Lean With Plants

Nutrition #107

Calling all overweight plant based women! This is a podcast for FRUSTRATED vegan gal's who can’t shift the fat, all while eating a healthy vegan diet! (Yes we exist.) Weight loss doesn’t have to be a mystery, but with all the pseudo science and outright quackery online it’s hard to understand the true WHY and HOW. I’m Chelsea Cullen and I’ve lost 18kg (nearly 40 pounds) as a vegan ONCE I understood the science of weight loss, which has nothing to do with counting calories or celery juice by the way.I’m here to simplify the TRUTH about fat burning, what foods to eat for the most effective weight loss, the mindset tools to get you to your goal, and how to make it stick FOR LIFE. To connect with me check out my Instagram: Chelseamaecullen or find me at www.chelseamae.com

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Recent Reviews
  • newbiehistorynerd
    Empowerment in a podcast
    If you’re ready to stop searching for the next quick fix, this is it. Simple principles, broken down in a clear and empowering way. Every episode reinforces the a-ha moment I experienced when I first found LWP. Look forward to hearing from Chelsea every week!
  • MHTX25
    The Universe Needs More Chelsea
    This podcast is so motivating and inspirational, not only for anyone trying to lose weight but if you are just trying to make some positive changes in your life and create new habits. Chelsea is so open and relatable to real life that you feel like you’re sitting with a friend who is your biggest cheerleader.
  • ember!233
    By far the most empowering, balanced and truthful vegan weight loss podcast and content. Been vegan yo-yo dieting for over 3.5 years knowing what to eat to lose weight with calorie density…but couldn’t do it. This podcast and Chelsea’s knowledge in mindset and habit change is what’s actually helped me implement it in my own life and actually start to lose the weight for good and keep it off. Thank you Chelsea!
  • Colleen Patrick Goudreau
    Chelsea is incredible! Her knowledge base on behavior change & how she articulates is profound. It’s how I lost 30lb & kept it off for 3 years. Love her!
  • Cutepiebutterfly
    75lbs down updated review
    This podcast has helped me lose about 50lbs of my 75lbs weight loss. After my pregnancy I gained 50lbs back and felt hopeless, like I would never get back to my pre pregnancy weight. The tough love and challenging of my ideologies from this podcast, has helped Loose almost all the weight (5 ish pounds from pre pregnancy weight). I’ve set bigger goals for myself and am making big life and habit changes. Thank you!
  • Tobypeas
    Like a girfriend giving me advice
    I LOVE this podcast! From her accent, her tangents, and science based information she is a delight to listen to. I am currently binging from the very beginning and have only reached July 2020. I hope that absolutely nothing changes!
  • Emdeebee28
    A refreshing outlook on weight loss
    I enjoy listening to Chelsea Mae’s outlook on the importance of mindset and habit formation in creating lifelong changes, applicable not only in the arenas of nutrition and exercise but in many other areas as well.
  • RJL345
    Amazing and extremely valuable content
    The latest episode (The weird mindset …) is a MUST LISTEN for anyone struggling with how to make behavioral changes in order to reach goals. I’m a long time listener and absolutely love every one of Chelsea’s episodes, but this one could not have come at a better time for me. I feel like I have the knowledge I need to not only make progress with behavioral change in my personal life but also my professional life. Thank you Chelsea!
  • marianne.williams0257
    An excellent antidote to diet culture
    Chelsea is reasonable and realistic when it comes to losing weight, gives GREAT advice that is grounded in science and whole foods. I appreciate her insights into habit forming and creating systems that encourage weight loss, movement, and enjoying your meals. She is funny and honest, and I find her whole vibe refreshing. I’ve lost weight since I started listening to her, and I have not joined her program or bought anything. I appreciate that she’s just putting this info out there. I’d recommend her to anyone looking to lose weight, but I think she speaks most meaningfully to vegan women trying to lose weight.
  • Curefansc
    Incredible wealth of knowledge and advice!
    I'm not even vegan, and I absolutely love this podcast! Such common sense advice about calories and nutrition. Highly recommend!!
  • Suzie Pgraft
    “It’s a marathon, so get the right shoes”
    Truer words! Chelsea gets it. She understands putting in the work to become successful. Creating systems and all the other LIFE tools she shares are invaluable. Do yourself a favor. Listen to this even if you are not a vegan/plant based person! 👏♥️
  • abzalot
    Love this!
    The thing about the Lean With Plants podcast is that it’s not just my health it helps me grow but my business. I’m an entrepreneur who is conscious about my health. That’s why I found Lean With Plants. But I am so grateful that listening to this podcast encourages me not only in my health, but in my business. The last episode I listen to was how to make hard things easier. Not that hard things should be easy. But that they are hard and they are going to be hard, and I just need to find the way that I can make them enjoyable for myself. That I can set proper expectations. And so I have. I said that I will work out at 2 o’clock every day. And I will continue to keep this mindset as I figure out how to do the hard things in my business. Thank you, Chelsea. You are amazing!
