ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka


I have NEVER met an ADHD woman who wasn't truly brilliant at something! **This podcast with over 6.5 million downloads is for smart, high-ability ADD/ADHD (diagnosed or suspecting) women who see their symptoms as more positive than negative. If you want to fall in love with your ADHD brain and discover where your brilliance lies, this podcast is for you! **ADHD for Smart Ass Women is globally ranked in the top one-tenth of one percent of all podcasts in the world on any subject. It's streamed in more than 160 countries and is downloaded by more than 150,000 listeners every month.**I’m Tracy Otsuka your host. I'm a lawyer, not a doctor, a life-long learner and a certified ADHD coach. I’m committed to changing the conversation around ADHD. **When I was diagnosed eight months after my son, my entire life suddenly made perfect sense but all I heard and read about was everything that my ADHD brain SHOULD be struggling with when in fact I would come to learn that my ADHD is responsible for some of my greatest superpowers. **One other thing, we constantly hear about all the successful ADHD men, but no one talks about the women. This podcast is here to change that dynamic. ADHD women are my people, and I’m here to acknowledge, support and cheer them on.***THE CONTENT IN THIS PODCAST IS NOT INTENDED TO BE A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE, DIAGNOSIS OR TREATMENT AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE MEDICAL OR PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY IN SEEKING IT BECAUSE OF ANYTHING YOU HAVE SEEN OR HEARD FROM TRACY OTSUKA OR THIS PODCAST.

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Recent Reviews
  • Howdy from North Carolina
    Life changing.
    In January 2024, I happened to hear Tracy on Episode 208 of The Clutterbug Podcast (“Could You Have ADHD? Let’s break down the signs with Tracy Otsuka”) and for the first time, at age 51, I found an explanation for so many of my habits that bother me or others — and explain some of my best traits. I’ve since been diagnosed with ADHD and other neurodiversities and can’t thank Tracy and Cas Aarssen for giving me new hope.
    Thank you!
    This podcast is a breath of fresh air in a neurotypical word that highlights nothing but the bad about ADHD and seeks to make those that are different feel out of place and inferior. This podcast has made me not feel so alone and now be able to recognize my own strengths and that of those like me, including my son! Thank you!
  • Alicia A. J.
    So Informational and Validating
    I was diagnosed with ADHD, predominantly inattentive type, just 5 months ago shortly after my 43rd birthday. My LMHC recommended Tracy’s book. I discovered the podcast after getting the book. I have learned so much about my ADHD brain from listening. I gain insight from every single episode, even the ones I wouldn’t think relate to my life. Thank you Tracy, for sharing your passion to help women navigate how to embrace our ADHD brains.
  • dalililylama
    I can’t delete this episode?!
    Why can’t I get this episode off my phone ? What the heck .. I’ve unfollowed show, removed downloads and done everything possible and yet this episode haunts me- it’s always there as if I’m playing it unless I play something else and then there it is again. It pops up playing in my car! Be gone!!!
  • DuckyMum
    Soothes the souls and uplifts connection
    What a relief when I found this podcast! Being diagnosed in my 40’s, I’ve been on a journey of understanding how to help my challenges and celebrate where adhd is a my superpower and then pass along what I know to my clients. I love how the podcast gives both stories - the I’m not alone healing - and ways to help me. It’s like a college class. And the Facebook group is essential. What a world that Tracy has created here! Listen and love it too!
  • sunlovr24
    Relatable and Validating!
    As a woman who was diagnosed with ADHD in her 30s, I’ve found Tracy and her podcast refreshing and validating! This podcast makes me feel empowered by my ADHD and less like it’s a negative part of who I am. Any woman who has (or suspects they have) ADHD should be tuning in!
  • JordNikoll
    Relatable info that’s helpful to share
    The number of times I have sent these podcasts to people to help explain things happening in my brain I can’t explain or didn’t understand and now do really shows how helpful and relatable this podcast is. I have learned so much about myself, my brain and have learned to love and embrace and use this powerful brain to my benefit. Don’t sleep on this podcast it’s added to my life so much!
