Beg to Differ with Mona Charen

News #167Politics #62

Beg to Differ is a weekly roundtable podcast brought to you by Host Mona Charen is joined by Linda Chavez of the Niskanen Center, Bill Galston of the Brookings Institution, and Damon Linker, who writes "Notes from the Middleground," to discuss the news of the week in a respectful, rational forum.

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Recent Reviews
  • A developmental scientist
    U R ignorant about effects of social media on teens
    How can it be that supposedly tuned-in commentators NEVER cite the scientific critiques of Haidt’s book and the Surgeon General’s recommendations on the above listed subject? Disagreement with those alternative perspectives is fine, but leading listeners to believe such non-ideological questioning of the sources just cited are non-existent is not high-level journalism, not even close. Truly shameful to have no one to discuss such an important subject jwho actually begs to differ.
  • B.R. on LI
    Show 4 Boomers
    The Bulwark is amazing but let's be honest: this is a show by Boomers for Boomers. The analysis the host and guests make is typically wise (as in 'with age') and repleat with insight but their conclusions are typically disconnected from modern society. Gen X listeners may find some episodes worthwhile. Millennials and younger should find a better use of their time.
  • THF Seattle
    Obey in advance
    The Gerald Ford Presidential Foundation is doing exactly what one should not do when facing the threat from a tyrant. The board showed great cowardice by declining to honor Liz Cheney because it is afraid of retribution from Trump if he returns to power. Great conversation with David Hume Kennerly.
  • Ben from Durham
    Todays episode left me feeling tense and frustrated, and that’s all down to the way Mona handled herself in the last ten minutes. That was the antithesis of why people come here to listen to people with different viewpoints. Usually a great show. Not this one.
  • imbearclaw
    Love the bulwark, hate this show
    If you want to hear a bunch of moderates hand wring, predict doom and nitpick Biden for everything from Marijuana to not being pro-Israel enough, this is your show! Whiney hand wringing whiney whine whine “Errr I beg to diifffeeeerrrr sir” I’m sorry they make me want to puke. Being a constant skeptic and negative isn’t a skill, it’s an emotional issue.
  • 90abcghi
    Protesting is an America feature not a bug
    Let’s all remember that the culture of hate and anti-Semitic and anti -islamic acts have been on the rise all our the country since Trump took office. No wonder students has added hateful rhetoric to their legal protests.
  • Jimmo3000
    Best political podcast
    This show should be required listening for all Americans. Knowledgeable panelists that provide a range of nuanced opinions, always based in reality. The composition of the panel leans a bit to the right, but none of them are blindly partisan. Keep up the great work, Mona!
  • Mcsh1
    Never miss a show!
    Stimulating conversations and they don’t always agree. That’s ok! It’s important to share one's own view and hear different views.
  • Ryry12000
    In five minutes I was dumber
    I listen to the first five minutes of this podcast as it was recommended to me from The Bulwark. It starts off with an absolute lunatic talking about how 23% of black voters are going to vote for Trump and Biden’s campaign is not fraying, but, “collapsing”. Clearly, there is no intelligent discourse going on here, I had to stop listening to save my brain cells. This type of hyperbolic the sky is falling nonsense does nothing to actually provide useful information to understand what is going on, nor does it serve the discourse.
  • Appreciatingquality
    Excellent podcast!
    Finally! I have found a group of educated thinkers that share their opinions and knowledge in a rational, civilized and respectful way. Great quality content which tries to make sense, in the best possible way….. of today’s political circus. The listening is very enjoyable and because nobody interrupts, this allows the participants to delve deep into the subjects.
  • JNPack
    Great Show!
    A thoughtful show that routinely dives deeper into the headlines of the day than many other pods/news sources.
  • Maek@J
    Great podcast
    I love the differing opinions. It’s a shame more Americans don’t listen . Thank you .
  • Thomaspowellphd
    Mona rocks!
    As a moderate Democrat, who pays close attention to politics, I find this podcast to be excellent. Mona’s regular guests are insightful and occasionally funny, and she brings in others like Tim Albertson, who are extraordinarily well informed. There was a time when I would not have been interested in hearing her wisdom or that of anybody over on “the right” but times have changed, and I think the perspectives on the show are instructive and cogent.
