The Headgum Podcast

by Headgum
Improv #39

Join the staff of the Headgum network as they try to navigate a series of quizzes, games and conversation enders poised by their coworker Geoffrey James. If you have questions, email in to

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Recent Reviews
  • Aidenayoli
    Geoffrey James
    I enjoy Geoffrey's unique sense of humor immensely and I hope he never stops creating, also a few of the rice parodies are in my normal everyday playlist
  • princejafarr
    Horrendous podcast no one is funny
    I’ve refuse to listen to the show. I’m on ep 205 so far and the show is so bad. At minimum I will listen to another 205 eps and make a decision. I have listened to I am not sure how many more but it’s now 2025 and the show is still bad. Cancel this before it dies naturally. Hopefully by 26 it gets better. I’ve listened to every episode twice maybe thrice.
  • New Cap’n Crunch Flavor
    Joyson (joysin?)
    This show joysoned me. As in it hoisoned me with joy. And hoisoning obviously meaning soysoned me with hoisin sauce (soysoning being poisoned with soy)
  • Woe be upon ye
  • Geoffrey Games
    Smoking 2 packs a day would be a health improvement over listening to this poidcast (that’s poison podcast) even thrice in a lifetime
  • madmaxBERMY
    Ice Cold
    The cold opens are so frigid you could treat minir swelling with them.
  • YerfMaharg
    Lets get it started in HOT
    The druthers brothers and gals (Marika or otherwise) bring me JOY, get me WISE, embelish my FAITH, and conquer my FEAR. YEAH, the core 4 are back, and they got me feeling all RICE.
  • lakemerris
    Geoff is well… god!
    Geoff has become immortal ever since the 100th ep.
  • Chris Byerly
    A paradoxical masterpiece
    In its seeming quest to be the worst podcast of all time, it somehow succeeds in being the best as it subtly nods to the audience by letting them in on the joke. And that’s Dazs.
  • peterbasketball
    Introduced me to See the thing is
    I was looking for a podcast that offered a non male bashing perspective on dating and finally found one thanks to geoff’s ad reads.
  • ChrisSThomas
    worst aural I’ve ever received
    worst aural I’ve ever received
  • empenada4851
    Amir's Druthers
    That's the show. That's it.
  • logan19989
    Not sure where i am
    Geoff just is. That’s the most i could say about this podcast. Geoff is an antagonistic, nihilistic host that is scalding to experience. Everyone hates him but he presses on in defiance and is a lack of joy to behold.
  • Orphan Face
    This is a podcast
    Marika is a breath of fresh air. Pile is admirable for taking time out of his busy schedule to participate. Casey has the patience and demeanor of a saint. Geoff.
  • Lo817
    YoullThankMeLater’s Review But Positive
    First episode is like standing near a group of Headgum employees and Geoff & overhearing their conversations! They speak as if we already know who they are as well as all their friends. Listened to all episodes so far. It doesn’t get Geoff-er. There's no structure. I listen to "If I Were You" too, and that podcast revolves around a different format. The lack of grammar & surplus of spelling errors in The Headgum Podcast five star reviews says a lot about how funny their demographic is. Jake & Amir are in their late 40s now, right? But they are still young and funny & I bet most of their fans are under 30. I'm so happy for them. And you've got Hey, Riddle Riddle on your network! That's amazing.
  • JoelCarpenter007
    too loud almost crashed car
    almost crashed car because too loud
  • Matt Sei
    The best podcast to listen to when sleep deprived
    Geoff is the most combative podcast host in the biz. Marika is the zen balance to his chaos. This show is at its funniest when you’re operating on little to no sleep and can finally understand the brilliance in the madness.
  • device7
    Why is Geoff so…?
    Why is Geoff so hot on this podcast? He’s like a handsome young man of himself he truly is. Squeal or no squeal earned this rating.
  • jacobw95
  • nickname ks already taken.
    Geoffrey James:
    Noun: A piece of absorbent material wrapped around a person’s bottom and between their legs to absorb and retain urine and feces. Folks, I’m being kind here.
  • CatsRising
    Low IQ required
    First episode is like standing near a group of people you don’t know & overhearing their conversations. They speak as if we should already know who they are as well as all their friends. I skipped around through a few more recent episodes. It doesn’t get better. There‘s no structure. I’m not crazy about “If I Were You” either but at least that podcast revolves around a basic format. The lack of grammar & surplus of spelling errors in The Headgum Podcast five star reviews says a lot about their demographic. Jake & Amir are in their late 30s now, right? But they act like teenagers & I bet most of their fans are under 30. I’m so embarrassed for them. At least you’ve got Hey, Riddle Riddle on your network. That’s somewhat redeeming.
  • Pete Rules
    Geoff Ad Reads
    I just want to congratulate Geoff on not breaking during the Faherty Brand ad reads despite their terribly copy 😂
  • petpow
    Kayla is Awful
    Sore guys.. been a headgum fan since day one and a Jake and Amir fan for years, but I just can’t understand how y’all would hire/back someone who is so awful in her opinions about women. I won’t ever listen to another episode that includes Kayla
