Muscle Intelligence

Fitness #18

The Muscle Intelligence Podcast empowers men with the skills, habits, beliefs and processes to lead from the front. After spending more than 25 years in the health and fitness industry, Ben has done the research, coached, worked with or spoken to the best in class, and distilled it down into actionable items for you to take away and implement.If you’re an executive, entrepreneur or high-performer who wants to work smarter, not lose his edge as he ages, or just get the advice of someone who has been in the trenches for the last 25 years, this podcast is for you.

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Recent Reviews
  • mvelasco07
    A must-listen!
    Muscle Intelligence is an absolute gem! I love the engaging conversations, insightful content, and actionable tips. I truly learn something new every time I tune in. Highly recommend giving it a listen!
  • Brian1800
    Podcast with Tremendous Wisdom
    Ben thank you for all that you do to pursue and bring wisdom to the masses. You helped connect me with valuable information during the peak of the COVID pandemic. I was able to connect with Brian Johnson and Heroic which changed my life. This recent podcast sharing an alternate metabolic treatment for cancer really has shifted my paradigm about the disease. You are one of my heroes and I am very grateful for what you do through your podcast and platform - appreciate you brother!
  • shannt banany
    The best podcast ever
    Literally so eye opening and makes me a better person daily. So good for optimizing every part of my life and helping others around me.
  • RichFish19
    Excellent Podcast
    Big fan
  • JJBurrow
    Alison Armstrong
    Thank you Awesome interview
  • Longpoke
    My coach Steve with Muscle Intelligence was a huge help with my nutrition plans and my fitness goals. He is able to adapt to my skill level and age. At 57 and never having a fitness plan how to workout, Steve walked me through how to lift and move properly. One of the best investments in myself I have ever made! I have been following Muscle Intelligence for years and I finally pulled the trigger and made a decision to invest in myself! Muscle Intelligence is my top podcast I listen to and I don’t believe I have missed 1 episode. Thank You Steve and Ben!!! Jon LaRoque
  • Shelovesmondays
    Wealth of Knowledge
    I appreciate this podcast for the different topics being touched on. Full life optimization is my ultimate wealth and this podcast touches on all pillars. I appreciate your passion for wanting to help others and who your bring on the podcast with the same Philosophy!
  • PhoebeMroczek
    The best
    I love this podcast. Great guests, amazing host. I love the holistic approach Ben takes to distill down his 25+ years of experience into easy-to-understand and actionable tips. I can’t recommend this show enough.
  • Longhorns1414
    Talk about going downhill. You’re off in your own world now
  • blair_treuer
    I could talk for hours about how much I love this podcast! I’m a passionate connoisseur of health and wellness information and this podcast explores all of the topics I’ve been curious about and so so much more. The guest interviews are experts in their field, and Ben P engages both the guests and the rest of us with thoughtful and very insightful questions, considerations, and concerns. I love that he’s not afraid to challenge his guests or engage in opposing ideas. It’s not dogmatic or sales driven in its approach. It’s inquisitive and wholistic and altruistic in the search for the betterment of us all, mind, body and spirit. Thanks Ben
  • BP Writer
    Great Podcast!
    Ben Pakulski’s podcast is terrific! Love the Six Pillar series especially episode #279 The Single Greatest Influence on Your Behavior, Health
  • BeBeCoacella00793
    I love this podcast
    Three episodes in and I’m already in love with the info and values this podcast promotes. Very happy to have stumbled upon this. I’m a woman by the way LOL.
  • obacker19
    Must listen! 🔥
    Regardless of your perspective regarding peak performance and living your greatness - Ben is a can’t miss resource and guide! He curates conversations - and topics - with a depth, breadth and energy that only someone truly committed to unpacking the nuance of living life to its fullest can. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
  • SportsFanDar2016
    Bad Sound
    Great content. However I find it difficult to understand. Not sure if it’s a bad microphone or mumbling from the host. Maybe both.
  • Brady Nielson
    I love this podcast! Ben is one of the smartest guys in the whole fitness industry! This podcast is extremely beneficial for anyone wanting to learn BUT have a pen and paper ready because you are going to want to implement what you learn. I have been able to take my transformation to the next level implementing things from this podcast. HIGHLY RECOMMEND to anyone eager to learn and apply!
  • JohnK1199
    One Suggestion
    First let me say that in what’s becoming an over saturated market of health podcasts, this one is truly exceptional. My suggestion is regarding the mic Ben uses. It feels like I’m listening to a recording of a flight attendant making a muffled announcement through an old walkie talkie. Please upgrade to a decent quality mic Ben, as this info is incredibly valuable!
  • Wikka Wikka Wikka
    I started listening in early October. I’ve lost over 30 lbs and completely transformed my life and body. Ben’s podcast had a huge impact on my results and benefits in and outside the gym.
  • francesco coluccio
    the best
    ever since i found out about Ben my whole training style changed and i’ve made tremendous progress. i definitely want to hear more about the community regarding cryptocurrency.
