It's Hertime.

Nutrition #178

It's hertime with Cody and Jess, is a podcast aimed to change the conversation about periods and women's hormonal health. Your period is supposed to simply just show up each month, without the pain and emotional upheaval that so often comes for the ride of hormonal imbalance. These two women health experts dive deep into the root causes and discuss holistic solutions that can lead to healthy hormones and happy periods at every age and stage of a woman's life.

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Recent Reviews
  • Sav@26
    Cody is incredible
    Cody has so much to share! I love listening to all of her women’s wellness wisdom.
  • LyssaCake
    So so informative
    I love listening to these episodes because they are all so different and helpful! I have started subscribing to some of the Mixhers products because of listening to Cody and I can feel my hormones being more aligned and balanced.
  • jeiskx
    For women, by women!
    This content, and these people! I didn’t even know hormone health was a thing until listening to Cody and Jess! Amazing content for women by women!! Thank you!!
  • jord💗💗
    I learn SO much every time I listen. The information is digestible and easy to understand. I always end up sharing what I learn with my mom and sisters.
  • eeferrell
    I love this podcast. I feel so empowered and motivated to conquer my health while listening. Thank you Cody :)
  • Periodtracker!
    I listen every week!
    I’ve been on a hormone health journey for awhile and always struggled to gain knowledge from sources I felt comfortable with, trusted, and connected with! This has been my perfect fit! I love listening to Cody and the fun Mixhers Girls Say segment!
  • kpbowler
    I’ve been listening to Cody for about a year now, and holy cow! She is wonderful to listen to. I love Mixhers- and I love that they have this podcast! It has truly changed my life. Cody is so supportive and educational when it comes to women’s health.
  • leahcummings
    Every episode is full of great, digestible information and always leaves me feeling empowered about my health! I love coming back to listen each week. Thank you, Cody and Jess for this podcast and your amazing products that are changing the game for women’s health💗
  • Empowered Living
    Empowering + Informative!!
    I love the superbly empowering attitudes and information Cody and Jess bring to life in their conversations with guests. The topics covered are super relevant and leave me with gems to bring to my health journey. Brava!
  • whitbish
    Huge fan
    I’ve been using mixhers since 2020! The products combined with this podcast is amazing. I listen to the podcast each week and Re-listen to other episodes throughout the week. Jess and Kody sound so fun and you can tell they are truly passionate about helping women live their best lives. And they have so much useful information to share! Products I use and love: Hertime- helps so much with my pmdd and hormonal migraines. Herguard Herbaby- used it for my 4th pregnancy and I had zero morning sickness. I almost felt too go to be pregnant and it was twins! Herpower- I love this one as an afternoon pick me up. I have to fight my kids for this one too tho because they love them. I just started using the kids one for my kids and they love it! But they keep stealing my pina baby herpower! I need that flavor for my kids!!
  • Disneygirlygirl
    I love all the products! I’ve been using your products since 2020. I also love the podcast. I listen every week. I’ve learned a lot. But something I’m dying to hear more about is endometriosis. I’ve read about and I have a client that told me that eating a plant based diet helps with the symptoms. Also a high fiber diet. I am eager to know what your thoughts are on this? I was officially diagnosed with Endometriosis last year when I had my appendix removed. I think I always knew I had Endometriosis. Doctors said the only way to find out is through surgery. My husband and I have been trying to conceive but it hasn’t happened yet. I’m just trying to figure out a less expensive solution than going to a fertility center. So, I was thinking of a diet… Any ways thank you for all your knowledge on here. 🥰
  • Baby R9311
    Inflammatory Episode was so helpful!!
    I was just diagnosed with gout (at 24) a couple days ago. After researching this disease a bit further and asking questions from my family (turns out my brother also has gout) I knew that I needed to make a change to my diet immediately. This episode was so informative and had so many ideas that I can implement into my lifestyle right now. It can be hard to find information in one place but this episode on inflammation was a great place to start! Thank you for helping us ladies become more informed and equipped! -Rachel
  • Fisherunning
    I wish I knew sooner
    My sister shared this with me because of my horrible cramping and acne prone skin after my second child and I can’t wait to try this because it truly does encompass all of the issues we struggle with as women.
