Powerhouse Women


How do I figure out what my purpose is? How do I connect with like-minded women? How do I gain confidence and overcome imposter syndrome? How do I grow my money mindset? How do I launch and sell my products and services to make six figures with a small audience?

Welcome to Powerhouse Women, the podcast! We'll answer all of these questions (and more) in order to help you get out of your own way and into ACTION around your big ideas. Because you're NOT meant to do business (or life) alone!

Host Lindsey Schwartz will bring you everything you need to bring your big ideas to life with tactical tips, business strategy and all of the mindset shifts you need to take on your business, side hustle or passion project with confidence!

Along with sharing all of our business secrets we interview incredible expert female entrepreneurs so you can hear their secrets, challenges, top tips and the real stories behind being a woman in business.

Let’s get inspired to take action together! Welcome to Powerhouse Women!

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Recent Reviews
  • susieq331
    Inspirational + Tangible Tips
    I get so excited whenever a new episode comes out because it’s the perfect mix of tangible tips and inspiration to go after my biggest dreams.
  • want to travel for free?
    Healthy minds are the best accessories for moms
    I really enjoyed your episode with Kelly Kussman “The Mindset Shifts Required” it was so relatable. On my own journey as busy mom and entrepreneur I understand the importance of a healthy mindset.
  • Shelby.B
    One of my favorite podcasts!
    A great podcast for entrepreneurs and personal growth! A fun, to the point podcast with tangible takeaways. You will definitely take something away with each podcast.
  • Jazziereads
    Great subjects
    This podcast is very informative and I appreciate the topics. Jasmine
  • Susand76
    Looking forward to listening to all of the episodes.
    Love this - just found this podcast from a recommendation and can’t wait to hear all the episodes.
  • Ana RMC
    Looove this
    I found this podcast like a week ago and Ive been listening everyday. I just love it. How it’s not only be positive and delusional but really supportive and realistic. Gives me hope that although I may not be living my best life now I can achieve it and I deserve it. Also great voice for a podcast Love love love
  • WarnerB12
    Just started listening and am hooked
    This is such a beautiful, empowering podcast and special community. Thank y’all for the time and energy you’ve put into creating and sharing this!
  • Michelle(Meraki Salons NC)
    An authentic guide
    I’ve listened to this podcast for several years now and it always pops up when I’m struggling to articulate what I’m going thru or what I’m feeling! Lindsey has a unique way of clearly speaking and breaking down sometimes challenging experiences with a calm energy, hope and just being herself! I resonate with that energy and it draws me in, connecting me to the words without disconnecting from self. I have especially connected with the series of the transition phases (cocoon or gap seasons) as I’m currently navigating one! As a highly accountable person I appreciate that quality as I see it in others as it can be rare! Thank you for showing up and sharing!
  • Forge2717
    Changes your mindset!
    When starting a business, I’ve learned there is so much noise from other people whether they are for it or against. It can get pretty confusing and overwhelming which limited my decision making greatly. After listening to Lindsay’s show, my mindset is truly focused on the whole picture and the goal vs. listening to everyone else’s opinion.
  • Lifelover4477
    The GAP
    I see you, so clearly. What an amazing 🤩 gift for women, you showing up as YOURSELF 💜 Fabulous!!!
  • Bhappybaby79
    I love finding great podcasts that not only give business advice, but motivate you to do more for yourself and your business!
  • The Rustic Avenue Mobile Bar
    Seriously, my favorite podcast
    The Powerhouse Woman Podcast, hosted by the incredible Lindsey Schwartz, is an absolute gem in the world of entrepreneurship and personal growth. From the moment you hit play, you're greeted with Lindsey's infectious energy and genuine passion for empowering women to step into their greatness. Each episode is a goldmine of inspiration, filled with insightful interviews, actionable advice, and real-life stories from powerhouse women who are making waves in their industries. Lindsey's knack for drawing out the most authentic and valuable insights from her guests is truly remarkable. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur, a budding business owner, or simply someone on a journey of personal development, there's something for everyone in this podcast. What sets the Powerhouse Woman Podcast apart is not just the quality of content, but the sense of community it fosters. Listening feels like being a part of an empowering sisterhood, cheering each other on towards success. Lindsey's warmth, authenticity, and unwavering support for her listeners shine through in every episode, making it feel like you're having a heart-to-heart conversation with a trusted friend. Lindsey, Thank you for being YOU!
  • Shira Dickinson
    THE BEST podcast for women to uncover and become a POWERHOUSE! 💫
