Maximized Minimalist Podcast


You can simplify your life and Katy Wells will show you how.

Katy is the host of the globally recognized Top-50 Podcast, The Maximized Minimalist, and a leading declutter expert.

It’s her mission to uncover the root cause of people’s clutter problems and guide them through practical and sustainable solutions in the forms of decluttering physical, mental and emotional clutter and what’s holding them back in life.

Through her online programs, social media channels, youtube channel and podcast, she has helped hundreds of thousands of families transform their home from chaotic to calm, have less stress and anxiety and gain freedom from clutter.

Tune in and buckle up - your life is about the change. Listen weekly on Wednesdays!

Get started decluttering your home with her FREE guide here:

To learn more about Katy and her signature programs go to:

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Recent Reviews
  • LeahShiri
    Do yourself a favor
    Katy’s podcast is my #1 favorite! She’s easy to listen to, fun and practical! She gives you so many tools to change your life and for me it truly did just that! I’m never going back to old habits now that I know what it’s like to have a simplified home. I started listening a few months ago, joined one of her challenges, and started using her home management course. I have tried so many other methods but hers is the only one that has fit my busy life and is easy to use long term. I used to be drowning in clutter and couldn’t relax because of it. My entire family is reaping the benefits of these new strategies. My kids are happier now that there are less toys, and I can clean up so much faster and easier. I’m not embarrassed when people drop by unannounced anymore, and I’m able to be more present throughout my day. Thank you Katy for helping me finally simplify life! For the first time ever my home is the escape I always wanted. I’m always eagerly waiting for the next episode!
  • LizardMama2
    Thanks Katy!
    I’ve done three of Katy’s 14-day challenges. She targets areas that have the highest impact in a home with young kids, so I see the results quickly. I listen to her podcasts to keep motivated as I work through more sentimental levels of my belongings, and appreciate her ideas and support.
  • Marie2882
    So much helpful information!
    Katy you are an amazing teacher! I just love your podcast, it’s inspiring. You are so good at helping people- right where they are without any judgment. Your concepts are easy to follow without feeling completely overwhelmed and I appreciate it so much! I’m in the midst of my first 14 day challenge and have made huge progress in my home. I finally feel like there is hope to getting the clutter out and peace within! Thank you! Amy
  • LoriWmsn
    GREAT podcast!
    Thank you, Katy! I Iove a few things about your podcast: 1) Each one is just the right length … I can learn a lot in just a few minutes. 2) The tips are all exactly what I need to hear as I’m on my decluttering and (somewhat) minimalism journey. 3) Your voice is so easy. I feel like we are sitting in my living room just having a chat. I appreciate your insights and guidance…thank you and keep up the great work!
  • meg.m.k.e
    This podcast is full of warm advice!
    Thanks for your hard work
  • sweetie1103
    Katy is the best decluttering mentor!
    This is my first ever podcast review, but Katy deserves it! I’ve been listening to Katy for about a year, going back and devouring episodes daily! Her voice is pleasant, never condescending or grating. Perfect amount of firm-handed advice with empathy on common struggles.
  • Hddbdhdbjdbfdbdhf
    Non-stop Ads
    I really like a lot of the material that Katie offers. I like her positive attitude and her suggestions. However, lately I’ve been frustrated with nonstop ads about buying things from her.
  • ErikaEllis93
    Best decluttering/simplifying podcast!
    Katy’s podcast is definitely my favorite decluttering podcast. Her talks are motivational and informative but feels like you are getting a pep-talk from a friend. Katy allows for vulnerability when she shares her personal stories. She explains things in a way that makes me have confidence in myself to have success.
  • HannahRenz
    Loving it!
    I first found the show through a random recommendation in the podcast app. I really enjoyed the podcasts and learned about the 14 day clutter challenge. I’ve found the challenge so helpful and have made some huge progress. It’s such a supportive community that helps encourage others to make progress.
  • Christinadeclutter
    14 day challenge
    Listened to Katy for the first time during a online conference. I purchased her clutter crusher 14 day challenge and it have been very motivating! I been listening to her and am looking forward to more of her podcasts. Starting to find decluttering fun instead of dreading it. Update: doing a second 14 day challenge with Katy and it is motivating! Helping me dig deeper with decluttering.
  • Tami22t
    Phenomenal Show!
    I found Kay’s class and 14-day Clutter Challenge this month and it has changed my life! Katy gives advise and small tasks that are easy to follow even when the clutter is overwhelming.
  • LindzEliz
    Mostly sales pitch
    I wanted to like it but 2/3 or more of every episode is a sales pitch for something else she has come up with. The advice is rarely anything new or useful, just staggered bullet points between sales pitches.
  • katherine.leigh
    Love this podcast!!
    This podcast has helped me a lot with declutterring! Her 14 day clutter challenge also life changing🎉🎉
  • lori lynn l
    Love this podcast !
    Look forward to listening each week. Katy’s topics are short and sweet and so very motivating!! Even started her 14 day declutter challenge and my house is feeling so much better a week in. Must listen!!
  • becca-MN
    So inspiring 🤍
    I’ve been listening to Katy’s podcast for years and have slowly implemented many of her practices & habits. I finally decided to join her 14 day clutter challenge and this is exactly what I needed to take things up a notch. It’s so helpful to have all the support of this community.
  • Shellaid
    Life changing decluttering tips and relatable advice
