Articles of Interest


Articles of Interest is a show about what we wear.

Produced and Hosted by Avery Trufelman

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Recent Reviews
  • MGrrlH
    Fantastic Podcast
    I adore history and fashion and anthropology, this podcast is such a lovely and smart combination of those and so much more. Delightful!
  • . andie
    Favorite Podcast
    I listen to a variety of podcasts during the week but this is the only one I come back to and re-listen. Thanks Avery šŸ«¶
  • sudojul
    Smart. Well-researched. Fashion.
    As someone who loves fashion as an expression of culture, time, necessity, and identity, I love every second of this thoughtful podcast.
  • GAHmd
    Well done
    The modesty episode was so well done!! Thought provoking and balanced.
  • Suz....
    Clergy episode?
    I am really into this podcast but the Clergy episode showed a way of thinking that I find problematic. Undoubtedly a lot to take the Catholic church to task for but the facile stereotyping of Catholicism that opens the episode, a faith far more complicated and focused on service and good deeds than the easy stereotyping can accommodate? Why? If one tried to pull such an approach with any other faith, forget it. Catholicism isnā€™t a jokey tool or something you have to excuse yourself for even talking about. Not here for the remarkably reductive thinking.
  • Helen from Dallas
    I have always loved Articles of Interest, but I have to say I was particularly enthralled by the episode about (and I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this) human hair for clothes. I loved how the conversation evolved and deepened as Avery got closer and closer to the root of the issue. All in one episode she covered the sustainably of using human hair for clothes, the ethical implications, the cultural idea of hair and what it means to us as humans, the ethical implications of the wool industry, and how major league baseball is keeping said wool industry afloat. Where else can you get all that in just one episodeā€½ā€½ Great work Avery. I know this is a monster of a thing to pull off, but take heart. People are listening!
  • roxursox75
    So well done!
    This podcast always sticks with me. Itā€™s well researched, the story of each episode is always so well told, and each interview is so interesting and compelling. I listen to a lot of podcasts and even a few podcasts specifically about fashion and fashion history, and rarely do any of them stick with me as much as Articles of Interest, Avery just always creates such interesting, nuanced episodes that I think about for weeks and months after listening!! Please keep it up!!! :)
  • KNSont
    Love this show
    I love this podcast. I am not even interested in fashion! But the host is amazing, the subjects are fascinating, and I learn something new and interesting every episode. I just finished Modesty and was a little misty eyed by the end. So well done. I canā€™t say enough good things.
  • jo mccall
    thoroughly researched, beautiful storytelling, one of my favorites
    Avery is incredible at looking at different facets fashion through an anthropological lens. I love how she brings in a variety of experts and tries to tell a fuller story of our relationship to fashion. Such a treat to listen to; I look forward to every episode.
  • Eva C H
    Iā€™ve listened to and enjoyed every episode of this show, and want to offer special praise for the modesty episode. It is a timely and sensitive exploration of cultural dress codes that are so often misunderstood by outsiders to a particular culture. Enlightening and uplifting. Thank you.
  • fauxmenco
    Avid listener
    This is my favorite podcast of all time. I hope more seasons keep coming!!
  • oldjohnhall
    There are real moments of poetry in the copy of the denim episode. Well done
  • La Manifesta
    History through the lens of clothing and fashion
    I was a fan of Avery Trufelman for years on both the 99% Invisible and Nice Try! podcasts, so I was excited when Articles of Interest spun off as its own podcast. It's a fascinating look into history, through the lens of clothing and fashion. Not only am I always entertained an educated by the episodes, Avery has changed the way I dressā€”I am the proud owner of a Polo Snow Beach Pullover because of the series she did on preppy style. I eagerly await new episodes. And itā€™s worth subscribing to her Substack newsletter as well, which is both a companion piece to the podcast episodes and a source of more things you didnā€™t know you needed to know, but you did.
    I canā€™t get enough of this show!
    The show takes you on a deep dive into detailed aspects of fashion and after every episode I come away smarter, and thoroughly entertained. Keep up the great work!
  • AustinLady78704
    The Robert Caro of podcasters
    Thorough, entertaining, and educational.
  • jjjakaksjjf
    Just brilliant
    I adore this podcast. Always fascinating fun smart and beautifully hosted. Sad there will be so few episodes this season but canā€™t wait to learn more about Averyā€™s book!! Thank you for all you do!
  • Gator412
    A sharp and stylish podcast
    This is such a great show. The amount of detail and care taken with such a ubiquitous topic is amazing. Avery is a really good host and producer, her intonation is some of the best in the podcast world, her interviewees are top notch, and the layout and final product is always engaging. A must listen even if you donā€™t care about clothing at all.
