You Can Heal Your Life ™


You Can Heal Your Life is your connection to today’s most influential thought-leaders. Elevate your morning coffee, afternoon walk, or evening commute into an inspirational, motivational, and transformational personal growth experience.We invite you to take a step back from life’s stress and anxieties and replace any negativity with life-changing insights and real-world solutions. Learn from some of the world’s greatest teachers in spirituality, health and wellness, and more—like Louise Hay, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Gabrielle Bernstein, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Anthony William, Radleigh Valentine, Pam Grout, and more.From careers to crystals, happiness to health, money to manifesting—Hay House’s inspiring authors join the podcast twice a week (or more!) to teach new skills, share powerful stories, and encourage you to take the next step towards living your best life. After all, as Louise Hay always reminded us: You Can Heal Your Life

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Recent Reviews
  • zildjian12
    This is dangerous!!!
    Look to Jesus, please 🙏
  • Elaine Glass
    I have been listening to this podcast for years and have soaked in the wise insights to move my life forward!
  • Magsblissfulnow
    This is it
    As you are and from where you are at, is how this hits home … let it in… it will transform you 💜🙌✊✌️ “Sermons on the Couch “ … Please post more of this!
  • ChessyPeanut
    Can only speak for Louise :)
    I really enjoy Louise hays audios! Her meditations you’ve provided as well as speeches are so greatly appreciated 🫶🏽 I use them daily !
  • Conscious_Marketing_&_PR
    Amazing podcast, so peaceful so comforting
    Amazing podcast, so peaceful so comforting. The guests are very well chosen, I like how they provide their tips and share experiences that would help us meditate and feel better in our souls.
  • Martha follower
    Potatoes are gluten-free
    Was listening to the podcast about Heal your life and the guy was talking about how sick he was after not eating gluten for a year and that by eating gluten he felt better afterwards and referenced he starting eating more potatoes. Potatoes are a vegetable and therefore naturally gluten free. Would never buy this book or look for advice on how to improve my life after hearing this.
  • EricaBushwell
    Awesome podcast!
    The host of the You Can Heal Your Life podcast, highlights all aspects of one's well being and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • Charlene Ignacio
    The host needs voice training
    I really would like to be able to listen to this podcast but Reid’s voice is so distracting that it makes it impossible. Please find someone who has a voice for this format. I kept thinking he would improve but it is still unbearable. It makes me question Hay House.
  • Lad1J
    Lacking data to support
    Too much promotion not enough research backed data/information. Disappointed.
  • Umadrienne
    Perfect timing!! Excellent & nourishing to the Spirit when we need it most. Good guide to finding authors of interest.
  • Eric 7592748274
    Great conversations!
    Hay House did a great job introducing this podcast this year. I love the series they started in the beginning, but I love even more the conversations with authors on their latest book releases and projects.
  • JuliaAllison
    Please replace host w a professional
    The host is not a professional interviewer and should be replaced with someone who has - as they say - a voice for radio.
  • Spooked Fan
    Needs a new host
    He is well intentioned but his voice is really not good for radio. It’s so bad it’s distracting
  • stackamoo
    Nothing but one sales pitch after another
    OK I started out loving this podcast. It brought so much joy to my life. Now I cannot even listen to it because it’s just one person after another trying to sell a book. Really sad. Bring back the clips of Wayne Dyer speaking at retreats. Please. Otherwise I’m better off just to play YouTube videos. And that is brutally honest but also from my heart. 💞
  • Butterflatisimo
    So grateful for this podcast
    Amazing teachers 💜
  • Game lover 25
    Trying to find a previous episode
    How can I find the June 21 episode? Rheee was a wonderful woman speaking about healthy food for anxiety reduction. Please help I forgot to save this podcast!
  • DanaTSo161
    Life Saver
    The You Can Heal Your Life Podcast has been such a source of comfort and support to me through the last month. The 30 days and 30 authors series is fantastic in providing a wide array of strategies to help in dealing with the effects of the pandemic on our everyday lives. Whenever I listen I remember I’m not alone. Hearing the spiritual teachers I admire most speak on how they are navigating the changes happening for us all right now is beyond helpful. Thank you SO much! Hay House truly is medicine for the soul!
  • wildoneforever
    guests are interesting, but host sounds high
    i’m surprised hay house puts their name on something that sounds so unprofessional. the host says “like” far too often and he sounds like he’s high. i don’t get it.
  • Dleikenb
    Please improve audio quality
    These would be good interviews if the audio quality was better. So easy to get good quality—just feels lazy.
  • Sashmir3186
    Audio quality
    Okay, so what’s up with having the host’s voice in one earphone and the guest in the other? This is ridiculous, I can’t bring myself to listen to it because it’s so uncomfortable. I use my AirPods most of the time to listen to podcasts, and this separation or mono audio quality needs to be addressed ASAP.