    I found Katy Wells through another program I listen to and boy am I glad I did! As a busy mom myself, I can still find time to listen to her podcasts as I’m multitasking and have been able to incorporate decluttering in 10-20 minute increments throughout my day. I used to think I needed to spend several days at a time getting anywhere with decluttering, but through Katy, I have found that I can still make great progress by getting in 20 minutes a day! Katy is very relatable and has been there before, living in the chaos of clutter, so she gets it! I appreciate how she breaks down how to change one’s mindset about clutter. I’ve tried decluttering before, but it never worked because I didn’t change my mindset. I always feel motivated and inspired when I listen to Katy.
  • Shana |
    Let’s go! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    If your life sometimes feels like a whirlwind of stuff and stress, get ready to meet your new decluttering BFF! Katy is a delight on “The Maximized Minimalist" podcast. I love her down-to-earth vibes and been-there-done-that know-how and that she helps to clear not only the physical clutter but also the mental and emotional cobwebs that might be holding you back. It's like having a lively chat with a friend who just happens to be a top decluttering guru.
  • VickiAnnD
    Love Katy’s tips plus she fun to listen to as well!
    I’ve loved decluttering and organizing since I was little. I’ve also had an empty box for donations as long as I can remember. BUT as I got older, it wasn’t as easy for me to declutter the sentimental things. Listening to Katy’s tips, stories from her students or her own stories have given me the inspiration to declutter more and more. Plus, she’s fun to listen to as well!
  • JWPayne
    Hardcore Listener
    Hello Katy! I recently stumbled upon your podcast when I started my Amazon music account. I started listening to your current episodes, but decided in order to learn the whole story about you I would start from episode 00. I am currently up two episode 150-ish and plugging along until I get to the most current episodes. I love when you have special guests on that cover all different topics from fashion colors, to home, decorating, to finance/budgeting. I am a listener from Wake Forest, North Carolina, it’s nice to know that I have a North Carolina connection in Asheville if I ever need one, lol! I’m a professional organizer in my area and I love learning more and more that you have to offer! - Julie
  • Binka51
    Katie-I have listened to you for years -and have sooo enjoyed your content… But today’s podcast about your grandfather was so so so powerful… My favorite ever! keep up the great work… Love, Maureen💕
  • Mommasan89
    I have to say that I really loved listening to her podcasts. She had great advice and really good interviews… until I got to an episode where she talked about what we need to do to be clutter free but never actually said what it was. It became a REALLY long infomercial for her course. Cool! I’m happy that you have a course, and I might have tried it, but to find out at the end of the episode that I just listened to a really long infomercial was disappointing to say the least. I’ll keep listening, but I know that if it starts sounding like another infomercial then I’ll be unsubscribing. No offense, but I don’t have time in my life to listen to yet another commercial. So much time wasted :(
  • Sulczar357
    Katy gives practical tips to help our homes feel calmer
    I’m currently a student in the 14-day Clutter Challenge, and on the first day, Katy mentioned this podcast, so I’ve started listening. She gives us practical tips for decluttering within the course, and this podcast delves deeper into certain aspects of minimizing the effects of clutter. For example, the podcast I just listened to reminds me that most people are too concerned with their own ‘stuff’ to notice my ‘stuff’—like the clutter in my home or like someone wearing the same dress to church each week for 3 months. Nobody noticed! Great reminder! Thank you for these practical tips!
  • Lauren Bozza
    Love this podcast!!
    Enjoying this podcast very much. It is my go-to lately. So encouraging and motivating with realistic / doable approaches for busy moms. I’m a mom of 4 littles and Katy has given such awesome info on decluttering that I’ve been able to implement and stay on track! Living a way fuller life with less clutter has been life changing for me and in turn for everyone in my family. Mamas, we sets the tone of the house!! My peaceful home is a major priority. Thanks Katy!!
  • Jayn R.
    Game changer!
    This podcast is such a gem. I’m a mom of 3 including 1 year old twins and this has been a game changer for me. The advice is down to earth, practical and judgment free. The tips are actionable and come without the usual legalism so typical of traditional minimalism. I highly recommend!
  • Cynder Ella
    Katy Wells
    I recently found Katy Wells on Podcast and have truly enjoyed her techniques of decluttering. When she had mentioned about her, YouTube channel, I went to it and have her playing as I deal with all the clutter I have from my bedroom to my garage. I love her style and highly recommend her if you need to do some serious decluttering in your house.
  • RAD FAM 333
    This podcast is a must!!
    An absolute must have podcast Katy Wells brings content to her listeners full of heart, simplicity, hope, impact, vulnerability, silliness, honesty, and change. I started listening half heartedly after finishing up a 14 day clutter crusher challenge of hers because I wanted to keep what I had learned fresh, and after just one episode I was blown away! It was a snowball effect from there. I remember specifically listening to episode 186: 6 Ways Social Media Causes us to Overspend and being shocked by the take away I got from it. Before the episode I though okay sure, she’s going to say these few things and challenge our thoughts on this and that. A quarter of the way into listening I felt like my jaw had dropped to the floor because some how I was feeling convicted about something entirely different than what I thought I was going to hear from her. I started a podcast about social media and spending but walked away challenged in my thoughts about sustainability, community, mental clutter, visual clutter, and so much more. How could 20 minutes be jammed packed with so much? Not only did I immediately delete so many apps from my phone (something I said I was going to do for years but never actually did), but I changed my screen and all notifications. Not only have my shopping habits drastically changed but my overall mood and approach to my phone did as well. 

