

"EmpowerHER" is all about cutting through the BS fluff to have honest, and entertaining real talk conversations about life, business and relationships. We're all about giving tangible tools, tips & tricks to give you the resources and perspective to take ACTION to build a life you really love.

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Recent Reviews
  • Peanut8384
    Awesome job
    Thank you for providing positive energy and information .
  • 3purrs
    Real hype
    Love Kacia and this podcast. This is my go to for bitesize real talk and boost! So happy I came across this podcast.
  • diamonds33
    Adore this show
    Adore this show. Adore the realness. Adore Kacia. This show is just everything. 🩷🩷🩷
  • Runer7777
    Simply the best!
    Kacia’s podcast never stops amazing me with how close it hits to home. It’s one of my favourites by far!! Love listening in the mornings and look forward to the next episode. So inspiring to live my best life.
  • Kimpossible385
    Love love love!
    Kacia’s podcast is one of my go to shows when I need that hype and inspiration! Her evolution has been so amazing to watch and I have loved watching her step into her role as a mama! 💕
    My “go to” podcast
    This podcast is fantastic! I listen on my commute into work and it has been such a great habit of mine to start the day with a dose of inspiration. The episodes are insightful but also short & sweet. Kacia is a ray of sunshine that you can just feel radiating through her voice. The name speaks for itself, this podcast makes you feel empowered to pursue that new thing or opportunity you have been wanting to do but are scared to try. It is also full of tactical tips on how to make positive change in your life and work on mindset shifts on how speak more kindly to ourselves. Thank you Kacia!
  • Andieo1997
    EmpowerHER is an absolute game-changer! Finally, a podcast that doesn't beat around the bush but dives straight into the heart of real-life issues. Kacia delivers honest and entertaining conversations about life, business, and relationships without any fluff. If you're ready to take charge and build a life you truly love, this podcast is an indispensable resource!
  • Megamillion33
    Pumped up!
    I love this show I’m not always going through the same things kacia talk about but eventually it will resonate! And when I am going through the same things it’s nice to know I’m not alone! I always just listen to this show to pump me up and make me feel more confident!
  • tonya_rt
    This woman lights me up!!
    So much energy. So much passion. So inspiring. Kacia you are absolutely the best and always bring the best guest with so much info and inspo. Love you bunches!!
  • kelly_88
    A Must Listen!
    EmpowerHER podcast is awesome… Kacia’s energy is incredible & inspiring! Each episode is a breathe of fresh air and she shares amazing resources and perspectives. Highly recommend Kacia’s podcast!
  • dazechalee
    Encouragement as a superpower
    Sometimes you “know all the things” but need that girlfriend in your pocket to remind you of what you can do and how you can do it! Kacia is that girl. She finds relevant content and delivers it in a way that’s understandable, inspirational, and makes you feel like your not alone on the journey to become better today than yesterday. Her kindness and charm allow her to bring information in a way that it feels instantly applicable to your life. On days when your brain isn’t telling you the stuff you should be listening to, pop on an episode and let her remind you you’re amazing and to keep going. If encouragement is a superpower (which I believe it is) she’s armed and ready to up-level your life. Thanks Kacia!
  • Squishy07
    Such an amazing POD cast
    I look forward to listening to Kacia everyday! Her show has given me so encouragement during this unique time in my life!!
  • inlovewithdots
    From the beginning
    Enjoyed the early episodes more than the recent ones
  • BrandieHerbert
    She’s a force!
    Kacia is such a FORCE! Her energy in this podcast is unmatched! She shows up unapologetically herself and leans into being the raw and real bestie that we all need to go through the life stuff with! She’s amazing and her podcast is one is one I listen to weekly! I love forward to her insights & words of inspiration & encouragement, an always feel better after listening to her!
  • TaddyTat
    Confidence and Career changer
    Stumbled across this episode, whenever I stepped into a side business that I just wanted to make support income. After now listening to it for a few years I have a belief in what I am capable of that surpasses any truth before I know that I make such a difference in this world, and listening to this podcast the thought processes the challenges and interviews. I have learned to redirect my thoughts of doubt, or fear and replaced those thoughts with courage and belief and purpose driven action. I love how Kacia always says shoot your shot. You have to go for it and it makes such a difference in real time when you actually start reaction to those desires. she articulates so well everything that we go for in life and speaks directly to your heart and soul in the midst of any challenge and it’s so wise and constructive, and sometimes just the fire under your booty that you need.
  • Peanutgallery
    This podcast opened up my thinking about life. I wish I had found Kacia earlier. I am so thankful I found her though! I ended up going to her EmpowerHer Live event which was completely life changing. I can’t wait to see what she does in the future.
