Office Ladies

Comedy #18All Genres #127

The Office co-stars and best friends, Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey, are doing the ultimate The Office re-watch podcast for you. Each week Jenna and Angela will break down an episode of The Office and give exclusive behind the scene stories that only two people who were there, can tell you.

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Recent Reviews
  • jojojo joestar
    Will so good
    My favorite. These ladies are the best
  • SamC ATL
    I love this podcast!
    This is my fav podcast. I love the office, and this teaches me, and cracks me up. I’ve learned so much, and I’ve learned so much about acting, writing, and improv. No team Jessica though. I’m not team Jessica. I’m sorry, but no. If you know you know. I feel like I know Jenna and Angela, and this has changed my life. I even listened while writing this review. I love the guest stars as well. The John Krasinski interview was amazing, as were the Jake Lacy and Phyllis Smith. This is a truly amazing podcast.
  • I’m a Georgia 😉
    Office ladies fan for life
    The office ladies podcast is one of my all time favorites. Love listening to Angela and Jenna! They have such great banter and I have laughed out loud so many times! Love you two! 😍
  • ErinKCSmith
    I adore this podcast!
    I love everything about this podcast. Every tangent, every interview. I eat it up! Phyllis is such a joy and I loved her recent interview. This show has been part of my life for almost half my lifetime and these ladies and this podcast has been with me through such a challenging season of life. It may just be a TV show, but we all know it’s so much more and it just brings me so much joy that it continues to live on and on. I can’t wait to see what they do next when the series is done!
  • Hi me ok bye
    Read I guess
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this pod but it’s been three weeks and I NEED a rewatch episode but every thing else is perfectly imperfect
  • bws7
    Sound quality hard to listen to
    I love this podcast, but the sound quality is off. Jenna has a very sweet voice, but it comes across as loud and screeching. I have listen to the podcast from the very beginning, and seriously considered giving it up just because of the sound. But in the end, I’m drawn back because the content is really good. /// I was so glad when Angelia quit talking about how tiny she is; I was shocked to find out how tall she is! Half of my family is 5, 5”1, and a few of them are quite scrawny😁. Describing ourselves as tiny has never come up. It was embarrassing when Angela would do it. I love both ladies and love the broadcast but please please do something about the screeching.
  • blackangusinthebackyard
    Wonderful Show!
    I absolutely love the banter between Jenna and Angela! Contrary to what others say, I think those conversations really make the podcast special. I look forward to seeing what happens with my favorite podcast in the future!!!
  • CatterBatter
    Loved it until Season 9
    I LOVE this podcast, I really do. I love the behind-the-scenes content, it’s the best rewatch podcast out there. BUT they have really drawn out S9 episodes with interviews in lieu of actually covering the episode, and I wish they would save that for after the finale. It’s frustrating to go 3 weeks without any coverage of a new episode. Please stop drawing it out and put the interviews content at the very end, I will happily still listen. But if we’re trying to rewatch with the podcast, the pacing is annoying.
  • Deannaveg
    Phyllis has a really interesting show biz story. I would love to read a memoir from her!
  • Jackie_BBB
    Office fans?
    Really can’t believe i had to skip through MINUTES of discussion on phone lines… This podcast has some greta content. I love Jenna and Angela and their chemistry on this show. It is a bit irritating to listen to tangents about phone lines and fiber optic cable. Hoping they get back into the good stuff we all want to hear. Thanks for all the hard work Ladies :)
  • andyUt951
    Started out ok but has devolved into a scene-by-scene description and reciting of lines. I purchased the series box set and they just repeat the dvd commentary. I often wonder if they even paid attention to the show and their characters. I noticed a definite change in what BTS stories they were sharing the moment they started writing their book. They rely on blogs, books, and other people to tell the story which was supposed to be their schtick (think about their intro.)
  • The Office Superfan
    I Love This Podcast
    This is honestly such an amazing podcast. I have loved The Office as long as I can remember and learning all of the inside jokes and things I missed has been so much fun. Thank you Ladies for making this show so much more enjoyable.