  • Danni_in_Pdx
    Really insightful talk on this weekend episode — about the the Israel/Hammas + Gazans + Lebanon
    I listen to quite a few excellent podcasts but this is hands-down the most substantive and often, my view point is different and it makes Me rethink if I’m disagreeing with this panel. I’m a former-liberal Republican, who left the party in 2015 in disgust about Trump. This pod always leaves me thinking more. Not mad or whipped-up or sad and depressed. Just leaves me knowing more, understanding the history and background and players better and I value it. All the stars
  • Bobo A Gogo
    Having a panel with a spectrum of thoughtful educated ideas and opinions is very much appreciated and calming in this time of turmoil.
  • Maggie Goldman
    Thanks for the pod!
    This is probably where I experience the most right wing policy of Bulwark and it is informative even if I don’t always agree.
  • PennieGretchen
    Beg to Differ
    Beg to Differ is always informative and sensible. I wish all Americans were so sensible and informed as the commentators on this podcast.
  • BunnyHugger75
    Great podcast. Bill, if anyone wanted to actually stop illegal immigration they would arrest the mostly WHITE MEN that hire them. It’s so ridiculous this isn’t brought up. They come here because there is a big Help Wanted sign up at the border. Why do you think Sarah Huckabee is letting CHILDREN work night shifts in slaughter houses? We don’t have enough people to fill the jobs we have. The GOP’s answer is forced birth & child labor. Deplorable. The laws need changed. Executive orders are not the answer. They just end up wasting money in court for years.
  • Aimer2
    Thank you, Mona!
    I have come to love this podcast. It is so refreshing to listen to intelligent people discuss politics and issues in a mature and respectful manner even when they “beg to differ”. We need more of this type of sober discourse in our politics today.
  • AoAcAoAcAoAc
    Intelligent round table
    Great discussions, led by Mona Charen, which avoids the echo chamber by actually seeking out different viewpoints, in a balanced and respectful way. The highlights/lowlights section means that even when identifying low points of the weekly news, there’s always a balance in finding the good too.
  • Mac_in_504
  • 😉💙🙃
    29 December 2023
    Nicky Halley’s gaff …. Note: Donald Trump and Joe Biden are merely a few days over 550 days apart, I’m tired of hearing about Biden’s elderly age…
  • Dardyer
    Polls are not a Vote. Just look at 2018, 2020, 2022, 2023 but only AMERICA sells a poll as a Vote
  • 1702363
    One-sided and ignorant
    Mona and her guests are in complete denial of the ongoing genocide that is currently happening in Palestine. More than half of Americans are displeased with the Biden administration’s support of Israel as it commits mass murder and ethnic cleansing but for some reason, this podcast seems to be completely oblivious to that. Calling Hamas terrorists but neglecting to call Israel a terrorist state for a brutal 75 year occupation really displays the ignorance of this podcast. To be so privileged that you don’t bother to offer context is really telling.
  • JennyMdUsa
    Long-time follower
    Excelent panel, everyone is intelligent and polite. Topics are varied, some times more interesting than others.
  • 4Cheyenne
    “ My stomach was literally churning”
    Literally...churning Sure...ok
  • mandojm
    Truly “civil conversation.”
    This podcast and its cousin, the Bulwark, keep me from falling off a cliff into despondency. I sometimes disagree with all four panelists but, even more often, I learn from them.
  • Miller Susan
    Thank you!
    Great discussion and wow great to hear ideas being planned!
  • Ze.Mane
    Challenges me to think differently
    While I often find myself disagreeing with the opinions they express, the host and guest always present their points concisely and smartly. Mega respect to Ms. Charente and the top-caliber guests she invites onto her show
  • Dr. Hiram Morales
    My new favorite podcast
    What an excellent discussion of this week topic of masculinity/ evangelicals in our current politic landscape. I truly enjoyed it. Great podcast, incredible invites and host.
