Help Wanted

Business #30

Do you have a work problem? We have solutions.On Help Wanted, Entrepreneur editor in chief Jason Feifer and money expert Nicole Lapin help you stay ahead of the curve and make money doing what you love — no matter if you’re trying to impress your boss, or if you ARE the boss.Want some help? Email for a chance to have your work question answered on the show!

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Recent Reviews
  • Jason_King01
    Informative and Relatable
    If you’re looking for career advice that’s both informative and relatable, look no further than this show. Nicole and Jason are fantastic!
  • S_Wilson04
    It’s the perfect mix of inspiration and practical tools
    Listening to Help Wanted feels like getting advice from two wise but super relatable mentors. Jason and Nicole have this incredible ability to break down complex career and life issues into manageable steps. Their episode on overcoming procrastination hit so close to home. I’ve already started using their strategies, and it’s working!
  • JSmith_98
    One of my favorite Podcast
    This has quickly become one of my favorite podcasts. Jason and Nicole cover topics that so many of us deal with but don’t always talk about, like burnout and handling rejection. Their stories and actionable tips make me feel like I’m not alone in figuring out my career path. After every episode, I feel more motivated and better equipped to handle whatever comes my way.
  • OliviaD*
    Help Wanted
    A fantastic resource for anyone facing career challenges. With Nicole’s financial expertise, they dive into real-world problems with humor and vulnerability, sharing personal stories and solutions that are practical and relatable.
  • JessCanseco
    Thank you both!
    I’ve struggled with business “advisors” and accountants for years…Nicole and Jason are the real deal! 🙏🙏
  • Nikki_Tle
    I feel so seen!
    "Can I Pivot A Failed Romantic Partnership to a Business Partnership? Help!" had me literally laughing out loud the whole time. I love how you truly take the premise of the podcast and take all of those situations we don’t know what to do with and break them down. Nicole - I’m not dating in the same circles you are, but I feel so seen from listening to your online dating experience! There is no ROI on dating. It’s not like sales, it’s like recruiting. ;) But the time time is only sunk if you don’t take something away from it personally or professionally. Mine has been interesting enough that I’ve started my notes for a book. I absolutely love all of both your podcasts!
  • sydwms
    7/25 ep on salary 6/13/23 ep on giving advice
    7/25/23 the fact you say you know most of your coworker salaries is disingenuous to saying it makes a difference they know yours. Maybe that transparency across the board in corp worlds will start to show how ridiculous ceo and exec pay is in this country. 6/13/23 I’m not sure women prefer comfort over advice as much as they prefer support or the opportunity to vent or think out loud without hearing how someone…often a man…can fix the thing. All boils down to relationship agreements in some respect
  • mspassell
    3647 stars!!!
    Jason and Nicole share real examples, not just strategy or vague ideas. Help Wanted is packed with optimism and actionable advice that you can take and steal. It’s fun to hear about other people’s experiences and problems, but also really helpful.
  • Bmien11
    Fun and helpful
    This is a great listen! Tons of good info.
  • jayscherr
    You need to listen to this podcast!
    Jason and Nicole make an excellent team and share so much great information that is helpful to anyone interested in getting ahead and making more money doing what they love. Looking forward to listening to future episodes!
  • ofe1kanofee
    Approachable and Entertaining
    These two are great! Looking forward to season 3. Long time listener. Thanks guys!
  • Gary 3BM
    Practical Personal Finance Advice
    I listen to a lot of personal finance podcasts and most are boring, technical and can be difficult to follow along. Jason and Nicole talk about a lot topics that we should all have learned about in school. I love the upbeat tone and findit entertaining to lsiten too. I just started a side hustle and so happy they had an entire episode dedicated to it.
  • ScaryifLiteral
    Must Listen!
    Hush Money offers some great advise here to help people obtain their goals and not drown in their hopes and dreams! It's all about how you spend your time and they do a great job explaining some good methods.
  • XPGC_92
    So Good
    I would bet that all of us have that dream of working for ourselves, but it can be so hard to get there. Achieving our entrepreneurial dreams can be so difficult, but there are proven methods. That's what Nicole and Jason talk about here!
  • shane-sgc
    Jason and Nicole are such likeable hosts. They do a fantastic job of talking through some of the topics that make so many nervous and making it seem approachable.
  • Jlc_1992
    This is a really well-made podcast with tons of helpful information. Great insight about how people build their brand online, especially in these trying times. Really interesting stuff!
  • ShannonOlivia905
    Good & Practical Money Advice
    I really enjoy the upbeat tone and how well Jason and Nicole compliment each other, it makes for easy listening. They cover common, everyday money problems and questions while offering practical solutions to them. I like how Jason and Nicole debate a topic so you are left with forming your own opinion. I appreciate the different point of view they both offer. Keep it up!
  • eelents
    Great Podcast!
    Let me just tell you that Jason and Nicole are such great hosts. Their banter is so entertaining and relatable. I love how informative they are on specific topics finance and business, yet they are able to make it fun and light hearted. I was thoroughly engaged throughout the whole episode. I look forward to listening to more! Keep up the great work!
  • abdorima
    Amazing podcast
    This podcast is amazing. They talk about so many money topics that everyone should know about! We barley learn this stuff in school and that’s why this podcast is so helpful! The hosts together make it very enjoyable to listen to as well!!
  • MThande
    Lacks credibility
    The hosts make judgments on other people’s financial decisions...but lack credibility. They are not fiduciary and they are not financial planners. They both have more experience in journalism and communication than anything else. So I would not recommend taking their advice or listening to this podcast.
  • caitlinmarie005
    So real!