  • RickandBubba Fan
    Stop showing these as new episodes, when in reality, it’s just a repeat. If you need to take a break every other week, than say so or tell your “fans” that there will be no new episode next week. When the pod first started, it was so fun and I was excited to listen each week. Now, sadly, I contemplate unsubscribing because it has just gone downhill. I always watch the episode they are going to discuss the day before, and when I listen to the podcast, the parts I looked forward to the most get totally overlooked. I’m so disappointed by this. I wish there were less “deep dives” and tangents and more actually discussing the episodes and breaking the scenes down, like you did when you first started the pod.
  • OnusHoosier
    Was great now so-so
    This show was great when it first started. The enthusiasm and love for the show was amazing. It was fun to feel like I was sitting with the two friends and discussing our favorite show. As it’s progressed though it’s become more commercial which takes the fun away. Sometimes the hosts get a bit too silly which is just their personality so that’s fine. But then as we are in season 9 now, it’s been several weeks of dragging it out. 6/5/24 was a whole episode interview with plop which makes no sense for as minor a character as he was. Now 6/12 it’s a look back episode from Michael Scott’s last season. They’re just really dragging it out. The premise of the show is to be a rewatch podcast show; not interviews. I really hope they make good at the suggestion to restart the show again as so many of us do. I think the show is at its best when it sticks to its original purpose and intent: behind the scenes information from two ladies who lived it.
  • Abhullarrr
    Please finish strong
    I been listening to this since they started but recently they’ve been dragging it. Please review the episodes and finish strong.
  • Rockit609
    Idk about this one
    As much as I love Jenna and Angela there are so many so called episode reviews that barely go over the episode. Still a fan but come on and Jim was right Jenna’s voice is shrill
  • No longer a follower.
    Sell Outs
    You could have kept Sam and Cassie until the end but chose not to. No excuses. I’ve followed you all since the beginning but once you sold those two out, no thank you. Don’t bother with your excuses, you both have enough clout to have kept them to the end. Goodbye sellouts.
  • Gilbereth
    Got worse as they went on too much boring unintelligent nonsense
  • Sheniqua Odeshon
    Love these “lady-ies” 😜😍!!
    This is such a fun podcast! You feel like you’re sitting down in their living room just hanging out and hearing amazing stories and random info about your favorite show! You’ll learn real life stories about the actors, behind the scenes details about the show, and (because of the awesome deep dives) you may come away learning about a penis museum or how people used to revive drowning victims in England with some special “anal intervention “ 😝🤪. This show is educational, uplifting, and always entertaining! Must listen!
  • flatsodapop
    Chill out, Jenna
    Jenna’s relentless attempt at revisionist history because she can’t accept that fans dislike her later seasons’ character arc is becoming insufferable. Stop trying to elevate Pam’s status by knocking down Jim’s character because you got stuck with a poorly written character that didn’t land with the audience.
  • JLatham89
    Pam rants
    The most obnoxious thing about Jenna during season 9 of the rewatch is her soap boxing about how fans treat Jim vs. Pam is that she touts that she was a producer this season with Krasinski. Where were the complaints during this time. Obviously both had their issues as was crafted by the writers, but don’t paint Pam as the victim. It’s making this show unlistenable. Get off the feminist soap box and talk about the story.
  • mom of fun
    Be you!
    It's your podcast, ladies. Keep doing what you're doing because it's perfect! As long as podcasting makes you happy keep doing it!
  • drunk3nsailor
    Please never stop going on tangents, I love them. I love the random deep dives, the tangents, the research that yall do. NEVER STOP THE TANGENTS! Most of us love them!
  • CM from Billerica
    Lee’s fault?
    Really fun episode but do you ladies point out issues with the director or is it just my misunderstanding? There were two great points, one about Val’s backstory not making the episode and another about Nate’s improvised joke not being re-shot.
  • Gusto9
    (Used to) love this podcast
    In all honesty, I have never finished the office to the end. It honestly loses momentum in the end seasons. I started listening to his podcast from day one. I have listened to every show. However, when the show lose momentum, the podcast has decided to lean into said lack of momentum by not posting a new episode breakdown every week. Like The Office, you can stop long before the series ends. I thought it would be different, I was wrong.