  • xx_debbs_xx
    So Great
    I just love Chelsea and this podcast. I find her advice so inspiring yet practical. She is down-to-earth and she states the truth. Thank you, Chelsea, for continuing to make content, and thank you for making goals feel achievable.
  • limewatt
    Quite literally life changing
    Find food freedom, sustainable progress, and healthy habits by following the behavior change principles in the Lean with Plants podcast. After listening to every single episode (and repeating a few of my favorites more than once) I can confidently proclaim that you can change your life by shifting your habits, starting small and prioritizing consistency and start seeing amazing results no matter how bleak your future seems based on your dieting history.
  • Well, I’ll be
    More than weight loss
    Aside from the amazing vegan weight loss advice Chelsea spits out gems and makes me view life from another perspective. I really do enjoy when the podcast strays from just weight loss alone and she talks about habit formation, parenting(I’m not even a parent - lol), and how to find happiness and fulfillment. After all, these things are more connected than one may think. She doesn’t sugarcoat things and is refreshingly honest. I’d love even more episodes on how to live a fulfilling and worthwhile life.
  • HICO-S
    Broccoli Mum podcast!! : )
    Broccoli Mum is one of my absolute favorite YouTubers along with Chels! She is such a creative, fun-loving, positive, strong woman who is dedicated to giving her best effort consistently day in and day out. She is so inspiring, relatable and real. There are so many challenges that come at you in life and she is the epitome of what I want to be like when life gets in the way. The unapologetic way she reflects, problem solves and takes action makes her the “hero” of her story and someone I want to be like. She is relentless, in the best way possible. Chels, your podcasts, posts and YouTube videos are thought- provoking, inspiring and I am a mentally stronger person because of you. Thank you for putting yourself out there. You are beautiful, resilient and a role model for so many of us. You are doing it girl and I am so proud of you! : )
  • Sami Cleve
    This review is way overdue. I’ve been listening to Chelsea’s podcast since the very beginning and I’m still listening now! Every episode gives me at least one moment of “YES!” 🤣 I’ve become more of a person I want to be, more confident, more uncaring of what others think and just more of my weird self. I’ve embraced being the hero of my own story thanks to Chels 🥹
  • mblessing1
    Such great info!!
    I first came across a you tube video about the 10 habits to help with weight loss and I immediately had to check out your podcast, as you mentioned if you struggle with all or nothing thinking then you had more info out there! So far your messages on really focusing on your daily habits, making small tiny changes, just taking one tiny action step is so helpful! I can relate the the binge restrict cycle and wanting the processed foods but I didn’t realize how much power really they had on my brain, and that really I am Not a failure! I plan to also work on creating a healthier environment and clean out the pantry! Thank you! Mary from Durham, NC.
  • Vaanlotus
    Binge Worthy Podcast!!
    Since discovering this podcast, I’ve listened to it daily! I absolutely LOVE it! I plan on listening to ALL of the episodes from start to finish. Chelsea has created a binge worthy podcast that appeals to my personal interests and inspires me to stay motivated towards reaching my healthy goals in life. I’m grateful to her for sharing her story and the stories of others who have benefited from Lean With Plants!
  • Saaaved
    No More Mystery
    I love how Chelsea breaks everything down, because weight loss can be such an impossible feat. I am breaking through barriers in weight and health thanks to her teaching. Habits and environment, systems and motivation, and why the process takes longer than expected are just a few of the valuable lessons I've learned as a listener. I appreciate her insights. She does an excellent job researching and then connecting data to real life experience. I never miss an episode, and I have multiples that are greatest hits. Last year, I was able to spend a few days with her at a retreat, and she lives what she teaches. Chelsea is the real deal.
  • Novalee W
    So much value in each episode!
    I really love both the interview and the solo episodes. It’s so inspiring to hear from the people in the lean with plants program! Chelsea’s blend of science and down to earth approach to weight-loss is so good. Everything gets broken down into easy action. And I love that the goal is lean and healthy.
  • GingerLayla
    Just listened to your last podcast twice, back to back. Powerful and hopefully I’ll finally start to incorporate and stay consistent.
  • K?,
    Year of Change
    Just listened to this episode and I really enjoyed it. Always great advice and tips for a plant based lifestyle. Thanks Chelsea!
  • Kmalini
    I love your podcasts
    I think your podcasts are so practical.
