RP Strength Podcast

Nutrition #34

On the RP Strength Podcast, RP co-founders Dr Mike & Nick Shaw breakdown tons of hypertrophy training, nutrition, and other fitness related topics. As a bonus, you'll get plenty of laughs as they go down various tangents on every episode!

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Recent Reviews
  • KatyGirlXD
    Cardio Has Never Gone By Faster
    I listen to this podcast during each cardio session and I love how it promotes scientific learning, as well as excellent humor. I feel like I learn and grow my mindset around training every day!
  • AJ_1737
    Perfect for trainers too
    As a trainer I have been LOVING these interviews with your trainers. I struggle to get results for my clients online in the same way I do in person. These guys have experience and insights that I’ve been using to help my clients. Keep them coming please!!! (PS - I would totally purchase something, course, 1 on 1 phone call with one of them etc. to help me become a better online trainer)
  • shuff stuff
    Great podcast and info for white bros
    I have been listening to the podcast for several weeks now and found them to be pretty interesting and helpful as I get deeper into my fitness progression and goals. However, after listening to the March 25 episode, I was really disappointed in the discussion around female and POC populations. They may have the science behind them, but the way they addressed any potential female/POC listeners was so off putting I am questioning continuing with my listening. I would recommend either having more representative guests for those episodes or adjusting the delivery. Your personal sexual preferences are not relevant to the podcast, and describing amenhorrea as “not bleeding to death out of your v*****a” is pretty ignorant in 2024 that also undermines the credibility of your information.
  • IanA2011
    Your podcast and YouTube videos need to be posted to X
  • nikarish
    Lovin the podcast
    Started out watching Dr. Mike last year on YouTube and figured RP had a podcast so here I am. Great podcast and tons of great information, Nick and Dr. Mike have a great chemistry and a ton of knowledge.
  • DrMarq
    Top fitness/training podcast
    Probably my favorite podcast. Great insight into science behind training and real-world lifestyle of being muscular and lean from people who have lived it themselves. Wish there were more analogies though… they really help me understand difficult concepts!
  • Emily Elizabeth S.
    Fun & Informative
    Love the ‘no bull’ content wrapped in tons of personality. One of my favorite listens. The dynamic duo!
  • Stacey!25
    Bring back Lori
    This podcast has gone downhill since Lori left. Nick and Mike don’t seem to have a filter and it’s difficult to listen to.
  • CerialTurt
    Great Podcast, Mostly!
    Nick and Dr. Mike are quite knowledgeable when it comes to exercise-related topics. If you want to put on mass and then cut fat, this is a great podcast to help you get there. They cover most topics pretty well, especially ones, such as make little jokes here and there to lighten the mood about some topics, which is appreciated… … But I’m constantly reminded that having a PhD in one area does not make one very knowledgeable in others, most recently in terms of microbiology. Yes, sweat can transmit organisms because we all know every piece of equipment you bring into the gym is not clean, so wipe down your equipment after using it in a public gym. Your sweat isn’t clean because your skin isn’t clean. Also, yes, enhanced bodybuilding “supplements” are a shortcut. The basic definition of a shortcut is: an accelerated way of achieving (or doing) something. A shortcut does not mean there won’t be consequences. I’m a big supporter of how they bring the truth behind what happens if you take them. They don’t advocate at all for using them, and their own experiences with them allow more credibility for the warnings. I have many more comments about the podcast, but it doesn’t really change much. Overall the podcast is 8/10, but the podcast could use some secondary sources of information on topics outside of their realm of expertise.
  • whatajoke6999
    This podcast gets 2 stars simply due to Dr. Mike. He single-handedly makes this podcast bearable. Nick Shaw has perhaps the most annoying voice I’ve ever heard- he always sounds like he is pinching his nose when talking and makes super loud, gross gulps. He is also extremely condescending and pompous, always talking about how “big” he is. Yes, we know Nick, we all would be big too if we had your injectables. Also, he tries to be funny but comes across as super awkward. Thank the heavens for Dr. Mike
  • SP(:
    Love it!
    Love their content! And they are funny 😆 I wish there was a little less cussing lol but it’s still a great podcast and I enjoy it! And I wanted to be the 400th review :)
  • xusnrn
    I always laugh out loud when I listen to this pod!!