    I love how real this podcast is. So often, I’ll try to bring up the topic of money around friends and family, and no one wants to chat about it. I love the debates and how they’re settled!
  • Kerri Hohn(Solo)
    An Educational, Yet Casual Experience
    The chemistry of the two hosts really makes the show amazing! They've used two different formats -- one in which they take a question from a listener and dive in over the course of an episode and one in which they debate a money topic and have a celbrity judge way in. While I appreciate the debate-style format more, I am still captivated and entertained each episode. The casual nature in which the show discusses tough money subjects is enlightening. The acknowledgement of the need to make smart money moves with the reality that short-term rewards help you meet your long-term goals is refreshing. The hosts identifying that not all solutions will work for all types of individuals is appreciated. Listen to this podcast when you are having trouble being productive with your money. This will be a great introduction into the world of finance podcasts. It'll be fun, and you'll learn something new.
  • Father Stev
    Cool concept, great pacing and well produced. Keep up the great work!
  • Soufflecritic
    Just binge listened
    Jason and Nicole are awesome together! They are really smart and well-versed in finances/business and make uncomfortable topics fun + engaging. Typically the topics would be boring AF but I found myself enjoying this more than any money talk I’ve ever heard or had!!!
  • brookenj
    Love this one
    I found this podcast from She Makes Money Moves. Love this duo!
  • mangoauto235
    Not what I expected being a money nerd and an entrepreneur in the field. There should be a huge disclaimer on this podcast. This is all personal preference of the “judge” and should not be taken as sound finance advice. Things for the team to consider are a legitimate final “judge” that had some credentials in the area they are discussing and can speak intelligently into the topic i.e. family counselor or a fiduciary advisor. I feel like most of what is said could be very dangerous for people to hear who are not educated in these areas.
  • Idotter91
    Fantastic Podcast
    I just found this podcast as Jason mentioned it on Problem Solvers this week and it intrigued me. I was blown away at the chemistry between his co-host and loved the money subject discussed. I will be listening to the rest of the season to catchup before season 2. Great format and interesting questions asked on a subject many don’t discuss -Money!
  • Baseballfreak_10
    Shaky topics made comfortable for the ears
    Nicole and Jason are a blast to listen to! They bring real enjoyable down to earth topics to the table. They then discuss these uncomfortable money topics with each other in a meaningful adult conversation/debate about their “take” or “side” of the topic. Near the end of each episode they bring in a celebrity guest to give their position of the topic, basicly the third party to declare a debate winner, but they also give some wonderful advice about the topic too! Love the show! Highly recommend to anyone!
  • its.illa
    Bring experts
    Good show overall and the topics discussed are important. I wish that the final “judge” on the show was a financial expert or family therapist to advise listeners on what to do when dealing with difficult situations.
  • jkashely
    Love the money talk!
    I love this podcast, it gives some interesting perspectives on some touchy subjects in a really fun way.
  • cteftz
    Finally Someone is Addressing the Elephant in the Room!!!
    This podcast is awesome!! These are topics that are so common, yet no one ever talks about them! Amazing podcast with amazing advice with a buffet of food for thought. Can’t wait for more!
  • PeaceAsia
    Great listen, interesting perspectives and aspiring action
    Great podcast, just listened to episode 6, really great discussion - with one particularly, I hope they follow-up with particle help / links advice for people on their site. Follow through will be really important as they do such a great job breaking down the issues, so please back this with useful resources for people.
  • ttttydfjjhs
    Always a pleasure!
    I love hearing Jason’s advice!
  • intellect penetration
    My favorite podcast !!!!!
    The hosts accurately showcase multiple view points and make the listener feel comfortable in any financial situation.
  • GIrl 232323
    Smart, fun entertaining
    Great Podcast
  • Timothy Blake
    Great idea, meh execution
    A very good premise for a show given the palpable uncomfortableness surrounding money talks in America, but the show doesn’t really help listeners explore solutions. Neither host genuinely challenges the other or delves into meaningful debate; they just sort of sprightly ramble on about their own opinion (which often times boils down to “I don’t know.. that’s just what I feel”) rather than forming structured and coherent arguments. The judges feel so random most of the time and usually sound more confused than the hosts when asked to pick a winner. There doesn’t seem to be much intellectual or cultural diversity on the show to prompt more thought-provoking questions and bring up debate points that both hosts clearly don’t even consider. I could go on, but you get the idea. Feels more like a friendly convo you’d overhear in a trendy coffee shop rather than a debate show.
  • JohnMReviews
    Pretty fun
    Pretty fun but a bit of the vibe “we’re both right”. Also not really a debate/discussion, just taking opposing sides.
  • noelle_cecilia
    Fun yet Focused
    Wanted to jump right in because I love listening to people debate uncomfortable topics—it did not disappoint. Nicole is strong af and holds to her opinions; Jason is as well but asks really good questions to gain insight. Love them both together, love this podcast!
  • Hawaii_5-0
    Great listen!
    Enjoy the topics and the chemistry between Nicole and Jason. Also love the straightforward opinions. Looking forward to more.
  • Drea F.
    Inspired $$
    Loving this show! A friend called me asking for help with a production job in the middle of episode 2 and it inspired me to be transparent about the pay rate. Thanks guys!!
  • Jnymlr
    Funny money
    This show is so fun! Money makes me anxious and I love how this show just goes right at it.
  • DianaLevine
    Informative and entertaining!
    Loved the first episode. I learned a lot, and laughed a lot too—can’t wait to continue listening! (Also I was on Team Jason for this one, for the record!)
  • lawnchairmaniac
    Adding this to my list of cool, new podcasts. Keep them coming!
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