Turning to the Mystics with James Finley


Turning to the Mystics is a podcast for people searching for something more meaningful, intimate and richly present in the divine gift of their lives. James Finley, clinical psychologist and Living School faculty, offers a modern take on the historical contemplative practices of Christian mystics like Teresa of Avila, Thomas Merton, John of the Cross among others. Leaning into their experiences can become a gateway to hope, healing and oneness. Together with Kirsten Oates from the Center for Action and Contemplation, they explore listener questions and examine their own paths as modern contemplatives in this beautiful and broken world.

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Recent Reviews
  • Mattie6830
    Way of the Pilgrim
    This is an incredible show that always reminds me to return to my source. I would like to suggest the show The Tao of Christ for anyone who enjoyed the Way of the Pilgrim reflection. The host Marshall Davis retells the Way of the Pilgrim in English through the lens of non-duality. That series and all of his other podcasts are filled with the same light.
  • jmangelo
    Meaningful and Loving
    James Finley shares his wisdom on the Christian mystics. His insights are based on many years of prayer and study.
  • dan4940
    Incredibly helpful
    and full of wisdom for how to approach prayer and reflection. This is a wonderful, creative use of the podcast format to help people from all over develop their relationship with God.
  • njidh
    This guy talks in circles. He doesn’t have the answers. He tries though. Read the Bible it will have all the answers.
  • Family shared - Nik
    Wonderfully done contemplative podcast
    After experiencing a few of Jim’s mini-sermons via CAC, and also being drawn to mystical paths in the Christian lineage (and Lectio Divina), I found this podcast to be a wealth of inspiration. I have only been able to do John of the Cross in real-time but will go back to Theresa of Avila and look forward to more! Since I’ve always been inspired by Merton’s words it’s great to be guided by one who actually studied with him.
  • Blessing and balm
    True treasure
    The mystical tradition goes to the heart of authentic Christianity. It beckons us into the heart of a relationship with the Holy One. Jim is truly immersed in this tradition and relationship. These podcasts have been a salve and blessing and opened my heart.
  • Creole one
    Fellow mystic
    I have found someone who knows. May God guide you and keep you. Merci beaucoup Angella
  • Arlene Amanda
    Labor of love.
    Jim Finley is amazing and these podcasts started awesome and continue to get even better. I could listen to Jim read and reflect forever. This is one of my heavenly dwellings. The latest episode is the best ever. Hearing the beautiful words of the mystic interwoven with Jim’s reflections is balm for my soul. In a beautiful way this intimate sharing reminds me of the AA Big Book study meetings I love, where AA literature is read and then reflected on in an intimate way. Maureen is listening too. In AA the saying goes “she is at the big AA meeting in the sky.” Amen. So be it.
  • FionaRain
    Forever grateful.
  • MG in LA
    This podcast is a spiritual gem
    This podcast is brilliant and offers spiritual nourishment for everyone regardless of their religious beliefs. It is rich with wisdom and soothing to my soul. Thank you for creating it!
  • Sandy Mmmm
    Turning to the Mystics
    James Finley’s poetic way of sharing the mystics he has studied over time is a profound gift. A true, true Gift. I am deeply grateful. Sandra Berkeley CA
  • HollyBolly :)
    Discovering the Christian Mystics through this podcast has rescued my faith, which was floundering among “the church” that often misrepresents Christ. Jim Finley’s voice is so very soothing and his perspective so grounded and yet enlightened… I’ve come to depend on these recordings and teachings for my spiritual and personal growth.
  • CM Frustrated
    Taking my spirituality to another level
    As discussed in St Teresa of Avila’s mansions of the soul, these sessions have taken me to another level of spirituality beyond daily prayer and meditation. The insight of the teachings of St Teresa, Thomas Merton and Julian of Norwich (the only sessions of which I have listened to so far) have increased my thirst for a more unified relationship with God and others. The dialogue between Jim and Kristen has been extremely helpful in exposing questions that I have of the material presented and is also very human (the lawn blower episode St Teresa). The slow unpacking of very dense spiritual material is done with a manner that one can easily digest and meditate on.
  • therapistmom14
    I’m so thankful for this podcast. The hosts ooze wisdom, peace, and compassion as they honor the wisdom of the mystics. I find I am most drawn to their voices when I am having anxious energy- I feel grounded and have much to redirect my thoughts towards after listening.