  • SamBGuia
    Empowering and Enlightening!
    Tracy's genuine passion for empowering ADHD women shines through every episode. Tracy's personal journey with ADHD, coupled with her background as a lawyer and certified ADHD coach, brings so much knowledge to every conversation.
  • LLuvCoolJane
    Great podcast
    Tracy always sounds great and so I know her audio engineers are doing a fabulous job for her and us. But, when the person she is interviewing has a less than ideal microphone set up, with echoes and volume issues, it is hard for me to listen. in fact, I just can’t like today, May 8. I just skip those episodes, which I like to get the information, but oh well. Tracy is iconic at this point. She is international and she is better than this, and so should her podcast be, as well. Not sure how this can be fixed but I thought I would just put it out there. Your mostly devoted listener.
  • Stephanie Ohannesian
    This was the podcast I had been looking for! I had spent the majority of my life swimming through molasses trying to grow, build and find a life worth living. I always felt something was “off” and asked myself why everything was so much harder for me compared to so many other people. After being diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 33, I finally understood what was happening. It was a huge step, but very isolating and with that, a lot of emotions came into play. Where were the resources, the tribe that gets it, the community etc … and boom, what do you know, I found all of that here! Tracy speaks to the superpowers that come with ADHD and with every fantastic guest comes the inspired guarantee in a multitude of forms that you absolutely have endless opportunities and potential. The trick is harnessing your skill set to make it yours. It is part of my self care to listen to this podcast because it reminds me that there is no such thing as a learning deficit, only learning differences and differences are GREAT! So much so, I started my own consulting company; inspired by all of this great stuff here! LOVE this PC!
  • Clarissa Constantine
    I LOVE this podcast!
    I LOVE hearing about so many other women who either have or suspect they have ADHD and how they have embraced the fact that their brains just work differently. I fall into the 'suspect I have' category, and it explains SO MUCH. I've learned a ton from the array of guests, but the episode that spoke to my soul was the one on which Tracy talked about grief in the wake of her mom's passing. I happened to listen to it just about 3 years after my mom's passing, and it took me right back to my experience 3 years before. I can totally relate to much of what Tracy shared! We neurodivergent folks definitely process things differently. Thank you, Tracy, for bringing women like us into each others' lives.
  • Tara S W
    Ep 270
    This is my favorite episode ever, no shade to Grace. I LOVED how you both just ADHD'd through it and it was so fun. I'm literally listening on a roadtrip, pulled over to get gas (because i for got to fill up before I left to head home) and had to leave a review before I forgot. Also, Brooke totally sold me on her book and yours too, Tracy. I have it in my Amazon cart, I guess it's time to check out.
  • BH621
    I love the latest episode!!!
    Been listening for about a year. Early 50s, diagnosed at 35. Combined type. Didn’t really dive in to my own adhd experience until a combination of adhd, perimenopause, and long COVID contributed to the demise of a 6 month romantic relationship I thought would be for the long haul. The perimenopause/adhd difficulties intensified in early ‘22. I could no longer mask my difficulties. Time blindness and hyperfocus were the downfall. Your podcast has me laughing and crying every week. This episode I totally related to the curly hair. I’ve learned to love my curly hair, but straight is easier. If I get a blowout, I can go days without washing, and can make it look nice with a brush. Curly is more time consuming. Still trying to find a balance!!!
  • Brian Evan T
    Great time speaking with Tracy
    Tracy is an amazing host and so easy to talk to. Tracy, thank you for having me on. I so enjoy listening to your pod!
  • peace267
    Superb and inspiring podcast!