  • JennevaK
    More please!
    This is one of my most cherished shows that I pounce on the minute it comes out, hoping there will be more episodes soon!
  • AliHombre
    Love! Fascinating, engrossing
    Such a great podcast! So many fascinating topics within the broader theme of clothing. You wonā€™t be disappointed.
  • Jojogunne2
    A favorite
    Having listened to 99% invisible, I was already a fan of Avery and love her on her own and sharing such interesting details of clothing and their history. Many of my saved podcasts are Articles of Interest! Thank you, AveryšŸ™love learning from you.
  • RottiWeiller
    Intensely and endlessly interesting!
    Brilliant !! I canā€™t get enough of this podcast, it is so dense it really needs to be a visual documentary so we can see everything but the history behind everything was a joy, and the people interviewed were so obscure and yet so important I canā€™t believe this isnā€™t more widely known. Thank you so much Iā€™ve binged on the whole thing, stop some more!šŸ’ššŸ’ššŸ’š
  • dateeverynight
    Huge fan
    So well written and delivered even better by the host. Her voice is honey, delivered at a nice pace. The information is thorough and even if you think fashion is boring, you may find this entertaining. Much love !
  • Folkie Girl
    Even if fashion isnā€™t your jamā€¦
    Fashion and I are strangers sharing an apartment. I have my style, but I havenā€™t looked at a fashion magazine since I was a teenager. So why am I reviewing a clothing and fashion podcast, and more importantly, why do I listen? Because the show is well researched and written and through it, I begin to understand how and why and when styles and fashions evolved. I care about people and situations I would never have exposed myself to without assistance. Like ex cons and prison clothing. They put peopleā€™s drive to express themselves into context for people who arenā€™t as savvy on the sub cultures. The delivery is serious without an in group speaking to an out group. Thatā€™s appreciated. Greatly. I started with an episode recommended to me, and minutes in, I subscribed.
  • Anarchy Bean
    More than fashion history
    This podcast has so many different angles and perspectives. Every single episode is deep and thought-provoking and engaging. Sheā€™s using the history and technology of fashion as a lens to look at all these other parts of our world and explain how we got where we are. If you love 99% invisible or Dressed, you will love this.
  • Meagan Areading
    Great breadth of perspectives. The interviews are interesting and add to the complexity of each topic
  • Reliableness
    God send
    This was in great part what got me through finals. I love Avery and I really hope she makes more. I will watch, listen and read anything from her.
  • Walrusman01
    A lot of fun
    I loved the initial shot season and Iā€™m so glad itā€™s bigger now!
  • SadieWit
    Learn something new each episode
    I've never considered myself a fashion/clothes person, but this podcast has really inspired me. From the history of denim to the cultural crossroads of Hawaiian shirts, this show educated me on a world right under my nose
  • Glitz && Glamour
    almost perfect
    I think this podcast is incredible and beautiful and precisely researched but I hate outro theme
  • dg5490
    Beautifully Produced Show
    Averyā€™s producing and her voiceover descriptions are so freaking good im constantly in awe of this show
  • aravindas
    So insightful and interesting
    Iā€™m not a fashion person at all but I find such great info, interviews and perspectives in this show. Itā€™s a keeper.
  • Asa 1a3!
    This show is great!
    I am not a fashion person, but I do love curious stories and interesting information. This show is absolutely full of stories that explore the curious connections that make our world what it is. Itā€™s really well done! You should check it out. Youā€™ll never look at clothing the same way again!
  • yellikeh
    More! More! More-please!
    Well researched and doubly informative!
  • Remember Doug
    Avery Is The Best Podcaster
    Between this, Nice Try!, and 99pi, Avery Trufelman is just the best podcaster. Every show she makes, especially this one, is incredible!
  • thegoodbygirl
    Thank you for making the Plus Sizes episode!
    Also much šŸ’œ to Ronald Young Jr. and Sarah Dealy. Iā€™d love to hear more episodes around fat bodies and fashion.
  • Maddstar18
    Thank you and youā€™re welcome
    First, THANK YOU Avery!! This podcast is a true gem and every time I wonder how you are going to craft a whole episode out of something as mundane as ā€œpocketsā€ I find myself completely enraptured and wanting more! Your story weaving is a rare gift and we are all better for it. Second, to the people whom I have babbled to about this podcast and sent episodes with emphatic ā€œyou MUST listen to thisā€ texts, YOUā€™RE WELCOME!! I know, this podcast really is as good as I said and itā€™s okay that you were skeptical at first. Hopefully Avery does more live shows and we can fangirl together.
