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ilannycTo far left for a leftyI've been listening to this show for years, not oo osely, but I listened. The way he talks about Manufacturing Concent reveals how radical (and radicalizing) this guy is. Like, wow! Unsubscribed.
The MicahThoughtful and well preparedDavid’s easy to digest summaries of notable thinkers and critical theorists is a welcome addition to my queue. Disregard the reviews calling him “antisemitic” - these are organized smears by Zionist types who likely haven’t even listened to any of his programs and are put off by him daring to ask supporters to donate to Palestinian relief efforts instead of his Patreon.
BilalSuper approachable, very insightfulI’ve learned a lot
listening128Pretty goodI like it but his manner of speaking is very irritating and sometimes discombobulated.
kenny easleyInformativeHe works hard to summarize texts that i have been interested in but haven’t read. The one star reviews seem to be from conservatives / zionists; this is a hard core left leaning show in my view (which is why I like it)
Semi-fan1233Cretinous and dangerous prattleSophomoric graduate student thought. I listened to the episode on Eichmann — to be sure the alibi of antisemitism in the modern world is all too facile but he might as well be saying that Hitler was underrated as a leader, or that people of African ancestry are responsible for slavery since the phenomenon of chattel slavery in itself can be reduced to people signing themselves up for terror. I’m actually astounded that this podcast exists and has listeners. Or rather, I’m assuming it has listeners.
QC_6Hate SpeechJust a few minutes into a completely unrelated topic, he goes launching into a rant. Spewing anti-Semitic propaganda. Disgusting.
fatyhuThank you for making knowledge more accessible!As a grad student in humanities, I find it so helpful to listen to this podcast and get an overview of so many theories. I am also glad that the host advocates for Palestinians and calls out Israel’s genocide. Keep doing the great work :)
r3_s_7Terribly biased, leftist propagandaI really like the concept of this podcast, but all this guy does cherrypick topics so that he could promote leftist and often far-left agendas and his deep personal biases, including spewing hatred against Israel openly.
jessimurphInformed & rationalI recommend this podcast to everyone. It’s an easy way to delve deeper into topics that relate to our quality of life as a species. I put It on almost every night at bedtime as David’s voice is pleasant and the material is fascinating. I have accidentally been up all night. Twice.
cantthinkofanythinggoodExceptionalBeen a fan for years but coming here to say I appreciate your recent coverage of the ongoing genocide in Palestine. Have you lost followers? Probably. Some ad revenue? Sure. But you’ve done something most content creators still haven’t which is to stand up for what’s right. You may have lost the attention of some Zionists, but you’ve gained even more respect from those interested in ending up on the right side of history.
OracleOfLAGreat podcastI love this podcast, and the host’s quirky charm. I always listen to it on my commute to class because he often covers texts that I’m reading in class, and is sure to stay true to the premises of the text, making it clear when he inserts his own opinion. I love this podcast even more knowing that the hosts stands with Palestine, as any one who hasn’t completely lost their mind and humanity should. Thanks for all the work you put into this show! I love it and am so glad it exists.
Puddle GuppieKeep it upI’ve appreciated your channel over the years but I especially appreciate you using your position to educate us all about the founding of Israel and the (true) banality of evil. Love to hear a philosophy/theory head actually take a stance and do something in 2024. Solidarity from this American-Jew.
Fluffhead2022DissappointngThis is an activist, not an even-handed scholar. Hatred and revenge for religion dripped from his voice several times in the discussion of Hobbes. Religion is a fact of human nature, and his hatred blinds him of truly understanding how humans operate.
sooooooooo dissapointedShadow BanI can’t take anyone seriously that uses the term “shadow ban”
ScrumblepussNo need to be defensiveI’ve appreciated this podcast for a couple years now, but there seems to be a defensive and even sarcastic tone creeping in that has made it harder to listen to recently.
mikeseattle36Don’t let the haters get you downYour stand on Palestine is moral and correct. I appreciate that you’re relentlessly fair-minded but sometimes situations have clear villains and it’s important to take a stand. Thank you for the clarity.
sturgisbauerMostly GoodThis podcast is very informative and the host explains complex concepts in a relatable way. My only complaint, and I hate using this term, but is he’s certainly “woke.” He makes straw man arguments and finds it relevancy to criticize them based on their demographics as “privileged”; the boogeyman is always “Europeans”. I mean, he’s absolutely merciless against the “Europeams.” It’s like an ideology where the “Europeans” are always the devil behind any wrong they perceive. It’s a cheap fad in recent academia; if you somehow connect *anything* to colonialism, rascism, classism, or male privilege you get an A. It’s intellectually lazy and distorts the facts. I recommend the show, but you’ll be irritated by the constant attacks on the evil “Europeans.”
fergus companionIntelligent, well-read and self righteousDon’t dislike, but this started off as educational and now feels like a “preachy,” intellectual, echo chamber, crusade. Enjoy:)
Isabel.AnderiExcellentIncredibly helpful, makes difficult texts much more accessible and less daunting to those of us who didn’t get to study philosophy in school! Also just a delightfully relaxing atmosphere, love that there’s no music or anything extraneous. It’s peaceful and effective at injecting knowledge into your tired brain. PS I also despise loud cars David thanks for keeping that mini rant in the episode
RobSubGood introduction to philosophical topicsThis is a good podcast to introduce listeners to a variety of philosophical and theoretical themes. I think he does an excellent job of being a primer to larger topics in philosophy.
