Mindful Muslimah Speaks


Empowering Muslim women to be the best version of themselves. Advice on personal growth, parenting, love & relationships, mindful inspiration, organization & life hacks, homeschooling and so much more.
* Get FREE RESOURCES at www.mindful-muslimah.com
* Contact me on Instagram @Mindfulmuslimah.
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Recent Reviews
  • Gredgee
    My go to walking buddy💗
    Honestly, I really enjoy listening to this podcast, especially on my commute to work on a regular basis. I think it’s always a win in terms of spending my time mindfully while at the same time learning, and just working on self growth. May Allah bless and reward you for the work you do…..Aameen.
  • Farwaaa.r
    Love from the bottom of my heart 💕
    I have been loving this podcast for the past couple months!! I really feel like mindful muslimah is like an older sister to me the way she talks with such love and calmness in her voice. I wish i had friends like her in my life who push you towards Allah and make you feel like everything is going to be ok. 💕💕. This podcast is a must for all my Muslim sisters. Xoxo from Staten Island NY
  • sabrine 💗
    Amazing, supporting, informative podcast!
    I would like to share my experience with all of my sisters, I am a born Muslim who was very lost for the majority of my life. I never prayed, fast, read Quran, make Dua etc. Last Ramadan, I was going through a divorce where I was completely destroyed, I was hopeless and I didn’t know what to do to feel peace or happiness again. I searched a podcast in need fo helping me through my situation and stumbled upon this one.. & let me tell you, it has CHANGED my entire life. Listening to this podcast makes you feel comfortable and good about yourself. Thank you Mindful Muslimmah! May Allah bless you and your entire family ❤️
  • muniluv
    Love it!
    Love this podcast as a Muslim woman in the West! Great reminders for going through out the week. May Allah bless the sisters working behind the scenes.
  • Royally upset
    Exactly what I needed!
    I found this podcast a little over a year ago then binge listened to all the episodes. Allah put this in my life right when I needed it. I’m a revert still learning and long for a female mentor in Islam. This is just that!
  • not happy student :(
    Love the podcast but don’t add music
    This podcast is really good ma sha Allah but please refrain from posting music♥️♥️
  • Alejandrina19
    Such a breathtaking podcast , such a safe haven.. I love it ..
  • Meener17
    Love the vibe
    But too many promos. I always feel like half the podcast episodes are shout outs for thrive programs. 🙈😅
  • Full time servant of Allah
    I look forward to when the podcast drops every Friday.
    This podcast has changed my life and allowed me to understand others.
  • Manalta
    Truly wonderful!
    SubhanAllah! I’m hooked, absolutely wonderful and beautiful the way she explains and describes the different concepts! Definitely recommend give her a listen, she’ll change your world! ♥️ I was hoping to learn more about the life after death, my husband has struggled to connect after the passing of his mother. JazakAllah Khair for all the insight and the love!
  • New diamond2018
    Your podcasts are amazing
    Your podcasts are relatable and practical to implement. Sometimes I think your on my window seeing what I’m going through and talking about them and it’s always helpful. Jazakiallah for all you do may Allah reward your amazing work.
  • aishaam96
    Alhamdulilah 🤍
    I was born a Muslim but wanted to reeducate myself and learn more and Alhamdulilah. I’ve replaced music on my commute to this podcast. I’m glad I found this because It’s nice listening and learning from a Muslimah. ❤️
  • Fellow Muslimah
    Allahumma Barik, by far one of my favorite podcast!
    Thank you for creating this podcast! Literally a breath of fresh air and Mindful Muslimah has a ton of useful and practical information I can use in my everyday life! I feel like I found my new sister in Islam! Thank you!
