Feminine as F*ck


Sometimes the truth is hard to hear. Sometimes it’s a little triggering and very uncomfortable. Yet, we all know that this space is where the true magic happens. Luckily for you, Monica Yates is like the best friend you never had. She gives it to you straight, without all the fluff, so that you can pursue more of what you desire in love, relationships and career. From emotional and energetic trauma/blocks to health, period problems, business and manifestation, Monica helps you get out of your own way to become the version of you that has only been a dream, until now.

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Recent Reviews
  • Lilsmils
    Empowering, Insightful, and Full of Wisdom
    She’s absolutely amazing! I’m not sure how this podcast ended up on my list or who recommended it, but I’m so glad it did. She’s incredibly wise and clearly walking in her purpose. It’s evident she loves what she does, and it’s a joy to listen to her. As an entrepreneur in my late 30s, I find her insights and energy inspiring. She consistently drops nuggets of wisdom and has a remarkable ability to challenge your perspective, encouraging you to consider new viewpoints. One of the things I value in a podcast is that spark of curiosity that makes you want to keep listening and exploring—and she definitely has that!
  • belle897
    Monica feels like having a rejuvenating chat with your best friend! She hilarious and provides so much value that is delivered in a clear and concise way. My #1 podcast😍
  • CarlottaIT
    Empowering and authentic
    This podcast has been a game-changer for me. Monica's raw and honest approach to discussing feminine energy, health, and personal growth is both refreshing and empowering. Each episode feels like a heartfelt conversation with a close friend, filled with practical advice and deep insights. Monica’s authenticity and expertise have helped me connect more deeply with my true self and navigate my personal journey with confidence. If you’re seeking genuine empowerment and transformation, this podcast is a must-listen!
  • RBari777
    My favorite new podcast
    I love Monica’s confidence and approach to feminine energy, manifesting, money, and more. Now my favorite podcast I listen to ❤️
  • jenna450000
    Deeply Honest
    I am absolutely obsessed with Monica’s podcast! Not only does she frame things in ways that are so easy to understand, you can tell she deeply cares about helping women rediscover the feminine selves. As someone who is constantly living in my head and in masculine all the time, I appreciate that she provides so many helpful tips in how to reground myself. This is such a great podcast to have in your toolbox if you’re looking for ways to find more pleasure in like in a way that is authentic to YOU and doesn’t feel like a laundry list of additional things to do.
  • JessiOhhh
    Great content, but she speaks so fast!
    I love the content, but I have to slow her down because she speaks so fast that it gives me anxiety. I listen to these podcasts on my drive, but I like for it to be calm. I have to really slow it down to make it comforting to me.
  • Tarr2019
    Sales pitch galore!
    Probably has good content however it is sales pitch after sales pitch so the content stops being meaningful and episode then gets annoying and loses credibility
  • yogi_amanda
    So much goodness!! 👑💋💦
    I consider this podcast a gift, and I’m so thankful I found Monica (originally in 2019) through this platform! Over the years I’ve worked with Monica 1:1, in group her programs, and in person. It’s been so healing and expansive. ❤️ Thank you Monica ❤️
  • Mikey-dey
    business oriented
    Potential to be great. The podcaster has lots of wisdom and shares her plentiful knowledge, however whenever possible uses the podcast to plug her companies. For example in the throat chakra episode, she mentions the only true way to heal your trauma is to go through her “plan” that costs money. Then continues by saying we should get off instagram but in the same breath says we should turn on HER notifications (this earns her money). Everything feels business & money driven which is sad because it could be a wonderful podcast. It’s not worth sitting through the business pitches each episode though (to the author: sorry; they are not subtle).
  • Cath22F
    I think there is some good information buried within the episodes. However, I’m too distracted by Monica yawning, reading texts aloud, interacting with her pets, etc between the content. Also each episode I’ve listened to just seems like a guide for how to utilize her classes.
  • SEAS6413
    Life changing! You NEED to listen to this!
    I’ve been following Monica for a while now and she is truly amazing! Everything she says is literal gold! I’ve learned so much from her podcasts.
