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Alexis Ellis!My favorite podcast <3This is the only thing that gets me through my 2 hour drives to and from school. All of the different personalities and perspectives on things is so fun to hear. I love that it’s just friends hanging out talking about Disney things that bring them joy. I graduate soon and listening to this podcast is a big reason why I am going to apply for the Disney college program! I love listening to new and old episodes when im in a slump so thank you to everyone who is a part of this.
Joycekarko68Top Disney podcastLove this podcast
DghkkhddhhIt’s good, so farI’ve been listening for a while but started with the first episodes. The episode are super good and I love the old ones, but I’m worried that like many good things, it will come to an end. Some of the episodes without Jerrat just feel empty. One episode that was a gameday felt so quiet. There were only 3 people (no jerrat) but over all I think it’s great.
sam gelsdisneys the happiest podcast on earthl really really love the game days episodes also this is 1 of the greatest podcasts i ever heard you guys did an amazing job i listen to any single episode of your podcast
worse bank everI’m outI’ve tried listening for many months, really trying to like it but it’s hard to listen to. Everyone is always arguing about who is right, who is wrong and who can do it better so to speak. Everyone just complains and shoots the others down. Ayjay is very immature and complaining about the guests is not helpful on a Disney podcast because all of the listeners ARE the guests, it’s rude and disrespectful, not just to the guests but to Disney who works hard to make sure cast members are always presented to the public as happy, helpful, caring people.She just sounds like she’s unhappy with her job and wants to take it out on the guests. Working with the public is never easy but a Disney podcast is not a place to complain about the downfalls of your job.
ETARGirlFeels like being part of a friend groupI love the casual style and feel of this podcast! My bf and I listen a lot and we love participating in the games and commenting on it all with them
the_book_mark_EEEEEEIt goodish
HanstineSurprised with overall ratingsI have seen this podcast around for so long and decided to jump in and listen and there is so much on the episode that shouldn’t be there. Long awkward pauses, clashing personalities (like hosts openly being rude to each other), and I couldn’t get through it.
amoosh90No Disney ContentThe older episodes are great! Everything since Fall 2023 is garbage. All of the hosts who came up with creative content and kept things on track left. The remaining hosts occasionally put out a rushed mess of an episode that may mention some aspect of Disney between their yapping and complaining about their beyond spoiled lives.
Logan :) !Low qualityQuality had gone down a lot in the last year or so. I used to listen frequently, and now i can barely stand it anymore. I used to love all the episodes but now it feels like the episodes are rushed and no thought is put in. I like each hosts individual content WAYYYY more than this podcast. Keep the politics out. Bring the disney back in. I try so hard to listen to this for the disney content but it’s no longer disney content. It’s a yap fest.
baileyandthebearit’s goodI enjoy the content and tips from people who know Disney so well, but it feels awkward to listen to their personalities clash a lot.
Want to gameLeft in shamblesEver since Jarret left it’s been brutal. “Where the magic happens” is where it’s at 1000% better. Aj is terrible. Nick is terrible. I don’t listen to hear your political views.
Josh from Cape MayNot aimed at adults.Probably good for mentally fragile folks in their twenties. Couldn’t get into it. But if this is your demographic, enjoy. They seem nice.
mpc54444Almost unlistenableThe sound quality and programming has sadly made it very nearly impossible to get through an episode.
DisneyFan.It’s Been FunThis show has really gone downhill since Jarrett and Corey left. I have continued listening just to have something to listen to, but recently found out Jarrett and Corey started a new podcast. That one is miles better than where this is and reminds me of what this pod was when it started. I’m assuming the split wasn’t as amicable as portrayed otherwise they wouldn’t have started another pod so quickly, but either way I’m out on this one. Also, I’m sure Nick is a great guy because he seems super nice, but he can be pretty tough to listen too as someone else pointed out, without having the old crew on to balance him out.
Mickey0033Slightly happiestI enjoy the Disney content and honestly really like most of the people on the show, but they really do love to bash certain rides and experiences, and are quite negative about more things than I’d care to hear.
Bobbo-VinWhy is Nick back?The quality of this show plummeted with Nick Foster becoming a regular. When he left you were starting to make a comeback. Now I’ve heard his voice so much in the last month. Stop bringing him back. He is TERRIBLE. One more time and I’m unsubscribing for good
BriannealyseLove this Podcast!I absolutely love listening to this podcast! It reminds me so much of how me and my friends talk about the parks. There have been SO many times where I say a thought I have out loud about a topic being covered and at the same time, one of the hosts will say it too! It really brightens my day listening to yall! Thanks for letting me be apart of the gang!
