The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway


Bestselling author, professor and entrepreneur Scott Galloway combines business insight and analysis with provocative life and career advice.
On Mondays, Prof G Markets breaks down what’s moving the capital markets, teaching the basics of financial literacy so you can build economic security.
Wednesdays, during Office Hours, Scott answers your questions about business, career, and life.
Thursdays, Scott has a conversation with a blue-flame thinker in the innovation economy.
And Scott closes the week on Saturdays with his Webby Award–winning newsletter, No Mercy / No Malice, as read by actor and raconteur George Hahn.
To resist is futile…
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Recent Reviews
  • Luxx Lighting
    Left wing liberal podcast.
  • Nathan雷神Paul
    Keep the crude!
    Loved the Q&A this week. The question on your crude jokes was excellent constructive criticism at its finest. However, Scott’s reply was flawless in every way. The first thing I connected to listening to this podcast my first time was that wonderful slap in the face intro (granted I’m still a 12 year old boy, heart and soul) . Your ability to lighten the mood over a topic that many feel overwhelmed by THE ECONOMY! is your freaking special sauce. Please keep doing you. PS That postcard joke you dropped recently had me confused for several seconds then laughing for several minutes. Thank you so much for everything you and your team do.
  • Robin4140
    Wish there was more non-financial info
    I listened to the latest podcast where SHEIN was mentioned and looked up the company because Prof G liked it so much. I found a Time magazine article that talked about how the fast fashion company (and that sector in general) was a major polluter and also it massively uncorked its Chinese workers in unsafe conditions. I wish this wasn’t just another podcast in relentless pursuit of money, money, money no matter the cost. Sigh. Please consider adding a bit more dimension.
  • 097752006
    Favorite Podcast
    Scott’s jokes are hilarious! The market breakdowns are the insightful.
  • NC218
    The smartest man!
    Prof G got life figured out to its core! What’s important, what’s not. To just say that I learn something new with each podcast is immensely inadequate. I grow with every word of wisdom and intelligence he so freely dispenses to the rest of us. Listen to his podcasts regularly and you’ll know what I’m talking about.
  • Interested bystander
    Content is interesting
    But strange delivery. Like an Alice in Wonderland story. It would be nice to have an overview of the team and the process used to write these segments.
  • Lebanese Lloyd
    Too Biased regarding Gaza
    I was a devoted fan of the show for at least a couple of years, but I think that Scott jumped the shark when he decided to manifest his Jewishness to the point where his positions on Israel and Palestine became irrational. It’s sad, because I lost a lot of respect for him. I don’t know anyone can support what Israel is doing, which is unquestionably a genocide. Let’s call Holocaust 2.0. He doesn’t accept that Israel been the oppressor all along. He doesn’t understand why the Palestinians lash back at the Israelis for being put in an open air prison and treated like second class, no third class, people with no future.
  • candle throb
    Informative, entertaining
    Love this pod! Relevant topics, and they go about it from an angle that’s not covered often. Very data backed, really humorous. Not much else to say except it’s a great podcast for those interested in business, tech, how both of those intersect with society, and Wednesdays you get some personal perspective. Also shoutout to first time founders! Great idea
  • Jazzdelmar
    Ed is distracting.
  • hshshxjwjkakwowk
    Best business podcast out there
    Good insights, relevant topics, funny banter… the prof G pod is the best podcast out there
  • AlanCJ97
    From an influencer
    A bit hurt by your comment today but I have a sense of humor so still a big fan Also, both of you right on with your comments of UK vs USA. I’m european and I agree w your analysis, only missing comment is that when it comes to lifestyle the southern Europeans enjoy life a bit more, which of course does not lead to economic success Thanks for all the useful info Happy you added the Markets podcast too G
  • RednBoston
    Crass, not a fan
    Listen for a bit, got turned off the more Scott talked
  • nbsfmc
    Super sexist
    In any given situation, it’s always the woman’s fault in Scott’s world. Sherry Redstone (not Sumner Redstone), Sheryl Sandberg (not Marky Z), Cathie Wood (not any other dude in finance), and of course, the women who provoke him by existing (not Don Lemon). But we should make sure guys don’t feel left behind in world of entrenched sexism, because it’s the men who are struggling. Sure.
  • Apitts4u
    Male sexual assault history
    Scott... Huge fan. I was intrigued with your conversation with Matthew Hussey today. At the end, you talked about your new streaming obsession. And the impact it could have regarding boys and men talking about past sexual trauma. I love that as I have two grown sons, and I would hope that they would feel comfortable enough talking to their dad or myself. I urge you to watch the new Netflix Kevin Spacey two episode streaming series, it was so heartwarming and impactful, and just watching these young men, some older men now talk about the unwanted sexual interaction they had with Kevin Spacey. Their stories and what it’s done to their psych even now as grown men. Extremely impactful and I think you would really enjoy it.
