Teaching to the TOP


Two teachers focused on helping you master your time, organization and productivity.

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Recent Reviews
  • Heather!0528
    TOP is where these ladies are at FOR SURE!
    I found Michelle during the pandemic when trying to learn all things Google Classroom. I loved how realistic her tips were and just how completely honest and transparent she was about real life. Almost 5 years later, I still am an avid follower and listener. Both her teaching tips and life hacks are always a go-to for me! Thank you, ladies, for always having relevant information to listen to and apply.
  • hotmommashep
    Relatable and worth the listen
    I’m a 20+ year veteran teacher and started listening about 6 months ago. Your tips on organizational strategies really helped me simplify what I do and save time. You’re funny and your TSH are so relatable. You even featured mine once! Because of you I finally took the leap and digitalized ALL my resources and it’s been a life saver!
  • 3Nichole
    Life saving
    I can’t even begin to explain how much this podcast (& your youtube videos) has changed my life. The positivity helps push me through the week - the conversations and strategies renew my excitement about teaching on a weekly basis. Whether your a veteran teacher or new to the field, you NEEEED this podcast! Thank you ladies!
  • FrettPucksPotion
    So Many Ideas
    I’m back in the classroom, after tutoring for five years. It;s like being a first year teacher all over again! I am so grateful for your podcast. So many ideas I can take into my classroom! Thank you!
  • "Accomplisher"
    Great information
    They share great information that can be applied in other areas of life even if you are not a teacher.
  • C_E_Berry514
    Love listening! Gives me motivation to keep going.
  • Janae in Montana
    Love this podcast!
    So many helpful tips and support for elementary school teachers.
  • TrishFerr
    A Must Podcast
    I first found Pocketful of Primary on YouTube and found myself referencing back and rewatching many episodes. Once I made the connection to the podcast it was an immediate listen. I cannot express enough how much this podcast adds to the life of a teacher. As a classroom teacher of 23 years, I found myself utilizing all the advice, tips, and strategies given in the podcast. I will listen to the same episode multiple times to help get me in the mindset for a certain point of the school year. I have 2 nieces that I am sharing this podcast with this evening. This is a must listen, both Michelle and Bridget speak from real life experience and want teachers to succeed.
  • Filmadus
    Best new thing in my world
    I started listening at a leisurely pace to work my way back up to getting ready for the new school year. Immediately, these ladies come off as relatable, knowledgeable, and inspirational! So much for taking it slow, I just wanna get to the next podcast! These little sessions are like concentrated knowledge gold- everything I’ve ever needed/wanted and some things I hadn’t even figured out I needed yet to take my Time, Organization, and Productivity to the next level.
  • YeongeoSim
    A Teacher’s Lifeline
    Thank you Bridget and Michelle for being everyone's teaching mentors! If you're searching for a lifeline of practical advice, inspiration, and relatability in the world of education, look no further. These two extraordinary ladies have transformed my teaching practices with their practical, relatable, and well-explained advice! Their Youtube channels, TPT stores, books, and podcasts are invaluable resources for all types of educators worldwide. I always look forward to all the weekly uploads across platforms!
  • Angel 4290
    Love the podcast!
    I am so encouraged and excited every time I listen! I have learned about so many things from you guys (especially being a new teacher). Thank you so much!
  • Coffee Name Jenny
    Just thought of this during Episode 180
    Bridget and Michelle, thank you for your ideas. What great solutions for the teacher with the “classroom library ths.” Something we all need to think about is how much parents would like to help us. Re-sorting the books is something with which a parent would most likely volunteer to help you.
  • erinreed13
    Repetitive and Nothing New
    The beginning episodes of the podcast gave good advice on staying productive and organized, but honestly the content is so repetitive and not very interesting. Episodes say the same thing every time: make digital lists, use a digital planner, organize and batch your tasks, all using Google products. The reality is that not every teacher uses Google platforms or likes digital organizing. I wish the content was more modern with new topics and ideas, but everything is just recycled under a different name. Plus, with the teaching world being so different within the past few years, not everything is the same, and as a podcaster, it’s hard to stay relevant and up-to-date when you’re not in the classroom anymore. I haven’t been listening to new episodes for a while, so maybe some refreshing content that’s not always TOP related? Just my opinions…
  • Sarah Jessica P.
    Bit redundant
    I’ve been listening from the start and the content has been dipping lately. It feels like they’re doing the same episodes over and over. Would like more specific ideas about classrooms today, but only one host can offer that. I also think that such a strong focus on productivity can’t be healthy. It’s ok to not be doing 3848484883 things perfectly.
  • meekalamb
    Veteran teacher and STILL found this helpful!
    Thank you so much m for these tips!
  • ncnole_mom
    Just found y’all.
    New to teaching and very appreciative of the info!
  • Mrs. K's class
    Great ideas
    I have been listening since the very beginning. I love the ideas that they share each episode.
  • Bravesfreak
    Don't drop the glass balls and stick to your power list!