    Thank you, Tracy, to you and your team for sharing inspiring and extremely helpful information with the world through this podcast, and also through your book and online classes! In this podcast you will enjoy interviews with some of the top experts on neurodiversity, and also many inspiring stories from neurodivergent individuals who have found great success, both personally and professionally. Lots of helpful and entertaining episodes on personal development as well. Highly recommend!
  • Halli Faulkner
    Thank you, Tracy, for your leadership and courage in this field.
  • tousine
    Tracy tells it like it is
    What a breath of fresh air. Tracy knows exactly how to deliver tangible advice and insights that make having ADHD feel like a superpower. She continually shows up giving 110% — and I appreciate the no fluff approach. All gold, no fluff. Thank you, Tracy!
  • Beth Blaisdell
    Finally I feel seen!
    Thank you Tracy for writing your book, starting this podcast, and being a coach! I learned I had ADHD through your book that I found through the episode you were on with Jenna Kutcher. My mind is blown and all the pieces have fell into place! Now I’m learning how to use ADHD to my advantage.
  • MartiniMcFly
    ADHD inspiration
    Great episode! How comforting it is to align with so many of the symptoms discussed.
  • Superkid Capes
    Not to be dramatic but this changed my life!
    I am so grateful for Tracy’s work via this podcast and her new book! This is the first podcast review I have ever written! I never write reviews, mostly because I have gotten distracted or can’t fully articulate my feelings, but I decided this was too important to not acknowledge. I am a 43 year old mom of 4 and entrepreneur. Over the past year I suspected I might have adhd after listening to some other podcasts where the subject was discussed. I found it interesting but didn’t think much more about it as it swirled into the mix of hundreds or ideas and thoughts running through my mind. It wasn’t until the start of the year when I was really struggling with some thinking and planning for my business paired with serious burnout after some intense months filled with pushing it to the limit that I reached a breaking point and started doing some serious soul searching. I had talked with my therapist about adhd which she agreed I most likely had and I remembered Tracy and her work and was pleased to see she had a new book! As I read the book and started listening to the podcast episodes my life unfolded before my eyes. For the first time ever, everything I always wondered about from my weaknesses to my strengths made sense! I am not exaggerating when I say Tracy explained myself and my brain to me in a way I had never heard it explained or knew it could be explained. I am so grateful for this midlife revelation! It is so encouraging to me to understand what is going on with me and how I work and how my mind works. I was very anxious and depressed a month ago as I was ruminating and catastrophizing about myself and my work. I still have plenty to sort out and figure out moving forward, but with the knowledge and support I have gained from Tracy’s work, I feel like I can do the hard things. I can know myself better. I can finally understand why I am the way I am. If you have not read Tracy’s book, I highly recommend it. And like Tracy when I’m excited about something I can’t shut up about it! If you think you might have ADHD or have a friend or family member working thinking about or with ADHD I guarantee you and they will not regret reading it. Thank you Tracy!
  • Shana |
    She knows all about you
    As a woman navigating the whirlwind of ADHD, finding this podcast was like discovering a hidden treasure trove of understanding, validation, and laughter. Tracy, is fun, quick and she has such sharp wit. She makes every episode feel like a heart-to-heart chat with a wise friend. 💖 She may as well be reading a script of my life half of the time. I also TRULY appreciate that she is coming at this from an angle of a SUCCESSFUL, SMART and DRIVEN woman rather than some of the other ways people approach ADHD.
  • allison_caulfield243
    Making me feel so seen 🥹
    Thank you for putting out content that gets to the heart of what it truly feels like to have ADHD. I love the honesty and vulnerability on this podcast. 🫶🏻 Truly a must-listen for any human with ADHD.
  • Cooliestgirl
    Where have you been all of my life?