  • Asiram44
    Please improve the quality of this podcast. It takes humility to admit that Reed is not the appropriate host and should not be interviewing anyone. If you can’t admit that in the time of corona virus and self-reflection, then when? Let the speakers do what they did best on Hay House radio - host an episode alone or with a guest of their choice.
  • mobydickswife
    Book Sales
    I am loving listening to the daily podcasts from some favorite authors. I absolutely understand that Hay House is a for-profit business, but the vibe that this is really all about selling product runs underneath the talk of stress and uncertainty. Listening to it every day is getting old, which feels really sad to me when I come to be inspired.
  • pie family
    Anxiety at its peek
    Hi I am a listener to you podcast family. Thank you so much for all the great guest you have on to help us along the pandemic. I was wondering your advice for my family. My son Zachary is 24. Young man healthy works out and is a normal 24 year old for today. He got sick and it spiraled to a trip to a wellness center. From there he was in an ambulance to the hospital. The next day in I C U. Eleven days he was on the machine. From there he was sent on another floor. We got a call he was being sent to another hospital where all the Covid 19 people are. He has been at st joes hospital in Buffalo for three days. We are told he can come home however my son wouldn’t listen to us and get primary doctor. Now they are trying to find him a group he can join. My son Zachary has his phone so now I talk with him. His thinking is so disturbed by the meds, the ventilator, he understands it’s caused by all of this. His anxiety is so high it’s raising his heart rate which is making him scared. I know we will rise above this. I know I have all the tools from hay house family. I thank you! I know we will rise above this. God bless the universe
  • MaggieDL06
    Kyle Gray - Healing with Angels
    I LOVE Kyle Gray and his Angel guides & insights, it so resonates with me! But as the last 3 podcasts on Hay House Podcasts the end when you asked Kyle to give us a Angel prayer, the music starts when you want them to finish up, NOT COOL! I couldn’t hear the last 15 seconds of the prayer! Reed & Hay House you are “ better” than this at such a pivotal time of much needed guidance and connection to our favorite Healers! PLEASE STOP the “ music” to get your guests to hurry up and be more compassionate to your listeners and STOP “ Profits over People / Healing!” I REALLY MISS the live Hay House Radio show! BRING IT BACK! And Hay House needs a NEW Host for the Podcasts, sorry Reed, your voice & direction just isn’t a good fit! Diane was FABULOUS in her host position, bring her back! In gratitude!
  • Sew4me
    The tapping podcast
    Did you realize that your recording of the tapping podcast have large gaps where we could not hear anything? Actually there are a few podcasts where you can only hear one person. Large gaps of silence
  • madtica
    Thanks you!!
    I am SO grateful for this podcasts!!! Thank you!!! I had been in and out of my meditation routine and trying to get back to it unsuccessfully... The secrets of meditation podcasts had been instrumental in my return to meditation, I have listened to the podcasts and been able to implement the tools. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
  • new to odcast
    Variety of topics is great!
    Thank you so much for this podcast. I love the variety of topics and presentations. Dooley, Kwik, and Hicks my favorite so far. I can see Louise getting closer to my listening order though...... and I think she would be so pleased with your work on this, Reid. Thank you. The keto diet and EMF sessions did get me thinking, too! In gratitude.🙏
  • Little. Angel
    Thank you for all these wonderful segments. Very helpful during this tumultuous time.
  • swimming_0036392
    Great format ❤️
    I love the way Hay House is able to find the best interviews for what we’re facing now with this virus! So helpful to have these great insights and interviews!
  • Bahareh Banoo
    Where is HH when you need one
    I’m glad Mr. Reed Tracy “the CEO of HH” got to be the center stage but YouTube is already there for most of the segmented content I hear here.. Hay House radio live was a much much better platform to serve the audience in real and personal time. How I miss the good old HH radio and its fabulous hosts taking live calls from people who everyone would resonate with.. not to mention Mr Tracy’s voice.. omg I stop now!
  • candicanesweeet
    So helpful!
    This podcast has been extremely helpful with assisting me with staying grounded, uplifted, and focused. It has also helped me understand all of the different aspects of spirituality and incorporate them into my daily life. I love that there is not a lot of fluff or commercials. This is podcast is purely steak and potatoes. Thank you so much!
