Triple R Teaching

Courses #17

It's time to reignite your passion for teaching! Triple R Teaching provides simple strategies and practical tips for PreK-grade 3 educators. Anna Geiger, M.Ed., author of Reach All Readers, will show you how to make small changes to improve how you teach literacy concepts. Look forward to episodes about Anna's transition from balanced literacy to the science of reading, and expect episodes that will help you understand the research while giving you practical tips that you can implement today. Hit subscribe, and get ready to transform your teaching!

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Recent Reviews
  • Madison2008
    My Absolute Favorite
    Anna GETS what it’s like to be a teacher. Her episodes are brief but have the greatest nuggets of information and tips that you can use the SAME DAY to help your students. This podcast was the PERFECT introduction to the Science of Reading. It’s where I, as an 18 year veteran teacher, first learned the basics of SoR. She does not talk down to you, but presents in a way that puts you at ease and excites you to try new things all at once. I recommend this to ALL teachers, coaches, administrators- everyone!! I listen to many literacy podcasts, and many times, the others reference Anna’s podcast and her expertise.
  • Runjennyrun4
    authentic, research based and on the spot applicable
    I learn a lot from these episodes and appreciate the research behind each topic
  • zavysgrammy
    I have been a teacher for 16 years and I have a wealth of knowledge from this podcast!
  • meggy1961
    Triple R Teaching
    I love this show so much. As a veteran teacher of special needs children with intensive needs I undoubtedly walk away from each episode with an idea to improve my specialized instruction in the classroom. I could write so much here from reading to helping students with language articulation this podcast is magical!
  • NicknameJEVB
    Stellar Content and Interviewing
    I think I have listened to every episode, and several more than once. When I listen to this podcast, I can count on solid, well-researched content. I also really appreciate how Anna interviews. When I search for other podcast interviews of the same literacy superstars I love to hear from (Wiley Blevins, for example), Anna Geiger’s interviews are always my favorite because she asks the questions teachers really want to know (“Many teachers listening may be wondering…”) and then gets out of the way and lets the experts share their knowledge. This is my literacy podcast happy place. :)
  • Sarah76148533
    Listen with a critical ear
    There are some excellent nuggets here, but the content is often reflective of the fact that globally, the teaching of reading is in a bit of the “messy middle” right now - the science is clear and concise, but there are also some remnants of balanced literacy/whole language that percolate through. For example, today’s episode features a former 1st grade teacher recommending that you start the 1st grade year by reviewing “a letter a day, A thorough Z.” While doing this wouldn't cause harm, it’s absolutely a completely inefficient way of reviewing. Sure, take a day to see what letter sounds your students do and don’t know, and for the kids that know them all, see what more advanced phonic concepts they know. See what types of words they can read. Use those areas that are “known but not solid” to do your review. Don’t waste 26 days doing a letter a day! And also—“letters” no, “phonograms/graphemes”, yes!
  • 2nd grade tescher
    Amazing Resource
    I learn so much as a 2nd grade teacher from this podcast. My only critique is I wish each podcast was longer. But I love this podcast! We’re so lucky to have Anna as an amazing resource. So thankful for you!
  • Pintastic!
    Shifting with Grace
    Anna says what we’re all thinking or used to think when we thought we were doing it all right. She’s a thought leader for teachers who are beginning to see the holes in leveled literacy instruction and who are accepting and open to learning that there might be a better way!
  • Reading Teacher in WA
    So Insightful!
    I appreciate how Anna always goes back to the research and communicates it in such a user-friendly way. I’ve learned so much!!
  • Busy teaching
    Science of Reading in bite size nuggets!
    Thanks Anna for putting together these easily digestible lessons on improving reading instruction using the best science of reading. As a veteran teacher, like you, who has spent years using leveled guided reading and wondered what I was missing, your podcast gives me hope that we can do better for our students. While the shift in teaching philosophy is huge, you do a fantastic job of taking one small component at a time and discussing it explicitly. I listen Monday morning on my way to work, and while I am always wishing there was MORE… I find that the nugget you drop is food for thought all week long as I work to improve my approach and inspire other teachers to do the same. I’ve listened to other podcasts on the same topic, and while equally inspirational, they fail to give the next steps to apply in the classroom, as you do. You take the science directly to the lesson, and I appreciate how easy you make that for me to do as well.
  • some curly haired chick
    Great explanation of the science of reading!
