What the Hell Is Going On


The American Enterprise Institute’s Danielle Pletka and Marc Thiessen address the questions we’re all asking in their podcast, “What the Hell Is Going On?” In conversational, informative and irreverent episodes, Pletka and Thiessen interview policymakers and experts, asking tough, probing questions about the most important foreign policy and security challenges facing the world today.

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Recent Reviews
  • Kotimain19967
    False information
    This man is an imperialist who makes false statements of material fact. He should have no platform to spread his hate speech.
  • evjd
    Applaud your outrage
    Tired of Blinken the supplicant. Biden has NOTHING to lose if he, as President, acts like a leader who believes in American strength and values. If we are to establish a Saudi Arabia, Sunni, part to a US and Israel triangular security treaty, each part must believe in strength of other. Antisemitism is weak vocal “power.” Stop playing in the kiddy pool. Shia Middle East expansion must be stopped. Together the triple power security will prevail.
  • swimster101
    Content good sound quality poor
    I like the content and the topics covered, but the sound quality leaves much to be desired. Compared to other podcasts I listen to, this podcast lacks audio crispness. I don’t listen to it as often as I would if it had modern quality sound like other podcasts.
  • Kotryna
    The best
    If you like to listen to Ben Shapiro for your politics entertainment (the word entertainment here is not meant in a disparaging way), then listen to Danielle and Marc here for more meaty commentary and for excellent interviews. I would talk for hours to these two if I ever had the pleasure of meeting them. They are what conservatives should be and stand as a great example of what Republicans would be without the ignorant isolationist MAGA crowd. It’s so refreshing that AEI does not bow to populist forces in terms of foreign policy and maintains a level-headed approach that aims to keep America strong on the world stage. I originally come from a Baltic state so really appreciate their understanding of the Russia-Ukraine war and their support for NATO.
  • MasFutbol
    Highly enjoyable every time, even with deadly serious issues.
    Please comment on the Mann v. Steyn & Simberg defamation debacle.
  • Cold-in-the-north:
    Unbalanced MSNBC level TDS Pablum
    The quality, insight, analysis and intelligence of this podcast is unworthy to waste time on further keyboard taps beyond review title.
  • Boilingrug
    Just sad
    Kush & Trump received more than 2 BILLION dollars from China & Saudi Arabia…but the Biden “brand” are the real crooks! The guy host is the biggest boot-licker I’ve ever heard. Just pathetic
  • Neo-Con1
    Not Worth The Time Anymore
    The recent episode with John Yoo was neither informative or helpful to those of us that turn to AEI for thoughtful discussion on current events. No push back on his responses, no counter thought at all. Just “yes” all the way down. His views (past and present) are at least controversial enough to truly engage with. His opinions may be correct in the end, but you did nothing but use straw-men and apply motives to the people you disagree with. This podcast isn’t worth a follow anymore.
  • Altius19
    Volume inconsistency
    Could you control for the sound consistency? Frustrating that I seem to keep having to turn up and down the volume throughout each episode. Thanks.
  • Geoplanter
    Audio quality problems
    You guys need to hire a sound engineer to fix the audio levels.
  • changagarcia
    This ain’t it.
  • Janice Fahy
    Like many right-leaning podcasts, these folks
    Are afraid to address the fact that Prolife, Inc. is dragging the GOP to the bottom of the deep for a generation. AEI should know better - women, like men, are sovereign over their bodies and all issue therein. Please, do better. Find some courage.
  • rulerofthemoon
    Audio is absolutely terrible, content is great
    There is no excuse for such lousy audio on a podcast whose content is clearly executed with the highest professional standards. As many have written, the audio has made some episodes unlistenable. For heavens sake, either hire a new audio engineer or get a good one. No self respecting engineer for take credit for this disaster.
  • Fuzzy7600
    Woke not Broke
    Typical right wing misleading propaganda,
  • amyinwyoming
    My only “absolutely can’t miss it” podcast!
    This is one of my favorite podcast! I learn so much when I listen and I really like how balanced and straightforward it is in presenting information. Well done!
  • me, myself, & time
    Love the podcast
    Love the podcast and have recommended it to others. I’ve been waiting to hear your thoughts on the Brittany Griner release.
  • reallyalltaken???
    Great content, audio tech needs work
    We appreciate the content of this podcast but it would benefit from better audio technology. The voice volume drops particularly at the end of sentences and then the theme music blares. We are constantly having to adjust the volume to try to hear what’s being said while hoping to avoid ear pain when someone speaks directly into the mike or the music comes back.
  • Mariachi&Marine
    I am offended by the blatant radical racist commentary this podcast put out. As a minority, I call for the immediate cancellation of this podcast.