  • Goodnite Gracie
    Love it and Sharing ❤️
    I am enjoying this podcast. Thank you, I am so grateful. I have meditated for 30 years and shared the meditation series with friends and family because it was outstanding. I appreciate every episode (but not the Keto Diet one, not for me) Thank you and blessings! Namaste
  • Shine On Beautiful Souls
    Miss NEW + LIVE Content
    After Hay House was sold, it’s sad to see the extremely special live call-in radio shows gone to be replaced by old interviews. The interviews are great, but not anywhere near as energetic and dynamic as new current content. Reid, you are wonderful, and I hope you bring back NEW weekly content. We’re so missing the special community of healing Hay House Radio!!! With technology, this can still be done here on a podcast with the Hay House authors. New shows with callers just cannot be replaced with anything. Sending lots of love to Reid, the authors and the Hay House community! ✨🙌🏻💜
  • kathymarieg
    The podcasts are nice.....But PLEASE bring back Live Hay House Radio
  • marefire
    Blah, blah, blah
    Just reruns of interviews available elsewhere at Hay House with the annoying stoner voice of Reed Tracy (“right, right”) introducing each episode. Yuck, Hay House has gone way downhill with this “upgrade” to their products. Sad.
  • Melinda from Houston
    Love this podcast!!
    This is by far my favorite podcast! Thank you Hay House for coming out with this in 2020. Reid, you have a great voice and I love your introductions. I am now doing Natalie’s keto for women. It’s awesome!!! You’re doing a great job with the variety of topics that you’re presenting. Thank you for sharing all of this quality content with us. Please keep up the good work and don’t change a thing!!
  • JGtapping
    Thank you
    I am currently through episode 3 of the meditation series. I’ve listened to all of the episodes produced before that. What a great podcast. Really enjoy listening during my commute to and from work and kids activities. Great stuff. Thank you. Reid always sets it up and ends it perfectly as well.
  • Kadie889
    Love it
    I’m a Hay house fan, I really enjoy except the keto episodes those weren’t my cup of tea. I like Reid’s voice I don’t find a issue with it. His intros are very informative as to what’s to come I love the content. Louise would be very proud
  • Franalford
    Interesting content but horrible introductions
    I have enjoyed many of the series presented so the content is good. However, the introductions are so annoying!!! The speaker’s voice is abrasive and the intro is unnecessary! A listener doesn’t need to be continually asked from the beginning to rate and review!! It just seems useless and I find myself skipping over just hear the content. I would have rated this 5 stars if it hadn’t been for the introductions! Please find another person to introduce the episodes or just skip them altogether!!!
  • squids719
    Keto series
    I normally love this podcast but the keto series was awful. Aside from being monotone, it was as if the author simply did not understand or was in flagrant denial of the damage that consumption of animal products is having on the environment. Pasture raised? Is there such a thing? Has she even visited one of these farms? Wild salmon? Is she not aware of the toxins in our ocean? Circulating a podcast like this is reckless - especially at a time when the public is being urged to switch to a plant based diet to slow the climate emergency. I expect more from hay house.
  • getittogether3
    Stick to the spiritual...
    I was absolutely loving this podcast but I completely lost interest when they started talking about diet, keto diet at that... I also was surprised to see they had Dr. Mercola who has recently been vocal about the supposed benefits of the CARNIVORE diet... I’m almost ready to quit listening. I never saw this turn coming in the podcast and I’m pretty disappointed because it had become my favorite one. 🌱🌱
  • HolisticBossBabe
    Binge listening
    I’m glad I found this podcast and was able to binge listen to the different series. The Meditation one is my fav so far. I have enjoyed them all!
  • kimscotta
    Great if you like Oprah’s Soul Series
    Wonderful podcasts that are offered for free! Love every episode, very enlightening and nourishing for the soul
  • MarylisaM
    A new favorite!
    I listen to this a lot and have forwarded it to friends and clients. I like the multi-episodes about a topic, with deep dives. There’s such a nice variety of topics!
  • *krr
    Please pursue voice tracing!
    The introductions are so abrasive and uninviting. Such a shame because most lecturers are very compelling.
  • Hawaii_Erika
    Love this podcast
    I love this podcast. I am always waiting for the next episode. Thank you for making this, and putting it out there for us to listen to!
  • Blue Feather Farms
    A Course in Miracles Series
    The wisdom of the ages compressed into the earthly and divine words of ACIM masters! The meditations alone are so worth the listen.
  • Success1569
    Have listened to all of the podcasts and some many times. Highly recommend this.
  • chicalatina1
    Love love love!
    Excellent meditation series! So excited about this podcast! Namaste🕉
  • grace21grace21
    Reid’s voice
    I’m an avid Hay House listener and promote Hay House Radio quite a bit. Reid’s voice is extremely difficult to listen to. I stopped listening to the podcasts because I don’t feel good listening to Reid. I checked back in to see if you’d changed the intro but was disappointed to see you hadn’t. Therefore, I skipped past Reid’s voice to listen to Davidji’s wisdom today because he’s one of my favorites. I miss the Live shows with my favorites like Sonja, Davidji, Barbara, Dougal, Radleigh, and Denise. Hearing old clips is not as engaging as the live format was on Hay House. I looked forward the the new live shows for new content.
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