  • emilyinreallife
    As a women who listens to MANY podcasts Kayla is a refreshing breathe of air and I’m a bit shaken other women think otherwise? Adore her plz keep her content coming, love these episodes! Xo
  • nitpicky but necessary
    Nice, nice but…
    Whereeeeeee’s Johnny?
  • chubbybunny369
    not for audio
    it is becoming increasingly impossible to listen to this as a podcast. It was probably for the best when they played gash cab, but in the latest episode, I wanted to play along with Steel or Nah. Five stars though because Im still gonna listen anyway
  • Colleen888888
    Love it! But…
    Love this show, and my husband and I usually listen to it together in the car. The past few weeks, we’ve only made it about 10 minutes in before sadly having to turn it off because the volume leveling is quite off. It will be very quiet and then suddenly blast our ears.
  • emily gamer games
    Kayla is Awful
    Sorry guys.. been a headgum fan since day one and a Jake and Amir fan for years, but I just can’t understand how y’all would hire/back someone who is so awful in her opinions about women. I won’t ever listen to another episode that includes Kayla.
  • taftwater
    More Zora Gale please
    I’ll never understand the vitriol spewed by the audience and guests towards Geoffrey. The meanness is said under the guise of a thin veneer of irony and comedy, but to me, the joke is dead. Being self-deprecating is funny, but being others-deprecating is not. Let Geoffrey be. He sounds a bit disorganized, but also like a kind and wonderful person (and a very good host).
  • lemontorpiggo
    it’s so, well, stupid
    i just don’t need a brain to listen to this and that is exactly why i listen.
  • jfrihart
    It figuratively and literally pains me to say it
    Geoff was right. Zona Gale’s “Hearts Kindred” seems like a good read. Now if only Franky Yale could get his novel going.
  • onthejayo
    geoff is, for lack of a better term, stale
    this poison show hurts not only my ears but my mind's eye. i have adhd and listening to this show is the only way i can fall asleep.
  • MacFam4
    NEED MORE 99
    i could literally listen to a podcast just like episode 99 every day and never get sick of it. such great chemistry and so nice to listen to. brought my spirit up a lot.
  • Left Handed Electron
    How to count?
    Idk this podcast is…fine. I gave it five stars because Idk how to count. Is five bigger than 3? Leave a comment. Anyway Geoff and Amir should make out.
  • janice@123
    They are honest
    At least they are honest about how bad this podcast is
  • birch91
    No one man should have all that sour
    Listening to this feels like trying to cut water with a pair of scissors. Additionally I’m going to make Geoffrey drink a non-gansett beer and watch him wither away like a vampire exposed to direct sunlight
  • S. Mercado
    A Fever Dream of Me
    The only structure to this show is the inevitable 15-20 minutes where everyone violently berates Geoff (deservedly), and he is clearly getting off on it. A magnificent sopping wet seal of a series. A wild five-star podcast I need more of. I only wish I could give it six stars. Four stars.
  • Ramo411
    Birthday party
    Geoff was the only person at my 5th birthday party cause he told the rest of the class I had canine giardia. He then proceeded to sing an off-tune/color/Broadway rendition of the happy birthday song as he shoved my face into the lit birthday cake candles. 5 scars
  • juliarae7
    I can’t believe this is a real podcast
    For some reason I listen every week
  • din0r
    Or not
    Started listening to this podcast after my brother-in-law William Nillard recommended it. I don’t think it’s funny, but it’s a useful way to build my personal rhyming dictionary (I’m an aspiring white rapper). A tepid 5 stars, to say the least.
  • oweeem
    step into zaddys bar?
    this podcast is like walking into a bar way too early in the day and being forced to indulge with a piss drunk poison man and his poison ideas/games. Meanwhile his friends, who only showed up to hang out of basic human decency, are justifiably uncomfortable and yearning to leave.
  • C. Ian
    Why does everyone treat Geoff like a villain?
    Honestly, Amir gets a Turdy for last week’s episode. It’s not even If I Were You and Amir is getting a Turdy for being such a sour, poison person during Wheel of Amirsfortune. Amir absolutely needs to eat a nickel for that.
  • ikingjosh
    In the words of Samwise Gamgee
    “He’s a villain!” (Geoff)
  • jayp3435
    Lot of fascia discourse… not much else
    Love the PT talk. Geoff is almost right about nearly some things but especially the fascia. Keep it up.
  • Flash a Roni and Cheese
    Audio for a video show holds up
    Only improved the podcast
  • Since day1
    Thank you for a birthday podcast
    I appreciate that the team would go out of their way to put out an episode on my birthday today, makes this Friday even better!
  • JamesonDaw
    (to listen to)
  • jszilagyi3
    🎶 it’s the rhythm of the riiiiceeee
    No further questions
  • MirMax_
    So freaking funny!!
    Always a great start to a Friday! This podcast is so funny and re-listenable! Geoff is hilarious!!
  • emily minerva
    the panel
    She seems very nice, but Marika is so boring, even as ‘a foil’ to Jeff, it’s not working
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