  • 金在中的小丫头
    I am 1000% EMPOWERED! 🙌✨
    I found you when I was feeling low and in the process of finding myself. People surrounding me sometimes can bring me down, as they can be highly critical and insensitive. I am a highly sensitive person, and their words really get to me. For example, they’ll make fun of professional posts I posted online, and for a long time i have stopped posting because of that. I am extremely grateful for your podcast, as it allows me to have a support system outside of the friendship I currently have, to not care about what other people think, and just do me. Thank you so much and please keep going 🫶🫶
  • Bren (:
    The best pump up
    Kacia feels like a bestie who brings the fire every single episode — and always with a message I didn’t realize I needed to hear. Absolutely love this! One of my “can’t miss” podcasts I listen to every week
  • ByTaylorMurphy
    The Podcast We All Need!
    EmpowerHer is the podcast we all didn’t know we needed. Kacia’s episodes are relatable for all women in all walks of life. Every week, one of her episodes provides me a new perspective and insight into what I’m going through. This podcast is a must listen if you’ve got big dreams and don’t want to go the journey alone! Kacia’s bubbly personality mixed with a ‘real talk’ approach makes me feel so understood and valued as a listener. I’m so grateful that this show has been a consistent in my life for the last year and has provided me the opportunity to grow myself and my business!
  • Jessiesjourney
    Pep talk
    Such a great morning episode. As I journaled today it was all about the ability to right my story and as I was scrolling through podcast, pep talk popped up and was the right message at the right time. ❤️
  • Warejcka
    Boss babe w/ wisdom
    Listen! You won’t regret it.
  • shelburns
    Hits Home
    This podcast is always so timely for me! Kacia always keeps it real and speaks from the heart. I love how connected I feel even though I’ve never met her. An absolute must listen every week!
  • Cela Cela
    Let’s take a moment for you!
    Wow this episode got home because as we are in our busy season it’s so easy to get lost in the day to day activities. Thank you for the reminder to show up for you and that little girl inside of you who has big dreams! ❤️❤️❤️
  • Abbigail421
    Perfect start to the morning!
    I have been listening to this podcast for quite a while now and it’s the perfect addition to my morning. Always is uplifting and encouraging!!
  • Keara A
    This podcast is so spicy!! I love how direct and honest Kacia is. It feels like she’s my girlfriend giving me the pep talks that I desperately need. I love where this podcast is headed!! You’re amazing
  • ReesaReesaT
    Fire, Fun and friendship
    This podcast was recommended to me by a friend and my only regret is that I hadn’t found it sooner. Kacia always says that she wants us to feel like a girlfriend and I certainly do. I have struggled since moving to a new city three years ago with finding friends, and although it may sound silly, Kacia has helped cushion that blow. I love listening to her her podcast in the morning while I’m getting ready because I feel like it puts me in a better mood and more ready to tackle the day!
  • jmd3290
    I know I can, mom!
    “I know I can, mom, because I’ve watched you.” CHILLS. My favorite line from your latest insightful, useful, inspiring podcast episode. Thank you!
  • Anastasia B. C.
    Powerful & Joyful
    Kacia’s energy is powerful and contagious! Her podcast is a whole vibe— joyful, insightful, and inspiring. I love listening in, soaking up the messages, and carrying them with me once the episode has ended. Highly recommend!!
  • Thehypegirl
    My favorite!!!!
    Kacias podcasts are my weekly dose of hype and realness and the reason I started listening to podcasts! Absolutely LOVE IT!
  • Miss Tyler Simone
    This podcast is my morning coffee
    I always feel so ready to start the day and to tackle my goals after listening to this podcast! Im currently listening to Episode 507, and I really appreciate Kacia mentioning that we can’t compare where we are now to others who have simply had more time doing it. It isn’t something that is talked about often, and it makes the beginning stages feel that much more confusing and overwhelming. Trying to be everywhere all at once when it’s just you is just not possible. So thank you so much for touching on that Kacia! It has taken a huge load off 💕
  • Jennifertherealtor
    Absolutely love this podcast!
    Love listening to this podcast. Its so relatable and inspiring in so many ways.
  • cwits12345
    Honest review
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for a few years now and I love it! Very relatable and positive!
  • Hannah6255
    Best Podcast EVER!!
    I pretty much listen to every episode Kacia puts out. I find myself throughout each episode saying wow.. out loud.. by myself.. because she somehow finds the exact thing I need to hear at the exact moment. This girl is on fire right now and she is growing. She has the life I want to live and she helps people get there. She is my virtual mentor. Favorite podcast!!
