How to Get Over Your Ex


Breakup coach Dorothy, outlines the steps to get over your ex without it “just taking time”.She has combined her background in psychology with her life coach certification tools to provide actionable insights so that you're not only learning the why but you're learning the HOW to getting over your ex.Note: Dorothy utilizes the "he" pronoun when talking about her ex but this work can be applied to anyone. All genders and sexual orientations are encouraged to listen and apply the tools.Loving the How to Get Over Your Ex podcast? Grab your free masterclass "How to FAST FORWARD getting over your ex - without spending months (or years) feeling angry, jealous or unlovable" where you'll learn 3 mind blowing moments that will completely change your breakup journey and help you apply everything you're learning here on the podcast! Your free masterclass:

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Recent Reviews
  • UWSdonna
    Amazingly helpful concepts, well explained, getting a little sales focused
    Dorothy gets this and understands what our brains are doing, and she explains it so well. The episodes have been increasingly sales oriented which is understandable but impacts the tone a bit when much advice comes back to joining the program. As someone who has been in other coaching programs including with Dorothy's teacher, she breaks the model down as well as anyone. Without question I get the most out of those when Dorothy teaches herself without a guest, and I appreciate she has mostly integrated that feedback from her listeners. I do appreciate when she occasionally addresses older audiences (perhaps a guest over 40 or 50 and older too), as well as situations where the family unit was lost and where the listener initiated the breakup. I'd love to hear more of that. In the meantime, I am grateful for Dorothy! She is a rock star and incredible person.
  • alittlebitangie
    10/10 recommend 👏👏
    Discovering this podcast post-breakup was a game-changer. Dorothy's blend of psychology and life coaching delivers actionable insights beyond the clichés, providing both clarity and comfort. Her genuine empathy and strategic guidance make this podcast a must-listen for anyone seeking a concise and compassionate roadmap through heartbreak. She provides the insight of a therapist through the lens of a friend, and I lover hearing her perspectives!
  • AnonymousAndrewPodcast
    Fantastic show
    I just listen to the episode with Stephanie the 62 year old woman who just went through a break up and went through your coaching course. I am so glad you dealt with the age topic I am 63 and just went through a break up little over a year ago, it was such a horrible break up that I started my own podcast like you to help me heal and process what just happened anyone thinking about listening to this show I highly recommend it as a fellow podcaster now Dorothy knows what she’s talking about knows what she’s doing and while I didn’t go to Dorothy’s course, I did listen to her podcast this whole past year during my healing process
  • rainbowlover❤️
    Great advice
    My ex boyfriend broke up with me 8 years ago and I feel exhausted just thinking about him. I realize now how much of a jerk he was to me. I’m getting over him now. He gets on my nerves.
  • Wordie8
    Please Listen!
    If you are struggling in a relationship, in the midst of a breakup/divorce, or long after you think you should be past a relationship/breakup/divorce, please listen. Just once. I just happened to stumble upon this podcast after almost a year in a very stuck place. Just a few episodes in and a felt a profound shift in the way I was thinking and, therefore, felt. Unbelievable, really. I am forever changed. Do it for yourself. You will not regret it.
  • LorenzoR.I
    Not just for women
    I am a male postal carrier, and I am coming off a breakup that completely blindsided me. She was all in until her recent assignment at work on the west coast. My biggest fear was going to work because as a mail carrier I would be alone for 10 hours without anyone to speak to and essentially alone in my own head. For the past three years everything was geared towards putting a smile on her face, and when the break up occurred I felt betrayed and was a bitter person and like you always touch on I brought it with me. As a man I just want to say thank you. Your work is a gift I never asked for or thought would need. I listen faithfully starting from episode one 10 hours a day. Not only is your podcast/ life’s mission carrying me over the minefield it has changed me as a man in how I think. Wonderful pace tremendous tone and lord I can think of a thousand adjectives. Well done take a bow NOT JUST FOR WOMEN Thank you
  • afergie78
    So helpful
    Thank you so much for all the actionable steps you offer. Changing my thoughts has been such a challenge after my awful break up but it’s happening!