  • NoleFan_89
    Stay in your lane
    Ben is a world class body builder and I wish he’d spend more time on that subject but unfortunately he’s gotten drawn into being a Tim Ferris knockoff- spending too much time on woo woo eastern philosophy and placebo supplements.
  • Abbycallen
    Transformative and informative!
    Hi Ben! I am 28 years old and a mom of 3! I have listened to your podcasts for the past 3 years. I am a nutrition coach and a former gym manager. I have followed your advice from start to finish. I have implemented your training advice, applied your knowledge you so freely give and I feel like I owe you a huge thank you. I feel like my level of consciousness and awareness can be highly attributed to your podcasts. It would be a dream to meet you in person, I just know I could talk to you for hours and still be blown away by your vast knowledge. Thank you for being you and helping people like me learn the ways to optimize our lives! - Abby Kemper
  • JohnW1964
    Condescending and disrespectful to listeners
    This guy actually said at the beginning of the latest episode that this discussion was going to be over the listeners’ heads. He suggested taking notes during the podcast so we could go back and look up all the big words we didn’t understand. I’m done.
  • uber upset
    Muscle intelligence 10/8/21 episode
    Ben shares so much good information. I challenge you to listen and apply his advice!
  • Lilcincy
    Ben, you need to talk about Managing Seizures
    Hey Ben, this is Payson. I am fascinated with your Podcast and I’ve been listening to it for 2 years and today I want you to talk about managing Seizures and how to get better with life as a fit person also living with Special needs bodies and how we can improve our bodies with special needs
  • NurseAngie2018
    Informative but hard to follow
    This is a very informative podcast and I enjoy it. However, I have noticed that the host talks very fast, to the point of almost mumbling at times making it really hard to follow
  • @cottonhill28
    This podcast used to be so much better I. It’s previous version two years ago as muscle expert. Now nearly every episode it’s Ben preaching off his high horse which sounds very condescending. I wish he would consider going back to previous format when he would host interesting people on the podcast and you would get learns a wide variety of subjects from training to nutrition and more. Now every episode it’s Ben just preaching and to be honest I haven’t Been able to listen consistently Because it’s just not interesting anymore.
  • A-Train9
    Some gems, some duds
    I was really enjoying this podcast at first, but recently have been pretty turned off by it. Lots of proclaiming that he’s the “first and only” to talk about topics that have literally been around for thousands of years and are popular in the wellness circle at large. I get that it can be exciting to find a new gear in your career/studies/methods, but to say it’s a revolutionary new thing is a stretch at best.
  • fitstrongwoman53
    Ben’s podcast are always very informative and easy to listen to. He is a great interviewer and brings out the best in every podcast. There are many out there but I’m drawn to his information and ability to speak well about his subjects. He practices what he preaches and that it what has attracted me to follow him. I got to meet him a few months back and he was very charming, easy to talk to. I recommend following his programs too. He has many to choose from I have benefited greatly from them.
  • EricaBushwell
    Awesome podcast!
    Ben, host of the Muscle Intelligence podcast, highlights all aspects of fitness, wellness and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • BlueTudor
    Great interview
    Amazing interview with Geoff Woods, The One Thing! Totally inspired. Tons of great takeaways! Thanks so much.
  • Silian Rail
    Continues to interview sex offenders
    Multiple interviews with Ryan Smith who is a registered sex offender for crimes against women and children in Kentucky.
  • Jonny Tucker
    Incredible Life changing Podcast
    My entire life I’ve strived to ingest the most quality, purpose-filled information and as far as actionable, real-life advice goes this is the cream of the crop. It’s hard to explain in words but Ben just does it right. Top to bottom. Highly recommended for EVERYONE!
  • dorsrus
    12 week Transformation
    Excited about this podcast! My last competition was 2.5 yrs ago because of my menopause and now hypothyroidism issues were just out of control. I have been iching to get back on stage and get my Procard. This podcast was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you!!
  • thegetinshapegirl
    This is my favorite podcast
    This is my favorite podcast. As a wellness coach/ personal trainer, listening to this podcast is key for me. I learn so many different approaches to health and wellness I wouldn’t necessarily think of on my own. The wide variety of guests also keep it interesting because they bring up so many different facets of what makes us healthy.. from learning about the benefits of exclusively eating free range livestock to evidence based approaches increasing our metabolic rate, this podcast is a wealth of knowledge.
  • ShawnJohn22
    Used to be better
    He’s going down the obnoxious Tony Robbins route wasting oxygen on annoying platitudes and redundant useless spiritual advice. He talks about kids way too much as well and let’s everyone know how “proud” he is as a parent.
  • Idijebshsb
    Exceptional Insights
    I’ve listened to several training podcasts and this is, by far, the best. Ben takes a holistic approach to fitness, recognizing that exercise is but one pillar of overall fitness. He offers keen insights on every aspect of fitness and I especially enjoy his thoughts on mental fitness. His co-host, Ashley, is likewise excellent and they have a great chemistry.
  • dnwidbdn
    His own biggest fan
    There’s some decent information on this, but this guy is beyond arrogant and clearly his own biggest fan.
