The Literary Life Podcast

Arts #111Books #37

Not just book chat! The Literary Life Podcast is an ongoing conversation about the skill and art of reading well and the lost intellectual tradition needed to fully enter into the great works of literature.Experienced teachers Angelina Stanford and Thomas Banks (of join lifelong reader Cindy Rollins (of for slow reads of classic literature, conversations with book lovers, and an ever-unfolding discussion of how Stories Will Save the World.And check out our sister podcast The Well Read Poem with poet Thomas Banks.

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Recent Reviews
  • BrianK123
    Great except for one thing
    I really enjoy two out of three of the hosts. Thomas, though, is so pretentious and arrogant that it makes it hard to listen to for any more than a few minutes . He speaks with this affected “enlightened scholar” voice that’s incredibly cringy and off-putting.
  • Vintronius
    My new favorite podcast
    It has reignited my love for books and my regular reading habit. Plus, I am reading books that I have never before considered. I am so delighted to find a literature podcast with hosts that love Jesus and see literature through their faith. The discussions are beautiful prayers of creativity that soothe my soul and draw me into worshipping the King of imagination Himself.
  • SniffytheDuck
    Great podcast, iffy fanbase
    The podcast is good. It’s clearly the result of years of dedicated reading, learning, researching, etc. I didn’t even know it was possible to be this well-read. That being said, the discussion groups tend to be cliquey, elitist, and full of the same brand of moral panic the hosts claim to be against in the podcast. I’m not sure what to make of this dissonance. It’s kind of frustrating to be constantly brushed off and even treated like an idiot for…I don’t even know, not having a PhD or something. Podcast is great, join the fan club with caution.
  • LiteraryLover📚
    Wonderful bookish podcast!!
    The Literary Life podcast is such a whimsical and insightful way to chat about reading. I especially love the episodes when Angelina, Cindy, and Thomas interview other readers and talk about their reading lives. I love hearing about what books other love, get insight on what the hosts think about books, and get a glimpse into what they’re putting in their commonplace books! I recommend this podcast if you are a book-lover, reader, writer, or someone who just loves the literary life! 📖📚📔
  • maso0279
    My favorite podcast! 📚
    When I started this podcast, I hadn’t read in years. I read Gaudy Night on my kindle and remember being stuck in the first 10% of the books for ages and ages because I had to reprogram my brain on how to read. Angelina, Thomas, and Cindy are wonderful teachers and I love that they share so much for FREE. Thank you all for offering something available nowhere else!
  • AnnieKimC
    It’s rare to listen to a podcast and feel like you actually learned something, and not in the typically “fact spewing” fashion. Each time I listen, it feels like there is an ongoing conversation, in which I’m fed little bits at a time. I always come away feeling inspired to read, look deeper, and understand literature more fully.
  • Straightandyarrow
    Where have you been all my life?
    I stumbled onto your podcast late last year, but wish I had known about it sooner. I absolutely love it, from the Commonplace quotes to homeschool references. I am a homeschool mom, and as you note in your first episode, homeschool moms are if nothing else, well read. I studied English Lit in college and read many books I loved but aside from that found their focus far from mine. When we decided to homeschool, I realizd that many other homeschool moms were “nerds” like me! I’d finally found my people! Now I am enjoying many different books, introducing my kids to them, as well as teaching other homeschool kids in our community different aspects about good/ great writing. I will continue to delve into your many episodes and look forward to the new ones this year.
  • mjhazen730
    Greatest “Stumbled Upon It” Find
    Very excited for 2024 with this podcast. I happened to find it in time to learn about the reading challenge. Where have you been?? Looking forward to reading outside my usual comfort zone, growing as a reader, and teaching my kids all the goodness available.
  • Ejs0928
    Interesting but too many interruptions
    I started listening to the first episode about Fahrenheit 451 but the ladies were interrupting and speaking over each other. Maybe it was just one lady, I don’t know, but it was very off putting.