    I found Tracy Otsuka’s podcast while taking a deep dive in better understanding my daughter’s inattentive ADHD. While there are many characteristics and personality traits that I can relate to in my three other children, my youngest had left me scratching my head. How could she be ADHD, after all, she could sit and creatively play with her toys for hours? She loved playing with puzzles. She is so quiet and unassuming, striving to fly under the radar. At the same time, she would quietly do crazy and impulsive things, that left us flabbergasted. Finally, a series of unfortunate events, within her then current friend group occurred and I realized that I needed more insight to how her brain worked. In both Tracy’s Facebook group and her podcast, I found validation, understanding, and information, that not only led to a better understanding of my youngest child, but to my own personal diagnosis at the age of 49. I have now gone back to the beginning of her program, and am systematically listening to all of her previous podcasts, before I let myself listen to any more of her newer ones. I am able to appreciate Tracy’s evolution as a podcaster, in both quality and content, as well as receiving validation of my own experiences. Areas in my journey, such as identifying and understanding RSD, masking, perfectionism. In addition to understanding my difficulties handling the lockdowns during Covid and so on. Thank you Tracy, for giving women like myself and my daughter a place to turn, where we no longer feel that our brain chemistry is a neither a secret nor a mystery.
  • ooooobella
    An absolute gem!!!
    I can’t believe I’m barely just getting around to writing a review! I’ve been listening to Tracy’s podcast for far over a year now. It has been an essential component to helping me learn more about myself, ADHD, and all the many ways in which ADHD women are using their special gifts in the world. On a personal level, this podcast really motivated me to continue pursuing my diagnosis, which really wasn’t an easy task, but I did it! I have also shared episodes with my husband, mother, and other family members, so that they have a better understanding of where I’m coming from (as well as my son, who I believe will also be diagnosed when he’s more of age). Thank you, Tracy, for all of your hard work to help women with ADHD discover their special attributes, and not just focus on negative qualities. Thank you for your optimism, and the diversity of your podcast topics. You make great company on my commutes to and from work! I am so grateful to have randomly discovered your podcast long ago. Now, what are you waiting for? If you’re reading this review, just go start listening to the episodes! xoxo
  • Rifsway
    Found the La Mer of Miracle Elixir without the heavy $$$ tag!
    I hate podcasts. I can never focus enough on a podcast to binge watch it like a NetFlix Korean Drama of 10-16 episodes!. This podcast I cannot get enough off. As an educator with a Master’s in Exceptional Education and having 2 kids with their own spectacular ADHD brains, I kind of felt jaded about my knowledge of ADHD. I felt I knew all the signs and symptoms and challenges. I have all the Smart and Scattered Series and everything from Hallowell and Driven to Distraction Series. I have books on ADHD Hacks. But nothing pulled it together like this show. I have a cookbook that I recently bought called Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat. I love this one because it’s premise is you can be a great cook if you know the chemistry and the whys and what’s of Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat and their interaction with meats, vegetables, doughs etc. This podcast is exactly that for me. In one week it has not just taught me the basic ABC’s of ADHD but the nuts, gears, and bolts of the different manifestations of ADHD and what it looks like. The bestest part is the COLORS of Experts she has on the show that not only discuss their expertise but are also living with ADHD as well. I have never talked back to a podcast so much as I have with Tracy. I started biking recently and instead of music I blast an episode of her show and bike around the neighborhood etc. People pass by me and think I am talking to my friend and not just a podcast. Every single person she has had on the show o have found a little of me in that person. For example, RBS, wow that’s why I pull at my eyelashes? Entrepreneurialism! Wow! That’s why I have a million ideas? Interpersonal Intuition! That’s why I can read a room? When talking to people I always preface it with “ I have dot to dot thinking. You have to connect the dots to figure out what I am talking about ! “ Or I tell people “ I am a weaver and I weave many topics into my thoughts to make a thought or connection. It’s the fabric of my faith. “ Everyone looks at me oddly or are just gravitated to me. By listening to this podcast I now understand why social interactions are difficult for me even though I am very social. But it’s more than