  • little_sloane
    Took me on a personal journey
    I found Monica through Courtney Swan’s podcast but didn’t listen to her podcast up until a few months ago. When I tell you my entire life has done a 180 since since I started doing her meditations. Meditation has changed the game for me, and Monica really teaches you about manifestations, trauma, the power of the universe. I’m a functional medicine practitioner myself and being able to immerse myself in my body through meditation has helped me move through SO much unhealed pain I never realized was weighing me down. I can’t wait to bring this to my clients. Monica will always be a mentor for me in terms of trauma and living the life you were meant to. I have learned SO much. I hope one day to work 1:1 with her in the future. Thank you Monica!
  • Izzy Defrancesco
    Amazing/ game changer
    I wish I had listened and found Monica’s podcast a while ago. Her tips for balancing your hormones and just existing as a woman are ridiculously helpful. This seriously will help you if you have struggled with bad periods, confusing lifestyle choices, and not knowing how to tap into your feminine energy.
  • kougher
    Refreshingly honest
    I stumbled upon this podcast and have bed stuck ever since! I love the topics and guests. It seems very authentic to me and it’s relatable. I’m def an avid listener!
  • halvie2013
    Just found Monica
    I recently found how in my masculine energy I am and these podcasts have been soooo eye opening! Can’t wait to listen to them all
  • KT SeaWave BB
    Always enjoy Monica’s Podcast!🩷
    Monica is always someone I love listening to! She has a fun personality and shares a lot of insight and tips. I like hearing her opinions and love her podcast. Definitely recommend!
  • Manu__T
    Surrender + Savor ✨
    Monica is gifted, genuine and warm. I love her no-nonsense yet gentle communication style in every podcast. My favorite episode is her analysis on the Barbie movie. This line of work is a calling and Monica delivers wisdom in way that makes me excited to learn more about myself, my lover and my path forward. Enjoy! ✨
  • AliciaK1198
    Perfect for the feminine journey!
    Monica has been the perfect voice of wisdom I’ve needed on my feminine journey. Her episodes are easily digestible and packed with juicy feminine tips. Love love love
  • Marymc4
    Barbie episode was amazing!
  • ISouthworth
    Great Barbie episode! So glad you have this channel to discuss such topics!
  • Thgfhh
    Love the Monica and her content! Really informational and entertaining! Fixed my period pain!
  • Ashleigh Carolyn
    The vibe is ✨
    Adore this podcast, constantly sending episodes to girlfriends and clients, and just grateful it exists.
  • tiffanyselene
    the best!!
    I was first introduced to Monica as a period coach, and not only has she healed my cycle, but also my life and business ❤️ and old episodes are just as amazing as the new ones too!
  • Jordanvon
    The Best Ever
    I am so happy I found this podcast, I have learned so much and I am starting to feel better connected with myself and my mind. I feel like Monica takes a completely different approach to these self help podcast. Not everything is #girlboss which can be completely over done and used. She gives it to you straight. Even if the podcasts I am listening to is not something I feel applies to me personally I still like the fact that I am learning! And that is one thing I want to do more is educate myself on topics you don’t normally think about. Ex. Tracking Period Cycle. I think everyone should give this podcast a listen.
  • Foxyhart
    Thank you Monica
    A coworker showed me her, I listened to her podcasts and after about a year I’m finally going to take one of her classes. I’m so excited, she always has fantastic advice and I can’t wait to see what the full experience is like in the HER program!
  • mommajo8
    Oldie but goodie
    My daughter brought you podcasts to my attention. I am 63 and have found you delightful, and very informative. I am pretty sure I will be listening to all your podcasts😘
  • mghnhrtmn
    This podcast is no-fluff and one of my favs!
    Monica is so wise and insightful and gifted at really distilling information into an easy to understand way. Her episodes are always filled with great content that you’re not hearing anywhere else. I highly recommend the episode about how to protect your time and environment —full of practical takeaways!