    I listened to a previous free webinar that Anna did with another teacher about how to teach reading using the science of reading approach. I love that she taught “the other way” before and acknowledges the good parts of it. The main articles and posts that I see tearing down the science of reading seem to think that this replaces the entire language arts curriculum! It is a method of teaching children to read. I had already found, now that I’m working with young children (I was a 5th grade teacher in the classroom, but I now tutor K-6 plus all ages through high school with learning disabilities), that teaching the letter sounds was the first thing I had to do. I was looking for the best way to teach phonics, and this is it! Of course, their total ELA also consists of real literature, vocabulary, writing (my true specialty), handwriting (another specialty), and more. But many children don’t just “pick it up.” Especially the population I work with, which includes not only kids with disabilities, but kids whose parents speak English as a second language. Direct instruction in phonics, step-by-step instructions for writing, and intentional vocabulary instruction are important for helping these kids stay on track. So, am I a “traditional teacher?” Oh, my goodness no. My students do projects, write about their own topics, and study things they are interested in. But they can do this because they have this strong foundation. If you are not convinced about the science of reading, please learn more about how it can fit in with the rest of your curriculum. This is a great way - listen to the podcast in your car! Excellent resource.
  • teacher cheryl
    Worth your time! Excellent podcast
    I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who has children in their life! We are always teaching the little ones around us whether we realize it or not. This podcast will help any thoughtful adult be more intentional with the children in their life.
    Teaching writing to Kindergarten
    I loved this quick podcast ! There were so many helpful take aways! Thank you!
  • CarenBakker
    Excellent resource
    As a teacher I've been a fan of Anna's materials for a while, this podcast is a great addition! There is so much still to discover!
  • st hillel
    Questions about Shared Reading
    I am a Measured Mom fan! Thank you for your wealth of information about literacy! I liked your analogy of Guided reading being like a ladder and your list of benefits of shared reading!
  • Tpryb
    Love the practical advice!!
    In the world of "The Measured Mom" I am what one might refer to as a "Believa"! I keep a folder in my class of articles and mini lessons I've read by Anna Geiger that have to do with anything from reading do's and don'ts to activities for sight words. I visit my notes and folders often to help get the juices flowing for new ideas or to help me figure out my next steps for a struggling student. As usual, the material covered in your podcast about writing for Kindergarteners was to the point and logical. Thank you for sharing your understanding and talents with the rest of us!
  • Lyddie K
    Shared reading made easy—a refreshing podcast
    She makes shared reading not only understandable but makes it fun for me and my students! Before listening to this podcast I was’t really making shared reading a priority with my student, I didn’t see the point of shared reading and now it’s become a fun part of our day. I can’t wait to listen to the other episodes to help me become a better teacher!
  • FreeFam3
    Love her stuff!
    Anna Geiger has fantastic resources for young learners and I’m so excited she now has a podcast! The episodes are quick but full of great tips for helping students learn in fun ways!
  • Mrs. L. Edwards
    Teachers need teachers!
    I really enjoyed listening to episode three because I realized when I was teaching kg, I was actually using most of these strategies you highlighted. Listening to your podcast has helped me to consciously reflect more on my teaching. I love your site and now your podcast.
  • I-teach-ELs
    Great Podcast!
    I am a frequent user – and an avid fan – of The Measured Mom worksheets. This podcast provides a short, focused dose of Professional Development. As a teacher of English Learners, many of these concepts about writing will apply to my students, even if they’re in higher grades. The ideas in the podcast are laid out clearly and are very do-able. Thanks, Anna, for another high-quality resource!
  • #MEfan
    Specific, concise, helpful!
    I enjoyed listening to Anna Geiger's, of The Measured Mom, new podcasts. I'm a veteran teacher, but found her information to be fresh, specific and helpful with an encouraging tone. I had forgotten how important "shared reading" is to a balanced literacy approach, and she offered reasons why and simple implementation strategies. Thanks!
  • susie eberhauser
    Love this podcast
    I never realized how many separate skills are involved in teaching children to read, write and learn math. Anna breaks down this information into bite-sized chunks and focuses on one manageable piece in each short podcast. Her podcast and her website, The Measured Mom, complement each other so well. The website has more info and lots of free printables to help make my teaching more focused and effective.i learn something new from each episode.
  • Voice plus lover
    Great Resource
    Thank you for creating a practical resource for teachers. The episodes are quick but full of practical information :) I am a first year teacher and you have been very helpful !!
  • Catpern1
    Love your show and your website
    Thank you for your podcast. I love how your show aligns with your blog. I was wondering where I can find the show notes. Thanks.
  • Marcellait
    Love your website!
    Can’t wait to hear more of your podcasts. Every time someone sees a cool activity sheet I am doing with my students, the answer is always... “Oh I got this from the measured mom!”.
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