I was hooked from that moment on and actually decided to start at the beginning. So far she has kept me laughing, crying, engaged, excited, challenged, and motivated. Her guests are incredible and are also like minded, vulnerable, relatable, and funny. Each episode, even if it seems like something I wouldn’t be interested in offers incite, motivation, and clarity. Another quick example … I used to scoff at mindfulness and meditation. After listening to episode 12: Hot Mess to Mindful Momma, Ali Katz’s One Minute to Zen book immediately went on my must read list and I am going to start meditating for the first time in my life, something I have been very outwardly closed to for years!!

The secret to this podcast being the jewel that is it is, is Katy’s heart to serve others and share. Her progress over perfection mentality allows these messages to resonate and be applicable to anyone anywhere at anytime. Once again, If you want to simplify your life and are looking for a path towards that, Maximized Minimalist is a must listen!!
  • Tara stovie
    Get ready to change
    Got my decluttering boots on and Katy in my ear. LET’S GO!
  • The war within a war
    You are my favorite podcast. Down to earth and relatable. Thank you for just being you.
  • DesignerFriend
    So Inspiring!
    I’ve started from the beginning and am working my way to current episodes. This has been so motivating and inspiring that a working mom with a child like me is able to simplify my life and enjoy more quality time with my family. We downsized about five years ago to living in a camper and I’ve always been an “organized” person. What I didn’t realize is that even with downsizing we were still holding on to soooo much clutter. Katie speaks about the reasons why we do this and now that I know the why I’m able to let go of things so much easier. I’ve already decluttered so much and got my hubby on board by listening to a couple episodes. Now I’m sharing this podcasts with all my friends! Thanks so much Katie!
  • Rea2G
    So many useful tips
    This is my new favorite podcast. She really gives a ton of actionable tips to start on your minimalist journey and really gets me stoked about decluttering. I listen to it every time I’m decluttering and I find it so motivating.
  • Sweet Kiera
    More than a podcast
    This is a life changer. Therapy. I started casually following Katy on Instagram. I listened to a few podcast. Then in an out of character move, I signed up for the 14-day declutter challenge. I’m now obsessed with Katy, her values, her contagious positivity and encouragement, her realness and compassion. I’m so excitedd about my progress and just want to hear her wisdom and encouragement in my ear all the time while I clean out my garage at night or my closet, instead of watching real housewives. 🙈 I can’t wait to see where I go on this journey with Katy and I would tell anyone I know to try it out or at least listen to a few episodes and see how it hits you. 💗
  • Flockofsiegels
    Finally, someone I can relate to!
    I discovered The Maximized Minimalist a few months ago. Katy was a guest on another podcast I love. Since then, I have been binging episode after episode. Who knew there were so many topics around decluttering? Katy has a way of making it all make sense. I started decluttering about 15 mins once a day. Overtime, I have been able to clear out items from my home without being overwhelmed. Since decluttering is an ongoing process, I don’t stress about it. Just 15 mins or so a day and I’m working towards clearing my home of junk. It’s very liberating. Thank you Katy for being the voice in my head, telling me NOT to bring more “stuff” in my house. My wallet also thanks you! Keep doing what your doing. It’s helping all of us! Thanks.
  • tifftrz
    Useful strategies
    Provides useful strategies to declutter. Taking a declutter challenge course with her and mostly listen to the live feeds for the advice.
  • AOamon
    Life Changer!
    Katy’s podcast is like that solid pick-me-up that you crave unknowingly throughout the week when everything hits the fan - then boom! Yes, a little does of THIS is what I have been needing. Every Wednesday I am brought back to the sound of her reassuring voice and feel like, no matter how alone I seem to be in every other aspect of life, that someone has my back. She brightens up the day and has a knack for delivering straight forward guidance through connecting on a personal level to her audience. So glad I found this gem!
  • MoschHaus819
    Coach Katy for the win!
    One of my favorite podcasts! Always an enjoyable listen. Katy shares tips and strategies that are easily actionable and realistic to the busy individual. The variety of topics about decluttering and embracing a more simplified lifestyle, keep me coming back each week. The progress I've made on this journey can definitely be attributed to what I've learned from her podcast and community. I’m a huge fan!
