Rivals: Music's Greatest Feuds


Beatles vs. Stones. Biggie vs. Tupac. Kanye vs. Taylor. Who do you choose? And what does that say about you? Actually, what do these endlessly argued-about pop music rivalries say about us? Music opinions bring out passionate debate in people, and music journalists/critics Steven Hyden and Jordan Runtagh know this firsthand. They’re both obsessed with the biggest (as well as the most obscure) rivalries in music history. Each week, they’ll break down the details of a different colorful feud, and attempt to figure out why many of our favorite pop and rock stars can’t seem to get along.

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  • M&WFan
    Bring it back!
    Loved this. Wish it would return
  • itwasntmesir45
    HS Dorks
    Almost every episodes exudes that these guys never had dates and possibly ate their own hair in High School. I heard the word jocks a million times describing a mean spirited band member. Obviously these guys were jealous and resented to popular athletic boys growing up and are now trying to resolve their insecurities now through this podcast. No thanks.
  • Buck Davis-Strongman
    Great topic and presentation
    What a great idea for a podcast and a welcome change from opinion politics and true crime. Too bad it hasn’t continued beyond these episodes. Both presenters are great together and present facts in a concise and humorous way. DEFINITELY worth a listen.
  • manduhduh
    Finally found a podcast that I really enjoy, and I’m very sad to find out that there will be no more episodes.
  • Pothos Marm
    Wish more music podcasts were like this
    I love this show! It’s so refreshing to hear two pod hosts get straight to the point with a well researched, well paced show. No filler, no waiting around for them to stop trying to impress each other—just the story. You can tell they outline the eps. I don’t get the comment that says it’s corny and poorly researched. Not sure what eps they were listening to, but that hasn’t been my experience at all.
  • SchwannSchwannson
    Corny and poorly researched. It’s basically two dorks cracking each other up with bad jokes and puns. Did I mention it was poorly researched and corny?
  • The Real Paggy
    Great show bring it back!
    Great show bring it back!
  • begaedocrime
    Ten out of ten
    This podcast is amazing!!!! Please bring it back!!
  • KrisCm
    Great concept, poor delivery
    I was listening to the episode on The Beach Boys. I’m not sure why they are making jokes regarding Brian’s child abuse nor why they are discussing the importance of Mike Love’s hair. Music Rivals is an interesting topic, wish they stuck to the topic so I didn’t have to turn it off.
  • Colshannon16
    Bring it back!
    I’m so bummed the contract for this podcast wasn’t renewed — great idea, well executed, definitely should have lived on. In this case it certainly was not better to burn out than fade away. Would pay a Patreon fee for this. Bring it back!!!!
  • shimshamyabbagabbagirl
    Bring ‘em back!!
    Fantastic show—bring it back!!
  • Rivenstein
    Please bring Rivals back!
    Absolutely love this show!
  • cisko707
    Very unbalanced
    Listened to one episode and it was so lopsided, despite claiming to defend one side, both hosts were criticizing that side. Made it hard to take them seriously.
  • Steh#1
    More! More of this please!
    Come back
    Pleeeeeeease bring this show back!!!!!!
  • hfdhssghjkhddnhddhyednjdd
    Iiiiii love it
  • Aileen -
    Rivals - The Best behind the scenes podcast
    I’m so glad I ran across Rivals podcast. Stevie and Linsey and the Eagles are my favorites. I starting the Van Halen episodes next. I’m sure they will be equally as good!!!
  • Crono_619
    You don’t like rap cool. But don’t disrespect rappers and call them disgusting. Stupid ignorant idiots.
  • Shadenado
    Please bring this back.
    Can’t say it enough! Entertaining and personable hosts, great research and chemistry, super eye opening content across so many genres. Please bring the show back!!
  • Victory1753
    Bring it Back
    Bring back the podcast. It was great.
  • Murphy Tim
    Good podcast
    Good podcast
  • Mustachestaff
    So Entertaining
    Please come back!