  • gballif
    Such empowering information
    Cody is such a wonderful guide to help navigate my health issues! I learn so much and I feel safe knowing she has a holistic approach to health and wellness.
  • Darcee Smith
    The MOST educational and healthy podcast for women💫
    I cannot stress enough how much these podcasts have opened my eyes to being more aware of my body and how I work as a women. It blows my mind how much I didn’t know and have learned from the two of you! I cannot thank you enough for helping us women out there be our best selves💗
  • MadisonLund
    Morning Sickness Episode
    I loved listening to this podcast and hearing more information about morning sickness. I am currently pregnant and have horrible morning sickness! I just ordered HerBaby and I can’t wait to see how it helps me throughout this pregnancy!!!
  • 4000danee...
    My FAVORITE podcast! ✨
    I love listening to this podcast because it is so uplifting and I learn something new each week! 😉 You ladies teach other women in ways that are manageable, encouraging, and fun! I absolutely love how we can “hear” your smiles throughout each podcast. Just shows how full of light you are. Thank you for the work you are doing! 💕 I have been listening since early 2020 and actually began taking hertime in Jan. of 2020… maybe earlier. 🤪 As a broke college student, I had to stop my subscription, but I’m glad to say that I’m BACK!! I have been LOVING the strawberry lemonade hertime! Would love to her more Mixhers Mocktail ideas. 😋
  • Cop women
    Wealth of Knowledge
    I love everything about this podcast. Every episode is full of amazing information about so much more than just periods. Cody especially, shares her abundance of knowledge about women’s hormones & overall health. I can’t recommend this podcast enough! I only wish that Mixhers was more affordable. It sounds like the perfect product, but I definitely have to save up to afford the monthly price.
  • Deb Rubio
    A chic, educational, and fun podcast
    Started my health journey a few months ago and I have listened to many many podcasts, but It’s Hertime is on my favorite list! Two fun women who share so many interesting facts and studies in every single podcast, their intro chat always cause smiles and laughs and they share a passion for women’s wellbeing. I’m so thankful for this podcast and Hertime products.
  • Volleyball champion
    Learned So Much
    I have loved every podcast episode I have listened to. Especially the one about Her Time. Great information!
  • 9Cookie28
    Love the lessons
    I love listening to your podcasts and the simple life lessons you give. You let making big life changes sound so much more simple than they need to be so that we can help our bodies and minds feel better. I have only tried her power so far but am already sold on the product and can’t wait to try more!
  • Kenz Louise
    I love this podcast
    It’s helped me heal from my horrible periods! Makes you feel heard and helps you understand your body!!
  • NoelNat
    Love Mixhers products
    I have loved the Mixhers products that I have tried, and now that I found the podcast I’m learning so much about the science behind this. I’m grateful to know it!
  • shanpaynejones
    Loving learning from these ladies!!
    Just got connected to these ladies through the JustIngredients podcast. I’ve already learned so much from just a few episodes! I’m constantly finding the next one to listen to & adding it to my podcast queue. Next up, trying Hertime Extra Strength!
  • flynn.julz
    I am so in love with hertime podcast! I am pretty new here but have listened to tons of your podcasts! I listen while i walk my dog post breakfast for my post breakfast walk ;)! I love all things natural for women, this is right up my alley and can’t wait to try the products!
  • Desarae5
    Great Info!!
    I have learned so many great things about hormones over the last few months listening to this podcast. I love the opening of the show, it always makes me laugh. Cody is so informative and easy to listen too.