  • Book Friend 23
    Informative but dominated
    These podcasts are wonderfully informative. Perhaps if the host didn’t interrupt the other two cohosts, and allow them to speak more, it would be improved. I would like to be able to hear more of their thoughts. Thank you, for all the work you put into these podcasts.
  • Tessi09
    Used to be great
    I binged on this podcast when I first discovered it a couple years ago. Angelina’s enthusiasm and knowledge combined with Cindy’s wisdom and experience re-ignited my love for literature. However, the hosts now seem more interested in promoting their income-generating ventures than discussing books and producing this podcast. These past few months have consisted of many replays while the introduction to new podcasts are long sales pitches. I have come to prefer the “Close Reads” podcast.
  • ISTJreader
    The Joy of Reading
    This podcast is a must for any book lover, teacher, parent! Angelina and Cindy provide brilliant insight. It’s a masterclass in reading with a keen eye to capture all that an author wanted to convey and, in doing so, you’ll read with greater delight.
  • SeasonsHumility
    Grateful for This Podcast
    The hosts and their discussions make for wonderful listening! I love the insights they share and their passion for helping people experience great stories. I’m so grateful that this podcast has kindled a desire in me to read or revisit more classic literature. Of what I’ve listened to so far, I’ve especially loved their discussions of Mansfield Park and The Enchanted April.
  • Mustachestaff
    This podcast is about reading literature through the lens of modern American Christianity. Nothing wrong with that as long as that’s what you put on the description of the show, but it’s not what I was looking for.
  • Pet crazy
    Best Podcast Ever
    I wait every week for the new episode to drop. Excited to hear what we are doing together next. Thanks for enriching my life and teaching me how to read well.
  • thetwobluesisters
    This is amazing ❤️
    I love this podcast so much!! When my classes from Miss Angelina are over, I listen to this podcast all the time!! Thank you guys so much for this
  • Daisy Jette
    One of the best!
    This is my almost favorite podcast…second only to The New Mason Jar. I listen to TNMJ for homeschooling encouragement and I come here for my Mother Culture. I just finished a book (The Scent of Water, by Goudge) that repeatedly mentioned “A Winters Tale” so I came over here to see if A Winters Tale had been covered here. Thanks to you guys, I’m in the process of going through the first Shakespeare play that I’ve actually enjoyed. I read/listen to an act, listen to your comments on it, and then watch a stage production on YouTube, and I am in love!!! I was crying over Shakespeare while doing dishes today, and not a bit mad about it. Keep it up !
  • annapurnawi
    The very best continuing education!
    I love this podcast so much. I feel like the hosts are holding my hands as I wade into trickier reading waters. I’ve discovered Dorothy Sayers, read through Jane Austen, learned from CS Lewis, and *enjoyed* Shakespeare as an adult! I feel like Cindy, Angelina & Thomas are wonderful reading friends who encourage me to go deeper and farther in my reading life. The annual literary life reading challenges are SO much fun in the very best way. As a mom of 3 young kids I not only get great ideas for read alouds with them and encouragement in my parenting, but I also receive bolstering for my ‘mother culture’ that is truly a balm to my soul during these years.
  • Matt and fam
    The stunning story of stories.
    An absolute must read for anyone who deeply loves books and good works of literature. Not only does Angelina Stanford introduce the history of literature and throughly adventure through the timeless tales, but shows us WHY we love books and stories like we do. You may be surprised at the answer!!!! Stories will save the world!
  • LydiaJoyLove
    This podcast brings so much joy to my heart! As a mom of two littles, the respite from “life” I get while learning about books is everything I need—thank you for all you do in preparing these episodes!
  • amocomidaturca
    This podcast has been such a gift to me. I learn so much! Thank you Angelina, Cindy and Mr. Banks!
