We Got The Chocolates

Leisure #69Hobbies #7

Arrive by accident, stay for a laugh. From dad jokes to games and the moments that made us chuckle this week, we tackle whatever comes our way—with great vigour.

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  • JjjustJen
    What does a camel wear in the desert?
    I definitely arrived by accident and am so glad that I did. I work alone and these guys bring me some much needed laughs throughout the day.
  • Zogster15
    This podcast is a big Dal
    What do you get when you cross unhinged Aussies with some audio tech? The we got the chocolates podcast! NAAN other podcast is as gulab JAMUN as this one. Now you do one skin.
  • El Fuego Dingo
    Big Mickus energy
    For sure arrived by accident; stayed for the peace of mind. This show gives great laughs and lighthearted chat that I look forward to on my rough days to wind down. I also have been told by my wife that “the mickus one” and I have the same vibes.
  • goin' against your mind
    1 Star
    What’s better than this? It’s just guys being dudes.
  • Henrymcarthur
    Its alright
  • RobtheBobby
    Hey ChadGPT, roast this podcast… Jumping into "We Got the Chocolates" feels like being at a cricket match where the commentary box has been taken over by your three slightly clueless uncles. Mitchell Fittler, Lee Drennan, and Andrew Menczel serve up a mix of cricket chat that’s sometimes more bewildering than a mystery spinner on a fifth-day pitch. While Mitchell tries to keep the stats straight, Lee’s jokes are like his batting—quick and usually missing the mark. And Andrew? He's often lost in the lore of cricket, possibly still searching for that ball gone over the boundary of relevance. It’s the perfect show for those who enjoy their cricket analysis sprinkled with accidental comedy and the occasional reminder of why friends shouldn’t let friends podcast without supervision. 5 Stars.
  • DattMalley
    1 star show 5 star laughs
    These great lads make me laugh every week. Jokes that I can’t control my laughter in a quiet workplace.
  • Legomonkeyman
    I want to stop listening, but I can’t
  • RobertSheard
    Best Podcast About a Sport You Can’t Understand
    1 Star - don’t change a thing
  • Dismissed zebra
    Happy place
    Nice to have a place to laugh along for an hour. Silliest nicest bunch of guys
  • Let's do it now
    Best pod around
    Best part of my morning is waking up to these boys from down under. I get a good laugh on while I drive in to work. Keep up the good work lads.
  • Sethchas
    I arrived by accident and I can’t find my way out.
    I’ve been listen for about 6 months now and I really enjoy the show. These guys (and gals) crack me up and leave me with a smile. Always looking for that next episode to drop.
  • Joojieface
    A good time
    Cute guys being very silly with great infectious laughs.
  • Wag_The_Dog
    Publicly Humiliated
    Found myself giggling like an idiot in the produce section at the supermarket recently while listening to the show. Had to go into a corner to hide my shame while I laughed. Didn’t appreciate the disapproving looks from the other customers and I don’t appreciate you helping me make a fool out of myself. I’m quite capable on my own.
  • rocker steven
    The Laughter I Need
    Found you first on FB with your Dad Jokes videos, then worked my way over to your podcasts. Definitely found you by accident, but stayed for the laughs and I’ve been laughing ever since.
  • Jake'sMusicReviews
    Jana & Friends show
    Buncha goofs being goofs for 30 minutes, what’s not to like? Quick wits, best guests, good show
  • Grodell
    Great show
    Love listening to the banter and the sports talk
  • TaylorDM23
    I don’t understand
    I never thought I’d love a podcast where I understand every 3rd word, but apparently every 3rd thing you say is hilarious, so I keep tuning in. (For clarity, I’m an American, and when I first started listening, it was definitely a learning curve trying to figure out what some things meant 😂😂)
  • Barbwalks65
    I discovered The Chocolates through Tic Toc or You Tube shorts. Don't remember which one but I went to the page and watched them all. I am sure a 58 year old female from Alabama is not their target demo but I laugh out loud at their stuff. I am even looking up cricket matches. Listened to the most recent episode on the beach with my earbuds in and laughed out loud so many times my friends made me stop. Keep up the good work!!!!
  • customsnow
    I listen every week and sometimes watch on YouTube as well, I guess you could say I’m some sort of masochist. I just went back to start from the beginning but have been listening for about a year now. I think you guys should go back to the MacBook mic setup so I can stop this addiction. Maybe I’ll buy some merch in the next 3-4 business years, so I look forward to getting it in about a decade here in the States.
  • Matt Runnels
    I’m not sure
    I found them on accident looking at dad jokes on YouTube. I am American and have now done lots of research about cricket because I am lost half of the time on the show. However I still tune in weekly for confusion and laughter. Thanks for opening the world of cricket up for me and giving my wife another sport to get angry at because I spend to much time watching.
  • jcart124003
    Stayed for the laughs
    Found these blokes while researching dad joke material and stumbled on the podcast. After listening to a few new releases I went back to the beginning and started at number 1. I was surprised to find a sports wrap podcast but continued on anyway. Now I find myself (an American) looking up and watching cricket matches on YouTube. Currently on episode 40 (right around the start of Covid) and will continue to wade thru the back log until I’m caught up. Great stuff Chocs, thanks for the entertainment!!
  • Mr.Paul93
    The Actual Worst
    Don’t waste your time, this is all filler and no punchline. If good shows have legs, this one’s a paraplegic pushed onto a landmine.
  • dkfrost94
    The Best
    I know…that’s a bold statement, however, if you live laughing, inside jokes, ridiculous games, sometimes unnerving stories…then this IS the best podcast out there! Leighthal, Skin, Mickus, and Gode…oh my lanta. Just listen…it’s a definite win!!