    Not only is this podcast extremely informative and helpful but it’s also quite hilarious at times. I find myself giggling on my solo hikes in the canyons and answering back to Dr Mike…Mountain bikers probably think I am nuts but who cares lol. I first found Dr Mike on the Danny Matraga show discussing hypertrophy diet. Specifically, Dr Mike discusses his experience with females and how he struggles at convincing them to gain just 3-6 pounds in order to achieve their physique goals, I think it was the most fun I have had listening to a health and fitness podcast EVER!!! I may look into the app since as a 50 year old female I want huge delts and bulging biceps as I get older and I am thrilled about getting to eat a bit more while I still workout. It’s a win win situation for sure!!! I AM SO GLAD I FOUND THIS SHOW. Thanks
  • Sinking in
    Wonderful People, Wonderful Podcast!
    Love these, please keep ‘em coming.
  • Rhuds2
    Great information, love the off topic conversation too
  • smitty67413
    Great content
    Dr. Mike and Nick provide great information while keeping it real.
  • FastEJA
    Fix your F@($ing Audio Dr. Mike! It’s 2023!
    Great content though👍
  • cman817263
    Best podcast out there
  • RebeccaH19
    Educational and entertaining
    Good information. A lot of strength training facts and tips.
  • Avesavos
    Best of the best
    High quality information and very entertaining every episode!
  • LA Upworthy
    The cadence of the hosts speaking voice is sort of annoying. And interviews don’t seem focused . Some good content but spotty.
  • brandykill
    Great podcast & great program
    Love all the podcasts with Dr. Mike. Hearing from other members who are going through the same thing I am on the program. (Love my coach Hunter!!)
  • Over slept
    Love you guys!
    Thx for educating with FACTS!!
  • thewillwright
    Reduced Cal & Overweight to Fed and Leaner
    Read your RPD2.0 last year during 75 Hard and I lost more weight than ever before with eating more food. Finishing Ph 3 75Hard now and after finding your podcast I’m feeling more prepped than ever before to shred out before I hit 40 yo! Thank y’all!
  • Jd0687
    Straightforward and simple
    I love the way they present real science straightforward and simple to understand. And anytime Dr. Mike is on, he’s hilarious!
  • Ryan Burnham
    Bad host
    The host has the most irritating voice I’ve ever heard. He talks like his teeth are all clenched together and he’s always inhaling loudly and smacking his lips. I just try to listen when certain guests are on but sometimes I can’t even make it through the episode because of the host. Aside from all that, he loves bringing the conversation back to himself and talking about himself all the time.
  • Bert2312
    Love this podcast
    RP is the only platform that has ever worked for me. It caught like wildfire at my gym and now we have quite a few people utilizing it. I appreciate the help
  • JennG8853
    Not a great host
    There are some interesting guests who I’ve enjoyed. Lori Shaw comes off very warm and friendly in each episode but Nick Shaw always sounds like he doesn’t want to be there? He’s very monotone and unengaging. He also gives advice in very condescending ways. There’s no good back and forth between him and Lori/guests. And he’s mentioned that he lived in NY for 6 months more times than I EVER have. And I live here. I says switch the hosts to Lori Shaw and Dr.Mike. They’ve got great banter!
  • jordanashley_94
    More Addicting Than Dessert
    I had to download iTunes just to leave this review. I recently started a cut (my second attempt with the first one ending rather quickly). I decided I would put my all into this one. I started following the group on FB and then found these podcasts. I am ADDICTED to these podcasts. I’ll be in the middle of listening to one of my favorite songs or something and just switch to the podcasts instead. I listen to them when I drive to and from work, and on my walks at my lunch breaks. Sometimes I add in extra walks just so I can listen to more. My only worry is- soon I won’t have any new ones to listen to because I’m going through them so quick. I currently have a Bachelor’s in exercise science, and I am working towards a Master’s in nutrition to become a Registered Dietitian. And then a PhD following that with a focus in nutrigenomics. I love learning new things and I value education and personal growth very highly. So thank you RP for helping me grow in all the aspects I am passionate about. (Maybe I’ll even get to work for you one day!)
  • Granite 1994
    Atomic Habits
    Another great podcast and distinguished guest !! Thank you Lori and Nick
  • Kerriannebrowne604
    My all-time favorite podcast!
    I cannot stop listening to this podcast! It’s so educational and motivating. They cover such a wide variety of topics with their episodes, but every single one has been relevant to what I’ve gone through at one point or another. You feel like you get to know them in person, everyone is so down to earth. I highly recommend!
  • Eliz Ann 12
    More Dr. Mike
    Please bring Dr. Mike on consistently... Not to discredit anyone, but I’ll tune into EVERY episode with Dr. Mike. Thanks! 😊
  • El Lercho
    An awesome companion for RP Clients
    Nick & Lori gather amazing guests and coaches to bring valuable, useable information to anyone working on fitness and health goals.