  • G. Delo
    AmaZing Podcast
    Please bring this podcast back. It has gotten me into so much music that I didn’t know was out their. Can’t rate this podcast highly enough!!!
  • AngieLoc
    Please bring it back!!!
    I love this podcast sooo much and have listened to each episode multiple times. Please bring it back! There are so many more good rivalries! And the hosts have such a great format and dynamic with each other. This used to be the highlight of my week. It is truly missed.
  • blakelyphillips
    Please bring it back!!!
    I love this podcast!! Have listened to every episode multiple times. Love to put it on at work and would absolutely love to see it come back!! Jordan and Steven are both hilarious and this podcast made me read some of their publications as well as Steven’s book. They are fantastic writers and absolutely fascinating to listen to.
  • hshdnk
    This is the first podcast where I’ve gone back to listen to every single episode regardless of whether the topic interests me or not. Please come back I need a Scott Weiland vs. Stone Temple Pilots episode.
  • kkgf4788
    well researched
    i love this podcast- these guys always give a nuanced and interesting take. i wish there were twice as many episodes
  • Deatonian
    Well researched- a must for music fans!
    How did this not get picked up for another season?! These guys no their stuff and they don’t waste time with self-indulgent chit chat. Remember “Behind the Music”? This podcast reminds me of that. I know a lot about this stuff and I always learn something new.
  • Gertrude Stein
    Bring it back
    This is an extremely informative and entertaining show, with hosts that know their stuff but also are able to quip back and forth with each other and engage listeners. I’m sure we all have podcasts we just turn on in the background, but this is not one of them. Truly amazing work, really hope they decide to bring it back
  • cagmofurman
    Another Season Please
    I have enjoyed this. It like a time trip. Love it!
  • Bak am
    Really sad to see this go.
    It is a real bummer about IHeart cancelling the show. IHeart radio is ruining music.
  • idflyfish
    More Content?
    This was a great podcast, what happened? I’m jonesing for the Bob Mould vs Grant Hart episode.
  • projectgirl
    Not renewed?!? Why?
    iheart Radio barely gave this a chance!
  • hlobmybim
    Why didn’t this podcast get renewed, truly enjoyed the content, the originality and the genuine passion that was evident on each show. Please reconsider!!!
  • JC1993
    This Is A Real Gem
    In a landscape where so many music podcasts are made up of folks sitting in their living rooms with a microphone and waxing over entire albums for three hours, this was a breath of fresh air. Two professional critics with deep knowledge discussing the really fun, dishy side of so many music titans. Seems a shame to let this podcast go. The unique nature of the subject matter and the bona fides the hosts bring to the table made this one of my favorites. Fingers crossed that it lands somewhere else.
  • Gerald Ford Fairmont Futura
    Mostly love and two suggestions
    I greatly enjoyed the podcast and hope it will be back in some form. The humor was great, and I enjoy the comparisons Hyden made to other artists and their discographies. His long-time rock scribe pedigree came through. Runtaugh was a great host as well, even if his “I always thought of it as ...” setups seemed disingenuous. The pair had great interplay. Steven’s Joe Walsh drawl imitation was a laugh-out-loud moment. The topics were great and enjoyed that they stretched to two and three episodes the rivalries that deserved it. My suggestions are these: Firstly, I hope both hosts take the interim before their inevitable and welcome comeback to delete filler words from their speech. The guys say “like” hundreds of times per episode. The CSN (& sometimes Y) episodes were the low point on this. It’s overwhelming and distracting and has to go. Find a public speaking resource online and try the suggestions. Secondly, ditch the casual cursing. I’m no prude and use such words when appropriate, but it seemed like the king effenheimers were being deployed more frequently and purposefully where they weren’t merited by the end of the run. Again, terrific concept, mostly well-executed, and bring it back ASAP!
  • Lakesguy28
    Love this show, bring it back!
