susan talk about all the hard things with such love, compassion, and wisdom. They are so well researched and well spoken. I am alone in my real life faith transition, but Cynthia and Susan have been friends in my ears, affirming my thoughts and opinions. As I do the dishes after everyone has gone to bed they yell with me about the patriarchy and cry with me about all the unfairness. They also do a beautiful job of testifying of God, and and describe how they experience spirituality now. It gives me hope. This season especially has been a balm to my soul as they talk about the difficulties of having a faith transition in marriage. They make me feel seen when I have never even met them.
James8097Seen!I am thankful for the opportunity to hear so many of my thoughts processed here. Thank you for being bold and for giving so many of us a voice!
bkeithsLove itGreat podcast!
Wonky C Podcast JunkieNot just for the sisters…Here’s the deal folks. The target audience for this podcast is female members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; HOWEVER, it is high time for men to actively listen to the concerns, abuses, and legitimate pain of our sisters, wives, mothers, grandmothers, and daughters. Some will write off this podcast as being “apostate dribble from fringe/bitter members.” I want you all to know, though, as a male member of this church who has listened to every episode produced by Cynthia and Susan, I can attest to the fact that this podcast is FILLED with good fruit. They bring up difficult topics and speak openly about their lived experience which can feel threatening to some listeners; but, I implore you to give space to the ideas they are expressing. You may not agree with them, but if you listen with a softened heart, you may just come to a place where you can walk away saying, “I get where they are coming from.” And if you are in a leadership position in the church, I would argue that this podcast should be “required reading” before you start ministering to our sisters generally. Again, not necessarily to convince you that they are right and the Church is wrong… instead, having a better understanding of how 50% of your congregation thinks is pivotal to you working with them as a Christ-like servant. To you Cynthia and Susan, thank you for the work you do. Thank you for taking the risk and being vulnerable for the world to see. I pray our Heavenly Parents honor your efforts by allowing your message to lighten the burden of others for years to come. Speaking as a male follower of your work, I can honestly say you have inspired me to be a better father, son, and brother to others. You have installed beams of light in my heart as I have passed through some dark times. I want you to know that I get it. I see you, and if I hadn’t already been pushed to “fringe status” in the church for my views, I would have wielded my access to the decision making power of the Priesthood to make the lives of women in the church more equitable. Please just keep doing what you do and I will be out here listening and turning around to do what I can do.
HolliMcAThe conversations missing from RSI’m really thankful I found a community where women are having the conversations I wish we had together at church. How to love more deeply, be more inclusive, and how to safely navigate faith expansion. Thanks for your hard work, Cynthia and Susan.
christinethestargeGreat Sunday ListeningCynthia and Susan always choose excellent topics around spirituality and religion and then deliver really thoughtful conversations that help me understand why many people believe the way they do. I happen to agree with them most of the time, but even when I disagree I still respect that they come by their opinions and understandings candidly and without guile. Thank you for saying it at last! Great Sunday listening.
SJGlissHighly Recommend!Love listening and expanding my perspectives listening to these honest and insightful conversations!
CandcsadLove, love ,love!These ladies are AMAZING and have totally changed my life. Thank you!
Pregacorns❤️They put into words things I’ve been feeling but didn’t have the language to express. This podcast is a balm for my racing thoughts.
A2ZBlueMaybe others feel the same wayThis podcast has given me a lot of balance for my soul. It is helpful to know that others are asking the same questions and uncomfortable with similar issues around our faith and its practices.
Skurd3llLove it!One of my favorite podcasts! I always come away with something new to think about and/or feeling validated! ❤️
oldsoul_seekingA lifelineSusan and Cynthia have said the things I didn’t know how to express, and the things I need to hear. This podcast helps me feel less alone as a woman trying to stay in the church. Thank you 🙏
Nbp1084The bestLove this show!!
Sunny86543Thank you for speaking your truth!Permission to think my own thoughts. Thank you for saying so many things I’ve thought for so long and didn’t have a space to say it! Sometimes I feel like a cynic, a doubter, and a questioner with no place among the faithful, but your podcast has helped me to see that my winding path is just all part of the journey. I know there are others like me and I don’t feel so alone or weird! I even feel proud of my questioning. I feel more authentic and I hope it’s an important part of creating a better world for my daughters—and my son.
Jacquie Balm4thSpot on!!!These two women articulate so well the challenges we Mormon women face. Even when there’s no solution at the moment. Naming a problem is the beginning of solving a problem. They specialize in naming the problems. I love to hear their ideas and their laughter.
laurjshgnshdiFav religious podcast!I’ve been an OG listener and I appreciate that Susan and Cynthia are a little older, wiser, and cooler than me. Seriously, can we be friends?!
Gretch_OAt Last!This podcast has been a lifeline of connection and healing. It’s so refreshing to find such wisdom that doesn’t hand me the right answers but helps me ask all the great questions that allow me to think and feel my way forward with love in the church.
Donkey Kong BannanaNever miss an episode!Regardless of where you are in your faith journey, this podcast is amazing!
KateyKateAvaOne of my all time favorite podcasts!I listen to this every week, and I recommend it constantly to the women in my religious circles. This is THE podcast for the modern Mormon woman.