  • a_mose15
    So much good information!
    When it’s Monday at 9am and you don’t see the new RP Strength podcast in your feed yet 😭 I love every episode; each is packed with such good information and motivation to help anyone reach any health and fitness goal. Thanks, guys!
  • A fried moose
    Knowledge is power!
    there is so much awesome info here!! thank you for putting it all out there. I am looking forward to hearing all that you have to say!
  • Ryleigh21
    Content is Fantastic!!
    I LOVE every episode I’ve listened to so far. Incredibly informative and full of information for someone on a fitness journey. They touch on so many relative topics and the one I just listened to about maintenance really hit the nail on the head. Thank you!!
  • Julio O A
    A great complement to everything else RP provides
    The podcast is a great complement to both the RP Diet App. Nick and Lori do a wonderful job of walking you through the ups-and-downs of dieting using the app as well. Also, unlike other podcasts they don’t try to sell you all their other RP products all the time.
  • EmKoCo
    Nutrition Coaches in your pocket!
    I love this podcast and it’s helped me navigate my nutrition through fat loss cuts and maintenance. They give useful tips for losing, maintaining, and adding weight in a healthy way. It is the perfect addition to using the RP diet app! The podcast and app are game changers!
  • stephars541
    My favorite podcast
    Lori and Nick rock! Always giving us the real talk! Love Dr. Mike.
  • Andrabewak
    Pop > soda
    The episode where nick says he says pop not soda gained even more cool points. & as always dr. Mike is HILARIOUS. I love this podcast and look so excited to listening.
  • Kalirally
    Approaching fitness realistically
    They’re offering practical tips and advice to simplify your fitness journey - systems to incorporate and what to realistically expect.
  • SalPal01
    Good information
    The episodes with Dr. Mike are the best, and highly informative! I like the episodes that feel like I’m listening in on a health or science college class. Thanks Dr. Mike for that! Sometimes I feel like Nick and Lori spend too much time complaining about RP clients who don’t understand/aren’t willing to go through the diet. It seems like their outlet to complain about annoying commenters in the Facebook group, and it gets repetitive. Stop complaining about bad customers, when the ones listening to the podcast are the good customers. You’re preaching to the choir! Otherwise, great podcast that keeps teaching me new things about nutrition!
  • JayDubb76
    Great information but a lot of talk about their app
    All of the coaches at Renaissance Periodization are incredibly well educated and knowledgeable, and they generously share much of that knowledge for free on podcasts and YouTube videos. They are also very passionate about the products and services they offer (especially their app) and talk about them at every possible opportunity. At times the podcast just sounds like an hour long advertisement for the RP app or whatever coach they are featuring that week. If you can get past all of that, there is a lot of great information.
  • Heather Whimsical
    R.P. Podcasts - Love it !!
    Listening to these Podcasts is educational and most of all makes you feel connected to the entire RP Family. Content is relatable, clear and concise, summed up well and easy to understand. I’m excited about these Podcasts.
  • lizzored87
    Painful but worth it most of the time
    The dullness and awkwardness can be painful to the point where I have to stop and restart multiple times an episode, but I almost always finish listening bc the content is worth it and so fact-based.
  • Garm666
    Killer podcast!
    This podcast covers all the info you need to succeed with your fat loss, size or performance goals.
  • David Steamer
    Stop pairing male and female advice!
    It is time for Nick and Lori to split up and either make separate episodes or whole new podcasts the mixture gets annoying, repetitive, and long!
  • De La Soul is from the Soul
    Good content. More Dr. Mike!! :-)
  • awwhite137
    King of Podcasts for Physique Management
    If you want real information about how fat loss and muscle gain really work, this is your podcast. I also SUPER appreciate how structured and on-topic they keep their episodes. Lori is awesome at keeping the boys on task 🤣 I love the conversation demeanor, the nuance, and the personalities. Dr. Mike is absolutely hilarious. I can’t recommend this enough if you’re interest in physique management.
  • vma_nyc
    Gold star!
    This podcast is gold, like everything Lori and Nick and the RP crew puts out. Thanks guys!!
    Good but not focused enough; too much rambling
    Super informative but Nick rambles something awful with commentary and personal asides. I wish he’d let Lori get in a word edgewise. She gets to the point. The cutting episode was more lecturing than actual instruction. I mean sure, a little lecture but Jesus.
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