  • madsperrin
    The BEST podcast for women’s health
    I kept seeing my friends share about MixHers and thought “sure, it’s just another one of those trendy things”. It wasn’t until I started listening to this podcast that I was convinced I needed to try it! After being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, stopping hormonal birth control, having no energy that I needed so bad as a mom, struggling with my gut and irregular periods, I was desperate for anything that could help me feel like myself again. HerTime has been amazing in helping me get a regular period, get inflammation down, and make flare ups better for me. I’m SO grateful for HerTime and I LOVE these educational and relatable podcasts. I look forward to Tuesday’s and am now determined to learn more about my health thanks to Cody and Jess. 💕
  • Sarah Surface
    Such An Informative Podcast
    Love this podcast and learn so much each time! Enjoy using Hertime and Hergreens too!
  • kelsajones
    Gaining my life back!!
    Before I found Mixhers I was desperate to finding a solution to my health. I was gaining weight, had no energy, and I dreaded when my periods came. After taking Hertime for 6 months I now have more energy, higher libido (my husband is loving this one) , and I don’t really notice when my period comes. I have become obsessed with learning all that I can about women’s health (thanks to Its Hertime podcast). I even stopped taking formal birth control after 2 years and got my real period back after one cycle. I cannot be more grateful for the products and knowledge Mixhers have given me. I will continue to share this with everyone I know!
  • Annie E. F.
    Safe Space
    I love love this podcast. For the longest time I was incredibly embarrassed and ashamed to talk about anything “womenly”. As I’ve tried to shift that, I’m so grateful for a safe space to listen and learn so much from these awesome women. Each topic they discuss is so beneficial and I’ve learned so much. This is my go-to podcast. I love Cody and Jess, their mission, and products!
  • llamalover08
    Please cite sources and show robust evidence to be more compelling and less confusing
    I listened to “8 Facts About the Pill You Didn’t Know.” It is a very scary episode, and it really bothers me that they don’t cite where they are getting any of their information from, while presenting their claims as “facts.” And their solution is to buy their supplement. What happens when I stop taking their expensive supplement? Isn’t this just another quick fix? What if I can’t afford this monthly supplement? And supplements aren’t regulated by the FDA. At least the pill is, and has lots of clinical trials behind it? I came to this podcast really confused bc naturopaths make a lot of really scary claims about the pill. I just want more information. I can’t sort through any of it with clarity unless you show robust evidence backing up what your are claiming—not anecdotes or single studies. Name the studies, sources, and scientific consensus please! You have an ethical responsibility to do this: If women are going to get off the pill and risk getting pregnant, we should have an evidence-backed reason for doing so. Science is based on finding compelling evidence to back up claims (the scientific method). I really liked the episode about stress, though selling your supplements does seem to be a throughline in this podcast, which also makes me skeptical. I just think you would persuade more skeptics like me if you backed up your claims with robust evidence. Otherwise, please don’t invoke the words “facts” and “science”.
  • Ljensen29
    Knowledge is power and there is a lot of power given in the couple episodes I just listened to. (I can’t wait to listen to them all!) Some information is hard to hear, like the caffeine episode, but as much as I’d like to bury my head in the sand and pretend it doesn’t apply to me, I know it does and I need to make some changes. Thank you for the powerful information and products you are giving that can help us women live healthier, happier, and more informed lives!
  • Courtw99
    The things NO ONE tells you about
    I’ve been using MixHers products for a while now, and I’ve loved every second. When I found the podcast, I was over joyed! The MixHers social media accounts share a lot of useful information about their products (as does the podcast), but what I really love is that the podcast really helps you apply what you’re learning and how to implement the products. I think every female should listen to this podcast because most of the stuff, I never learned in health class and could have put me much farther ahead with my hormonal journey before now. Thank you MixHers!!
  • kikinewt
    Knowledge is POWER!
    I have listened to an episode pretty much every day for the past 2 weeks, they are long but I love EVERY MINUTE of them. I have even listened to a few episodes more than once and continue to find something new. I love the passion for education and time that has been put into the episodes and so glad I found this podcast. As a 28yo woman I feel cheated to not have known majority of this information and I just love to learn! I feel like something in each episode relates to me, or a close friend and my friends are probably getting sick of me raving about this podcast but as a mom of a 2yo daughter and former dance teacher of mostly adolescent women I just want to shout from the rooftops how helpful and insightful this has been in just 2 weeks! I can’t wait to try out some of the mixhers products and thank you, from the bottom of my uterus lol, for sharing your wealth of knowledge, your passion and your time! -Kia
  • Jane Pinnock
    Such a good listen! I learned so many basic things that have helped me so much! Love their thoughts and energy and passion for health!