amber.l.oLove these guys (and gals!)I have been listening to the podcast for the last year or so and honestly I love the smaller cast. Absolutely no hate to any previous members, they were all fun to hear, but it was always so chaotic with different people cycling through episodes and never really knowing what you were going to get. I think the current version of the pod is great! Clearly they love Disney Parks and are always giving me and my family new ideas and perspectives for our vacations, and inspiring game days of our own! This podcast is my weekly dose of Disney in the long stretches between visits to WDW and the cast have become like friends of our family! Keep it up!
wintersetdriveNo starsI followed you to hear about Disney not how much you hate President Trump. Bye
RachS2018Sorry HunterI’m so bummed Hunter got left behind in the divorce. I tried to give you guys a chance when you guys had a change in personnel a few months back but you don’t have enough people to balance out Mel and AyJay. They have literally ruined the show. P.S. Justice for Hunter in the Flower and Garden episode. If Nick and Hunter had treated Mel the way Nick and Mel treated Hunter she would have been in tears. Haven’t we outgrown bullying each other? And by the way… IT WASN'T A GAMEDAY! This podcast isn’t worth the download anymore. Sorry Hunter. I loved playing along with your GameDays.
Murphy3821Great podcastLove this podcast and the crew that has decided to stick around amongst recent departures. The fact that all current hosts either are or previously were Disney cast members makes it that much more special, as the insight and opinions seem to carry just a little more weight. While this may just be one Disney podcast amongst many, the conversations, personalities, and content make it seem like you’re a part of a group of friends discussing a common love for the theme parks. Can’t wait to see how this new version of The Happiest Podcast on Earth continues to develop and grow.
Canadian’sWifeI feel like they’re family.Short Version: Wonderful and fun Disney Podcast Long and Emotional Version: I found this podcast in May 2020. My then husband had just left us and it was just me and my 1 year old on our own. I listened to this podcast at every new episode drop and went back and listed to all of them I had missed up to that point. I got on the Facebook lives when my working schedule would allow. This group of friends made me feel not so alone in a time when I felt like I was drowning and had nobody. Plus they talk about my favorite place on the planet! I had done a review for them before but I had to create a new Apple account so that’s why my review is “just now” coming through. It’s much more emotional than my last because I’m okay putting all of this out to the world now. I will never be able to put in to words how truly blessed I am to have found this podcast back then. Fast forward: I have divorced the awful man 😅, spent a while as a single mom just me and my kiddo, and ended up finding an amazing man and now we’re married, he adopted my son, and we have a 6 month old together 😁. Also, after years of financially struggling to recover from my ex I am FINALLY able to afford being a Patreon member thanks to my amazing new job and I am so excited!!
Slay queen💕❤️Omg I love your pod castOmg so true facts 🫨😘
111119837Game day suggestionHi! I have been listening for a little bit now and I really enjoy this podcast! I have two game day suggestion 1) I know you have already done two of these but I would enjoy another finish the lyrics 2) guess the movie, where you play a scene or song from a movie then guess the movie These are just suggestions and I don’t expect you to make an episodic on these but would really appreciate it if you could!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
seaweedd_I’ve given it a few triesI completely agree with the other reviews saying it sounds like a fraternity making a podcast. I’ve tried listening to them on a few occasions and coincidentally ended up both times listening to the one dude-bro talk about how drunk he got at Epcot on new years the last two years, and how excited he was that some girl who wasn’t his girlfriend saved him. This podcast lacks the magic that the other Disney podcasts have.
B. NanGood, but game day pods are notI used to look forward to the game days but my goodness the 1/12 pod was excruciating to listen to.
human 🦁I love your guy’s podcastI live no where near any parks and I have only been to Disney world twice , but I have a big dream of being an imagineer! You guys help me feel like im up to date with anything in the Disney parks . Even though one of my favorite podcast members just left , I will always continue to listen ( I have been a constant listener for 3 years) . I love you guys so much and you inspire me to share the love of Disney with all of the people around me . My favorite episodes are game days , but I love all of them . You guys have made my year better .
M6maniacAMAZING PODCAST!One of the best!!!!!
Andy102318Adjust mic volume to equallyIt was hard to listen to the 2023 review episode because all of the mics were at different volumes. One dude yells into his while the other one whispers through his nose into his. The opening is super loud also. Better editing is needed here.
umpeggyLove thisOriginally was going to be a podcast to get me to sleep, but it didn’t work because I liked it to much. haha! Listen to it a lot now and recommend you to listen to it and get some Disney magic into your day!
Brooke HuffNot just a goodbyeI have been listening to this podcast pretty much since day one, I remember walking in my neighborhood during Covid and getting those little Disney touches through this podcast. I will be a big listener, until the day they say their final goodbye. Seeing some of the core members of the podcast leave makes me sad, but I am so excited to see all the new excitement that will be brought to this podcast. THIS IS BY FAR MY FAVORITE DISNEY PODCAST!!!!! Living in Louisiana, it’s not easy to get to the parks, so getting a little hint of Disney magic on my routine drive to work, or drive to the grocery store, just brightens my day. Keep doing what you’re doing cast, you mean so much to so many of us!!!!!!! Walt would be proud!