  • Geoplanter
    Contemplating a Trump admin. 2.0
    While I totally agree with Mona and her guests on how devastating, dangerous and depressing a second Trump administration would be… for the life of me…I can’t understand why Mona, her guests, Charlie Sykes, Bill Kristol, Steve Schmidt, Margaret Hoover, Jonah Goldberg, Governor Christie, Liz Cheney, and the entire army of like-minded political & cultural elites can’t get together with the SANE Republican establishment to come up with an actual game plan to rid us of Trump!! What good is all of this preaching to the choir? You guys are smart and know how the system works. Come up with an action plan already. The Lincoln Project was a lame attempt. But, there’s gotta be a way!
  • Nutty mom
    Thoughtful and intelligent
    Thoughtful and intelligent discussions from thoughtful and intelligent people
  • Beavis67
    Breath of Fresh Air
    Actually feel smarter for listening. Keep up the good work.
  • Markw77
    Far from middle ground
    Just another liberal Trump bashing Republican hating podcast
  • Dave & Jane in N America
    Excellent discussion
    Thoughtful, rational people discussing important topics. We need this.
  • BBBman
    An island in a desert
    Imagine that! A politics podcast of thoughtful, insightful, respectful, rational, non-hyperbolic, non-polarizing conversation. I’m a left of center pragmatist, and so appreciate the REAL conservative voices in this podcast. Truly excellent conversations that challenge some of my own views, but simply generates such good faith and respect. Need more of this on all sides! Thank you.
  • LamonicaIsTheGoat
    If only.
    I love this podcast. This quad brings intelligent, articulate discourse every week. America would be much better off if this crew was on Fox News prime time every week.
  • WayOutToLunch
    A Model of Discourse
    Excellent centrist political commentary, with great regular panelists and guests.
  • Saxjw
    Absolutely the best political podcast out there! Civil and intelligent discussions. Nuanced and in-depth. Why can’t we have this with our politicians? I look foreard to this podcast every week. Thank you!
  • Thankful Peter
    A breath of fresh air
    Wonderful podcast. Intelligent discussion and nuanced observations on important, complex issues that are impacting our lives and futures. All without anyone trying to hack your brain or push your hot buttons. Thank you 👏
  • addem_
    Great conversations
    I don’t even follow the show because it’s just about the only conservative talk show that maintains dignity and reason. I follow it mainly because, the conversations they have, is how professionals and adults should talk about serious issues. You find that from very few other podcasts.
  • CPez87
    Fresh air
    A breath of rational, civil fresh air in the suffocating fog of partisan bickering that dominates our media.
  • larmbrust
    Great Podcast
    Love hearing the different perspectives! Keep up the great work Bulwark folks! Can not stress this enough, this is a fantastic podcast literally everyone should listen!
  • coinct
    A hidden gem
    A very thought provoking and well produced show. The regulars and guests are all intelligent, articulate and knowledgeable. The difference of opinions are discussed in a civilized manner and I always learn a great deal. This type of punditry could take us all on a path towards civility if it replaced the hyperbolic nonsense found on Fox and the like. Mona does an excellent job leading the discussions.
  • amyinmilwaukee
    This podcast makes me smarter.
    Mona has assembled a remarkable group of experts, from whom I have learned so much! Her special guests are knowledgeable and enlightening. I am able to bring good talking points, not knee-jerk reactions to contentious family conversations!
  • ajk16##
    Public Unions
    We have private trash pick up and it’s not great. If teachers do not have unions, who will speak up for our teachers who are underpaid and always maligned.
  • No. California Moderate Dem.
    Liberal Affirmation
    As a traditional Liberal Democrat which would probably have me described as a moderate today. I can report that while I disagree with you and many of your guests quite often. I really enjoy your show. It’s helpful to hear the other side of the politics without all the hateful vitriol that most of the Republican and Conservative leaning talking heads spew. Thankfully Begging to differ. Odus Modesto California
  • svn54
    Ahhh… No Yelling
    Imagine the McLaughlin Group (okay, I’m dating myself) but smarter, longer, and without the yelling. That’s this podcast.
  • raaaaatttts!
    What a great podcast; a weekly must-listen
    I highly recommend this for its insight and perspectives
  • JSowers
    Better informed citizen
    Listen and learn. Very thought provoking.
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