  • lovestateofundressssss
    Best Podcast without a doubt being made.
    Avery, sincerely thank you for making this show that is thoughtful, intelligent, and very interesting. It gives me hope there are still creative people making quality programming!! It is hands down my all time favorite podcast, I listen to and try many podcasts during the work day and your show is in a class of its own. Great work!! Chris
  • frivolousgravity
    Best Fashion Podcast
    No other pods even come closeā€”this show is a gem. Fascinating, thoughtful, unique.
  • Ann KG
    Not a fashion person, love the show
    Iā€™m not a fashion person, whatever that means, but I love the show. We all wear clothes and the stories behind them are fascinating. Keep it up if you can, Avery.
  • benfrost1980
    The best podcast I know.
    Ms. Trufelman has the best voice in radio. Every episode is a subject I daily encounter but never think about. This is a show for fashion nerds, this is a show for people who know nothing about fashion to find out itā€™s interesting and they care. Thanks for all the hard work on Articles of Interest. I appreciate the quality over quantity. Keep doing live interviews and events and let your listeners know about them!
  • LNDC93
    Absolutely Terrific!
    Avery is incredibly talented and creative, and every element of this podcast is so well done. The interviews, the storytelling, the research, the sound (including her voice) and the insights. I cannot recommend this show enough.
  • Wrhkhg
    Take Your Time with Season 5, Avery!
    The shows are wonderful, whatever you dive into. I have a long drive daily. Articles of interest keeps me on the road. The American Ivy season influenced what I buy. I got a Van jacket from Japan with a dragon embroidered on the back. The coat is great, but linking it into the history I learned from you makes it even better. Thanks.
  • CesarioJKViola
    Fascinating and accessible fashion podcast!
    As someone who knows very little about fashion, I initially wasnā€™t sure if I would enjoy this show. I loved the first episode I heard. It was all about pockets! She takes simple and complex concepts and makes them accessible and interesting. This podcast is fun and well researched! It makes you truly appreciate the clothes you wear and the world around you šŸ˜Š I highly recommend subscribing!
  • Be_Inventive
    Helping my ā€œfun factsā€ become more fun
    I love the way each of these podcasts are written and edited. You really get engaged quickly. Avery comes across as passionate and interested and really makes both her guests and topics shine. Thereā€™s a good structure and flow to everything. I do have to fight the urge to summarize the episodes to everyone the day after listening to an episode. I do still sprinkle things I learned from this podcast into conversations. People do need to know fun facts about ballet shoes. Have recommended to many people; will continue to recommend to people. I look forward to every episode, and havenā€™t found a single episode I disliked.
  • lucG
    The best. Period.
    I love this show. Itā€™s fascinating, well told, and really opened my eyes as a self proclaimed ā€œfashion personā€. I am always so excited when I see a new episode on my feed. Weā€™ll done Avery!
  • Artist + Human
    Podcast excellence!
    Articles of Interest is by far my favorite podcast. Thank you Avery for creating such enjoyable and fascinating episodes. Your hard work is greatly appreciated. I am always interested, inspired and engaged. I also love the accessible sound atmosphere of the entire show (inviting and warm, not at all harsh or jarring) it is a joy to listen to. I canā€™t wait for more, Iā€™ll just have to revisit past episodes until new ones land in my feed.
  • B?$nm!
    ā€œArticles of Interestā€ has become my favorite podcast! I am waiting with bated breath for another season with more episodes!
  • Jamie5555
    This show is amazing.
    Clever, interesting, though provoking, and an informative dive into each topic, this show had me hooked after I listened to my first episode. Avery Trufelmanā€™s voice, cadence, and story telling keeps (me) hooked and I get very excited when an episode is released. Do yourself a favor, subscribe and listen to this show. I can not recommend it more. ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļø
  • margoisssy
    Best fashion and history podcast!!
    Avery pulls me down the rabbit hole of paper dresses, corduroy, or paisley. She uncovers the stories behind these cultural clothing icons by working with experts. I love her work and sometimes wish I could hop into the podcast and make it happen with her. My most recommended podcast to all friends working in and out of fashion. ā¤ļø
  • vwwvvvwwww
    Listen to Articles!
    This is at the top of my favorite podcasts. Smart, intelligent, informative, funny, innovativeā€¦.I am regularly recommending episodes to my art/design students because of their cultural relevance. Definitely have a crush on Articles and cannot wait for more!
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