Spectacular Failures


Corporate crookedness. Family feuding. Hilariously half-baked decisions. Host Lauren Ober tackles some of the most spectacular business failures of all time, and what could have been done to avoid them. Some of these stories are shocking. Some are funny. Some are just downright sad. But each one will give you a totally new perspective on big business… and big failure. From American Public Media.

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Recent Reviews
    Bring it back
    I loved your show. I love the narrator. It was interesting and educational. I also love your input on why they went under stop doing business. Your opinion was always. appreciated. by the sounds of your research, it sounds like it was really good so bring it back. my opinion is of your program put a few positive businesses that really did good. Just throw them in an example to the ones that went under OK later💪
  • Frank Debuke
    Bring it back.
  • Greckel02
    I miss this show
    Please come back I love the narrations and the set up the story!!!!!
  • DragonTamer3456
    Name says it all.
    This podcast IS a spectacular failure. I can see it now: episode 28: this podcast! It’s not very good. All the one star reviews are right. Good idea. BA-A-A-AD podcast.
  • 1superteach
    Not what I expected.
    I thought it would be funny or at least interesting. This was just cringe.
  • HinterZona
    Woke snark
    Imagine your woke little sister took her first business class and now knows all about managerialism, fat cats, and “privilege”. That’s what she sounds like commenting sneakily on business stories.
  • Mrs Adoo
    Miss the show ! ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️
  • kelseygolightly
    Missing Show
    Wish the show would come back!
  • Gdevveag
    Loved it
    educated me about a lot of stories I've heard about, kind of knew about but was but never inteerested in learning more. But the host was entetaining without being cold. Smart without being it being a lecture. I wish there were more episodes
  • ryrjhftufy
    Great podcast
    I enjoyed both seasons of the podcast, and listened often. I hope there is a third season, because this podcast has not even scratched the surface of failures. The show was done with great humor, and great information. Hopefully the show gets a third season.
  • tvrod
    Love this! When is it coming back???
    Stumbled on this and crushed both seasons. Love the info delivery and the background! Please come back soon!
  • kaseyIL
    So good
    I love the info and the delivery and everything.
  • Venusasaboy89
    ‘Spectacular’ delivery!
    Definitely my favorite new podcast. Lauren’s delivery of the topic (which could be taken into a grim and depressing direction) is wonderfully entertaining and leaves me wanting more. I only wish there was a backlog of episodes so I could binge! Learning from our failures is imperative to success. Yes, I just made that up, but someone who failed more than I have probably said it before....-J PS- Hope I don’t have to wait so long for season 3...
  • RizaKhan
    Try hard host kills the show
    Oof. This is tough to listen to.
  • Daawifey
    Love this podcast
    We listen as we drive. We want more! Put together with classic story design and really holds your interest. So much good history here! Thank you!!!!
  • glaciernationalparklover
    Great host and interesting content!
    Could listen with the whole family in the car! When are you returning with more?
  • Phebes7665
    One of My Favorite Podcasts
    Lauren Ober is wonderful. The perfect host for these stories. I’m not sure what the other commenters are talking about in regards to politics. I haven’t found anything political in the stories at all. Very well written and entertaining. Hoping for a third season!
  • Rels computer
    Yay you’re back
    I absolutely LOVE this podcast. So fun and informative and I’m so glad you’re back
  • queendomhuh
    Not a Fan
    This is my second time trying to listen to the podcast, and the host’s humor paired with the serious subject matter doesn’t work. It’s trying too hard to be conversational but just seems forced. The subject matter is interesting but I can’t get past the narration style.
  • Seoulster
    One of my absolute favorites!
    I really hope there’s a new season on the horizon. This podcast has fantastic writing and engaging storytelling. Lauren Ober is a perfect podcast personality. This is the only one I’ve gone and re-listened to, just because it’s so interesting and well-written. I could have SWORN there was an episode on Automats, but I guess it’s the Mandela effect because I can’t find any reference to it anywhere. So odd. But I would LOVE an episode on the Automats if there are more seasons. Thanks for making my long commutes so enjoyable!!
  • Concerned Mom408
    Distorted Facts
    Her political opinions make it impossible for her to tell a truthful “story”. Sad because it could have been good and actually left the listener with a lesson instead of pushing her all so predictable social justice message.
  • herobrine2fan
    It is time to mock other reviews!
    “Good idea bad execution” “the Lauren’s voice sounds like a dying horse” “the host is a feminist hack” those are some of the most common reviews I hear I will now mock them as they sound like a dying horse, and whoever is writing them are hacks and they are the truest spectacular failures. Actual criticism is good, but these have bad execution, on to the review! Jokes aside it is a amazing podcast and my only complaint is that there isn’t enough!
  • AGrynolGibbs
    So Entertaining!
    I love this podcast ... great stories about businesses and the events that led to their “spectacular failures.” A refreshing departure from the True Crime genre that seems to dominate the pod space. Lauren Ober is hilarious and clever. I could listen to her forever!
  • Murr Dubs
    Entertaining and great random facts about stuff I hardly think about
    I am a little late to this party because I just stumbled onto this podcast in the last week. I really like the format, and the host and her interviewees are very entertaining 😊 I’m surprised at the comment about this being left leaning. I’m pretty conservative and think it’s overall fairly neutral, especially for a podcast. For example, Lauren has no problem mentioning that four of the five senators who all supported Lincoln Bank for financial benefit were Democrats. The only negative is that I’m already almost done with season 2 and there’s no season 3 yet. Hopefully soon!