  • Jaimieb16
    Monica’s podcast is life changing
    I have spent years and lots of money following female life coaches who embody the “feminine” and “coach” you on business strategy, but not ONE of them ever spoke about trauma the way Monica does. I never understood the real reasons I was being held back in life, love and business until this podcast. Monica is the real deal, and will truly change your life. Thank you Monica for all you do!
  • Schrock Leona
    I found this podcast last year and literally changed my life. In fact I’ve felt guilty for listening this long before writing a review as to have someone impact your life that much needs to be acknowledged and I want to thank you Monica! You’ve helped me embody who I am when I feel heavy in my masculine I ALWAYS go to your podcast. Your messages comes with a punch so juicy and so raw and real totally appreciate it and how you talk about the things most won’t! Literally wait each week for the next episode to drop or I’ll listen to an episode twice which is very rare for me. Thank you for being the Queen you are and changing lives all across the world!! 🔥💋
  • Riggs444
    Fabulous and Feminine - So grateful for you!
    I started listening to Monica about 2 years ago when I was looking for someone, anyone talking about how to still be a feminine woman and be a huge success. She is the one! I’m older, but I love my matching lingerie, girlie things, flowers, my dogs, shopping, but also being successful in business. I had noticed how many of my still single friends - all women - all doctors, lawyers, other professionals - have become so “angry feminist”… and dare I say divorced and alone and they cannot figure out why? I don’t want to be that woman. We deserve so much more by being ourselves and embracing who we are as women. I needed to hear these podcasts, even the ones that are not necessarily for me at my age, I always learn something. There is so much here and just a vibe that is so refreshing. Honesty. Truth. Power. And healing our traumas is so important. I have not yet been to anything in person, but I will. So very happy to find Monica and really soak in what she has to say. Totally life changing if you’ll listen and do the work. I share Unedited with friends all the time so they can stop emasculating all their dates etc. I just love Monica and am so glad she is doing all this for so many women. Brava!
  • tayyyytayy
    One of my faves!
    I love this podcast, it’s certainly one of my favorites! I have learned so much from them, as well as from Monica’s Instagram. The knowledge has helped me work through a breakup, as well as help me come off of hormonal birth control with ease and balance my hormones after. The first time that I tried to do that was before I knew about Monica, and it was a disaster.
  • Niccmarie
    Love this podcast
    I gain so much value from this podcast! Monica shares so much information, wisdom, and nuggets through her personal experience and working with clients. I have been able to both reflect on her advice and put it into practice. She keeps me very engaged (and is not afraid to dive into the deep topics)and is truly passionate about helping people live out their greatest potential.
  • kj stevenson
    This podcast has truly changed my life and the way I think. Monica, the host, often says take what you want and leave the rest and it gives you the freedom and openness to hear what you need to hear at that time. I love it!
  • Piarlastra
    Love this for everyone!
    I found Monica last year and I am so glad I did! This podcast will give you realness based on facts and will blow your mind in the best way possible! I have learned so much and derived so much value out of it. It has helped me view my life differently which has helped me gain clarity in a lot aspects that I was struggling. Make some time for this as it can only add value to your life ❤️
  • Josephine Fisherrr
    Life changing!!!
    Monica is a bundle of energy who delivers her message in an entertaining, wild, fun, and feminine way! My relationship with men has completely changed thanks to this podcast! I look forward to every new podcast as an opportunity to look inward and raise my energy!
  • victoriaant
    Life changing!
    I started following Monica on Instagram several years ago (I forget how I found her). At that point in life I wasn’t ready to dive deep into her messaging, but in 2021/2022 that all changed. I started binging her podcast and by the end of the year was working with her 1:1. My sessions with Monica changed my life - I had the CRAZIEST synchronicities, energy shifts, trauma releases, and deep healing while working with her in November that have continued into the present! I can’t recommend this podcast and her programs enough. She’s the real deal.