  • FranciscaGmz
    Life changer
    As a new revert, it is a very scary experience to have to come into a whole different, spiritual world. coming across Mindful Muslimah has made this experience even far greater than I would have imagined I have gotten into many of her courses and it has helped me mentally it has helped me physically it has helped me emotionally. It has helped me spiritually I couldn’t be more grateful for such a blessing of the community to come to my life I have been in many communities before I was a revert and it was nothing the same. here ALLAH SWT is put first . here it’s if you really want to thrive for it you know every tip every every podcast session if you put the 100% work you can see the changes. Alhamdulillah Jazakallah Khair to MM and her team! Along with the community. Alhamdulillah for Islam in saving me and for Mindul Muslimah in helping me stay closer to my Deen.
  • wardab
    I used to listen to music on my long commute to and from work in 2019. I grew tired and decided to try to reconnect with my Iman and found Mindful Muslimah on a whim. Alhamdullilah since then I’ve only grown and Mindful Muslimah has becoming a comforting voice to me when I’m struggling, wanting to learn, or feel validated. Thank you for showing the beauty and peace there is to being a Muslimah.
  • Sumayyah A.
    A breath of fresh air, just the boost I need.
    I stumbled on this podcast looking for some good Islamic material to listen to throughout the day. And it has been a breath of fresh air! I really love the work she puts in to give practical advice for us to apply in our daily lives in alignment with Quran and sunnah. And she hears her audience! A lot of her content comes right from us through DMs we send so the questions or conference calls that she offers to her follows (which are brief but free by the way) I have benefitted greatly from many of her episodes. I haven’t been able to join the thrive community yet but I’ve been in the book clubs and that too has been an amazing experience for me. She has content for woman of all ages; I started having my 16 year old listen to her content as well. I can go on and on. Definitely a must have on your podcast list! Thank you so much for your work!
  • hadiatoubah
    Life-Changer Alhamdulillah
    Subhannallah I cannot begin to describe the impact Mindful Muslimah has had on me. I’ve always been big on personal development so this podcast was exactly what I needed. It all started off with the podcasts, then me joining Thrive Muslimah, and then taking the courses Mindful Muslimah offers. Aside from the resources offered in Thrive, I took the MML & the How to Have a Successful Interview Course. The gems I have learned benefited me immensely & I am grateful that Allah brought these things into my life because I have changed for the better. May Allah SWT reward you guys for what you do- you are literally changing sisters’ lives out here & that’s not a light matter!! Alhamdulilah 🫶🏾 May Allah SWT put barakah in this podcast & school 🤍
  • Rimsha Qadir
    Developing a Mature and Islamic Mindset
    I started listening to this podcast during my senior year of high-school. Even if you are born Muslim, everyone still has this revert stage where you encounter Islam with a whole new love for it and tend to discover the beauty of the religion. Mindful Muslimah played a huge role in my revert stage. Specific episodes created a great change within myself. I stopped listening to music Alhamdulilah. I discovered what the right steps are to getting married in the future In Sha Allah. I developed a very different and mature mindset around real-life situations. I am very thankful to Mindful Muslimah for getting me closer to Islam. Alhamdulilah.
  • TFrazier19
    Alhumdulillah ❤️
    Salaam everyone, I am a recent revert (2/3/23) and my husband sent me a link to this podcast. I am extremely thankful for all the different topics covered. I was never into podcast before but this one seems so much more personal and like you are having a conversation with a friend. Thanks to this podcast and Mindful Muslimah I was able to find the Thrive app and join and talk with so many other sisters. Alhumdulillah and I love you for the sake of Allah (SWT).
  • Little__hijabi
    Best Podcast for Muslim Women!
    Salam everyone, For those who are looking for something to listen to while driving, cooking, cleaning or just relaxing-this is podcast you are looking for! I started listening to the Mindful Muslimah podcast last year and it truly is a breath of fresh air for the mind and soul. There is a topic for literally everything you can think of-which serve as great reminders. If feels like she is talking to you even when you are not physically with her. May Allah bless those who are involved with the making of these podcasts✨BarakAllah🌹
  • Guwara_raoufi
    I am enjoying each episode and it lifts my spirits 🤍
  • Nawel.Re
    Uplifting and inspiring podcast
    I have been an avid listener of Mindful Muslimah since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Subhanallah, this podcast has consistently lifted my spirits and provided solace as if the host truly understands my struggles. Whenever I need guidance, I find myself revisiting the earlier episodes that have been instrumental in supporting me. I cannot emphasize enough how highly I recommend this podcast. It serves as an incredible source of inspiration, boosting my faith and enabling me to align my daily life with the principles of our beautiful deen.