Mindi - Everyday DizI wish I had Friends like this 🥰I have been wanting to write a review for a long time and just kept putting it off, sorry 😢. I’m finally doing it now though and first off I just want to say a huge THANK YOU!!!! The shows you all put out seriously help me a lot! Not just in getting to enjoy Disney content since it will be a long time before I can go to parks again, but also helping with the anxiety & depression I have. I am starting sooo late in life trying to make some Disney dreams come true, but all of your stories and life experiences just keep my hopes up! I absolutely wish I had friends like all of you because you all have your own amazing personalities and life experiences that is sooo great to hear about. I know your podcast might not be for everyone and I honestly don’t agree with everything said all the time, but I think it is refreshing to hear what everyone thinks and get different perspectives. I believe this is what makes your podcast unique and fantastic. I like each of you for what you bring, but I have to say that Nick is my long lost BFF!!! I connect with what you say sooo much and I love your Dr. Foster episodes! Just all around you guys and gals are the best and please never stop bringing all the amazing Disney content to the world🥰🥰
Honestly Spoken 123I’m ShookI absolutely love your show. But when you reimagined MNSS and made the Laugh Floor a whole new show, I was shook! I’m never been so excited for something! What do we have to do to make this happen?!?! Thank you for being the best part of my Friday mornings!
dhhtxgusgbufThe best Disney podcast yet!I have been listening to this podcast for years now and it has not stopped keeping me entertained! All the cast members are amazing and all of their energy’s combine to create some of the funniest moments. Thank you guys for turning my boring days into fun days and helping me keep the Disney blues away!!! Keep up the amazing work!!
gmduubbbgBest Podcast EVER!Do you suffer from post-Disney world depression? Do you constantly find yourself humming small world while doing housework? Are you resorting to having conversations with your collection of Mickey stuffed animals at 2 AM? These are all signs of a common illness, called a midlife Disney crisis. But never fear! Doctors have analyzed this condition, and have a prescription that works with a 100% guarantee! Grab your earbuds and a cup of captain coffee, the Happiest Podcast on Earth is here to save the day! Whether you are in the car, doing housework, or at the gym, this podcast is the perfect companion for any Disney lover. There is something for everyone, including game days, park reviews, and Disney vacationing advice. If you love Disney, this is the place to be. Don’t scroll on by, start listening!! :) -Lydia
CoriesmagicaladventuresLove it!Perfect podcast to listen to on my flight to Disney 🤩
Fantasmicfan827I think I'm addictedI absolutely love this podcast! I can't stop listening to episodes. I found out about this podcast through AyJay's Instagram and immediately fell in love with show. The cast is so great and has such great vibe! The show has such a homey and warm vibe that makes it feel like you're actually there. It is my favorite Disney podcast I've listened to!!! I love it!
LinsinaI look forward to driving now!I have an hour commute each way to work every day and had been struggling to stay awake. I decided I needed to try out podcasts. I found this and I’m hooked! As a former CP I’ll never recover from that post Disney depression and need constant Disney in my life. This is such a fun group with the BEST conversation topics and they’re often interactive which is great for keeping me awake on my drives! I’m a mom of 2 littles and I hope they don’t want to listen to music bc too bad were listening to ranking the top magic kingdom restaurants and deciding which animatronic we want to be! Game days are my favorite. The creativity in coming up with those is so impressive. And I can play along too! I also love the fun facts from the former/current CMs. I just love this podcast. Thanks for sharing your happy little conversations with us. Ps- my first episode Nick was talking about his boys and one of the dudes said “can you stop talking about your kids for a second?!” And he said “no and I never will” and from that moment on Nick has been my favorite!