  • sallydaze
    Turning to The Mystics
    This podcast has been so beautifully healing and calming I would recommend it to anyone willing to slow down and listen🙏
  • PJS curious
    This podcast is so rich and full of wisdom. It brings light and hope to the lost and hopeless. The mystics, as described here, are willing to dwell in the unknown and yet simultaneously have definitive trust in their relationship with God.
  • Fonzerella
    Thank you!
    I have loved learning about the mystics through this podcast!
  • Dawnlandia
    It Sounds Like a Ramble
    “I think vinpocetine is popular just because the periwinkle flower it comes from is so beautiful. Go and look it up. The bloom from the flower really is a brilliantly beautiful flower. It looks frickin’ great. And I think that a lot of people are just seeing this periwinkle flower and saying “wow that’s a beautiful flower. It must be producing something that’s good for me.”” This is a waste of time. Where are study source citations?
  • jekden
    Soul changing
    This podcast is deep and profound. Life changing!
  • Sky hammer
    Always deep and beautiful.
  • David The Rainbow Wolf
    I LOVE this podcast. This is my favorite podcast. The way James speaks is truly psychedelic. Thank you so much for this podcast!!!
  • Monsterjesse
    i love this podcast
    the readings and the dialogue are an excellent combo
  • DrJenDeVivo
    God bless you, Jim.
    This podcast is a breath of fresh air. If the teacher will appear when the student is ready, you showed up at just the right time and it is just the right stretch for me.
  • Gilby Gil
    A Strong Practice
    These explorations deepen (a) my appreciation for reflections from master-teachers of my faith tradition and (b) my options for applying their perspectives to make sense of the world I face. Please pray for my inconsistency in accessing them.
  • Artheyjude
    All Blessings
    These podcast conversations are such a gift to treasure. They rekindle the fire of desire to “see” God in every moment …every breath. If it were possible to embrace the hosts I would. Clearly, knowing them as fellow travelers, I am grateful for their sharing and shedding light on this life journey to discover our true meaning which is found in “intimately knowing” God. Their reflections encourage me to keep on returning, seeking and trusting even when I have been befuddled by the world’s whirlwinds and mired in my own ways. Thank you. All blessings, Judith
  • Happy music lover.
    A friend of Julian
    Dear Jim and Mirabai. Thank you for sharing Julian with the world! I was beyond excited to see Julian’s thought as the central theme in this series. She is one of my best friends, and my favorite Church mystic. I believe her voice is deeply needed in our hurting modern world. Mirabai - your translation is also my favorite translation of “Shewings” and I recommend it often. May God continue to bless both of you! In Christ - Carolyn Berghuis. .
  • sbcde54321
    Awful Guide
    I couldn't get past the style of the gentleman guide to listen past a couple minutes. I tried several times.
  • giggle lips
    Such depth and articulation
    Having someone like Jim to listen to is so helpful. Such a difficult task to articulate the extremely subtle and delicate world of God with us and the process and experience of this journey. For me, Jim is so good at this and though his comments can be so particular and focused like separating “bone and morrow” their laser focus tell me Jim is describing something he has seen and experienced, not something theoretical. This gives me confidence in his guidance. Thank you Jim.
  • God Herself?
    Its good to listen in and pick up insights on the saints and mystics. I’ve listened on and off for a while now but every time a I take in an episode I walk away more enlightened. Mystical experiences are not easy to explain or describe to the extent that the teller is satisfied with the description of what they experienced but when one hears James Finley describe those moments it helps one to recollect - he’s very good at relating those moments. Anyway, it’s wonderful to see God experienced so intimately!
  • nomoresilence
    Lectio Davina
    I feel so blessed to find this podcast. Long story short, today is Thursday, March 3rd, 2022 day after Ash Wednesday. My religion growing up is Catholic but I have learned so much from the Mystic Teachers. In researching Lectio Davina's practice, to deepen my relationship with God, I listened to the session on Lectio Davina and went back to listen to the very 1st episode to binge-listen. I am so grateful to you James and Kristen for being so vulnerable and willing to share so much wisdom. I relate to both of your stories. I'm listening from California and I can not express my gratitude enough for this Podcast.
  • finding joy in learning
    Monastery Without Walls
    Thank you, Jim and Kirsten, for this lovely gift. I love starting my days with you.
  • super blessed and loving life
    So informative and helpful along the spiritual journey. Jim is extraordinary with his explanations, interpretations and experiences! Kirstin does a fantastic job of asking practical questions so the layperson can really understand. Jim Finley is no doubt a mystic in his own right. Great pair. Wow - THANK YOU!!