    As an avid listener, since the beginning, I am still loving this podcast three years later. I haven't missed an episand have started going back to relisten to some of the older ones to get a refresher! Michelle and Bridgett have done a great job of adapting their podcast as current events have evolved and making sure to give critical advice on how to be productive. I appreciate how the episodes have various topics and structures to keep it fresh each week! My favorite episode is episode 45 about balancing the balls! I've easily listened to it 4 times! Thank you ladies for everything! I will keep listening each week!
  • mom123my
    Learning to work smarter
    Michelle and Bridget have helped me become more organized and efficient in my teaching profession and life. I have seen great improvement in myself since I have started listening plus they are fun to listen to. Their recommendations for books and products have been great also.
  • Teaching is life
    Love the ideas presented in this podcast!!
    I look forward to hearing the ideas and tips in the show each week! I especially appreciate the TSH piece!
  • Alvesarooni
    It is always interesting to hear new ideas on how to be more efficient with planning. I appreciate the engaging ways you present your steps. Thanks for the work you are doing!
  • allie800
    Strategies that WORK!
    I am long overdue for a review. I am a long time listener and a proud “TOP Teacher”— This podcast has become like a therapy session for me! Michelle and Bridget share such real and practical tips(with a healthy dose of tough love built in). I have began to implement their tips, and while they’re not always easy..they work! My workload feels significantly more manageable using their tips and strategies. Thank you Michelle and Bridget for helping me to master my time, organization, and productivity. You have made such a difference for me!
  • Kkrudy
    Authentic & Fun!
    I love listening on my way to work! They are so real and authentic! I love the “chatty episodes” as they make you feel like a friend!
  • Risdonj
    Teacher Goals and Motivation!
    I am very appreciative of these ladies and this podcast! I am returning to teaching after a 9 year gap, and I love listening to this podcast to inspire and motivate me to be a great teacher!
  • LisaS203
    Super helpful
    Definitely needed to hear this! It’s an episode that we all need to listen to more than once especially in the beginning of the school year. You both are really thoughtful and concise in your advice. Thanks so much!
  • lynnelatronica
    Great podcast!
    I look forward to hearing from these ladies each week. Such great advice and tips. I don’t miss an episode. And I feel like I’m talking to good friends who really get me! Super helpful and also entertaining!
  • mrsmitchellin3rd
    I always awake up early on Thursday mornings!
    I just wanted to hop on here to say how much I LOVE your podcast. I always jump out of bed a little easier on Thursday mornings because I know there’s a new episode. Thank you for your tough love and wonderful insight!
  • #stronger
    Best teacher podcasts EVER!!
    I always look forward to Thursdays to get more TOP tips from these ladies! I've implemented many of their suggestions and aspire to include more. I'm frequently getting compliments on various aspects of my classroom and personal organization and productivity (which I still feel like need sooooo much more improvement) thanks to things I've learned from the podcast, YouTube, and TPT items. Love these gals! ❤️
  • Kyle&Lelaxoxo
    Shockingly idiotic
    I can’t believe actual teachers suggested the game “critic.” Having four children draw a picture on the board and having a fifth choose whose they like the best might be one of the worst classroom activities I have ever heard of, unless you enjoy having 3/4 of your students sad, disappointed and perhaps humiliated. Even worse,this activity may blatantly set students with myriad disabilities up for failure. I am not from the everyone-gets-a-trophy generation, but I do believe that we can structure activities where no one gets a trophy, but everyone has the potential to succeed. This activity has 3 clear losers, zero educational value. Listen with a discerning ear.
  • Meesen
    My favorite teacher podcast
    I enjoy listening every week! Their episodes have given me more insight and help in the classroom and life than any other podcast. I love when they get personal and share about their lives. Thank you for continuing to give us content we can use.
  • ehpope32
    Thank Goodness for Thursday’s!
    I look forward to Thursday’s because I feel like I get to take my walk with a couple of my best teacher friends! Please don’t worry about episodes being too long… that just means I get to listen on Friday too! You two rock, thanks for working hard to put out such great content and making it fun to listen to. 💛💛💛
  • js_matthews
    Absolutely amazing
    This show feels like a teacher huddle where you feel empowered but never shamed. I watch Michelle’s YouTube videos all the time and I love that I can listen to this podcast during times when I can’t watch the videos. This show, and the tips I’ve learned from Michelle, are seriously my life hack. THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL YOU DO!!!
  • ancjdo
    Love this show!
    I’m a third year elementary teacher and have been listening to this podcast for about a year. The hosts are realistic and relatable. I love that I can implement their TOP tips immediately in my classroom. Also, episode 119, Michelle, I leave random objects around the house to help me remember things, too! You’re not alone! Thanks for producing content that helps me to be a better, happier teacher! :)
  • swbrikas
    My Fav Podcast
    This is my favorite podcast! I’m no longer a teacher, (retired this year) but you ladies always give great strategies to help me stay organized and complete my daily To Do list. I look forward to Thursdays.💕Highly recommended! BTW Congrats on your Master’s Degree Bridget!🎉
  • realmartian82
    Love listening to these ladies, it’s almost become a habit to listen every Thursday.