  • ASAddison
    Thank you Monica! You are spot on about the necessity of support in your business - you can’t do it all - it’s so easy to burn yourself out because you want to do it all. “True female leadership is masculine structure”, prioritizing your health, and having boundaries.” All so true! I loved this episode…
  • Brittany Herzberg
    My boyfriend actually found Monica’s podcast. And I couldn’t be more grateful! As the breadwinner in my relationship, I have so many aha moments listening to this podcast. This is a must listen show for women
  • Stephie5798
    I stumbled across this podcast by accident when I was googling negative consequences of birth control in 2019. I have not looked back since and have learned so much from Monica which has led to so many amazing changes in my life- better relationship, more confidence, more pleasure every single day and more contentment overall. Worth every minute to listen and relisten and relisten again!
  • katg97
    So SO good!!
    This was my most listened to podcast in 2022. I’ve learned SO much from Monica just from her podcast! She is funny, grounded, relatable and a wealth of knowledge. I also love that she has so many different topics that she discusses - I feel like I can always pick up something new from each episode. 😊
  • Caroline Noone
    Multidimensional Magic
    I really enjoy tuning into this podcast! The episodes are filled with humor, fun, lightness while also being incredibly informative and thought provoking. Each one taking you deeper into yourself! Monica has great energy and shares her wisdom on a multitude of life topics in a way that really lands. Grateful for this space & these episodes!
  • madeline and eli
    Perfect for everyone
    I LOVE Monica and her podcast. I know her personally and she is the most integral human I know! This girl is REAL and shares the real! Have fun scrolling and reading all the topics. There’s something for everyone no matter what stage of life you’re in.
  • Shay Shahzadi
    Feminine boss
    Been following Monica since 2019 and her growth has been incredible. Her podcasts are entertaining and to the point. I feel like I’m talking to a best friend while listening Siri g my drives and walks. Truly inspirational and well versed on all she speaks about. She’s embodied and walks the talk.
  • Mindy2234
    Monica is on fire! Absolutely love this podcast, so much down-to-earth wisdom ❤️She is a breath of fresh air. Her view on relationships and love have really changed my perspective. I always look forward to her new episodes. Thank you, Monica!
  • BDTS6123
    So many nuggets of wisdom!
    I’ve been listening to Monica for a couples years now and there’s always SO many good takeaways! I referred back to episodes many times and gotten new bits out of it. I’m becoming a better woman thanks to Monica!
  • Chris47752889
    I look forward to every episode!
    I love this podcast, Monica’s energy and message, and all the unpopular opinions she talks about on this show!! She makes it fun but I still learn a ton. My absolute fav podcast!!!
  • FAFalyssa
    BEST F****** PODCAST!!
    I absolutely love Monica and all of her takes on money, life, the feminine, periods and men!! It’s hard finding a woman out there to follow that doesn’t include bashing men in order to make themselves feel better. I’ve never supported that. She understands that our genders have different roles and a different biology make up. ITS NOT SEXIST ITS OUR BIOLOGY! It may be triggering for some but honestly that just means you need to listen to it❤️ Monica is the best if you want to work on all the stuff I listed.
  • sweetntart_
    Long episodes with mostly…
    Long episodes with mostly rambling and not much actually related to the title of the episode, which makes it of lower value. Time is money, I’d recommend looking elsewhere for content/advice related to this area.
  • Abragh
    LOVE This
    I’ve been listening to Monica’s podcast off and on for years. I always seem to stop listening when things hit the fan in my personal life, but as soon as I come back it helps me to reevaluate what I’ve been doing - for the better. I’ve grown so much as a person just by listening to her and enacting what she preaches into my life. Even though I haven’t found my person yet, I’m getting closer because I’m finally able to see what I’ve been doing that isn’t beneficial to my relationships. Give this podcast a chance and really do the work to evaluate yourself and what you do in life. I would bet that you will get something out of it to make you and your life better in the best ways possible. Thank you for doing this Monica! <3
  • vtrueba88
    Life changing podcast
    Monica’s podcast and content have been absolutely life changing! I’ve learned so many golden nuggets that have helped me have major shifts in life. I’m so grateful to have found her work and have made it my goal to work with her in one of her programs. Monica is forthright and a truth teller in the best of ways and will have you looking at your life in an empowered and exciting new way. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the value you provide. 💕
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