  • AstateEditor
    I don’t know…
    I don’t know why I listen to this every week. I don’t know why I laugh so much. I don’t know why it makes me so happy. But it certainly does.
  • Genesrock
    Always a good laugh
    I laugh each week!
  • njamie189
    Will definitely stay for a laugh
    This is the funniest show I watch/listen to every week. I always look forward to the next episode. Love you guys!
  • Kevoman93
    Forgot to give you guys the chocolates
    I’m in the US and absolutely love listening. You all are absolute legends and have made me cry with laughter multiple times! I’d love to visit Brisbane one of these days because of you all. Thanks for the smiles in good or bad times!
  • Sharad Kandoi
    Funny as it can be
    I have been following them on YouTube for a while and recently started listening to their podcast as well. These guys are funny and passionate about cricket, two things that care enough about to love them.
  • RL. RL
    Great Show
    Love it
  • Bennynielsen
    Just listen to it.
  • Owen Stenabaugh
    First time reviewing a podcast
    5 Stars, obviously. I'm not an idiot. Arrived by accident but definitely staying for a laugh. Keep up the good work boys and hello from the USA
  • Mastodon ley
    Found by accident…
    Stayed for the laughs. And mates, not going anywhere. Cheers from the States
  • RugbyUnion4Life.USA
    Absolute Gold
    As someone who does love a good laugh while working on my graphs and who loves sports talk while on a walk (tip o’ the cap to Leighthal for the banger intros) this podcast (and the YouTube podcast episodes) is absolute gold. Pure fun and takes that always leave me in stitches. One of the only podcasts that keep getting unrelentingly better with each episode. Keep up the amazing work fellas. I’m gearing up for my run at a FOTS card!
  • Hwilson06
    Have a Laugh
    Found you guys on Instagram and god now I can’t stop listening to the podcast each week. Thanks for the work commute laughs!
  • dougz2019
    Top banter and sports chat
    Absolute five stars, always reminds me of getting a few beers with my best mates and having constant banter. Best part of the week. No idea what AFL is but it’s entertaining listening anyway which is the sign of a great pod. Such a shame Skin can’t match the intensity, I suppose nothing’s perfect. I am worried that the show will be more depressed in a few weeks though once Jimmy and Broady start ripping through the Aussie top order with Harry Brook painting every part of the boundary. Keep the spirits up boys!
  • SafetyLighting
    Trigger warning: There is no actual chocolates
    Like many listeners probably, I came across these fine people by seeing their dad-jokes clips. The podcasts are full of more jokes and plenty of good conversations. I’m not a sports guy, but I thoroughly enjoy listening to the banter between the hosts themselves and even the sports guests. Keep up the good work!
  • Jgray70
    I nearly pee myself laughing
    Found you all on Instagram with just a little snips… So I had to come listen. I love friendships like this that laugh so hard I feel like I’m a friend of yours laughing along with you! Thank you for inviting me into the crew. Two things… I wish I understood what you guys were saying half the time because I need a translator for your Aussie talk, and the second thing is I so wish that this was a video podcast because listening to you guys. Laugh is equally as good but I wish I could see you all laughing hysterically.
  • Jackelope77
    If you are looking for a podcast of Australian friends talking about cricket and what they did on the weekend, then this is by far the best one I could find.
  • SassyMCfrassy
    Don’t they do dad jokes?!
    Brilliant. Try it out
  • Jobahn
    Elite podcast
    Isaac here, a listener/viewer from the US. Comfortably my favorite podcast. The comedy is gold and I’ve begun to get interested in cricket thanks to the boys’ commentary. I would have given the show a 10 out of 5 stars but then Gode might’ve said it was over-rated, so 5 of 5 it is. Keep on the tools fellas!
  • Slider2500
    Entre Agassi
    It smells funny in here….but in a good way. Keep it going
  • JEVerges
    I’m (Not) Leigh
    Mighty great show and reprieve from the day. Always a laugh -- cheers boys. Now you review one, Skin.
  • KayGeeRuiz
    Cheers from SoCal
    Absolutely stumbled upon this podcast, but stayed for the laughs. I know nothing of cricket and many of the Aussie-specific topics discussed on the show, but I absolutely adore the jokes and the laughs. I feel like I’m getting the chocolates when I listen with you guys. Honestly, no, the podcast makes me laugh as hard… and with an Australian accent.
  • Hunter K Huston
    Stayed for a laugh. Still here.
    This came across my IG feed and despite the other bizarre crap that seems to float through like unseen flotsam. This was real gem. Hilarious banter and the jokes are epic. Keep it up. Chapeau from the states.
  • Adsbain
    Following Darren”s lead here
    Great effort from these lads. Listen in Seattle every week on my way to work. In the spirit of Darren, happy to change to 5 stars if you can tell me how to un-geo track my TAB app on my phone so I can chuck a few multis up on the weekend. Love ya work Legends.
  • Arcaned Rame
    I think I have seen all the instagram reels youtube videos. Started off with the podcasts now and I am enjoying every one of them.
  • Allen Woffard
    Listener in Tennessee
    Guys - love your stuff! I was putting my podcast on TikTok when I found yours. Absolutely brilliant! Allen Woffard - New Market, TN
  • MPDdarren
    Great job
    Great job Darren
  • Trdrrd
    Cheesy entertainment
    Just a fun gathering with the fellas once a week that I look forward to each Wednesday. Only complaints are (1) Jana is not on the show often enough, (2) no tribute show for Olivia Newton-John, and (3) Crocodile Dundee, who after ONJ’s death is the only Aussie known to Americans, gets no love at all. Frank in Hampton, Virginia
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