  • Magical White Chocolate
    Constantly evolving with integrity and helping others do the same
    I have been following Ben for for almost a decade and I can always rely that he will deliver the best information with the highest level of integrity AND context. His work ethic is inspiring and I always gain multiple A-ha moments with his messages, especially in the way that he answers questions. Ben is a family man that has overcome challenges that are relatable for me. Thankful for his message that I always evolving. Thank you! - @JasonSani
  • Mander Bears
    I seriously love this podcast. Ben is super easy to listen to & I love hearing his perspectives on fitness, health, and life. I learn something from every episode and always I’m looking forward to new content. Definitely recommend to subscribe :)
  • cjbbick
    Dear Ben
    WHATS UP MAN I absolutely LOVE your podcasts, they’re apart of my morning routine- driving to work, school, or even the gym. You’re an inspiration and I love the material you put out as I constantly apply it to my life in regards to living a healthier, stronger, and happier life both mentally and physically.
  • goodlifeblake
    Must listen if you want to be a high perfromer
    I’ve been listening to the muscle intelligence podcast since it’s origin. Every single guest Ben brings on has simple and practical tips for you to instantly change your life for the better. Ben also teaches you not only how to look better physically but more importantly how to feel better and help others feel amazing as well. I highly recommend this podcast for anyone who wants to be at the top of their field of work or their life.
  • Lifttillbig
    Live up to your full potential!
    I looove this show. Been listening to nearly every single episode since the first one to multiple several times. The amount of knowledge I have taken away and applied to my life have had a massive impact on the quality of my life! Would give more stars if I could 🤩👊🏼🙏🏻
  • ____Damaris
    Insightful and eye opening.
    Really enjoy listening to Ben Pakulski’s perspective on health/fitness/nutrition. He always has great guests that are so well informed on an array of topics in the health and fitness world. Not only does he cover topics relating to exercise but he incorporates what it means to be mentally healthy as well and how it ties into your physical health. Such a great podcast.
  • a.keto.girl
    Great info and SPOT ON!
    Just listened to episode 100 and was blown away with the idea about mindset and growth/improvement in the gym! It makes so much sense though to think that if you go INTO what you’re doing with the mindset that you CAN DO IT, you will be that much more successful! Will definitely use this strategy as well as determining a lifting focus (vs. chatting or internetting between sets) to bump up my performance! Thank you!!
  • Bshan302
    Best podcast about optimization
    I have been following BPak for years and to see how he has changed his mind, body, spirit, heart is pretty phenomenal. He is always striving to give people the best information available and as of the last year he has stepped it up even more. He is on a mission himself to learn as much as he can about the human body, brain, sleep, and optimization so he will bring the best minds on his podcast to share with you. We appreciate you BPak, keep it up!
  • peetienextdooor
    Favorite podcast
    I listen to a plethora of different figures in the fitness communities for best practices and Ben’s knowledge, wisdom, and guidance is unmatched in the fitness community. This podcast has clarified so many misinterpretations of nutritional ambiguities and workout strategies for me. I feel in complete power and control over my results with the knowledge Ben and guests have provided to live the most optimal life for me.
  • bsynday
    The content expressed in this podcast is special and extremely informative. I can’t get enough.
  • KetoKoko
    Changed my perspective
    I started listening to Ben Pakolski on the recommendation of a good friend who was much more into the muscle building and lifting world than I knew a person could get at the time. I started with the episode about Zach Bitters. Since that time, while listening to this podcast, I have enjoyed hearing this well integrated perspective on health, strength, living ones best and happiest life. It has brought tremendous and practical positivity. I am not just being told to “be happy and healthy” but am being told “how” a person might do so. I have been eating a ketogenic diet for a couple of years now and what a relief it has been to find someone so prominent in the fitness world who also does! This podcast continues to be a great joy and blessing each week. I could write so much more, but will just end by saying Thank you. Both to Ben and Ashleigh (who I found through this podcast) who have both been sharing knowledge in the hopes that it will improve many many people’s lives. Keep doing what you do. So grateful.
  • Allison4555
    Have been listening to Ben’s podcast since Muscle Expert Podcast!! Fell in love instantly with the ideas and information he brings to his listeners. Ben provides so much knowledge when it comes to health, way passed just muscle building but also mental growth! As a female, bringing Ashleigh on the show just made it that much better for me as I felt like I could finally relate to someone on the podcast. Keep it up guys! Ps. I’ve never listened to ANY podcast episode ever more than I did when Ben brought Milos Sarcev on lol.
  • liambapple
    The Ultimate Podcast
    Whether you are trying to improve quality of life or get as big as an IFBB Pro this is the podcast for you. By far the most informational podcast that I have ever listened to... the best guests and preparation by Ben is immaculate. Highly recommended - thanks for everything bpak.
    Must Listen
    The Muscle Intelligence Podcast is a must listen. Love Ben’s authenticity and passion in everything he talks about and with each guest he has. Ben speaks so intelligently but in a way that is understandable. Ben’s passion is to provide information for his listeners to help individuals learn how to live their best life and the podcast does just that.
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