  • Vjohns10
    I reverted on 5/4 after I did a lot of reflecting and research. I found this podcast soon after. I will tell you that from a couple simple things my life has improved ten fold. “You can’t? Or you won’t?” It sounds so simple, but really think about it. Are you that busy? Do you not have the time? Or are you WASTING that time somewhere else? Somewhere not as important as Allah, your husband, your children, and yourself? On things that truly don’t matter? If you’re like me, that’ll open your eyes immediately. I’ve started scheduling everything including uninterrupted time with my kids, chores, Salah, etc. I’ve seen improvement in so many aspects of my life. I’ve shifted my mindset toward my children especially. Are they doing something to spite me? (The answer is no) Or are they doing something because it’s their natural inclination at their age? When they’re really annoying me all I have to do is pause and reflect for just a millisecond and I shift my mindset. “They’re so cute. Mashallah. They need me more than anyone else and that’s why they’re doing this.” “Be a model, be an example.” These simple changes and living the Islamic way and parenting the Islamic way and seeing things through an Islamic lens has given me peace and clarity I’ve been wanting for such a long time. This podcast has been wonderful and I’m not even finished listening. I joined Thrive and the love there is real 🥰
  • AshAbdullah506
    Never too old to learn
    I learn something new about being a woman in Islam every time I listen to this podcast. It is geared towards young women, and I am in my 40s and married, but as a revert, this podcast hits all the right notes! We are never too old to learn new things. Thank you, may you be blessed for all of your hard work inshallah.
  • See you succeed
    Best life podcast
    So thankful that I came across this podcast. This sister is the me I need in life. Speaks to me with the same love and compassion I speak to others in life encouraging them to be the best of themselves. This podcast is filled with Self reflection and solutions. If you are looking to fill yourself up and develop into the best version of yourself , definitely recommend. Love the reminders of Allah . I always take away encouragement and inspiration from episodes.
  • Treasure786
    Sincerely Special
    Her sincerity to see those in her ummah flourish is so pure that her podcast and everything she leans into becomes a fragrant bouquet of flowers we all share and reap benefit from. MashAllah, thank you for sharing your talent. You and your team are true gems! Love, Sister Sanam
  • ExternaI
    This is the podcast I missed out on since I’ve reverted. Always so nervous about my muslim identity even after reverting, this is my fourth Ramadan coming up Alhamdulillah. I’ve shied away even though I’ve recited my shahada. This podcast has given me confidence, guidance, so many wonderful things that I can’t express in words alone. I would like to thank Allah SWT for showing me this podcast. Thank you sister so gratefully.
  • cecepodcasts3
    My favorite podcast
    Mindful Muslimah is like the big sister that I always wished I had!! She gives warm and kind hearted advice and provides helpful tips and tricks for every day problems. This podcast has helped me so much to grow in my deen and be more productive and organized. Give it a listen!!
  • Cass13lee
    Must-Have Muslimah Mentor
    Assalamu Alaiykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu!!! I LOVE this podcast. I found it shortly after taking shahada and just before my first Ramadan. This podcast is one of the reasons I made it through my first Ramadan as I had no idea about Ramadan at all let alone what it entailed. Since then, I have discovered ways to balance life and deen, how to be a more mindful muslimah, how to choose a spouse (if I decide to do that), and how to be a better muslimah overall. I look forward to this podcast every week, and I relisten to the episodes in between new uploads because I know it will lift my mood, inspire me, motivate me, and keep me on the straight path Insha’Allah.