that. I remember when my mom was trying to fix and arrange my marriage to a “ nice Muslim boy”. The suitor would come to the house and I had no idea what to say to him much less feed him. My culture is very oriented and I remember after getting married to my current husband and my friends and mother in law would ask me “ So what are you making Faisal for Dinner? “ or I would go out with my friends and they would ask me “ what did you give Faisal for dinner. “ To both I replied “ cereal “ or “ peanut butter and jelly.” Que in big eyes and wide mouths at the audacity of serving Faisal cereal or peanut butter. It baffled me how people did this everyday and why does it overwhelm me. And why is it I only get inspired to cook and then it’s because people are coming over? And why do I do this manic cooking ritual complete with time blindness and the enduring emotional dysregulation combustion that flares up at the end because of course, the meal being made ended up over salted, soggy, burnt, or worse dry. Now I know these are all manisfestations of ADHD in Woman and I am only now getting to know my brain again. So the color of the show has added a brilliance to my life again and I am comforted in knowing that there are others out there just like me and it’s ok. It’s perfect. It’s me an Allah Designed Happy Doer. And one more thing, the young factor. I get that all the time. And now I know why, we have a child like like wonder to learning what this life is all about and are in constant gratitude and awe. And the best part of the shows are the little areas of repetition like when she thought she was a good parent but realized wait, the self control her kids demo is because of their own neuro self, not me. 🎉 That was probably the game changing moment for me. And so I continue watching yhe 100 rest of episode. I am a speed reader and o bet I can finish all these episodes like a 300 page good read for Book Club! And I did order her new book today and I look forward to reading it tomorrow. Oh and I love the fact that she went to Georgetown University. That’s my original hometown. And yes, I am a raver too and cannot shut up talking about her and her amazing show!!!So if you don’t want to have dead end life because of your ADHD or you think you have a dead end life because of your ADHD. Nope, I have found the Fountain of Mental Youth legit research based miracle ! I have found the La Mer of ADHD Miracle Cream. Gratitude to you Tracy for shaking the narrative and erasing the stigma!!
  • Nicbigsky
    I was recently diagnosed with ADHD but haven’t had the time to research and understand what that really means, how it manifests and what I can do. Hearing this episode and others is like having a plot twist in a movie that explains everything that came before. My discomfort and inability to calm down even when I am aware of why I am deregulated. But of course that energy helps me be really productive and exhausted…it’s not a character flaw, it’s the way I am wired. Thanks for the insight and also tips to deal.
  • Vanessa Rosalie
    1st ADHD Podcast for Women
    Trailblazer and expert!!! In 2020, if you searched podcasts for “ADHD” + “women”, you’d find a couple options AND THIS GREAT SHOW. Always imitated, never duplicated!
  • ilovepresidenttrump
    Enlightened beyond words
    Thank you Tracy is not enough !! You are a joy to listen to! If you have ADHD I’ll take it because I think you are the smartest kindest witty intelligent caring person I have ever had the pleasure of listening to!! Thank you for sharing and teaching !! I am forever grateful !! Love Marie ADD and 73 this Sunday !!
  • Far Away Cardinal
    Love the new cover image!
    Thanks for all you do, Tracy!
    Tracy is the real deal
    Tracy is so genuine and a terrific host. Every episode is informative and interesting
  • NEGould
    Goodbye Grandma
    I lost my Grandma- my mother figure, our family’s matriarch and the best person I have ever known suddenly in May. She was the person who got me, who accepted me with whatever warts. She had an unfailing belief in me that affected my belief in myself. She also had ADHD (which we realized after I had been diagnosed) and we spent the past couple of years connecting our dots and relishing all of the creative endeavors pursued out of our hunt for dopamine (she was also an incredible seamstress). I have listened and loved this podcast for months, and was hesitant but curious to listen to Ep. 249: Adieu Beautiful Mama, since I knew it would hit home. I had no idea how much of a gift this would be to me. One of the biggest challenges I have found with ADHD is the struggle to be SEEN and to be truly KNOWN. I have been seen and known by your tale Tracy. The optimism. The arrangements, the details for the service, the final gift, down to hummingbirds and the color yellow. I wept so much as you described what we both did to honor our cherished ones. You have unwittingly seen my heart and encouraged it through sharing your own journey and I am forever grateful to you for it.