  • []aninha[]
    Soul sisters
    Since I have found this podcast all I want is to sit with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and chat with the three hosts, new soul-sisters. I didn’t know that it was possible that a podcast would meet the longings of my book-loving heart in such a pleasant way. From Angelina’s in-depth discussion on the early episodes of Gaudy Night… to the contemporary suggestions by Cindy on detective novels that match mine perfectly, to the voice-like-butter of the mysterious Mr Banks. And so much more. Heavenly. Thank you!
  • NotYourAverageEquestrian
    Best podcast ever
    I first heard of this podcast from my mother who followed the Literary Life on Facebook. I have taken literature classes from Ms. Angelina for two years and this is my first year of taking a history class from Mr. Banks. Currently in my lit. class, we’re reading through Pride and Prejudice. I just listened to the Pride and Prejudice movie adaptation episode and loved it! I hope (for all new listeners of the podcast) that this podcast will help you enjoy reading even more.
  • Mezzo-mom
    Getting the education I missed…and some criticism
    I look forward to these podcasts every week and enjoy the banter and conversation. I have read books I never would have chosen on my own with the read along podcast episodes (Dracula!! Loved it!). I am learning how to think about stories and how they can shape our thinking, specifically, finding the shape of the gospel and redemption in so many stories written in ancient times and in fairy tales and myths. I have but scratched the surface and I am encouraged that there is a never ending supply of good reading. I would ask that the hosts reconsider how they treat the classical Christian education (cCe) community with some of the disparaging comments made in recent episodes. My children are enrolled in a cCe school and have been taught many of the same concepts that are discussed and encouraged on this podcast, not just in their literature classes but in all of their classes. Making general statements about something you have not fully investigated is not helpful. I would suggest that you attempt to gather fellow teachers in rather than bar the gates. I see the opportunity for collaboration here but I hear comments from the hosts that make it seem like there is an “inner ring” that some have missed.
  • Noel-A-Maphone
    The BEST podcast!!
    I look forward every week to listening to Angelina, Cindy, Thomas and special guests share their wisdom and guidance in reading these stories! I have always loved books but had never seen the beauty that is in these stories, until I started listening to them. They have opened my eyes to see how the stories are all talking to each other and it’s so exciting to start making connections! I highly recommend this podcast!!
  • Amesaway
    Literature Discussion
    My (reading) life has improved immensely since starting to follow along with the books read on this podcast. This is the podcast for you if you want to deep dive into good literature and have your thinking challenged. The ecumenical views of the hosts bring a breath of fresh air to the great conversation. The longer I listen the more I am convinced that stories will indeed save the world.
  • Natalieboudreau
    Wonderful podcast
    Delightful!! Love this trio-the poems, common place quotes and insights into how stories will save the world! I’ve listened on and off for years now and always come back for inspiration on what to read and how to read the great books! Thanks Angelina, Thomas and Cindy!
  • lizybent
    I have been listening to this podcast for almost 2 years. I appreciate all I have learned from you. Thank you!
  • shortcri
    Absolutely wonderful. Thank you ladies and Mr. Banks for teaching us so many things and causing us to think about stories in completely new ways- all with grace and humility. Your time is valued and appreciated.
  • Jbz1000
    Simply Love You Guys
    I am getting all choked up thinking about how much this podcast and these reading challenges have meant to me. I’ve always loved reading (and have kept a log since I saw Mr. Biltmore’s in 2000), but this podcast…getting to know Cindy and Angelina as a homeschool mom…the turmoil of hurricanes, our family business, losing loved ones, and just the trials of being alive- I’m so grateful. The reading challenges, beautiful discussions, and the unwrapping of ideas through these episodes has added deeper dimensions to my life and often about explodes my brain! You have all brought me so much joy, and this my whole family. Thank you for what you do. We love your hearts. Y’all are on our prayer list for life 😉
  • turnknob
    I apologize Angelina, Thomas and Cindy
    I’m so sorry it took me so long to write this review. I love y’all so so much. Your podcast helped me through 2020 for crying out loud!! I really wish this was around when I was 11 and I wanted to read all the great books but didn’t know where to start so I started with Little Women and went on from there; reading in spurts and stops for a while, meandering my way through the books that basically plopped in my lap. Then one day, I heard Angelina on the Schole Sisters podcast and that was it. Sorry Schole Sisters but I left y’all for The Literary Life (I still listen to y’all sometimes 🤗). Angelina, Thomas and Cindy have drastically enriched my literary life and therefor let my life as a whole! Y’all are the people I’ve waited for my whole life! If you want to read books that have made it through centuries and want to know how they all connect and talk to each other and have that transform your being, this is the podcast for you. In listening to this podcast, I’ve become a more educated person, a more focused homeschool mom, better Bible reader and lover of God.