    Hands down one of my absolute FAV podcasts! If you know you are meant for more, and are looking for inspiration, motivation and knowledge from the most brilliant women, hit subscribe ASAP! Lindsey and her guests are a wealth of knowledge, and every single episode is filled with so much gold, it’s pure magic! 💫
  • erooney220
    Love this show!
    Lindsey always has the most amazing guests - is so inspirational and delivers smart and actionable strategies. I always listen to her in the AM to get my mind and my attitude RIGHT!
  • Amanda9173
    I listen every week!
    This is hands down, one of my favorite podcasts to turn to each week. Lindsey and her guests bring inspiration and tactical elements I can apply when growing my business. The topics are always relevant to what I need. Grateful this podcasts exists!
  • eckosha
    Such a great resource for women entrepreneurs
    As a small business owner, I line this resource. This is real talk with actionable steps that I can use today to build my business. Thank you for bringing all these resources together!
  • EvieeM80
    I love this show! I truly believe that Lindsay’s insights and guest speakers have my best interest at heart. This amazing podcast is a gift to the women of the world!
  • TColebeyou
    I enjoyed the real conversation around friendships. The falling out and reconnecting through growth
  • shaneyg7
    A Must-Listen for Aspiring Women Entrepreneurs
    Every time I tune into Powerhouse Women, I'm met with a wave of inspiration that truly lights a fire in me. This podcast has become a cherished part of my routine, offering not just stories, but sparks of motivation that resonate with my aspirations as an entrepreneur. What captivates me most is the genuine warmth and wisdom shared in each episode, making me feel like part of an empowering community. It's the blend of uplifting conversations and actionable insights that fuels my ambition and keeps me pressing 'play'. For anyone looking to be inspired and moved into action, Powerhouse Women is a beacon of light that has enriched my entrepreneurial journey in countless ways.
  • ecs5431415
    One of the best podcasts out there
    This podcast is exactly what I’ve been looking for! Lindsay is so talented at doing interviews and asking the questions you really want to know the answers to. I also love the way she talks about setting huge goals and that her perspectives and mindset are so expansive. Especially as a new entrepreneur, the real-life, in-depth stories shared from super successful entrepreneurs is also so helpful - especially with all kinds of examples from people who bootstrapped and others who have sold their businesses… it definitely opens your mind to all the possibilities out there. I can’t get enough of this podcast. :D
  • Taurus Blondie
    This Podcast is a must listen!
    Lindsey is so encouraging and offers true value! I look forward to her Podcast!! ❤️
  • Chelsea Husum
    Fantastic Podcast!!
    I absolutely love this podcast and Lindsey's palpable energy and passion. She shares real authentic stories and advice and I feel inspired and reenergized after listening to each episode. Lindsey is the real deal and she doesn't hold back sharing what has worked for her. Highly recommend!!
  • Lindseyyyy_jo
    Lindsey is the Future
    Lindsey Schwartz is a beautiful example of a female leader for entrepreneurs. I have never come across a leader that cares for her followers and audience in the way that she does. You can feel her heart in every episode. She reminds us that vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. Your journey isn’t going to be perfect, but she gives women hope to just keep going. This podcast is such a perfect blend of mindset and tactical tips for entrepreneurs. She puts her heart on the line in every episode and it shows. ❤️
  • Amy Bartko - chatterbox
    Love this 🤩
    Lindsey is a true inspiration! This podcast is an absolute must listen! I catch every episode as soon as it’s live. I have learned so much and find it so motivating. Just home from the Expanders retreat, I can’t wait for the live event in Aug 2024 🤩. xoxo Amy ~ chatterbox
  • puzzle015647
    Officially a Lindsey fan !!
    I love the knowledge of this! I have also watched some of your YouTube videos ! All your gems is inspiring and I will continue to see listen and watch your journey !
  • hmacreyno
    Love love love
    Love the purpose, content, and vibe of this podcast. A frequent listen for good reason!
  • KBeYou2gg
    My life is forever changed!
    Listening to the Powerhouse Women podcast has been a game-changer in my entrepreneurial journey. Every episode feels like Lindsey is speaking directly to me, addressing the fears and uncertainties that come with building a business. She shares relatable insights and actionable advice. It’s not just the practical tips that make this podcast stand out; it’s the empathy and understanding that resonate with me deeply, providing both comfort and motivation. Being part of this community has been empowering, reminding me I’m not alone in my challenges. I’m incredibly thankful for the confidence and clarity Lindsey has brought into my life. I started at the very first episode and I feel like as I listen to each episode she answers another question/fear that I have. This is my sign that I am in the right place and listening to the right person. Thank you Lyndsey!!!! I can’t wait to keep learning and growing from your knowledge and wisdom.