  • Sadiya S
    Pot of Gold
    I just listened to the October 30, 2023 episode about motivation and it is GOLD. So good. She refers a lot to Atomic Habits, but really breaks it down in a way that you will actually understand and maybe even implement the ideas, not just passively “get it” which is what I usually do when I listen to podcasts. This one is saved to my favs.
  • Xpresslanejane
    Amazing breakdowns and explanations
    Love this podcast, breaks down calorie density and weight loss in an easy to understand way, makes it less intimidating to get started. Very informative and fun.
  • BethanyZ13
    Chelsea is great!
    Very much enjoy this podcast! I listen to it all the time. :)
  • Traebetrue
    December 5th 2023 episode
    Just listened to this episode today. It’s the first of your podcasts for me. Thank you for telling the story of your journey. It sounds so very similar to mine. I just started this way of eating because of a knee injury 4 months ago and surgery to repair it on December 8th. The goal in moving to a WFPB diet was an effort to not gain any weight during this time on crutches and not being able to exercise. The good news is that it’s working and I’ve even lost about 4 or 5 pounds. I can’t wait for the coming months as my knee heals and I can get back to hiking! I think this might actually be working and I’m sure I’ll start losing once I’m on both feet again. Thank you for the confirmation that I’m not broken and also not alone on this maddening effort! Keep creating great content! Thank you!
  • Brock Jason
    Chelsea is a genius. Love this podcast
    Chelsea, you are brilliant and generous and changing the lives of women around the world every single day! This podcast has invaluably improved my life–it has provided educational content, inspirational stories, and a good swift kick in the booty many times! I wish we were all taught about calorie density and the power of habits since we were small, but since that isn’t the case there is Chelsea to educate all of us NOW! Adore you. Respect you. So grateful for you!
  • mobpodcastreviewer
    So grateful for this podcast
    This podcast has been such a blessing to me on so many levels. At first I thought that the most valuable part was her content about how weight loss works and how I can use calorie density to lose weight without starving myself. However after listening to her podcast for a few months now, I’ve found that Chelsea’s story has given words to the emotional suffering that I’ve been going through for decades, hating to see myself in the mirror, restricting and binging and exercising and constantly ruminating about my body and why I couldn’t eat and look like other women I knew. I’m grateful for the ten pounds I’m down since this summer, but even more grateful for the psychological/ emotional healing that other plant-based weight loss platforms don’t offer.
  • J4urmind
    Lean with plants
    Chelsea’s podcast content is by far one of the best. I look forward to listening to the episodes. There are some really good personal weight loss stories and I’m sure every girl can relate and identify with. Every episode has such amazing stories and content with tips for keeping a plant based lifestyle. It keeps me informed and engaged with my eating habits. Thank you Chelsea for giving us all this valuable information and keeping things so simple.
  • Mena P
    I have been listening to and following Chelsea for about 8 months. I’ve come to believe that she is a super human. I have been plant based for almost 15 years and yet, she has opened soooo many doors around life, habits and nutrition that I never spent much time on. Her talk about habits, systems, collecting data and failing fast is brilliant. She really combines the best of all needed to become your best in this life. Thank you Chelsea! I’m 55 years old and didn’t know I was missing so much knowledge. ❤️
  • Savannah Jean W
    Pescatarian Approved
    I’m neither a vegan or nor a member, but I’m a dedicated listener of Lean With Plants for 2 years. I’ve not only lost weight sustainably thanks to Chelsea’s advice, but my mindset has shifted regarding all areas of my life that I’ve working to “level up”, including mental health and even finances. Her references to The Hero’s Journey and the book Atomic Habits applied to lifestyle shifts has given me comfort, encouragement and the patience/motivation to stay consistent with small goals. And I’m seeing the results! Thank you Chelsea for turning your hard earned wisdom into gold and sharing it with us. You’ve made a difference in my life 💛🥦🙏🏻
  • vnp1210
    So much more than weight loss
    Chelsea’s podcasts are so thoughtful and applicable to any aspect of your life where you are trying to improve. Highly recommend!
  • lydia b p
    Amazing content!
    I can’t enough of Chelsea’s podcasts. I came here looking for weight loss advice and what I found is so much more. Listening to Chelsea encourages me to keep fighting to be a better version of myself. If you are looking for ways to improve your physical health these are for you but if you are also looking for ways to make lasting positive habits to better your whole life, listen!!!
  • Killinit6384
    The answer I’ve been looking for.
    What I’ve learned from Chels is that mindset is the answer. I’ve had a struggle over the last 10 years to lose weight. It’s not the diet, any diet works. It’s the mindset and BEHAVIOR. Chels helped me learn this through this podcast. I loved Kenzia’s analogy of SkipBo, I play the exact same way she does and win every time. It made so much sense for weight loss! Thank you for this podcast, keep going Chels!!