  • BJVett
    Favorite podcast.
    I don’t know how to describe what this podcast means to me. The hosts have become friends I get to listen to as I get to digest a book with them, a book I never would have read without their suggestion and certainly would have struggled to think about. I used to be a reader and wondered if that part of me would ever come back. Listening to this podcast has accelerated that return to the love of books and stories AND being reminded of why this matters, giving me an imagination for what is really real. It is so encouraging to me. And all this while being in the season of babies and toddlers.
  • M Elles
    Lots of talk, just not on the topic
    So disappointed with this podcast. An hour in and they have yet to discuss the actual book. I finally just turned it off. They spend too much time expressing their very opinionated views on so many things, except the text itself. Also, one lady who dominates the conversation needs to slow down, not talk so fast, and let the others participate more. This podcast would be so much better if they would discussed the work itself, sharing insights listeners might not have caught in their own reading. I keep waiting for them to get into a deep discussion of the book, but when I get over an hour into the podcast and they still haven’t touched on the story, I know my time is better spent elsewhere.
  • HeidiTalj
    Love this one! I learn so much, it’s so enjoyable to listen to these friends chat about literature and life - come here to be enriched, uplifted and enlightened!
  • Auntintheattic
    The Literary Podcast
    This is my favorite of the book podcasts that I've listened to. It's both interesting and educational in a format that works well for me. It isn't too long, but it's long enough to get into the particulars of the book, the author, and other related material. It's edifying without being snobby nor preachy, nor compromising.
  • I like Dino's
    I love this.
    I always love hearing about books and literature from people who understand and love it. I don’t really have friends who want to talk about things like this with me, so this is both refreshing and dreadfully painful, as all I want is to talk with them too!!😂
  • parvin blackwater
    Great podcast
    I really appreciate this podcast! The hosts are wonderful and they choose incredible books. I’m currently working through their series on Till We Have Faces (a true masterpiece!)
  • Gspences
    Lacks professionalism
    Hosts seem unprepared and use a great deal of slang in their conversation. They talk over one another repeatedly. Program could be condensed to 30 minutes max with appropriate editing. Rather disappointing.
  • Jenny Pancake
    Best podcast ever. I laugh and cry, and always finish each episode feeling like I’ve grown in knowledge and love for books. The hosts are personable and easy to listen to; they’re experts in literature but still humble and gracious. I truly think this is the best podcast ever. Thank you Cindy, Angelina, and Thomas!
  • simply_alicia
    Life Changing
    This podcast has changed me and encouraged me in so many ways. I’m so thankful specifically to Cindy and Angelina as they wrestle with the ideas of education. It’s a constant encouragement to me as a homeschool mom of four. I’m so very thankful for the wisdom and insight here.
  • Bearbits
    All the episodes are fantastic. The Mansfield Park series was phenomenal! This is encouraging my husband and me to up our reading games.
  • Summerchaser
    A wealth of literary knowledge & insight - with humor
    Episodes are packed with rich, well-researched, and fascinating wisdom about the stories they discuss. Angelina, Thomas, and Cindy are delightful to listen to, both in explaining and discussing content and in their warmth towards each other. I’ve discovered plenty of new books to love as well as learning to enjoy my favorites even more.