    A great service to teachers
    Wow! Michelle and Bridgette give valuable and actionable tips to save time. As a teacher for 20 plus years I can accurately say that a big portion of our jobs is done after the kids leave. This is where time can be saved and both ladies have provided me with so many awesome tips. I have recommended this podcast to my co workers!!
  • Clutteredmom
    Just what I needed
    I stumbled across this podcast in early September as I was setting up my last minute classroom at a new school in a new grade and seemed to be lost. These women have helped me so much ! From not feeling alone and learjibg to prioritize things ! Their suggestions have been game changers for me . Thank you !!!!!
  • Bridgette Mary
    Five stars from a future teacher
    As a future educator, I have learned so much listening to Michelle and Bridget’s podcast. I love their positive energy and honesty.
  • The Gaming Classroom
    Stay Organized
    I loved watching the two of you on YouTube. Now it is really wonderful to be able to listen to you on this podcast. I have already learned so many wonderful organizational tips to utilize in the classroom. Thanks so much
  • Katdee320
    Best Friends =‘s awesome dynamic!!!
    I truly love and appreciate all of the tips and resources provided by you two! Some of my favorite episodes include the behind the scene look into your blessed friendship. This includes, but is not limited to, the 100th episode celebration, not so secret Santa, day in the life, Christmas traditions, and your two year celebration. Keep going ladies! We thank you for sharing your gifts and talents!!!
  • 3straella
    Do you!
    Love your show. It’s honest, funny, practical, and something I look forward to listening to. Overtime I’ve seen some changes in my behaviors and productivity, organization still eludes me, but working on it- so keep those ideas coming or repeated. Michelle- keep doing you and what is bringing you joy and fulfillment; if you’re joyful, then we get to experience the best of what you want to offer. Bridget- wow a school! Get it!! Cheers to a bright 2022.
  • Cutiepielovexoxo98
    life saving
    Your suggestion on batching vs task switching changed my life. I’m on my 2nd year of teaching but 1st year in person and I’m a special education teacher who can’t keep up with lesson planning for different small groups. I learned a lot with your podcast and I have tough-loved myself a lot more now. And I’m usually frantic in the morning trying to get things done. Now I batch-photocopy for the month instead of daily. I make anchor charts for the entire week and I make sure I keep them nice so I can use it the next year (already thinking about long-term). I also now set boundaries when it comes to the chitchat with co-workers. Just wanted to say thank you, queens! I’m more purposeful, productive, and have less anxiety.
  • Lisanane
    I’m becoming more relaxed!
    I have listened to almost all of the episodes, and I love how Bridget and Michelle understand the work/life balance of a teacher. The ideas of how to be more productive — and not expecting to be perfect — have helped me realize I do a lot. I can’t possibly do it ALL, but what I can do is enough. I have used dozens of their ideas, I can do more with less, and I have more time to live my life. I wish I could give Michelle and Bridget a hug and tell them, “Thank you!” in real life!
  • HappyLizzi
    Loved the Winter Ideas podcast!
    Ladies, I have been listening to your show for a little bit, but as soon as I listened to episode 101, I had to immediately leave you a great review! I love those ideas and can’t wait to make my classroom a little more fun before winter break!! Thank you, and keep up the good work! I love your tips and energy!
  • csanchez1986
    Episode 100
    Congratulations on your 100th episode!! I listen to your podcast every Friday morning!! I enjoy listening to your tips and I have tried some of them!!
  • Lindsey Ruiz
    Best Teacher Self-Help Podcast!
    These two women do an AMAZING job at breaking down what your time, organization, and productivity can look like at your BEST. I am a high school teacher so I was hesitant to see what elementary teachers could bring to the table for me, but I have gotten SO much from them! Thank you both!! ♥️
  • Parks Drake
    Top Teachers, Top Podcast
    This podcast is truly top notch! I feel like Michelle and Bridget are my co-teachers, coaches, and “friends.” They provide incredible tools, guidance, and tough love to be the top teacher I can be. It provides laughs, tips, and inspiration whenever I need it. For top teachers and anyone who wants greater organization and productivity systems - so grateful for this podcast!
  • Miss. Fuller
    I have been searching the internet for people like you! You are amazing! You give so many great tips. I have been implementing so many of your tips and they are awesome!!! I love the way you explain everything! Thank you all so much! Also I am sending this when you just posted 099 you almost hit 100! Congrats! I can’t wait to hear your next episode!
  • Teach2XL
    You two ground my thoughts! Your conversation validates my reality and helps me stay focused on what is the most important… our kiddos!!! Keep the conversations rolling!!! Thank you. I am promoting you every chance I get, our profession needs you!
  • KEbkitty
    I connect with you both so much!
    I’m in school now to be a teacher and I’m so thankful to have found this podcast. Both of your personalities warm my heart. The best information in every episode!
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