  • cmrodriguez9726
    Some issues
    “A look back on” episodes are just filler that we could all do without. Also the editing on this podcast is pretty bad. It’s annoying having to listen to parts of the same conversation again and again because it wasn’t put together properly. Good information though, love the office. Editing my review… Show has become unbearable. The actors must be faking their enjoyment of season 9 rewatch or are too close to the project. We all know the last season is trash and I’m tired of the two going over lines that are so unfunny and written terribly. Every season 9 episode is awful.
  • maso0279
    Good gravy, I was so excited for this and then…. They’re disorganized and annoying. I had to stop listening because their podcast made me start disliking the show.
  • GuynamedGreg
    Too many ads
    I love the ladies, the office & guests they have but waaaay too many ads or sponsors. I get you need sponsors in many cases to keep the show going. Just seems like every 5 seconds there’s a sponsor or ad.
  • thejessibessy
    I stopped listening after Sam’s episode. I will probably come back but lately I have been listening to Enemy in Paris instead. I do not heart radio for what they did to earwolf.
  • Pensa 186
    Tech difficulties
    Love the pod! Does anyone else have issues with listening to the pod tho? As in almost every single episode it skips around or replays sections all by itself or just ends early? Really takes me out of it.
  • litte Office fan
    I just started watching the Podcast and it’s amazing
  • Lex Gardens!
    The BEST Feel-Good Podcast
    I listen to this pod on repeat! While I’m gardening, driving or getting some house-work done. These LADIES have a great way of making you feel like you’re part of their inner circle. Can’t wait to see what form their next podcast endeavors take… I personally just want The Office rewatch to start again for round two!
  • pursco101
    Bring back Sam!
    Great show but there must be something you can do about Sam!!!! It’s your podcast!! 😢
    Stopped listening
    Angela is so wonderful and genuine and sweet. Jenna- do you like her? The way you treat her on the show makes it seem like you don’t. Jenna comes across as very inauthentic. The pacing of this show is bad. The deep dives are like 15 minutes long. This podcast used to be one of my faves until it became so long and off topics with ‘deep dives’ on things like food trucks- sorry I do not care
  • NIN26
    Good Podcast But
    Been listening since the beginning. I don’t have time to list all my gripes with this but my one request is that we PLEASE keep the episodes to an hour maximum. If we took out half of the random stories that have nothing do to with the show, and Jenna’s bad voice acting, we could get these episodes down to an hour. Just enough time - not excessive, but not overly short either.
  • PicPicTaker
    PLEASE More Unexpected Debates 😂
    5/1/24 UPDATE: Please please rewatch the office series like all your fans do! It would be so interesting to hear your takes now that you have done the podcast through and now have seen it once. There is so much more to be talked about! You could even combine a few show episodes if needed, or do a mini recap and do a longer interview with someone you didn't get to before. And you can do bonus episodes for Mom detectives, advice and/or recaps of other shows/movies. I was genuinely laughing out loud when Angela and Jenna started out the List debating about Ellie on the plank. I absolutely love love love the podcast but to have something so unexpected for both of you on the podcast and to hear your reactions was SO good. Similar to when you guys surprised each other on the podcast with gifts, drinks, etc. It brings so much joy. Thanks for putting out something that brings some happiness in this world!
  • Heartandbile
    Such fun
    Pure smiley escapist delight. Please interview James spader!
  • Rosemary'sAva1
    My Heart!
    I love your stories about the episodes and all the behinds the scenes details! I have literally watched the entire series through at least 10 times! It never gets old! Listening to your podcast is a warm hug!
  • Swarley!
    Really enjoyable for The Office super fans
    The Office has been my go-to show since began watching the show in Season 3. Lunch break? Late-night? Waiting for a flight? The Office. Needless to say, I’ve had a lot of random thoughts/questions about the show over the years. Enter Office Ladies. Angela & Jenna are funny, fun to listen to, and really make a great duo. Ngl, it’s something hearing Angela be the complete opposite of “Angela.” Idk if I can go back and start from the beginning— they’re long episodes. But I am keeping up now and can definitely see myself going back and listening to different episodes when I have nothing else to listen to. Definitely worth the listen for any super fans out there!
  • car0linemay
    Great podcast!