    One of my favorite podcasts
  • Justinianman
    Fun and informative rock/pop rivalry forum
    Having been a fan of rock and pop music for the last 40 years, discovering this podcast was a delightful find for me. These guys have read all the same magazines and tell-all books that I have over the years, but they also have actually interviewed many of the musicians themselves. Subsequently, Steve and Jordan are extremely knowledgeable about the inner workings of a wide swath of rock and pop bands and their musical rivals, from the Beatles to Taylor Swift, and seemingly everyone in between. Through this podcast, they shared a treasure trove of rich and often hilarious stories about the simmering rivalries within or between rock and pop bands and stars. And they managed to do it fairly, with empathy and respect for each of the parties involved, sharing illuminating background for context. I hope another broadcasting company picks up this podcast so they can continue their highly entertaining mission. But if that doesn’t happen, I’m grateful for the countless hours of enjoyment they have already provided. Thanks, guys!
  • MissJennyFur
    Great show - hope to see it carried elsewhere
    Way to go, i Heart radio. You shut down one of my favorite podcasts. I hope they can find a home at another podcast co. They’re funny and insightful about a vast amount of music. I was hoping they’d get into Infighting in The Who!
  • Daveindiego
    Great in depth show.
    Big fan of Steven Hyden, and his other podcasts as well. Been finding that I’ve been laughing out loud at a few of Hydens quips per show. Both have voices made for radio/podcasting. Very knowledgeable on their subjects. Two thumbs up.
  • Jamaica plain guy
    Amazing show - pick it up!!!
    I just caught up and am so bummed. this pod was a great triptik for rock and roll history. So many blind spots were uncovered for me - Catching up today and I now I know more about talking heads than I ever even knew there was to know. Just one example - hope it moves elsewhere
  • Chettmixx
    Bring back Rivals!
    Steven and Jordan, if you’re reading this, get the band back together. Imagine if the Beatles would have made a few more albums, the world would be a much better place....don’t make the same mistake! One of my favorite podcast ever. I feel like this series should have gone a few more years. The host’s are amazing together and give a great history lesson on a wide array of musicians while keeping it fun!
  • CFTX98
    iHeart Ruins Everything
    iHeart, first you ruin terrestrial radio, and now you’re ruining podcasts, especially one of the best ones out there. Shameful. Hope you guys land somewhere better with someone that truly appreciates you and your vast combined musical knowledge!
  • RebMcMiller
    I loved this podcast. So sorry to see it go...
  • la cheesery
    So interesting
    Really love (loved )?this podcast
  • Jairbear5
    Good stuff
    Good stuff
  • stank_dankleson
    Don’t cancel!!
    Great pod
  • yyyrrfiuyykj
    Rivals Podcast
    Brilliant podcast that will be missed. Here’s hoping you land somewhere soon.
  • myrkyr
    Please don’t drop it
    I discovered this show about two months ago and I’ve been endlessly fascinated ever since. I’m not a big podcast guy but I really enjoy this one. The hosts are knowledgeable, likable and concise in how they present the info within each episode, and they’re definitely even-handed in their assessments of each side of a given argument. Best of all, they’re fun.
  • keithLL
    ruined by politics
    I very much enjoyed the first few podcast episodes. The hosts were informative and entertaining. Then I got to the Beach Boys (Brian Wilson vs Mike Love) podcast, and suddenly there was some kind of bizarre hatred for Mike Love from one of the hosts. I was told very early in the podcast that Mike Love was essentially evil, and I was waiting for the evidence of that, which never really materialized. At some point, I suspected it was at least partially based on Mike Love's perceived politics, and that was confirmed later in the podcast when Mike Love was derisively described as a Trump supporter. That host asks rhetorically why did Mike Love have to show his politics, basically stating that M. Love's alleged support for Donald Trump made M. Love a hatable or more hatable figure. So I will ask the host the same question: why do you have to show your politics? There is too much political hate in our society today. I (and I suspect many others) listen to a podcast like this in part to escape that stuff. Alas, no. Another entertainment vehicle ruined by politics. This podcast series was fun while it lasted...
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