  • Tinkerbell15523
    This podcast helped me very much.
    Your podcasts helped me very much getting over my last ex boyfriend. Our podcast is my favorite. It helped me very much. Every episode i been listening to. Thank you so much. You are the best person❤️❤️❤️.
  • Amy02!
    This podcast is life-changing
    This is my favorite podcast! I started listening I believe in 2021? To get over my ex. well, let me tell you I am long over that guy wish him nothing but the best I guess you could say I’m indifferent at this point. I’m not even pining over anyone anymore. I just love this podcast because it teaches you valuable life lessons that you can apply everywhere!Thank you Dorothy you are an amazing woman and a true inspiration.
  • mandelovich
    Must listen! Heal your heart and life!!
    Such a great podcast by amazing breakup coach Dorothy!! This podcast helps you heal and live the life of your dreams! A must listen!!!
  • Created Future Academy
    I send this podcast to everyone
    When friends are going through heartbreak my girl Dorothy is the first person I reach for. I can be a listening ear and be there for someone, but Break Up Coach Dorothy is the one who comes in with the actual advice, the how to steps, the reframes for the mind telling hurtful stories. Everyone going through heartbreak needs her, break ups, divorce, all of it.
  • Parteraross
    Life saver!
    My 2 1/2 year relationship ended less than a week ago, and thank God. I remembered hearing Dorothy on Brooke Castillo‘s podcast along time ago and dug out that episode. That alone made me feel so much better. I immediately looked up Dorothy‘s website and podcast, and I am binging it. I am also a coach and already knew about thought work, but I was deep in the acute pain of the breakup. Dorothy’s take on things has really helped me sort out my thoughts and feelings and utilize those tools to feel better already. It’s going to be a process, but I can tell it’s not going to be as painful and long lasting as it would’ve been if I hadn’t found Dorothy. Highly recommend! This is gold. 🙏
  • AliceandMe2023
    The Only Podcast/Therapy I need
    My serious relationship ended in July 2022 and after 9 months of struggle to grieve the loss, I finally decided to seek professional help. I went to a therapist and she gave me a list of podcasts to listen to. This podcast was on the list and so far…. Its the only one Ive needed! I got addicted to it instantly (even though i am not normally a big podcast person). This podcast may end up being the only therapy I need! Thank you, Dorothy, for your vulnerability, expertise, and charm. I am now one of your Bravehearts.
  • Ayshhh17
    Voice of Hope!
    Dorothy was EVERYTHING I needed to hear! I am experiencing a recent break up after 6 years. And this episode hit on almost every aspect of it. He did change his mind on kids and marriage. It has been a challenge. But hearing Dorothy has given me hope. I am CHOOSING to see him as the person he is today and not who he used to be or who we used to be. It gets easier every day but some times are still challenging, thank you for being a voice of hope Dorothy!
  • amaldy1
    Dorothy is so good at what she does
    I had a devastating break up 30 years ago when I was very young and didn’t have the life experiences or maturity to handle it. I had PTSD from it. I made myself forget everything and moved on but never healed. I did marry and raise a family. 30 years later, I ran face to face into my ex. Immediately I was 20 years old and that bad person all over again. I spiraled into depression and anxiety. It was all still there in my head, all the fighting, berating me and self loathing. It affected my daily life and I got therapy which helped Not sure how I found this pod cast but it helped me so much more We never had closure I had to go through all the exercises in the podcast I had to feel all the emotions instead of running away and rewrite our break up in a way that makes sense to me now that I am in my 50’s. Dorothy is so good at what she does. I wish this GOYEx program was around back then. It helped me so much 30 years after the break up. I have peace and closure and feel so much stronger. Thank you Dorothy for this podcast
  • Healed women
    Healed women
    I discovered Dorthys podcast in 2019 when I was I. The darkest place in my life . Dorthy helped me heal so much. It’s so many phrases that stick with me today “ create the life you want to live w/o him “ “ nothing is happening to you it’s happening for you “ & “ everything is going how it should go , nothing is going wrong “ Thanks to Dorothy I’m healed women.