Nicole H🍄Life-changingI have intended to write this review for over a year now, but I keep putting it off because I don’t know how to put into words how life-changing At Last She Said it has been for me. It is my favorite podcast of all time - it feeds my soul in a way I did not know was possible, and I cannot wait for new episodes to come out. Cynthia and Susan have put words to feelings I have never been able to articulate and have made me feel supported and validated and like there is a place for me. My faith has expanded so much, and I realized I actually can be a spiritual person and have a relationship with God in a way that works for me. The latest season on women’s spirituality has been especially transformative and is exactly what I have been thirsting for. My husband is also an avid listener and so much of your content has resonated with and inspired him too. Cynthia and Susan (and guests) have helped us navigate our expanding faith together and created a welcoming space for complicated feelings. I cannot thank you enough for the work you do!!
wackywaltonsEncouraging and EmpoweringMy friend introduced me to the ALSSI podcast a few years ago (thanks Jeralee!) and I am a big fan of the content and conversations. Cynthia and Susan are strong examples of women who think deeply and live their lives with authenticity. I feel more personal peace and confidence as I’ve embraced the beauty of every person being unique and that we can celebrate dancing to the beat of our own drums.
dancingcow7Great PerspectivesSusan and Cynthia are two sides to one coin and I am always so glad to hear their diverse perspectives on all the topics they discuss. I appreciate how different of personalities they have because I feel like I get to relate and gain some empathy for those who aren’t like me all at once. They are so good at broadening their perspectives with each conversation and I truly feel seen and understood in their discussions. I learn a ton and I have loved the community aspect that has grown with this podcast as well. I can’t seem to get enough of ALSSI.
Monica LPMThe community you’ve been searching forThis podcast and the community that goes with it feels like home. Thanks for making space for people like me ♥️
GALESROCKI found my people!When I heard my first episode of ALSSI over a year ago, I cried in relief that I was no longer alone. I was no longer the only one who felt the way I felt about So. Many. Things. Hearing their wise, intelligent, kind, and humorous voices discussing issues that have caused hurt for so many years was the balm I never knew I needed! Their guests are women I will most likely never meet, but I adore! Thank you, Cynthia and Susan, for creating space for so many. This is truly a society of relief!
stace411Not aloneSo many episodes where I cry because someone is saying it out loud. Thank you ❤️
CaliRadoFunDrop it like it’s hotI look forward every week to a new episode dropping and I’ve learned I have to be doing something active while I listen—because each episode gets me fired up. These women put words to my emotions, validation to my pain, and an infusion to my otherwise anemic religious experience. I know first hand saying these things comes with a cost—be it social capital within your congregation, risk or threat of retaliation and backlash, loss of friendships, and the emotional drain of always sitting in complexity. Thank you for this labor of love. May the rewards of finally “saying it” outweigh the price you both pay to provide us this content.
mjaoprWAt last, at last, at lastCynthia and Susan’s conversations give me hope, insight, inspiration and bravery.
noeyp21My favorite podcast!I love hearing these faithful women discuss the issues within the Church of Jesus Christ. Their insights are thoughtful and relevant and help me process my own thoughts and emotions. I highly recommend!
FlygirlkrissyFavorite podcastThis podcast has allowed me to find my voice knowing that there are so many women who feel these things deeply. My favorite way to wake up, is a new episode waiting.
Pri-sThank you Cynthia and Susan!Listening to the diverse range of women’s perspectives and life experiences on At Last She Said It has been incredibly meaningful to me—like a spiritual lifeline. I eagerly anticipate each new episode of this podcast. Over the past six months I’ve listened to just about every episode. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking enriching insights and inspiration in their spiritual growth journey. —P
cantelope.My saving graceGoing through a faith deconstruction or “crisis” is not easy. Specifically coming from a high-demand religion like the LDS church, it feels very unnatural to embrace personal autonomy and expression. It’s easy to feel isolated, trodden down, and confused. Susan and Cynthia make me feel seen, understood, and human in every episode. They find words for what I feel inside and help me feel like I can breathe. They speak with so much love and so much Jesus. Thank you ladies for finally giving voice to things we’ve felt and thought for so long but haven’t felt like we could share. I love you both!
Seggers156Free therapyAbsolutely love this podcast!! They are each incredible women and have great guests on. I feel seen when I listen to this podcast as much as I do in therapy… and this is free! Thanks so much Cynthia and Susan!
genna with a gOne of the best parts of my weekI look forward to every episode. This podcast is such a balm to my soul and a place where I can feel seen .
stephinutA balm for my weary soulThis podcast feels like having two brilliant best friends who validate my spiritual frustrations and heartache and offer thoughts and ideas for moving into a more expansive and meaningful way of meeting God and interacting with the LDS church. I look forward to every single episode.
jowritesEssential listening for Mormon womenThis podcast has become essential listening for me. Without it, I think I would’ve given up on the church entirely. Cynthia and Susan give me hope that there are people like me out there, and they make me feel like I’m not crazy for feeling the way I feel and that it’s ok to be a Mormon woman who has LOTS of problems with the church as it is. I’m so grateful for this podcast!
chowdownwithalMy favorite podcast everThis podcast is a balm to my soul. Susan and Cynthia repeatedly say exactly what I need to hear.
KvjcjdjdkjsyLiterally my light in a dark roomSusan and Cynthia make me feel less alone in the dark tunnel that is deconstruction. I deeply enjoy their honest dialogue and I so wish I could talk with a group of like minded individuals as often as I listen to these two women. Never stop saying “it”!!
RvshefferSpeaking my thoughts!Could it be there are other women like me?? Thank you, thank you for your willingness to speak out and speak up about the truth of our experiences.
Maria LSWrLove, love, love.Listening to this podcast helps me feel ok being me. I’m shy, and I think outwardly I come off as fairly orthodox, inwardly I’m quite nuanced. Susan and Cynthia make room for everyone at the table. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
KClay40Love Love Love these conversations!!!Cynthia and Susan are so great to give everyone’s stories a turn and a space
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