  • enelsonpa
    Episode 168 The Ukrainian Counter-Offensive
    I just discovered your podcast, and I am already hooked to be a loyal listener. One question maybe you could answer in a future podcast: DC politician Ukrainian skeptics ask, how do we know the Ukrainians are putting the weapons to good use? Are they siphoning some off to sell, which would flood Europe is more armaments? What precautions and tracking of equipment are the Ukrainians and the US using? Is this tracking and cradle-to-grave accounting, and is the US and/or Ukrainian requirement? Thanks for answering if you like the question.
  • calyypso2
    I learn a lot
    I most recently listened to Post-Roe podcast: Dany and Marc’s discussion was great, but the guest, Robby George, was underwhelming. For example, when asked how to get pro-choice opponents onside, he simply asserted that life begins at conception. He also stated that Christians and Jews have the same views on abortion, which is not true at all! And, he made mostly religious arguments, which would have no traction with many pro-choice supporters. I gave up on this episode about halfway through. However the podcast series is overall very informative. Pletka and Thiessen often disagree, which leads to good dialogue and additional insights. And Dany, I am always on your side! Looking forward to future episodes -
  • stretchkeen
    Gun violence debate
    Excellent debate, very informative! Your show is much better when You two don’t agree.
  • mylesXmendoza
    All of AEI’s content is great, but this rises above the rest. Exceptional content and personalities!
  • hawkeye fan #1
    Great information!
    Always informative with good balance and great guests. I listen every week and loved the two pods this week. Thank you
  • Daisy if you do
    Great Podcast
    Excellent review and opinion of domestic and world events. Well informed analysis that doesn’t take itself too seriously. A must listen every week. I wouldn’t mind if they put out more episodes.
  • Samseta1
    New Listener
    A great show! I liked the challenging topics. I will be a regular listener. Thanks!
  • gM/20
    Who benefited from the violence at the Capitol?
    To present Jonathan Karl as a straight reporter is disingenuous. A glaring omission of this discussion was no question as to why the Capitol was left without adequate security, especially knowing there were intel warnings and knowledge of huge crowds and possible violence. Nancy Pelosi and Muriel Bowser turned down the administration’s offers of National Guard’s help until the violence was well underway on the 6th. Speaker Pelosi also refused to seat the Republicans’ choices on the special committee to “investigate” the violence on January 6th which some say has never happened before. Pelosi often encouraged violence throughout the summer, ie- “people do what they do”, and “ I’m surprised there isn’t more violence “. This attitude plus the many unanswered questions about what actually happened, the timeline of events, the Speaker’s actions (or lack of) , and the mainstream media’s disinterest in asking probing questions leave me questioning Jonathan Karl’s narrative of events.
  • piw42
    Great topics
    Love the discussion. Great guests. What’s not to love?
  • Eagle watcher22
    20 years since 9/11
    Thank you for today’s podcast. The story of Patrick Dowdell and his family brought me to tears.
  • Akminer
    Ridiculous Narrative
    The narrative pushed against Biden about withdrawing from Afghanistan is ridiculous. The Public does it forget that Trump pushed for the withdrawal as well. I’m done with this garbage podcast.
  • LAZ1023
    Never Addressed in Breakthrough
    The decreased importance of young children not being immunized or wearing masks makes me wonder how likely the virus could mutate further and ultimately become more virulent using the young as hosts? Wouldn’t we all, but especially the unvaccinated, be better off keeping this a remote possibility by limiting the number of possible hosts and at the very least wearing masks?
  • rainbowsfound
    Great podcast
    I learn so much from this podcast! The origin of CRT segment is especially one of the best!
  • Walker.T
    Great content
    Great, informative content... just increase the mic quality and this will take off!
  • Herman Dylon
    nice podcast!
    wow nice podcast, i love you so much!!
  • 2112_Syrinx_73
    Neocon and libtard United
    If you miss the heady days of Cheney and Rumsfelds eternal war approach look no further than their lackey and speech writer Mark. If poorly reasoned leftist nonsense is more your thing don’t worry Danielle has you covered. Terrible podcast by washed up political dinosaurs.
  • cody1971
    So darn smart!
    Just a quick review to say I love this podcast. I learn something EVERY time and appreciate the fact that you assume your audience has a brain to make their own decisions. Keep it up! Sincerely, Jean Cody And a suggestion- how about tackling immigration?
  • GiveMeRealNewz
    An outstanding podcast. Great hosts. I still miss Charlie Rose show on PBS, but listening to WTH is making up for the loss. Keep up the good work.
  • TheHoot484
    Great commentators, with great insights.
    Learn so much with each episode! Great chemistry with host.