  • txchick63
    Best episode!
    Could so relate to everything Miranda said in Episode 161. She made so much sense and handled her experience so much better than I ever have. She should be a coach now too!
  • H25AoA
    So Much Great Info
    There are a lot of good things to say about this podcast but I especially want to highlight one thing in particular that I think is special: Dorothy shares SO MUCH of what’s in the program on the podcast. There is no holding out the #1 secret technique to getting over your ex that you only have access to if you pay $$$$. To me, this shows a lot of integrity in the world of self-help where there is often a hefty price to getting “the good stuff” as a lot of coaches save their best tools and tips for paying clients. But Dorothy lays out all the techniques on these episodes and makes it so it’s totally possible to do the work on your own, no payment necessary. I listened to the podcast for months before eventually signing up for the program. Being inside of the GOYE program is incredible, it’s extremely personalized and you can do deep, meaningful self-work with Dorothy’s coaching and alongside others that is worth the price. But the podcast is an excellent reflection of everything you get in the program and I think that is such a gift to those out there going through a breakup who may not be in a place to sign up.
  • clau_92215
    I ran into an add on Facebook and I decide ms to give it a try and now I can't stop listening to it. It have become my "Bible" to moving on , along with my real Bible. One step at a time . Something that I now keep telling myself " it happened for me not to me"
  • GigiCordero
    This advice is just not based in psychology whatsoever. She’s not a therapist and not qualified to help people cope with such topics
  • usbadnsndjanshs
    Truly I don’t believe I would have gotten to where I am right now so quickly without this amazing podcast and the tender/understanding heart of Dorthy! I will always remember 2 things from this. “ it didn’t happen to you it happened for you.” And “ them being with someone new has nothing to do with you!” Thank you so much Dorthy!
  • pri47/5532
    The way she talks ruins it for me
    If you’re a podcaster then you need to have better communication skills along with the content you’re presenting. Dorothy comes across as super insincere as if I’m listening to those teenage girls chitchatting about something. The “yasss”, “soooo good “ and “love it”, “right” etc. are not fun to listen to every 5 minutes!
  • Nyarl de la Thotep
    I have not recently broken up with my ex but I found some of these perspectives on coping with stress helpful from the most recent episode that the apple “gods” brought me even though my issues are distinctly different in that I’m a boomer dealing with being a social outcast for being a dirty liberal in Texas.
  • Broken Hearted Tracy
    So Helpful
    This podcast is great and helping me through a very painful break-up. So much great content.
  • The Initiation
    Went through a recent break up. Came across this podcast; based on the title & bio, thought it would be worth a listen. 10 seconds into my first episode: “guys, I just got engaged! I’m so excited to share this with you!” Uh….what? Call me old school, but a ‘coach’ that can’t read the room does not suggest they’re mindful about the emotional needs of others.
  • Lady Lydz
    Best podcast I’ve ever needed!
    Dorothy, When I was in search of a podcast on “How to get over my ex” I didn’t have a lot of expectations but your podcast exceeded all my expectations!! I’ve listened to all 132 episodes in the last month that made me cry, laugh, and just think of my life so differently. Thank you for being my light in this dark time. I wouldn’t be as happy as I am a month after my breakup without your podcast! Love, Lydia
  • hwndbjfjdn
    After my 3 year relationship ended I couldn’t concentrate on anything and I was crying all the time. Her tips and coaching really helped me through it and everything you learn is applicable to pretty much any struggle you might encounter. Just wanna say, thank you Dorothy for making this podcast. You’ve helped me in ways you can’t imagine. I’ve discovered more about myself in a month than I have in my lifetime.