  • Data Entry Day Job
    Breaking up with alcohol episode
    There is a huge HUGE crossover between neurodivergent people and people who struggle with alcohol and other substances, and the episode on breaking up with alcohol is a MUST LISTEN for anyone who is sober-curious, or anyone struggling with their drinking and/or their ADHD. As a therapist once told me, and what’s confirmed on this show with each guest, is that ADHD is something we live with until we reach our maximum capacity to cope with it, mask it, deal with it, or work around it. Kids, work, marriage, loss, financial struggles etc. all pile on sometimes. But I’ve learned through my own personal journey that it’s in this moment of breaking down that we are truly tested to make life changing enhancements to our daily activities. As Kuda states in this episode, throw out the question “do I have a problem,” and instead examine whether sobriety might be a beautiful, effective, and powerful enhancement to your life given your unique ADHD brain. Anyway, don’t just take my word for it as someone who has been sober for only a little over a year, listen to this episode and make your own decision. Thank you so much Tracy and Amanda Kuda. Kudos to you both, Sisters!
  • EHP8180
    This podcast is lifechanging
    Thank you. It is helping me understand who i am and also realizing i am not alone
  • buzimama01
    A lifeline!
    This podcast has become a lifeline to me, as a woman who was diagnosed ‘late’ in life. I greatly appreciate Tracy and her guests sharing their wisdom and insights. Even better, for the first time in my life, someone gets me! I would love to share my story with Tracy someday. Thank you for making this podcast! ❤️
  • Belly Bear < 3
    Meditation episode
    This is THE BEST explanation of how and why meditation is helpful for ADHD brains. I am a woman with ADHD and psychotherapist who specializes in ADHD and encourage all of my clients (with and without ADHD) to try mindfulness/meditation and even though I’ve taken a number of continuing education courses, some even led by Buddhist monks, I have never heard such a helpful explanation and method for us ADHDers!
  • swizzsandy
    Smarty Smarties Unite!
    Tracy’s podcast was one of my first favorites! While men are welcomed, Tracy’s focus on women has helped me understand so much about my female body and mind in conjunction with my ADHD. Don’t miss out on this great podcast!
  • Jules-still learning
    Tracy you are the bomb on truth with optimism. I have learned so much. I’ve always believed ADHD was my secret sauce and reason for success. Midlife made start to focus on the struggles and the negatives. Your knowledge and bold way of sharing helped me improve the challenges and get back to believing in myself. Thank you.
  • mjm802
    Great resource
    Thank you for all your hard work, all the information you’re providing is so helpful and life changing!
  • leviandbetsy
    So helpful, practical, and affirming!
    The episode on gut health just blew my mind! Thank you!
  • lorlai3
    Love love love this!
    Just happened upon this podcast because I started looking for a work buddy yesterday & I joined Tracey’s Facebook group. I’m in a place of my life where I’m leaning into celebrating my strengths & letting go of negative self feeling & my reactivity around it, after 52 years of seriously not liking myself, and the things that are related to my personality, much of which are traits of ADD/ADHD. The interviewee Steph said so many things that resonated with me personally and I came here to the podcast to listen to episode 106 for some reason I can’t recall right now, but this most recent episode started playing and I let it continue! Thanks to you both for the brilliance revealed here and I look forward to listening to more of Tracy‘s podcast and even and going to look up Steph’s podcast!