  • oklizg
    Love this podcast!
    Just listened to the five minute stress stopping hacks episode and I got less stressed just listening to it!!! So many great tips that I’m going to start applying today! This podcast has so much useful and inspiring information for all women in all phases of life. Thank you!
  • ajones_8
    Digestible information
    Just started listening and I love how you guys explain information in a digestible way. Specifically your episode on caffeine, I quit immediately! Thank you! -Addie B
  • E.M.7237
    Won me over
    I listened to episode 140 on caffeine today and it really won me over. I’ve been interested in Mixhers products for awhile now, but hesitant to make the jump without having sampled the product (I’m pretty picky with my flavors). After listening to their podcast I want to stop drinking my caffeinated crystal light cold turkey and am so interested in including Mixhers into my daily routine. There were so many negative side effects from caffeine on women that I literally had never heard about! Thanks for the podcast ladies! I’ve been converted.
  • lovesstraberries4
    Wealth of information on women’s health
    I love this podcast. There are so many relevant topics that are covered.
  • Carli Slade
    Fun and informative!
    I look forward to this podcast each week. It’s super fun to listen to, and I always learn something.
  • mrshannahandersen
    Change For The Better
    Wow, this was the first full episode I’ve listened to. I’m choosing to immediately eliminate caffeine for the next 30 days and see how I feel. I’m so impressed with the knowledge shared! Thank you Cody!
  • Lolitaladylola
    So appreciate these women
    I so appreciate these women always taking the time to give us a fun place to come and learn about hormones. They really take the time to explain how your monthly hormones can change and how their product can help which it does! They’re so sweet it’s like a female fun episode of reading rainbow for girls and our hormones everytime. Their all about females supporting others females and give us a safe positive place to do it. Celebrating all things that come naturally to females with real education and easy solutions on how to deal with. Plus their products address our hormonal issues in a really easy to use way💕
  • jenaloo06
    One of my favorite podcasts to listen to. Cody and Jess are knowledgeable, and have been so incredibly helpful in my own health journey (bonus-HerTime has been life changing)!!! Look forward to knew episodes, and learning from them every week!!!
  • Pughpartyof6
    Loving hormone health!!
    I have absolutely LOVED learning about hormone health! I love Cody and Jess! They are so honest and upfront and I am always floored with the information that is given and Then when I put it into practice, my jaw drops every time because what they teach really works! I share this podcast with all my sisters and mom and tell every woman I know that hormone health is the best thing you could ever do for your body! I also love their products and everything they stand for! Keep up the amazing work! You both are so fabulous ☺️😘
  • k huish
    An incredible podcast!
    Love this podcast! It’s fun and upbeat but also super informative, insightful and helpful! I’ve learned so much! Another great product from Mixhers.
  • 3 buoys
    Great resource!
    Yay! I’m so excited I found your podcast! I run a group of “midlife warriors”, women over 40, and this is a great resource for us all! I just binge listened to your episodes on syncing our cycle w our food, sleep and exercise! Think I may need to get you on my show (the love your life show) to spread your message!!! Yay and thank you! Susie Pettit
  • chiknchole
    So cute!! Love these ladies!
    So cute. Obsessed with listing to these ladies!
  • shylovesphotos
    Need to know
    Everyone could benefit from this podcast. Well done.
  • Husband In Law
    Why didn’t we learn this…
    When we were younger!!! 🤯 love these ladies and I love all the knowledge they are putting down. Bonus: they offer the best products as well. Thanks for all you do!
  • Sarah Wilcox
    I’m having fun learning!!
    Learning so much from Cody about my body! Love this podcast it’s been fun to listen to and to better understand what is going on with my body!
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