  • communitynewspodcast
    Discovered this pod
    Because need it so bad. Don’t know how anyone does it. Even though I have in the past in my life. Can’t believe one person can take over so much of my brains and thoughts and heart. It’s not good. Thanks for some of these tips. If anyone reading this also need to laugh to distract from the pain, check out “Community News” with Paul and Sasha. Meanwhile, thanks for this pod making me feel less alone in the heartache that makes me often wish I was dead.
  • Le'Amy
    Feels Like A Warm Hug
    On episode 80 now, and it’s been a little over a month since my breakup. We were planning a wedding, and I was about to move across the world with him- There was no back up plan. When it ended, anxiety would wake me up from my sleep. It was excruciating living in the house we had shared- sometimes I would crumble while doing simple tasks and just sob on the floor. The only thing that made me feel better for the first 5 days was this podcast. The introspection Dorothy provides has so much value. I was able to be honest with myself about how interacting with him makes me feel *now* versus how it used to. I kept wanting to see how he was doing because I thought it would give me comfort and security, but in reality I would just end up even more anxious than before. By supplementing an activity that *actually* gave me comfort and security, I’ve been able to avoid torturing myself for a reward I would never receive. The biggest piece of advice I have is to actually do the exercises in the podcast. And no, I don’t mean pause the podcast and try to answer… you’ve got to do a train-of-thought writing exercise where you can seriously visualize what’s going on in your head. Plus, re-reading your thoughts later are massively helpful. I’ve wrote things to read when I feel like messaging him, when I imagine us getting back together, when I miss him, etc. And every time, reading it will trigger this aha moment, and it’ll swing me out of self pity for a little bit. I think Dorothy is going above and beyond with providing free value for her listeners. For the people who are upset that she’s upselling her course, just realize that this is her livelihood. Building a community and advertising a business isn’t easy, and I think most of her clients funnel in from her podcast. Just ask yourself if you were in her shoes, how would you show people that your course is legitimate? I would do exactly what she’s doing. Success stories, resources, anecdotes from people who didn’t want to sign up initially, etc. Anyways, definitely recommend! You go Glen Coco!
  • Marissa Li
    She’s the best
    I listened to six podcasts in a row. Her perspective is unique and makes me feel so much better. Love yourself first he’s just the icing on the cake ;)
  • JWardwell
    The kick in the butt you know you need, but with love
    This podcast has been a regular in my weekly rotation since July and I keep learning and growing. It helped me breakthrough the societal pressures of needing a partner to feel complete and exposed that what really needed my attention was my relationship with myself. This podcast will be such a tool to those that really want to dive in and create an unreal life. I’ve recommended to so many people and know I am a braveheart for life. I just did the How to Get Over Your Ex course and I am happily say I am becoming my favorite version of myself!
  • StephanieSherie
    Her knowledge about Universal Principes changes you in all areas. Excellent!
  • pengworm
    Annoying voice
    I would love to be able to actually review the actual things this person is teaching but I can’t. The uptalk and use of the word like as well as constant “yaaasss” and “love it!” absolutely ruined anything good she might have to say. I don’t understand grown women who choose to talk like this. She sounds incredibly insincere, not intelligent, and fake.
  • kelly l123
    Amazing recovery work
    Hi, I went through the most unexpected, heartbreaking break-up of my life. I felt so messed up that I decided to see a therapist. Honestly, Dorothy’s podcast was more helpful than therapy. She is such an inspiration and has the most amazing tips and homework. If you do the work, you will see amazing results. I’m over my ex with no hostility, and still listen so I can learn more things from her. Honestly, the universe did this break-up for me—not to me. It was difficult to see that, but I’m on the other next where I can see that now! Good luck, Bravehearts!
  • dmccasli
    Love this girl
    This girl is awesome. I listen to her every day in the shower to start my day. It helps me get in the right mindset to enjoy my day wo thinking about how much I miss my ex. I’m also a male, so yes men it works for us too! Anytime I’m feeling the feels I listen to her positivity and immediately it’s changes my mood.