  • Lady in ga
    Love this !
    Will you do a episode on the green stamp company,, when you went shopping you got stamps and you would go to their store and buy stuff ? I know that’s why we have so much print on coupons. I have no clue what happened? I love all your stories
  • MauradingOrange
    The best
    One of my favorite podcasts - funny while taking a closer look at stories you may have heard of.
  • renob5551212
    Pretty good
    Interesting, well-researched stories, professional presentation. Only minus is that it’s definitely left-leaning (right-leaning would be no better).
  • erikakimiya
    A Gem in the Podcast Ocean
    If you haven’t listened to this podcast, you should definitely dive in. Truly great listening. It’s not only informative but the stories are really interesting.
  • P.S.III
    Amazing podcast!!!
    Excellent business stories well told with LOTS of humor. I have enjoyed all of them. ”Please sir, may I have some more?” 😁
  • franciepanta
    Spectacular success!
    I absolutely loved this season! The way the host weaves each story is not only interesting and informative but funny as well. I loved going in-depth on some failures that I had heard about and learning about new ones. Can’t wait for if they do a season 2
  • Eat a Ding Dong
    More please!
    When do we get season 3?
  • Chxadede
    Please tell me there’s more!
    Hoping to hear more of these. Well done, so interesting.
  • LIz tunes
    Awaiting a new season
    I am looking forward to a new season.
  • willemlowe
    New Season
    Can we have a new season soon? I find myself re-listening to episodes and I am so stoked for something new!
  • jessicahandy
    When does the next season start?!
    ...Biting my nails!!!
  • mark@caragh
    No fact checking
    Had high hopes for this podcast but then realized that it was from American Public Media so propaganda was more important than accurate reporting. Let’s see PanAm has 5 more great years after Juan Tripp retires but he was responsible for its bankruptcy and failure. Even though every person who had a subprime mortgage, SIGNED a contract VOLUNTARILY, they were suckered by Countrywide, so we need the government to create rules that are not VOLUNTARY to restrict what people can chose. Oh yes, the whole subprime mortgage disaster was caused by 1930’s policies and NOT by Pelosi, Schumer, Reed and Maxine Waters in 2006/2007 pressuring the FannieMae and FreddieMac agencies to relax their standards and securitize subprime mortgages.
  • tex boho
    So good
    Love this podcast. Keep them coming!!
  • Relgiez
    Tone it down, please...
    I like the concept, but like others have mentioned, the politics and wokeness is a bit over the top. I mean, she corrects a Latina referring to her Latino neighborhood and the host insists on using the made up term "Latinx". Don't do that. The show should be about the topic, not the host. I listen because the topics are interesting, but I find myself rolling my eyes listen to Lauren quite a bit. No, I don't love her voice, but her oversnarked delivery can be fingernails on chalkboard at times.
  • Baseballradioguy
    Not so good
    Wanted to like it, but the host isn't nearly as entertsining as she thinks she is. Got through 7 minutes of one episode and had to turn it off.
  • Melis196
    Love this show
    Great, interesting storytelling. I was so thrilled when I saw that the second season came out. Great job! Thank you
  • Gust1$
    Please tell me more episodes are coming!!!!!!!
    So great to hear real stories of success and failure. Love the narrator - great job
  • daveinlax
    Enjoy This Show!
    I really enjoy the content and how Ms Ober presents it!!
  • lab2112
    MBA case studies
    I recall stories like this during my grad school days... always a lesson to learn in the failures of others. I’ve enjoyed each episode and agree with other reviewers that Lauren’s voice, delivery and cheesy humor can occasionally distract. I’m able to get past that most of the time because of my interest in the topic but understand if others can’t. If you’re fascinated by business case studies, give it a shot, knowing the delivery may not be perfect... but after all, nothing is, sometimes spectacularly so.
  • cash rabbit
    Love the show
    Keep making more!!
  • listeningpost
    My favorite podcast! Should be required listening for business majors and corporate/business attorney. Only through knowing history can business keep from making the repeated mistakes. Lauren keeps it moving and connects everything. I appreciate her humor.
  • Janinegil
    A go to pod
    Found this thanks to podspotter. Going into my rotation of must listen.
  • DSviaAZ
    Well done!
    Very well put together podcast that brings these characters and time periods to life.
  • Carrotts2002
    Informative and funny. Well written!
    I love this podcast. It’s always entertaining, informative, light, and brings in a bit of good humor. Lauren hosts well and is funny. I love the field work she incorporates. The content is great! Love it and, I need more!
  • lachedr
    Good but....
    I like the show, the host can be funny and the stories are interesting. My gripe is more with the host though, and how she is trying to be the most woke person in the room. I get it, you hate being white and want everyone to know how much you appreciate POC, but just stop. You’re one step from pulling a Rachel Dolezal, and it gets annoying. Just tell the story...
  • rxdawg00
    Spectacular Failure in itself!
    This started out as a grand idea. Each episode seemed to be filled with interesting info, but could you leave out your political opinions?! If I wanted to hear a political podcast, I’d opt for one. (FYI all politicians are corrupt, no matter the side of the aisle.)
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