  • MandaRoo22
    Love it!
    I absolutely love this podcast! It has totally changed my life!
  • aeRNea
    Great podcast!
    Thank you Katy for the advise and tips in your podcast. I have been listening for awhile and the tools you’ve provided only take seconds. And who doesn’t have a few seconds in there day to make their life better, easier and doable.
  • HM422
    Finding peace
    I love this podcast because Katy has great tips for making mom life so much simpler and peaceful. I’m not a true “minimalist” but decluttering has been such a blessing to me and my family. I love Katy’s insight and practical tips on how to declutter our home and just life in general.
  • mrs.deane
    This podcast has done me so much good!
    Katy’s podcast is full of what feels like the good advice of a friend who’s been through the same rough road and wants to help you through it with no judgement but a lot of understanding, kindness, and generosity. I’ve been trying to organize my life for years. I’ve read many books and listened to other podcasts. Katy helps you to get to the root cause and to actually make progress. So thankful that she took the time to start this podcast when she did. 🫶🏻💕
  • Maui Jones
    Practical, doable strategies that work!!!
    Katy is such a gem! So easy to listen to and such relatable content. Some of it seems like a no brained, but the way she presents it to you is so simple, honest and truly effective. I decluttered so much of my home in days just binging all her episodes. It’s like she keeps you company while you listen. Like having a best friend keep you company while folding laundry, but even better!!! I am doing her 14 day de-clutter challenge and it’s day one and I’m already making progress!
  • lake girl7
    One of my favorite podcasts
    Love that Katy’s podcasts are typically no longer than 20 minutes but help me make powerful mind shifts that have propelled my decluttering efforts forward. Katy is so personable and encouraging!
  • Lfoss1
    My decluttering gateway
    Katy helped me get started on my decluttering and minimalism journey. She is positive and bubbly and just a joy to listen to. So grateful for her content and 14 day challenge.
  • TMMD 3
    Simple and clear tips!
    I love this podcast because Katy’s tips to decluttering your home are simple, clear and really easy to implement. As a busy mom of three young kids, I value that her episodes are generally less than 30 minutes long. This means that I can quickly listen while running errands in the car or while I’m just folding some laundry. I’ve been able to declutter a lot of my home thanks to her practical advice!
  • dianaj1003
    Inspiring, encouraging, supportive.
    This podcast has been so educational and helped me change my outlook and the way I think about material things. Katy does her research and adds a little comedy to some of the episodes. She is relatable and feels like a friend.
  • amandadn79
    She’s the best!!!
    I always feel like I can do anything after listening he Katy! I take victory in small things I get done when I can’t do large amounts of things. And the best thing I remember through my day is “OHIO”! Thank you Katy.
  • VanessaBauer
    Easy and inspiring listen
    I’ve been following Katy on Instagram for years and when I saw she had a podcast, I immediately binged many of her episodes. I enjoy jumping around to whichever feels right at the time. Whether it be toy overwhelm, Mitch hacks or decluttering the mental load. The episodes are short and to the point with some great guests. She is such a light and very relatable! I have loved following along for some minimalist inspiration.
  • Rljohnson5
    Be patient
    Get past the intro - Katie is awesome and inspiring and has helped me clean out and continue to declutter to create peace in our home. Love it!
  • Elle Greenslit
    Life changing!
    I listened to 30 episodes in one week while I tackled some decluttering projects around the house. I’ve always been an organized person, but Katy helped take it to the next level and focus on decluttering and the mindset change to keep it up. The first aha moment was when I’m usually picking up the house for the day and instead I didn’t really have anything to do. So thank you for giving me time back to spend with my family and doing the things we WANT to spend our time doing!
  • MKR19801
    Above the rest!
    I found Katy while I was looking for minimalist podcasts. There are many! While they are all good, the ideas, encouragement, and application that Katy brings to the minimalist conversation, along with her enthusiasm, puts her at the top of the list for me! Love this podcast!
    This show helps me to stay on track with my decluttering goals and helps to keep me motivated to continue to integrate decluttering into my life so it doesn’t consume me! Thanks Katy for all your time and effort put into this wonderful show!
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