  • rpriore
    Perfect commute companion
    MashaAllah this podcast is the perfect length for your morning commute and is such an uplifting way to start the day. The topics are relevant, diverse, and targeted. Thank you for putting on such great shows!
  • Lolita13!
    So Many Blessings !!!
    Thank you sister for the podcast and those who support her! May Allah reward you for sharing so much love and knowledge. May Allah reward the audience for just listening and learning. Ameen Ya Rabb! I find myself constantly nodding along, agreeing and relating. I’ve been listening for about a year now, Alhamdullilah that I was guided to this podcast. Jazakallahkhairan 🤍
  • Osininta
    Modest in the west
    Thank you so much for this podcast it was right on time and brought tears to my eyes may Allah bless you both , and guide every sister who is trying to wear hijab .
  • samirathefirst
    My Name is Samira
    Asalamu - Oleykum Sister thank you so much for working so hard you and your team. Thank you for putting so much needed content out for us to benefit from. I came across your podcast the end of 2022 and I already see myself in a better situation. My Allah reward you immensely and open endless door as you are open your doors to so many sisters around the world. My Allah grant you peace at heart as you are helping sister around the world how to be at peace. May Allah uplift you as your are working so hard to uplift us. May Allah choose you as you chose to help so many Muslim women. Love you for the sake of Allah. 💕💕💕
  • Samhgani
    Mindful Muslimah podcasts helps those who are sick like me. They helped me get my life together, become quicker, better and healthier human being. This podcast helped me soo much in soo many ways. I would say this one is better than all the other Islamic ones I have watched or listened to in my life.
  • peglegstiles
    If you want to grow through what you go through
    What I appreciate most about the THRIVE community is that as a member I know I’m not stuck. There is always a way to grow and deepen my connection with Allah swt, there is always a way to further my deen, and when as a revert I do not know the next direction, I reach out in Thrive and options and ideas are presented to me. It’s beautiful to see either way that the Mindful Muslimah Thrive community exemplifies how when we walk towards Allah, Allah runs to us. Islam is more than just your opinions on religious matters, Islam is not what you agree or don’t agree with. Islam does not change based on our thoughts or feelings, but it is a way of life given to us as a merciful gift to help us reach Paradise. That becomes more apparent the more I learn.
  • EskuEva
    Very helpful
    I found this podcast through the internet and it was what I needed. I love the advice and it has helped me really think deeper about Allah and how to do better. She offers such great pdf and podcast. I love the thrive community and the book clubs :) I have developed so many wonderful relationships in the live sessions. IT has inspired me deeply in my life.
  • Yusra_a1i
    I wish I found this podcast much sooner! Mindfulmuslimah is not only working to help Muslim Women to become resilient but to also persevere. You get knocked down and you get back up. But how do you stay up? That’s the question I’ve been asking myself and through this podcast and Thrive I have been able to find resources and action steps to keep myself up. May Allah expand your audience!
  • Gunay Akh
    I found mindful Muslimah podcast randomly and I am glad that I did. As a Muslim girl whose family doesn’t practice I struggle a lot, I try to practice and learn our religion but it is so hard when you don’t feel the support, guidance from someone who has an experience and knowledge. I live in America and it is so hard for me to find like minded Muslimah, I work in non Muslim environment. And it impacts a lot. Finding this podcast later on thrive community gave me hope to become better version of myself And never stop learning ♥️
  • jana_me23456
    The best podcast, you will be hooked!
    I can’t stop listening even if it doesn’t apply to me just listening to Mindful Muslimah uplifts your faith in so many ways! Thank you so much for this. May Allah bless you always 💕
  • ksq91
    Can’t stop won’t stop listening
    All the tools and tips to be resilience- I’m going through so much and I can’t help but keep nodding my head with so much I resonate with within this podcast. Mashallah May Allah grant you jannah al firdos for helping us and reminding us of how to bounce back with this beautiful deen. Don’t loose hope. I’m still struggling tough within my marriage and depression , duas would be really appreciated . This podcast station is a good pick me up .