  • Northwest Es
    Life changing
    I found this podcast last Friday on a long travel day. I recently stopped taking adderall, and was looking for alternative methods to manage my adhd brain. I stumbled across this gem of a podcast and found myself mouth dropped majority of the time I was listening to each episode because I felt understood for the first time. The episode that really got me was #220. I almost started crying when I heard the title of the book of the guest speaker- why will no one play with me? - because I can remember so many times throughout my life wondering why do I not have a best friend like everyone else? Why does everyone have a go to friend that they can call with a drop of a dime, but I don’t have anyone? Why am I never invited to anything? Why do people want to small talk, yet I over share and find myself regretting that decision? As I progressed forward with this episode, so many more flashbacks flooded my mind to even events that took place last year as an adult that I found myself still ruminating over. Since finding your podcast last Friday, I have now recommended and shared it with 4 of my old friends and coworkers who also have ADHD. They all immediately responded with “YESSS” as soon as they saw the show title and episode name. This show has unofficially become my daily therapy session and has revealed more to me in less than one week than any other podcast, self help book, or expert in their degree has brought to my attention. Thank you so much for bringing this podcast to life and thank you universe for letting me stumble across this show. I’m forever grateful. And with that I give this podcast 5 stars!!!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Naomi Eddy
    Has helped me so much
    Tracy’s podcast has brought me to tears and made me feel like I’m not crazy. I feel like I finally found my people. I am learning to see my ADHD in such a bad light, but to embrace my differences and learn how to work around them. Thank you for all you do Tracy!
  • Mackhughston
    Adding to the gold ⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Thank you so much Tracy for all the work you’ve put into this podcast (and everything else you e done) for women with ADHD! I have learned so much from you and your guests. This podcast has made me feel embraced by a community of women who have had the same struggles and triumphs throughout our lives. Thank you! #HuntersUnite #ADHDIsMySuperPower
  • InAHoxha
    finding it very useful and inspiring.
    thank you!
  • lonneal
    I tear up a bit when you say “I spy a better life for you.” That’s what your podcast did for me. I’m 68 and just got a diagnosis of ADHD. I’m still reeling - it’s been a lifetime of guilt and self-loathing over shortcomings that are ADHD symptoms. A lifetime of trying to fix it. Tracy, your podcast inspired me to seek a diagnosis and start recovering from the guilt and shame. Now I will be using your podcast to find hacks and workarounds. Thank you. You’ve made such an impact on my life. Laura
  • W!L€1
    Gracie made me happy cry
    It’s 3 years later but this is the first time I heard this interview and I’m floored. The way Gracie talk about her school and friends with such love, filled my heart with happiness. Then when she talked about her strongest trait being fidelity & empathy I found myself in the middle of my house, hand over heart crying. At her age to know the difference between sympathy and empathy blew my mind as well. I love all of Tracy’s guest and of course our Tracy who brilliantly brings us together but she is hands down my favorite guest. What a beautiful, interview with a beautiful soul. The world is a better place with people like Gracie in it.
  • Hype406
    I finally feel heard
    Just go ahead and add on 5+ more stars to my rating! I just found this podcast in the last week. From the first episode, I feel seen and heard. Every guest, every topic, I’m taking something away from. I got my official diagnosis 7 years ago, but I’ve struggled with ADHD since childhood, even though no one believed that I was having a rough time. Everyone just thought I was lazy and unmotivated. I went back to the beginning and am listening from there. I have loved listening to this while I work as a dog bather. I’m already doing better and am able to recognize my strengths.
  • Lizzy Sims
    Life Changing!
    As a woman who discovered her (self diagnosed) ADHD after having my first baby at 40, in a very baptism by fire kind of way, this podcast has been a goddess-send. This has helped with everything from answering some questions, developing work around skills, absolving guilt, letting me know that I’m not just a schmuck of a human, prioritizing what’s actually important to focus my energy on, and just providing a general sense of community. Thank you so much Tracy Otsuka, what you’re doing has made such a difference to me and so many others. ❤️
  • Cowieandmoo
    Episode 210 CBT Help
    Always enjoy Tracy’s podcast. This episode was excellent. Ordered kindle version of the book mentioned. Feel fortunate that this guest was based in SoCal.
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