John Solomon Reports

News #54Politics #21

Award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon, who helped unravel the bogus Russia collusion scandal, gives you his exclusive reporting and big newsmaker interviews. To get the unvarnished truth about what’s really going on in Washington, subscribe today to John Solomon Reports. To find out more go to

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Recent Reviews
  • Longlei56
    Soooo many commercials
    Love John’s stories and guests but far too many commercials. Hard to believe John uses all those supplements
  • aurum2013
    Too many commercials
    I love John Solomon and his team but the amount of commercials makes me switch.
  • :;()$&@(:;! Breyer
    Great- but
    The show is the best but John likes to talk too much.
  • CrissyCardwell
    I always enjoyed John Solomon when he was with The Hill. His reporting is true and factual and never antagonizes the people he writes about. He doesn’t write clickbait articles. Nor is his reporting self serving. He is not interested in trying to say the cruelest dig with hopes his article goes viral. I absolutely love Just The News. Not only does he out perform other reporters with truth (and backs it up with proof) but his site actually helps people live better lives. Yes we get just the news, no junk, but he gets guests that actually make a difference in this world. I’m so thankful to him and trust him completely. 🙏🙌
  • ScottytheMenace
    sponsored news you can't trust
    After sitting through ten minutes of what sounded like news but turned out to be an ad for a sponsor I'm done with this. It’s shameless and disturbing from someone as trusted as John used to be. It takes advantage of listeners' trust and ultimately diminishes the credibility of the reporting. How do I distinguish true reporting from purchased promos when they’re no different? I fully understand the need for ads. It’s how you earn a living. But they should be 100% obvious and separate from the editorial content. Seriously disappointing.
  • Free Patriot Tim
    Bird flu my butt!
    We have dealt with bird flu before. Fact check me on the dates but, I remember us dealing with “bird flu” back in the ’80’s. It was just a thing we lived with like swine flu. I think it’s all a play on fear
  • Sandman 51Retired after 27 yrs
    Merry Christmas
    Thank you for sharing on Christmas day with all of us. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
  • Gallaghers from Philadelphia
    “Just saying “…
    The attempt to escalate tensions between Ukraine a Russia by the Biden administration has a number of “wrinkles” in the fabric of motives involved. The idea that Ukraine can effectively succeed in their efforts has always been remote. The bigger question is how this “war” has been conducted by both sides.Looking closely into all the “money laundering “ that has been happening in the region may be the reason the “war”has lasted this long?”Follow the money”?! Thanks Gallagher in Philadelphia
  • Big Sincho
    Could a guy be any calmer?
    John Solomon is a real newsman. Great interviews with informed people and deep knowledge. The honesty is refreshing. Thanks JTN.
  • Northern Neck.
    I’m out
    The best real news and facts, but WAY to many commercials for a podcast. I’m out.
  • BillBlaster1
    Excellent Podcast, Very Accurate
    John does an outstanding job bringing up current political news and labeling the ridiculous, stupid and horribly damaging policies of this brain-dead Biden administration. Highly recommended.
  • pinging pigeon
    Matt Gaetz
    John, considering the Gaetz track record for possible sex trafficking, and his role in unseating Kevin McCarthy, how can President Trump nominate Gaetz for Attorney General (with a straight face)?
  • gramaree
    Good content but waaay too many commercials. Close to twelve minutes at the front end of the latest episode. It was my last try.
  • Lennyinoregon
    Decent show. Way too many ads
    It was a fine show with a clear and compelling message. But WAY too many ads. Jeez, there are cold read ads and testimonial ads and produced ads. Your show even ends with an “infomercial”! I liked the show, but when is enough with all the commercials?
  • nvchicky
    Toooooo much advertising
    I listen to numerous podcasts and by far this program has too much advertising. Often the show will start 6 or 7 minutes in after ads. Ridiculous
  • Pamela7644
    Jan 6 a hoax free Bannon!!!
    The day was a set up and so was the committee! Free Bannon!
  • listener ces
    Did Zuckerberg lie to congress about suppressing Covid and Biden’s corruption when he was previously called and questioned? Just wondering if anyone was comparing his new lengthy letter with his previous testimony?
  • Small Time Dude
    An Iraq Military Titanic Analogy!
    Maybe we’re recalling, the sinking of the Titanic, and the heroic measures taken to preserve lives. Honorable men and women, remaining on the sinking craft, to enable more women and children, to escape on the limited life boats. Facing the Iraq conflict, did a military leader use a “Retirement Lifeboat”, like the Titanic women and children? Should this person be permitted to be “second in command” on the “Democrat Political Submarine”, even though the “Skipper” is only “Row Boat” qualified?😎
  • redwolfhopw
    Fast forward 19 minutes.
    To get past the FIRST set of commercials. : (
  • Woodchuck413
    Great show
    I save your podcast for my last one before bed. I love the way you present news. It calming in the way you present it. After the fear mongers I listen too often this one give me something relaxing. Thank you.
    Too many commercials
    Good show, great reporter, but way, way way too many commercials!
  • Bert*1
    Kiron Skinner African American Realignment
    Do you think Black Men will support for President a woman, Kamala, who threw many of them in Prison for Marijuana?
  • Normie Not
    Advertise much?
    Great content but holy cow, why so my advertisements on such a short show?
  • joeyd416
    Phenomenal podcast
    I want to commend John Solomon on your exceptional honesty, unwavering integrity, and commitment to real reporting. Your dedication to presenting the truth with transparency and accuracy is truly admirable. Your work sets a high standard and serves as a beacon of trustworthiness in an era where genuine journalism is more important than ever.