  • becominggerri
    Binge Worthy
    Found you recently and being a cognitive behavioral therapist I am obsessed with your Podcast and methods of behavioral change.You’ve taught me a lot. Thanks for what you do!
  • Axebassninja
    Exactly a What I Needed To Hear Today
    Wow! I’ve been asking the Universe for help and Chelsea dropped into my life. First by way of Instagram. When I found out she had a podcast, I gave it a try and the message of Be The Hero In Your Own Story was the message I needed to hear to move forward with my weight loss and with my life goals. I can’t wait to listen to all of her episodes. Thank you for being a positive force in the world!
  • MaGasn
    I love the analogy of the Rocky movie- seeing only 30 sec- doesn’t show months and years of consistent effort! Thanks for your insights!
  • BridgetL50
    Best pep-talk podcast!
    I've listen to many of Chelsea's podcasts, but episode 90 is my favorite. I would like to be one of the success stories but yo get there this realistic, and practical advice is the starting line. I love listening to while walking the dog or doing chores around the house. Thank you for being so relatable.
  • kellyybethh
    This podcast rocks!! 🧙‍♀️
    Chelsea, episode 138 is great! please don’t stop talking about the hero’s journey because we need to hear it in every iteration that you can possibly think of. I truly believe 😉repetition is key. I love hearing your creative analogies and ways that you apply the information through references to movies especially the hobbit lol . I feel like I had a revelation about the fact that humans gravitate towards the easiest, laziest, most comfortable actions, and to work with that instead of against it or in spite of it. confronting this is a big theme for me right now, I’m trying to figure out how to work through it and do harder things on a daily basis, I will continue breaking things down into the tiniest steps until it all starts making sense. This episode was extremely helpful and inspiring and I feel like I have some real direction on how to move forward in my journey. I am a baby hero, well maybe a toddler since I’ve been in your program for a year now and have seen some amazing progress that I am super proud of.
  • HadaRae
    Love this podcast!
    Literally my gym and grocery shopping inspo. Just pop in my AirPods and listen to Chels inspire me! Thanks girl! You’re amazing!
  • Melamot
    This podcast is super informative!!! Chelsea is down to earth and explains things so I can understand them. So excited to get started on my journey!
  • txmadelina
    I came for the weight loss, I stayed for the life lessons
    I originally came to this podcast for encouragement as I restarted my WFPB journey, but after recently experiencing something that would have usually caused me to go into a panic spiral, I realized how much her words on Victor vs Victim mentality have meant to me.
  • Yhmac
    Explained so well !!
    So glad I found this podcast! With just a few episodes, I feel like I finally understand where I need to focus my attention when it comes to healthy eating for weight loss. Chelsea has a gift for breaking things down in an interesting and motivational way that I’ve never experienced before ! I’m excited to learn more !
  • KatBarish
    Very Helpful
    Thank you for your advice on consistency. I can completely relate to you and enjoyed your tips. I want the problem to be hormones but truthfully it’s because I have too many “treat” days. I will try to focus on progress not perfection though.
  • schrobecky
    Listened to my first episode, and I loved it! Chelsea is super relatable and easy to follow through complex information.
  • Aubrey3moon
    Amazing info
    I’ve been watching Chelsea’s YouTube channel for a while now, and finally got around to listening to her podcasts. I know it sounds dramatic but it has literally been life-changing for me. I have struggled with my weight for decades. I always knew that it was behavioral issues that were causing my weight gain. I’ve read a lot of books like atomic habits to try to figure out how to change my mindset. Chelsea pulled it all together for me. I drive for a living and I’ve been listening to her podcasts nonstop for a couple of weeks. It feels like I have lightbulbs flashing over my head the whole time I’m listening to it. I’m constantly having these aha moments. Finally, I’m seeing some light at the end of the tunnel and feeling empowered with the knowledge to change the situation for myself. Thank you Chelsea!
  • Diana Foster-West
    Top of her Game
    There isn’t enough time in the day to express how absolutely amazing Chelsea is. I have so much respect for her! She has a great deal of valuable and intelligent content, which comes from a highly intellectual perspective. She clearly puts a lot of effort into her research to provide such beneficial information. I follow many other WFPB influencers but she and only one other person is at the top of my list (the other would be Chef AJ). 💜
  • EBNash99
    Encouraging & Practical
    Love Chelsea and this podcast! Super helpful info and tips from someone who has been on the frontlines. I love her actionable steps and also the “Girl, you’re not crazy!” encouragement. She has pulled me out of a slump. I was truly in a ditch of discouragement when I found her refreshing voice. And now, hope springs! Keep up the good work Chelsea!
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