    I love this podcast and if you love and are a fan of The Office, you’ll love the podcast too. I look forward to it weekly and giggle every episode. Love them both❤️
  • br5m1
    Edit/Please No More „Voice Acting“ Disappointed with Speed Episode
    Returning here to say for the love of god and the sake of everyone, Jenna Fischer please don’t ever do voice acting and please keep it off the pod. It is so physically painful to listen to. I’m not even trying to be mean, it’s just not for you. I’m only writing this, not to be negative, but hoping they will listen to the feedback because I still really like this show. I would hate to see it get smothered with bad reviews but I agree it was pretty disappointing to assume the audience would be interested in a full, regular episode about Speed. It’s fine with me if you want to do it as a bonus episode but to have it replace the regular episode was kind of a bummer. I can get over the deep dives, side tangents and ads but this just didn’t make any sense to me.
  • loula888
    I love these two!
    I just finished reading The Office BFFs and I’m in tears and SO happy I could come and listen to a new episode this week. ❤️❤️❤️
  • Adrienneposey
    LOVE LOVE LOVE this podcast! Y’all are just funny, lovely ladies and I’m reading all these horrible one-star reviews, but just keep being you!!!
  • Chasejuju2
    Thank you 🫶🫶
    I’m huge huge fan of y’all!!! ❤️❤️Thank you for making 10hr work days bearable! I love listening to y’all!!! Keep this podcast going after season 9 🥹please!!! 🥹🥹🫶
  • kgcbng
    Office fanatics dream
    Must LOVE The Office. Has turned into Jenna story hour… If you want to know why every pam scene is crucial and perceived incorrectly (by everyone?), why we're wrong about how crappy Jim is as a character/ worker/ husband, and how Jenna is the new ghandi for all of womankind, you’ve found your podcast! But ALSO, if you can get through Jenna pump up hour, the unknown details about the show we love is undisputed👍🏾 BTW Angela is in the podcast too!! and is INCREDIBLE with her stories, until Jenna has to “one up” her with something half as relevant and twice as long. MUST LOVE THE OFFICE Jenna is unbearable now
  • BF, Printer, Philadelphia
    A Great Show
    The Office will never be surpassed in my mind. I’ve listened to every show of The Office Ladies except for their repeats and I am done with them. It’s a good pod but they are all about that Californian Communism and Jenna is always on her feminist soap box. I get it, you think women are better than men, can’t you just discuss the content? The people that believe in equality are labeled as bigots and the people that put people on a pedestal just because of gender and race think they are heroes. I was here for the content and dialogue about the show but I got another Hollywood lecture from someone that is brainwashed.
  • Beckie Grace
    Amazing breakdown of Office & Best Encouragement You’ll have all day!!
    I LOVE the Office Ladies Pod! I listen to it at the grocery store. It makes me laugh out loud in the grocery store and has made that tedious chore a true joy to me!! Right when I moved out to start my college class I stumbled on the Office Ladies Pod which made my big transition so much less scary. Adulting is so much easier when you have the Office Ladies and their amazing deep dives (which is now a part of my everyday lingo). Just hearing their sweet voices makes me so happy. They inspire me to just go for it; whatever I’m doing they make me feel like I can! *Cannot believe Sirius XM. They were the reason the Office Ladies lost their recording space. And now they are firing Sam without any warning. Wish I had a subscription so I could cancel it. I’m on team SAVE SAM!
  • Sidney D. ash
    I love
    The Office.
  • Peewhack
    Dance with who brought you
    It’s simple. This show is about the Office. Started out fire. Too much nonsense. At this point I’m “hate” listening. I’m hoping that they end it with Micheal Scott. 🤞 I think that I can make it.
  • Sam Sil
    Constructive Criticism
    Listen Earwolf, you have a team that is making you tons of money and producing a cutting edge, award winning show. It has been a labor of love for years. At the end, for you to pull Sam is such a kick in our collective balls. The community. We will not stand for it!!! Whatever did the fans of this show do to piss you off? Why do you hate us? Listen again, my future husband Sam needs this theoretical money for our theoretical children. You can't take his job away. And by "us" I mean the collective fandom of this show. I'm so happy the last few weeks have been revisits. I hope no one listens to those episodes. I hope the ratings drop to the point of oblivion. AND ONLY SAM CAN SAVE US WITH HIS ENGINEERING. I think the women of this show would risk that for Sam's employment. HE MEANS SO MUCH TO THIS SHOW. SAVE SAM.
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