  • summerkhalil9
    This podcast is everything my heart and SOUL has been yearning to find in a Muslim podcast. so grateful Alhumdillah that I’ve found this podcast. ❤️🥹
  • yr from eg
    Couldn’t really stand the tone
    Full disclosure: I’ve only listened to a couple episodes because that’s all I could stand. The episode titles intrigued and excited me because these are topics I’ve struggled with; however, I was greatly disappointed after diving into the podcast. The host seems to assume that the listener is not reflective of their situation, so she goes on and on about what the listener is doing wrong. She minimizes the experiences of someone who has been struggling or has faced trauma at the hands of others. I left the extra star because obviously there are people who can find this podcast beneficial.
  • itsmishmish
    Alhamdulilah for you!
    My friend and I both had extremely difficult childhoods and your podcast feels like exactly what I needed but never received from my mom. Thank you so much. We talked about how we need real tools to improve our lives and not just solidarity, and I sent her your podcast right away because I was THAT blown away by your advice and resources. I’m tired of supplementing haram advice (like horoscopes 🥲) or having to filter it and SO grateful a Muslimah like you is helping your sisters. May Allah reward you endlessly sis, Ameen ❤️❤️❤️I could write a whole essay but you get the idea, thank you for giving me so much hope in the midst of personal crisis and self doubt!
  • The_Samar
    Great podcaster with few flaws
    Her podcasts are informative but as the same time very relatable, especially to Muslim women. I am not a fan of the soundtrack that she uses at the intro to her podcasts. Out of all her podcasts, I think the one about khushu in Salah is my favorite, because Salah is something that a lot of us tend to struggle with, especially out of Ramadan. The podcast about music should include the fiqh opinion where listening to music is a difference in opinion in Islam (if it isn’t brought up in the episode already). For instance, in the Maliki madhab, listening to clean music is permissible.
  • izzywizzyin
    All praise is due to Allah SWT who has compelled you to consistently make these videos to help out your fellow sisters in Islam. One thing I absolutely adore is that you cover such a wide range of topics! I’ve been listening for quite some time now and I can honestly say that by Allah AWJ, I consistently come across topics that really speak to what I’m going through and it sincerely helps me. Of course, I use this as more supplemental material in my Ibaadah meaning I turn to my Creator first and foremost with my problems, but almost always afterwards I find contentment or feel motivated listening to a podcast you put out. So I sincerely thank you Mindful Muslimah and the team behind you that work to carefully curate everything you put out. I ask Allah SWT to increase you all in your beneficial knowledge, sincerity, and keeps your baseline imaan elevated, Ameen!
  • shushu sharaf ✌️
    Just found out last week!
    I just found out dz podcast & am already addicted to it! 10/10 y’all. Jazakallahukheyr sis.
  • Tessa 🌻
    Give this a listen!! ✨🌷
    This podcast is my friend when I’m tidying up, during my lunch breaks at uni, and during long car rides. Mindful Muslimah keeps it real and relevant and makes me feel less judgmental toward myself as I work to improve myself. Love her wisdom and ✨ practical ✨ advice on how to get our acts together, one step at a time!
  • AydenAsher
    Amazing podcast, always has great advice!
    As a revert I find myself learning something new about Islam every time I listen, I always find myself coming back to listen when I feel I’m straying from the path Allah (SWT) has for me. Thank you so much for the help!
  • Fatou912
    Love love this podcast ! MashaAllah
    I’m a new listener to this podcast and I am hooked!!! I actually listen to it with my husband sometimes lol— he loves it too. May Allah bless you and your family, always… Ameen!!! Thank you so much for your contributions to our global sisterhood community ❤️❤️❤️
  • jackie0739298
    Love this podcast!!!!!!
    I love all the episodes and all the topics being discussed thank you so much for creating this!
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