  • salem blue sky
    Like sitting at the feet of a mystic
    What a gift to be the presence of Jim as he offers lectio. The dialogue is always enlightening. I am so grateful for this podcast.
  • rozelynn20
    A treasure
    I am so deeply grateful for the beauty of this podcast. I feel strengthened and encouraged. It is like finding an oasis in the desert. Thank you.
  • Gingernpaprika
    Directly speaks to me
    Bonus episode this Advent as if has been all throughout dedicated to me.
  • bdpetie
    Life changing
    Thank you Dr Finley for these deeply moving meditations, you are a true spiritual healer, and thank you for being a living witness to the fruit that is born when we are faithful to contemplative path.
  • rpcvguyana
    Thank You, Dr Finley! What a helpful and and thoughtful Podcast.
  • Normie41
    Turning to the Mystics
    In the quiet places of ourselves we often find the answers. Jim Finley has explored these regions in himself for a lifetime and through this series he gives the listener a taste of what such quiet really signifies. He is a guide to the inner world and his lens is beautifully shared with us through his expositions of important mystics like Merton, St Theresa of Avila and St John of the Cross. I am mesmerized and “still” in the presence of this podcast.
  • JKBS779521
    This podcast is profound in its wisdom. It is a thing of beauty. It could save us all. Thank you CAC and James Finley. Blessings to all who are a part of its production and audience. It is radiant.
  • Diletente
    The wisdom of the mystical traditions elucidated here have been a lifeline for me, especially during the pandemic. Thank you.
  • Catherine Ruth
    Great series on the Mystics
    I’ve so enjoyed this podcast series and am grateful to the CAC, James Finley and Kirsten for these sessions. I’ll go back and listen again because there is so much packed in— but I’m sure I’ll learn more and deepen my appreciation and understanding for St. John of the Cross.
  • WalterMcG
    Thank you
    I am so grateful for James Finely’s guidance through these mystics. I am very often moved to tears of recognition and joy. And Kirsten’s questions, reflections and humility as well as Kirsten and James’ laughter together make me feel so softly held. Thank you.
  • Qu/rk!
    I need to listen again.
    I’ve listened to this whilst weeding in a shady flower garden bed. Many times I’ve stopped to rewind and listen to Mr. Finley’s idea repeated. I will need to listen yet again when I can write some things down. Much like the teachings of Fr. Richard, this is just what I need.
  • E Fox7
    I am so grateful for CAC and James Finley and everyone that brings these amazing podcasts to us. Bless you all❤️🌹
  • trad01
    Warm and inviting
    This podcast is a gift as I seek a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit. I only wish that the podcast can begin with a moment of prayer.
  • Yona61
    Turning to the mystics
    I discovered James Finley’s talks through CAC right as Covid began and soon after he lost his beloved Maureen. He has been the perfect person to listen to as we walk through so much grief and uncertainty. I am consistently comforted by his soothing voice, depth of knowledge and incisive wisdom. I hang on his every word about his personal life because he is so intimate, real and inspiring. He tells his story to illuminate our own and he helps us viscerally touch God. Not to mention how much he has taught me about Thomas Merton, Teresa of Avila, and now St. John of the Cross. Thank you for these life-changing podcasts and for the unique way you remind us of our connection to God and each other.
  • goddessrocks
    Touched w God
    I am so grateful to the CAC and all those involved in creating this podcast. Jim Finley you are amazing… I listen to this every single morning as I’m still drifting out of deep sleep as I feel like the information goes into my subconscious… I have noticed a shift in my experience of God in a way that I haven’t felt in many many years… Your view and study of the mystics completely resonates with me… I highly recommend this to anyone who is looking for a deeper more intimate experience of the divine God presence💞💞💞It like I feel my soul being gently and lovingly massaged!!! I want more!!!!!!!
  • less politics
    No doubt the Holy Spirit guided me to your podcasts. I can’t remember how I found them. They have been absolutely enriching and informative. As you recommended, I listen to each one two to five times depending on content and learning nuances. I love James Finley’s soothing, humble voice and his humor. Prayers for the loss of your wife. And Kirsten asks good questions and provides relevant stories. May our good Lord continue to guide and bless you!
  • Misscarr
    Love this podcast!!!!
    I’m so excited this is back for another season!! I absolutely love this podcast!!! I have learned so much about contemplation from this podcast.
  • peace seeker52
    Praying with the Mystics
    Like the reviewer before me I mistakenly entered 1,2,3,4 before the all important 5 star rating I intended. This is a wonderful podcast for anyone who is drawn to contemplation.
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