  • GregZero
    A part of my soul dies every time I hear anyone on this podcast use “compute” as a noun. #Jargon
  • fatboyslim496
    Lost his credibility
    I like Scott Galloway, but I can’t justify getting news from a source that is so terribly misguided on an important issue like Palestine/Israel and the campus protests. Lost my respect, unfortunately. Unsubscribed.
  • Jared23456
    Lost my respect
    Recently this person has lost my respect.
  • Molly Jong Fast
    Love your show
    I just love your show. And you have wonderful and insightful guests. Thank you for the TRUTH!!!!
  • JT probono
    Scott went off the rails lately on Israel
    Wow. I like prof G and still mostly do but he exposed a really dark side of himself with that rant about the protesters supporting an end to the violence in Gaza who are standing in solidarity for the human rights of the palestinian people. That’s what I stand for anyway and that’s what 99% percent of the students at these protests across the country stand for as well. That’s it. Nothing more and nothing less. Calling for these brave protesters who are exercising their free speech rights to be expelled? For what? having a different opinion than you? Scott is being incredibly immature and dishonest in his representation of these students. I pray for peace and I pray for true introspection from Scott and others in the media who refuse to see a moral wrong with our government which funds these universities and funds the bombing of Gaza while suppressing the voices of those who question this contradiction.
  • kdayracing
    Insightful and educational
    I’m a huge fan of this podcast as it provides me a lot of useful information and breaks it down into terms that’s a bit more understandable to me. I appreciate the strong opinions, but even more so when the heart cracks open just a bit and spills into the emotional connection to business, life and family.
  • Dav90id
    What a miss
    Scotts clear inability to see past his own bias makes me question all his thoughts. I can’t trust his opinions when he praises the likes of Mike f-ing Johnson.
  • fromnoweare
    His mom’s choice
    Can’t even with the depth and breadth of meaning jam packed in 14 minutes. Thank you Scott for your feminism, your allegiance and for being a voice for the voiceless. Can’t stand the current regression in this country. Appreciate the spotlight. 💙
  • imeanreally
    Reject Scott's right-wing ideology
    Scott must be the most over-rated podcaster ever. An intellectual midget, he is a rightwing extremist, excusing the slaughter of the civilians in Gaza and an apologist for the destruction of the biosphere (that is, monopoly Capitalism). Avoid his poison at all costs.
  • ChugachRich
    Scott is against faculty 1st Amendment rights
    Adios Scott. You should stick to your lane of expertise. Your myopic opinions toward the decades-long Israel-Palestine conflict side with a genocidal oppressor. Students do not support Hamas, rather they are against the killing of innocent Palestinians and apartheid committed by the current Israeli government. Faculty has no choice but to stand with students on the right side of humanity and justice.
  • BillJanis
    Note on pod for each episode
    It seems the podcast is a bit lazy. Most podcasts will give you a bit of a notes explanation what the podcast is about. Never this one. Often I’ve put it on and it’s not about something I’m interested in. Because of this, I no longer listen at all. it would serve them well if they would put a preview for each show regarding what it’s about.
  • Keith4634
    Sell out
    I had a lot of respect for Scott and his honest unbiased take on the economy. That was up until his u-turn on inflation. Apparently people are misunderstanding the inflation data. We don't realize that the interest on our non existent savings is offsetting the inflation that is apparently a figment of our collective imaginations. Well done Scott. Paul Krugman must be proud.
  • EthereumRichie
    Sharp and professional
    Scott doesn’t waver from the topic and doesn’t go on unnecessary tangents. The message in the title is the same message in the podcast. Very informative, and specific information/content. It’s definitely something to appreciate.
  • eriklatt
    Weekly goto
    Don’t ever get rid of the Monday episode as it has become a regular part of starting my work week. I like the banter between Ed and Scott and especially like that he’s pushing back a little more and having his own insights as before I think he was a little too quick to agree or simply didn’t have enough life experience to counter Scott. I also can understand the point of the show isn’t to offer two sides or anything but Ed should bring unique stuff point of view to the conversation to warrant his air time (which I think he’s now earning).
  • YO sugar DADDY
    Lost it
    Idk lost my appetite for this pod after yrs of listening. Scott’s social pulse is unbearably boomer-establishment-level out of touch. His humor is equally stale too. The attempts to be “sympathetic” to his young audience’s economic realities gets old and comes off as disingenuous and show-offy. Also, his business/investment predictions are midwit.
  • Vivian Loves Paris
    Shocking one can be so educated yet so ignorant. He’s constantly insulting the intelligence of his audience with some ridiculous arguments. Not a fan!