  • PrestonSkis
    Trump speech did not incite a mob by any legal standard.
    This is a direct quote from the 18th minute of Trumps speech: Donald Trump: (18:16) “We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard” I will still listen to you guys but my respect for you has gone down. It is very clear that you are just covering your own butts in order to stay at AEI. You still do great work! It’s just disappointing.
  • BamaDriver
    I have been so grateful for this podcast over the last year when there has been such a scarcity of reason in public discourse. This is now one of my only news sources. Excellent interviews with well-educated contributors. Helpful facts, intriguing stories, very well presented. Thanks to Marc and Dani for your efforts to save America one episode at a time!
  • Bbehler
    Love it!
    Check this podcast out. Always great in depth discussions of current news and politics!
  • Don11retire
    You are the Swamp
    Your hate shows in the last pod cast. We have had riots that Dems have not called out for 12 years. Businesses and city have been burning down for 12 years and no Dems call them out. You Never Trumpers are the problem. Trump did not call for the riots and you are lying. Good bye.
  • You are the Swamp
    You cave
    You are lying to your audience!!! You are the problem!! Washington Swamp. I’m leaving and deleting this pod cast.
  • Senior Squids
    I enjoy your podcast, but how do you know he didn’t reach out to the fallen police officer or the lower of the flag? Those comments needed some explanation. I’m not a Trump apologist but those claims are hard to believe since you don’t work in the White House and your not with President 24/7. Again, I love the podcast but those comments were a bit outside the box. Thanks
  • FranklinConnects
    I’ve unsubscribed
    After listening to this week’s podcast, I am so very disappointed that you threw Donald Trump under the bus, that I won’t be listening anymore. I am sad because I have been enjoying learning from you and have shared many of your podcasts with friends on both sides of the isle. I really didn’t think you would succumb to the pressure being put on everyone in the media by the people trying to ruin our country. Best wishes to you both.
  • paper plot
    Capitol breach
    I don’t agree with the President’s speech yesterday but both of you have just discredited all of us who voted for Trump and do believe that there was tremendous fraud that occurred in the election. I’m done with this podcast.
  • trdhyt
    I listened to the episode with Scott Gotlieb who is an honest, trustworthy voice on COVID. Pletka’s effort to both sides the politicization of COVID was shameful. Her example was to assert that the left cheered for red states to be hit hard because they don’t like GOP governors. False. No public official said that. In contrast Trump and Kushner’s admitted strategy was not to act because only blue states would be hit. Despicable. And shaming Biden snd Harris for “casting doubt” on vaccine is just false. Harris only said she would listen to doctors and not Trump-and if Fauci says it’s safe she would be first in line. Shame on you for blaming Harris - not Trump - for lack of confidence in vaccine after how he has politicized it. Thiessen’s equating health officials’ mistakes to Trump’s intentional disinformation is also irresponsible. This is all dangerous because it plays into the right wing narrative- everyone is bad so don’t trust anyone on either side. It excuses the Trump administration’s conduct by disingenuously spreading the blame. Do your job and hold people to account without obvious bias snd political agenda. And Thiessen’s dismissal of virus’s impact on children was callous and ignorant.
  • Sleepwokker
    Same old worn out line
    If you want to listen to two political hacks tell you why the United States needs a military presence in every country worldwide or the Taliban will creep into your bedroom while you sleep then look no further. Enjoy.
  • DenaSandler
    Voices of reason
    Marc and Danielle, Thanks for being voices of reason. Living here on an island in suburban Baltimore, I feel nearly alone in a sea of the brainwashed. As you mentioned at the end of the latest episode, I’d love to hear an episode on the media. Some spirited, thoughtful debate with one of these “journalists” who think they have been reporting the news is very much needed. I realize this show isn’t exactly intended for those sort of interviews; however I think you both are positioned to be able to do it well, with all your collective reason, knowledge and intellect. Keep the episodes coming- so glad I found you guys!
  • Sadman2
    Like this a lot
    Really enjoy the guests you find keep it up
  • RebeccaGuldberg
    Fake Information
    While listening to the interview with President Trump, you promoted two statements that are false. The World Health Organization did not say that lockdowns as a whole are wrong as Trump said. They said long/strict lockdowns (which have not occurred in the U.S. but in other countries) should be kept to a minimum as much as possible. They do still support lockdowns as we instituted in the U.S. You also allowed Trump to say that Vice President Biden misspoke by saying he’s running for the senate. He did flub up on the sound byte but if you play the entire sound byte in it’s entirety, he states that he’s running as a democrat for Senate, as a democrat for VP and now as President. Google it and watch the entire sound byte. I will no longer listen to this podcast. It is irresponsible to promote fake information.
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