Stitchlover98I want to be AyJay’s best friendIm a relatively new listener, but long time Disney fanatic. I love the pod and have binged almost every episode in the last couple weeks. I have a job that can get intense so being able to pop in my earbuds and listen to the pod which transports me to my happy place, Disney, is such a joy and makes the day go by faster. Also I love AyJay’s energy and just want to be her best friend!! The rest of y’all are great as well. Fridays were already the best day of the weekend and they get even better when there is a new episode out. :) Crystal
futuredisneyimagineer✨Great pod!Love this podcast I’ve been listening since day 1! I get really bored when I have to do chores and this pod keeps me going on my chores as a 11 year old! When my mom went into the hospital in December this podcast brought a smile to my face! Every week their was a new episode I would listen and I would be happy again! Nick is so inspiring and positive! Andrew is very slay. AyJay is one of my favorite people on the pod because of her chaotic energy! Hunter be more positive! Mel is a Angel and a amazing person! Not much to say about marky mark he’s not on very much! Jarett is not grumpy (most of the time)! Cory is VERY FUNNY! Dusty slay! Squeaks he’s ok….🤣 Keep on going everyone! Keep making Disney magic come to life✨✨💫 -Audrey 💜🩷🩵
SurlySarlaccShelbsTruly The Happiest Podcast on Earth!!I grew up in a Disney and theme park loving family, so it has always been a huge part of my life! As I got older, my tolerance for thrill rides has declined, which really affected my view of theme parks in general. But after a trip in 2021 (my first trip since being 21+ lol), I fell in love all over again! There’s so much more to Disney than I experienced as a child. That led me to finding this podcast. I’m a huge foodie and cocktail connoisseur, so I would love more food/bev content! It’s so fun to listen to this podcast and feel connected to other Disney-loving adults. My sister also listens, so it’s fun to talk to her about it! I particularly love game days! Just as a special shout-out, I get particularly happy when Jarrett, Hunter, Nick, and AyJay are on the pod. Keep it up you guys, fingers crossed that one day our path’s cross and we can meet!
Bandied fBest podcast out thereI’ve been listening to this podcast consistently for a little over 2 years now and words can’t describe the appreciation I have for not only the cast but for the podcast itself. I fell into a very deep Disney rabbit hole at the start of the pandemic and was very lucky to stumble upon the happiest podcast on earth. I instantly fell in love with the friendly banter and the flow of the podcast itself. I always look forward to listening in on my rides home every morning from work. There is not one episode that isn’t an absolute hit. Keep up the great work!
BeetzWife_21Vibes are unmatchedAs a Disney adult/millennial, this group feels very close to what my in person conversations are like with my own friends. I’ve been listening for a while now, the show is organic, and every person is so different that it creates an interesting and entertaining flow throughout each episode. I love the different perspectives everyone has from Nick’s “positive dad” POV, to Jarett’s more realistic POV, Ayjay’s upbeat cast member/ Gen-Z POV, even Mel’s borderline pretentious/ princess-like views all add to the show. Hunter’s game days are hilarious, the topics each week are always something fun and different, and it just adds a little Disney magic to my week.🩷🏰
Kelsey ReillyI rate this podcast 5 mickey ice creams!!Happiest podcast on earth?? More like happiest podcast in the entire universe! If you need a boost of dopamine then give this podcast a listen! Every episode is a blast to listen to…I feel the biggest reason is because you can tell how close the cast really is. It feels like I’m just hanging out with my friends! If you are not a Patreon member then what the *insert Mickey laugh* are you doing??
G loves OswaldI just started listening to the podcast and it’s awesomeIt’s good and funny I love all you your all so funny I’m going on a trip to Disney world and if I didn’t find this I would have never known that some of you have weird opinions on characters and are awesome at ranking hope you guys make these for at least another 3 years
attheologyBest Podcast EVER!!!If you’re tired of hearing the same old Disney content, you’ve come to the right place. The Happiest Pod is so much fun and so positive!! Immaculate vibes. I’ve been listening for years and the Podcast has gotten me through some tough times. I feel like a lot of Disney fan media over the years has gotten really negative, bitter, and gatekeep-y, but not here!! My only complaint is that I feel there should be more women on the cast. The guys are great and super fun, but right now there are only two women on the cast so sometimes there are episodes with no female input. The ladies are so busy and I’d never expect them to drop *everything* *every* week to record, but if there were more women on the cast, maybe the cast would be a little more even. Regardless, love this podcast, love these folks, and I know I’ll support them for years to come 💕
Beagle819Love This PodcastHello! My name is Delaney and I am a teenager living in North Carolina. I had the chance to go to disney for a school trip this year and fell in love. I have wanted to go back and miss it so much! This podcast makes me feel closer to the parks and know about everything, I am able to play the games with you guys and listen to the rankings. This podcast is literally makes me the happiest person on earth. Thank You so much for creating this podcast and can’t wait to here more! - Delaney
unk66So proud to be part of the Happiest ArmyI love this podcast. It brings me the joy that I miss not being at the parks! Support them on Patreon so that you can be a part of the virtual night. Shout out to the crew from the virtual nights. Hunter game days are so amazing even if AyJay cheats. Nick is so needed to equal out the grumpiness of Jarrett. The only thing that we need more of is Marky Mark and Mel singing more! Special shout out to Corey for spelling his name the right way! Andrew you rock too!
ZieRazThe ending is the best partThat tagline sounds terrible, 😝 but I mean that I love the way they end the show. It’s always chaotic and never scripted and it just feels real. I love the game days, the deep dives into the lands and rides and restaurants of Walt Disney World, and the multiple personalities works great for this show. I have been listening for a little over a year now and haven’t missed an episode. Keep it up, guys!
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