  • Nononono5555555
    Airhead Cringe
    No way I’m taking ANY advice from an anti-vaxxer who (drumroll) got Covid! Duh. At least we know she stinks up the bathroom and “tee hee couldn’t smell it”because she got a itty bitty virus in a pendemmy 🤪 Totally ditzy and very very cringe.
  • miranz.h
    Incredibly useful tool for your healing journey
    I’m in week 3 of my break up and this podcast has been a game changer for how I’ve been coping! I love the way Dorothy helps us to see how our thoughts shape our experience and empowers us to reshape our narrative and and take control of our healing journey!
  • Stargirl1991
    One big sales pitch
    This podcast is one big sales pitch for her course. Terrible!
  • Anchalagr
    Been less than 72 hours
    I broke up this past Saturday with my boyfriend of 6 months, short period, I know, but a heartbreak is a heartbreak :) I started listening to Dorothy’s podcast 24 hours later, because I wanted to “fix” my feelings. Turns out, what I really needed was to stay with my feelings. It’s been less than 72 hours since I broke up and I’m already getting over him! Whaaaaaaat?
  • MaggieAsch
    Mainly Discusses Her Course
    This podcast started out as something that was helping me get over my ex but the last twenty or so episodes have really turned into how great her course is and getting people to come onto this podcast to say how great the course is. I get it, you wanna promote your course, makes sense, but she talks about the importance of the course and the effects it has for over half of every podcast now! Really disappointing
    Changed my Life
    This podcast helped me get over my ex after 10 years together way less than 3 months. I binged these during the first week of my breakup and I would not be where I am now without these podcast. Listen, journal, and follow her on social media. LIFE CHANGING.
  • jusabuckeyegrllivninalonlywrld
    Life saver!
    Please continue sharing awesome content!!!! Your insight is so helpful and has helped me greatly process the end of my long term relationship. Your words continue to help me heal and gain confidence and find “me” again. I’ve shared your show and episodes to several of my friends and talk about your podcast all the time!
  • KatharineE.
    You make so much sense!
    I discovered you yesterday and I am now listening to all of your podcasts from start to finish. You have such a way of laying out the way I WANT my brain to think. WOW. Just amazing insight and honesty. I really hope to be able to work with you sometime. Until then, your podcasts fill my brain with thoughts of hope and freedom.
  • Pam Theriot, OD
    Exactly what you need to heal
    Breakup Coach Dorothy, thank you for your message. This podcast felt like you being there with me. Months later I’m so happy to be thriving!!
  • Vallll_98
    Thank u!!
    I’ve only been listening to your podcast for less than a week and it’s already helped SO much. Thank you for what you do!! <3 much love
  • Rachie tn
    This podcast has really been life changing for me. Highly recommend listening. I listen in my car and while I’m working. Dorothy is so positive and uplifting. Wish I could afford to take her 3 month course, but at least I can listen to the podcast!
  • YBerona
    You have good advice here but I am a little disappointed about the way your trying to sell your courses. It sounds like if we don’t buy it, we never will be over our exes
  • Luvthemagic
    Love her
    Started with her podcast, next her free course, finally decided to take her 3 months group course and it was the most amazing experience. Dorothy is amazing and life changing. Will always listen to her podcasts just because. 💕💕💕
  • heartship<3
    My life will never be the same
    It is my desire that everybody listens to this podcast. I even sent some episodes to friends who weren’t actively going through a break up. For me, this is the answer I was searching for when going through intense grief from loss of relationships (romantic and other types) She’s helped me pursue myself and a desire to cherish and get to know me. It’s been the first time in my whole life where I felt like I got acquainted with who I was. This podcast is life-saving!!! I don’t want to live with regrets, but if I did I’d say it’s that I wish I had had this podcast 10 years ago! Also, it makes me just want to hangout with Dorothy and people pursuing life on deeper level!
  • Akm 536873
    I don’t want to give less stars but
    Be here now episode didn’t reference the man who coined that term Ram Dass and that saddens me. Also there was a lot of “what” but not a lot of how. Also including Ram Dass check out Eckhart Tolle if you want to cultivate more “being present”
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