  • Shadwell von Bernstein
    Long time listener not a sycophant
    I have enjoyed this show since the beginning but now I’m just tired of the narcissism and having to hear about his wealth and lifestyle over and over. Scott is slick but on so many subjects he is out of his depth and instead relies on catchy rhetoric. It’s the same on his show with Swift where both engage in non stop self ego stroking. Too many people feel the need to adopt and follow gurus. As much as Scott criticizes Musk (and I despise him) he doesn’t spend half the time talking about himself - most on his whacky ego driven crusades- than Scott. Enjoy your jet setting lifestyle and your growing herd of adoring fan boys. I’m out of here.
  • RaFa my dogs name
    Jokes are still stupid.
    What’s up with the adolescent humor? Drop the stupid jokes.
  • Monster Tweety Bird
    Who is behind the push to remove women’s right to abortion.
    Excellent, great historical and 1st hand life experiences in the real world. Very well told and easy to understand. Great work! Shining a spotlight onto the sad truth of small mindedness and extreme views.
  • The South Jersey Guy
    Storm Before the Calm
    You need to have author George Friedman on to share his POV on the cycles America goes through every 80 years.
  • isawstephen
    Privilege to travel to Egypt without knowing its in Africa sums up the problems with his politics. Insightful commentary on markets.
  • LauraHarrington
    Re Jonathan Haidt interview
    THANK YOU!! This may be the most important interview I have heard all year. Keep up the good work.
  • Jared Herbert
    Great unique advice & insights
    Professor Scott Galloway offers some of the most unique, helpful advice available out there that isn’t available in the mainstream media ecosystem. I could not recommend this podcast more.
  • highheelboy
    Turn up the volume, I could hear Scott fine , his quest however was barley audible
  • Gabriel Nuez
    I spit out my coffee. Great show
  • Andreas11111262883
    Great podcast too many commercials
    Great podcast with thoughtful commentary on biz and the markets, but too many and an increasing nimber of commercials.
  • Vandal007
    Interesting Take, but Scott has a problem
    Interesting takes on certain industries makes this podcast useful. However, Soctt's a stone cold racist and that makes it tough to listen to.
  • Tam-Mag
    Nvidia episode comment
    Thank you for the voice of reason in the sea of nonsense! And I love how your comments about the American economy are so on point and humane! Thank you so much
  • Bizboi69
    Tech-bro paternalism exemplified (I need tech, therefore we all need the tech I need)
    Scott is so stuck in this university, capitalist bubble he doesn’t realize how similar to Elon he is. Scott recycles the same closeted-conservative (and sometimes factually incorrect) talking points with fairly superficial relays of recent happenings. This is a guy who praises himself for lying on a resume to get into investment banking and thought NFTs would blow up based on observing his kids playing video games. The ‘banter’ between Scott and his employees feels forced, like they’re the accessories necessary to turn his ramblings into dialogue. Guests can be great, though.
  • orlandorican
    Orlando, Florida listener
    Excellent show. Scott humanity and wisdom is to be admired. He come across as an open book trying to impart a bit of knowledge to a world that is seems to be out control. That I tell is a business show?
  • Exploder1993
    Love the chatting!
    The interview with Admiral Stavridis is one of the best I’ve ever heard! Well done Scott! I like the banter between Ed and Scott!! I feel like the people who see Scott and walk up and act like they know him. Great pod - very insightful!
  • KatieLL11
    Hard listen
    George’s affected speech makes me cringe. A pseudo intellectual poseur who definitely doesn’t even own a passport.
  • PODDoisseur
    One of my favorite Podcasts
    I really enjoy listening to this podcast! I sometimes re-listen multiple times and share with friends. Prof. G brings years of experience and wisdom to the show. While his jokes are often funny I have a hard time sharing some of the episodes because I don’t want to make others uncomfortable with the humor. One of the most underrated and unappreciated features are the stock tips and advice the Scott shares. I also like how he make’s himself vulnerable by sharing his emotions around family life.
  • Chill Baby
    One of the best podcast I have listened to.
    Stumbled on to this podcast by accident and what a pleasant surprise! Now it is on my must listen to shows! Great in depth information and love the humor! Please keep up the great work!
  • NYC22spl
    Only so much
    Insightful but pettiness pervades. Also an arrogance that amuses at first but ultimately for me annoyed. And much too much triggered by Musk! Be back one day but not soon…and after 3 months tuned back in. Predictions. Mostly interesting but hearing the “dawg” say if he was a single issue voter, his issue would be “reproductive rights” was pure stand-up. Love, love Ed!
  • bcfree002
    Don’t lose Ed
    I have been listening to Prof G (and Pivot) since the very beginning. He’s young, smart and thoughtful and good chemistry with Scott…,he balances and offsets the growing egotism and off color sex jokes. I’m a little disappointed with the slight turn over time with Scott…also Prof Gs comments are on high recycle. Exact same comments on Pivot…and again Ed’s comments add something fresh for your fans that listen to both shows. Bravo Ed
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