PrEsToNPlAyS€The Best Philosophy PodcastDavid does an amazing job at making philosophical questions digestible and accessible. I love this podcast.
MacdizzledaddyValuable podcastAlthough you can absolutely listen to these podcasts on their own. Listening to these episodes either before or after reading these texts has really helped deepen my understanding of social thought throughout history. You don’t have to agree with every single one of David’s interpretations to benefit from this channel and he often mentions references you can go to for other perspectives. ALSO since books are expensive! Sometimes I will listen to these episodes before I make the decision to purchase a hard copy. Thanks David! - From your fellow human being in the Mitten!
Mike098543On Jazz, philosophy and musicThe man is very talented in the guitar, I loved the episode, On Jazz. Would love more Philosophy of jazz or other music genres Been a long time listener, I particular gravitate to the relaxing voice
Studui6Great stuff!Awesome!
Keith SchuabThese pronunciations bruhBaruch de SpiNOTEza. Francis FukEyama. *hacks up snot* ne De *hacks up snot* rt. J Jack HalberSHtahm. Besides that, this show is great! Would recommend. I feel like he explains stuff really well
rqlrqlrqlWow, thank you so much!!!I love the way David explains complicated stuff without simplifying it too much. This is so helpful if you need to brush up on some theories again, or compare your own understanding to that of others’, or try to understand what seemed impenetrable before. Thank you thank you thank you.
vw10Disappointing progressive hackery.Theory/philosophy through a woke bias which significantly limits the value.
rachlou267The MVPDavid is amazing and basically 50% of the reason I am making it through my phd. Can’t thank you enough for this content!
vybgiorSo accessible!Thanks, David! You make these complex (and often dense) theories so accessible and easily digestible.
nyazsalhReviewI listen to your reviews on my breaks and whenever i am doing something that doesn’t need my listening and ears . Your reviews are great , they simplify the ideas .
Abe 2022Great workThe reviews are well chosen, presented with clarity and are pleasant to follow.
burnout_lukeVery helpful! Love this podcastThis podcast has helped me through many difficult texts. It’s great as a supplement or refresher to a text you’ve read, or as an overview of the major concepts of a text you don’t have time time to read. Highly recommend!
DocCappsCheck it out!This is a high quality podcast with in depth analysis from a knowledgeable host. He does an excellent job at communicating complex ideas in a clear and engaging way.
melantheonAdorno/ JazzNot your best. Perhaps Adorno is deficient in knowledge of Jazz, but you need much more knowledge of Bach. Bach was or is not classical, but is categorized as Baroque! Not the same. Bach seems to have an influence on most post-Bach music, including Jazz and Classical. Much marriage in music. But, I hear what you are saying. Keep the mind churning.
Fernanda RaneroLove itEasy to follow and I like your understanding of the materials.
ChristopherJGWon’t play on my iPodLooks very interesting but for some reason the files refuse to play on my iPod. I just get a pop up message that says ‘unable to play’.
WrongThinkRichNot ImpressedYou are welcome to your philosophical opinion. I find your opinions to be ideologically based. It is ridiculous to say one fears thy neighbor. That would be geographically dependent.
DaveiiiGreat Analysis in an Easy to Digest MannerDavid unpacks nuanced theory/philosophy in a way that’s simple and easy to understand. Extremely helpful in my studies and development as a human being/thinker
Kathleen.mhOne of the bestDavid’s voice is so soothing and the discussions are rarely too complicated for me to understand! He’s also introduced me to a lot of new contemporary thinkers.
Michael BourbonOnly Good Help With BwOI’ve been reading some Deleuze, and tried listening to a few other podcasts, but they were mostly done by uppity dickweeds. This podcast was far more helpful in far less time with getting me to understand the body without organs a bit better. It was all very clear and concise. I will be coming here from now on when theory confuses me (and it often does).
midnite pantherIntroduction to Postmodern PhilosophyAccessible and concise introductions to post-structuralist philosophers.
cwincheMakes theory accessible to allI love this podcast, I recommend it to all my theory minded friends
Allie Bird pghthoughtful interpretationsThoughtful and contemporary Interpretations of philosophical works. I appreciate the acknowledgements and critiques of these theories (with post-colonialism or anti-racism frameworks, for example) in addition to explaining them in a clear and concise format. A good balance of academic interrogation and accessible language.
leariciconcise and helpful !!these dissections of more complex theory are hugely helpful for newcomers to philosophy like myself. thank you so much!
Yoipod4yBBThanksThank you for doing my homework more digestible in the eternal quarantine. Please continue you have fans.
Spencer Van SheepyAsmrLearn to talk bro
berkundergradGreat for Rhetoric Undergrads!This post cast does a great job at explaining fundamental critical theory in a way everyone can understand.
Franny_BaconA great podcast, highlighting fantastic voicesDavid (and his guests) presents these difficult works in a helpful, engaging manner. I highly recommend.
HxdjdjxdicnsiwnA much needed podcastSuccinct and clear analysis of texts.
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