  • Antinker
    Kacia has changed my life-for real for real
    This girl is so transparent and raw and honest and just genuinely you can feel the love she has for you. Her approach is, come with me and let’s figure this out together and it’s perfect. I’ve been listening for years, I also saw her live at her first conference and I’ll be at her second conference as well… I just wouldn’t miss it bc she adds SO MUCH value to my life!
  • Fuentesfamilyhomestead
    Favorite podcast!
    Thank you so much for making such a motivational and inspiring podcast! I never fail to listen in twice a week when you release your episodes and it really boosts my week and inspires me to keep going with all my goals!! You are amazing and have such a gift with connecting and inspiring!! ❤️❤️❤️
  • CourtneyVie
    Your self development bestie ❤️
    Kacia does an incredible job of sharing experiences in a real and authentic way that inspires real change. It’s a breath of fresh air to hear the real behind the scenes of growing and going for your dreams! So much hype and positivity in these episodes, it always changes my perspective for the better 👏🏻
  • L-Boogie17
    Permission Giving Podcast
    I really appreciated and resonated with today’s episode about the permission to evolve and not be for everyone. I am an entrepreneur and feeling the pull to talk about more than what I’m currently known for, but I also feel like I’m not “allowed” to. This episode was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you, Kacia! P.S. I don’t ever want kids, but I’m completely fine with you talking about it because I can always apply your lessons to other areas of my own life. Also, my personality is totally opposite from yours and I appreciate your spicy pep talks and just general enthusiasm! You’re my hype girl!
  • Jazmine Corona
    The BEST podcast
    I absolutely love the conversations Kacia has with her guests. As a female entreprenuer, it can be hard finding someone to truly understand what you’re going through and this is the perfect podcast that makes me feel not-so alone! I truly look forward to listening to this podcast!!
  • (p)721
    Fave girl talk pod
    Absolutely my favorite girl talk podcast. Kacia hits the nail on the head every. single. episode. From friendship to hormones to business every episode has GOLDEN nuggets!!
  • Nyla718
    Always inspires, never disappoints!
    Kacia’s positive energy is truly contagious. She never fails to leave me feeling empowered and motivated. As a female founder myself, I find Kacia’s podcast invaluable during those times when I need to tap into my inner power and feel invincible. Definitely listen to this show, it comes with a guaranteed motivation boost!
  • mbwhtn
    Life giving!
    Kacia has a way of speaking right to your heart- lighting you up with genuine belief in yourself and everything you are worthy and capable of in this crazy life! Her vibe is absolutely infectious! Her pep talks will leaving us feeling excited to love your BEST life!
  • Jessica 💗💕💗
    New Fav!
    I just found the is podcast this week and I’m so here for it! Kacia’s enthusiasm helps me get through my workout on the treadmill! Her advice is solid and I love her energy!
  • MissAshleyylala
    The BEST!
    I look forward to this podcast so much! It inspires me and helps me see new perspectives/ allows me to tap into higher thinking in a world that can stifle that. So fun, real and positive!
  • IshaLipscomb
    I love EmpowerHER!!
    I literally listen to every new episode usually the day it drops. Always something I need to hear and speaks too the soul! So thankful for this podcast and the fact you literally make it feel like we are just two besties chatting over a spicy margarita ❤️
  • crbasso
    This is my favorite podcast! Kacia 100% accomplishes her goal of being relatable while also kicking our butts to go make a mark on our world - regardless of what that looks like for each person! Absolutely recommend!
  • Bri.since99
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for a few years now and I absolutely LOVE IT! This podcast has helped and taught me so much. I shared it with a few of my friends and family and they also love it! Thank you Kacia, for keeping it real and growing such an EMPOWERING fan base!
  • Madigram8
    Must listen to
    I love Kacia & look forward to her episodes! I relate so much to her but the things she talks about can really relate to anybody! It’s a good mixture of fun, motivation & some tough love!
  • jadyn walden
    Pep in yo step
    This girl add a little pep to my day every time I listen her excitement is contagious and you can’t help but feel uplifted every time you give it a listen! It’s a must listen if growth is what your after!
  • lauren-kd
    The best podcast to help be the best version of yourself
    I’ve been hooked on this podcast since 2020 when I, like many people, went on an introspective journey to level up in my life and mindset. Kacia has the most positive energy to hype you up, while also offering perspectives on tackling the sometimes challenging experience of being a human. This truly is the podcast for a fun, insightful follow-along on how to be the best version of yourself in your life, career and relationships! I also love how she collects feedback via Instagram (i.e. question box asking “what are you navigating right now?”) and then incorporates those into future episodes! This is truly a community.
  • mrs.katjonas
    Gave me Peace
    Recently came across this podcast after struggling with finding myself. I listen to different episodes depending on how my day is and really is so powerful that I talk to my peers about it. I’m so obsessed!
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