  • Shanananananana029
    My favorite podcast of all time
    I have listened to many bookish podcasts over the years. I love stories and literature. I can’t get enough and podcasts are this busy mama’s way of continuing my education. I’ve noticed since discovering Lit Life that I’m listening to the other podcasts less and less because the riches here are so abundant and the well runs deep between just listening in, participating in the Facebook group, listening in to their sister podcasts, taking classes and conferences Cindy, Angelina, and Thomas offer, and joining their patreon accounts for even more content! These are my people! The work they do here is so important and they sure make it fun! This podcast is the best of the best! It’s encouraging me in my literary life for sure, but I come away feeling like a more equipped mama too when it comes to sharing my love of story with my family. If there were a Golden Globe or Oscars of podcasts these 3 hosts should have decorated mantles! Love me some Lit Life! Thank you Cindy, Angeline, and Mr. Banks!
  • CMarie05
    The best English class❤️
    I am LOVING this podcast. Dissecting some of my favorite books. I feel like I’m getting to go back to English class for an hour as an adult and I’m HERE FOR IT!!!
  • sweetwater_y_sol
    I’m learning so much
    One would probably not expect me to enjoy this podcast so much— I am neither Christian nor would I call myself conservative. However, I do hold many of the same beliefs about education as the hosts of this podcast, and I truly appreciate the literary discussion. I love reading along and then listening and gaining a deeper insight into each work. I also enjoy learning about Christianity, and the beliefs of my fellow citizens. So, it’s been highly enjoyable to listen. If you’re like me, and open to learning from people who do not share your every perspective, give it a listen!
  • jeasgr1979
    Continuing education
    This podcast is the education I always wanted but never had. I’m so thankful for the hosts and the community that is helping me read more deeply and widely with greater understanding. It’s changing what I read and how I read. Knowing I’m reading with a group worldwide helps keep me moving forward and picking up books I never would have chosen on my own! I usually just jump into a podcast when it fits a mood or interest, but this is one I wait for each week!
  • TuliperMama
    My favorite podcast. Ever.
    I recommend this one repeatedly. Thanks for all you do, Angelina, Cindy, and Mr Banks!
  • Ami Mc
    Silas Marner
    Just finished Silas Marner. The book was a bit lost on me, but after listening to the podcasts I have a new appreciation for the book! Thank you! Looking forward to working through some other books with your help.
  • the.candle.lighter
    Transformed Through Stories
    I’ve tried to start this review three times now, but it feels impossible to adequately relate the impact this podcast has had on my life. I’m constantly making connections from one story to another story, or between stories and things happening in the world around me. I never did that before. I’m getting emotional reading stories out loud to my children because I am seeing the gospel deep in their roots. I never did that before. I deleted Instagram because I was so convicted about how I was using it in a dangerously ambitious way; I’ve been convicted about ambition in my life in general. I never noticed it before. The list goes on. I feel like I am finally waking up from the memorize-for-the-test, story-less early education that put me to sleep. I’m curious again. Being guided in how to read good stories by gracious people will do that. Thank you Cindy, Angelina, and Thomas. Your humility, humor, and evident delight for good stories regularly encourages me in my literary life. I hope to shake your hands and thank you in person someday.
  • mr.balderon
    Fills the Literary Hole in My Soul
    I was so thrilled and saddened to finally find the class I was looking for all my life my senior year of college - Literary Theory. Upon graduating ten years later than expected, I had read so many books and only now was learning how to properly unpack all the literature that was passed down to me. I have been devouring these podcasts during my very busy work days and find myself uplifted and inspired to write even after putting in long hours. Thank you Angelina, Thomas, & Cindy the Blonde Bombshell herself, for being my new friends and guides into the wonderful world of literature and back again. If you find yourself in need of some excellent literary analysis or you just want to geek out over the classics, prepare your pallet for a formidable feast! - Ashley Bea Fouch
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