  • Q10fitness
    JS review
    Too many commercials The first 5+ minutes and between each speaker. Great investigating and appreciate his knowledge, but too soft in interviews.
  • Love-twigame
    Knows news before anyone else
    06/03/24 Great podcast. I’m from Texas, and the second half I learned I’m not the only person who feels a dramatic unease as an American. Thank you John, you do a great job of validating Americans basic thoughts. Thank you for being trustworthy. 12/05/23 I’m loving MTG-she’s obviously doing something right if Barnes and Noble and Amazon is giving her book negative reviews, what a great woman! Great informative podcast
  • dpdunning
    The Gold Standard for news
    Thank God for John Solomon. Real journalism that’s trustworthy.
    God Save America
    God bless you John, and Mr. Waller too!
  • sue weaver
    In support of Senator Bill Eigel
    Thank you for the fantastic interview with Senator Eigel! This MO conservative is a big supporter of Eigel! MO needs his conservative values and his guts to help rid us of the RINO problem we’re suffering from!!
  • LA Zorro
    And the hits keep on coming
    Just when I think your podcast can’t get any better you come up with another great one.
  • NoteZart28
    Just The News: Uncovering Problems & Solutions
    John you & your staff are the hardest working news staff in the country and it shows! God bless you as you all do this important work and may God continue to give you all the strength & energy you need to give us the truth without the noise🙏
    Alone in voting booth
    Mr.Solomon I was a little disappointed and perplexed. Disappointed that you do not fulfill a civic responsibility in voting. Perplexed that you do not realize in the voting booth your vote is private. Voting, one means those of us without a national voice can make ourselves heard. Respectfully Bruce, Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • Janice Fahy
    Deeply dishonest but also boring
    What in the world happened to the party of Lincoln?
  • Melbourne Washington III
    Over and out
    I used to like listening to your podcast, with your research and insights, but the addition of excessive advertising, especially in the first five minutes, has killed my desire to spend time listening to you.
  • Wardo Ky.Boy
    Covid death vax
    Thank you for coving what few do. The Gov’t / big pharma cover-up. Every one of these vaccines impacts your immune system. Millions have died as a result of the vax that doesn’t turn off. One researcher had a number of 1/800 or 1 /1,000 jabs. Millions suffer chronic illness not from long covid but Long Vax Syndrome, as do I, 3 yrs. Congress needs to act. & clean up the biggest medical disaster in history. Wardo, Louisville
  • Cheriecare
    So refreshing !
    You can follow up on his website to see the documents /paper trail. If you miss an episode you might miss a coverup. Something that is being suppressed. Helps tie together what/why the undercurrent is doing..... Thank You! You are a real reporter . Fact based facts WOW!
  • Houston Holiday
    I like the content but too many commercials
    Stopped listening. Too many commercials
  • Balladman1
    Too many commercials
    Annoying commercial breaks
  • Poppa Willis
    Great news show
    Great commentary and great way to stay caught up on the news
  • bkellllly
    Too many commercials
    Too many commercials
  • Whitey8293
    Too much commercial time
    Feels like more commercials than content.
  • jxberny
    Awesome Amanda !
    I love this podcast but especially the duo with Amanda . Hearing about her personal life today was so fascinating and impressive ! Amanda I am a wife and mom of 5 and love cooking for my husband & family every day too ! I just started a blog helping people learning cooking quick, clean nutrient dense & flavorful + kids friendly meals every day with a steam cooker ! It’s called the steamed cuisine lifestyle at I love the field of greens idea when you travel, but to cook at home I haven’t found better and easier way to make even small kids eat healthy ! You can learn about it at steamed_cuisine on YouTube. It is new Trying to encourage great people keep healthy and thriving ! Love the show ! Keep at it please
  • ZzZz2Bb
    Keep digging up the truth. Thank God there are still journalists and your work is helping save this country and our individual freedom!
  • Cherished freedom
    I appreciate what you do but when I tune in to your podcast I come to listen to the news and not an infomercial about weight loss.
  • Nothings411
    Re: Brad Rath’ in GA episode
    Never listening to him! No respect for him! I would listen if I knew someone verbally beat him up on 2020 election integrity of the elections HE RAN!
  • The_T_K
    Michael Rappaport. You’re credibility took a BIG BIG hit…. He’s a crazy leftist…. Don’t give them a voice now!
  • MosquitoSwarm
    The short bus stops here
    ‘Nuf said.
  • marciarobbins
    John, I applaud, respect and truly appreciate your work and your integrity! I pray for you and for the work you do. Keep it up. You are needed!!!
  • fiction is great
    Talking in Circles
    Austin Scott and the so/called republicans in Congress are not going to ever vote to cut spending. Please prove me wrong and make it meaningful. I doubt any of these crooks in congress are going to die harm to the heir primary goal and that is to get re-elected and cutting spending is not in their own interest. I hope I’m wrong yet stop talking and show us. FISA, it doesn’t matter which version they give lip service to are they going to actually enforce it or lack the about getting away with it over cocktails? I think our government has lost my faith in them and I have very low expectations of them hem based on their track records. I’d love to see the initial net worth of each member of congress and then what their net worth is when they exit and then one or two years after they’ve left. Why do they get to keep security clearances and Bennie’s after they leave. Serve and get out and pay your own way. We don’t owe any of these people a darn thing.
  • Jefe Pa
    No one better
    There’s no other
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