  • wolex17894
    I was initially drawn to this podcast when I heard an episode in which Lindsey talked about changing your mindset and surrounding yourself with people who encourage and support your growth. I loved her thoughts and found them very helpful. Except now it seems like every episode is a reiteration of the same idea. It all feels kind of vague and a little bit like a commercial for why you should go to one of her retreats are by her programs. And I’m sure her retreats and programs are great, but I need more content from the podcast.
  • Crashcowgirl
    Love Powerhouse Woman
    I am in a season of growth, discovery and purpose. Powerhouse woman have been an amazing asset to my growth adventures!
  • Lish_DH
    One of my favorites
    I absolutely adore Lindsey’s transparency and down to earth spirit. Our morning talks (the podcast lol) are productive and insightful. I am beyond thankful for this podcast!
  • Jennifer.Taylor
    Absolutely Love!
    I love growth and self-discovery, but Powehouse Women is a game changer. As a new entrepreneur and real estate agent, it’s teaching me how to break through the barriers I didn’t even know were holding me back!
  • Meghan_111
    So relatable and helpful!
    Being an entrepreneur can be lonely and there are so many things I’ve gone through that I didn’t realize were a common part of growth. Lindsey shares so many real life growth moments and the discomfort that went along with them which is so helpful to hear. I’m always instantly inspired with every episode I listen to. Highly recommend 💗
  • @autumnceniza
    Game changer
    This show has been a complete game changer for my business and life. Such tactical advice in an honest and truly genuine format. Lindsey truly cares about her people and it shows in every episode she puts out.
  • Littlest Amanda
    Absolutely love!!
    I honestly feel so supported and guided all the while laughing through every episode! I am so grateful to listen to every episode 🫶🏼
  • Dees Reviews 23
    Great show!
    Love the episodes, community and excited to be a part of it!
  • Rap Rocks!!!!!!!!!!:)))))
    So thankful I found Lindsey!
    Love this podcast and community. Great, applicable and actionable content.
  • NicRodriguez
    The best!
    This podcast is by far the best for any business owner. Thank you, Lindsey for sharing your knowledge with us!
  • Sydney.Leritz
    Lindsey is so humble, honest and empowering! I love her authenticity in her episodes, she brings you along on her entrepreneurial and self development journey. So much to get from these episodes!
  • amy839359
    Love this space!
    It’s so good to hear from other women in business and feel supported!
  • Meliann06
    Perfect Timing
    Thank goodness for Instagram ads! Powerhouse Women instagram came across as an ad and I decided to follow which led me to the podcast. And now I am going to the 2024 event with my bestie that is ambitious and strong and wants to grow. I have a lot in the pipeline and this podcast has been a great guide and motivator. I now listen while driving and working out. Thank you PW!
  • Jsmither51313
    Love love love !
    I am so happy I found the PowerHouse Woman podcast. I listen to it every single morning. It was great timing as I am venturing off from the 9-5 stable office job- to opening up my own spa suite as an Aesthetician at Pure Aesthetics SRQ. You give me inspiration and confidence to be successful and serve my community! Jaime Smither
  • Slrtaz17
    Life. Changing.
    I recently stumbled upon the Powerhouse Women Podcast as I have been in pursuit of finding a relate-able and inspiring female community. Let me tell you…this podcast far exceeded my expectations and has been crucial in decisions I have made in my business and personal life. After every episode, I feel motivated and fired up! Highly recommend you give it a listen!! 🫶🏻
  • xneenersx
    You had me at COMMUNITY
    I absolutely love everything about this podcast. I share this with all my homegirls. <3 @yourhomegirl_elena
  • Cochgr01
    Genuine + Masterful
    Powerhouse Women is a favorite - always realistic, focused on the things that really matter, straight forward actionable guidance. Helps you ask yourself better questions and find better answers! Love it.
  • CentralORmom
    My newest weekly “must listen” podcast
    I recently discovered Lindsey and Powerhouse Women on IG. I quickly came here and discovered an authentic, non-fluff, to the point, brimming-with-value podcast that’s become a weekly must-listen.
  • BrandieHerbert
    Love The PHW podcast
    I never miss an episode! So inspiring, I absolutely adore Lindsey and love her message!
  • DanaByers
    Vulnerable and authentic
    I often gain immediately applicable value from the episodes. Thank you!
  • Priscilla Sites
    I had the pleasure of listening in to a LIVE podcast with Lindsey and all I can say is when you put yourself in ROOMS with women who empower, women who have become thought leaders, women who have a limitless mindset, the ENERGY is undeniably inspiring
  • Susianna63
    Great Podcast!
    I enjoyed listening to Lori Harder's journey to success. It was very inspiring!
  • cjohnson3750
    So Excited I found you!
    This is very exceptional opportunity to become a powerful woman!
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