The East is a Podcast


A critical lens on the history of the present on West Asia and North Africa. Interviews with experts and archival mashups.

Created by Sina Rahmani (twitter: @urorientalist)

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Recent Reviews
  • james23784737
    Very genuine
    All of the guests and hosts seem very honest and genuine, and help me understand what is going on in the world.
  • alex k pharmd
    Great insights, great music
    I enjoy this podcast very much, not the least for the sardonic banjo-infused jazz music used in the intro/outro, which sounds like a jazzy funeral dirge that would be played while you are being escorted to your execution, but it’s in a Chaplin film.
  • kat8478493
    There are certain things that get discussed that finally just lighten this load that’s hard to explain. A kind of weight of western propaganda that can be intuited and sensed but will never be spoken about, or not clearly. It’s so important to be able to relieve oneself of these weights that are so attached to the western ideology and to our own psyche, so that one can attempt to finally move out from underneath it. It’s very freeing, and I appreciate this work.
  • tristen ludlow
    Excellent show
    I’m definitely not a leftist. But I’m anti imperialist, and this show is awesome to listen to
  • ioooodh eidi
    Thank you
    Keeps me sane in light of current events.
  • Embiid for prez
    I think anyone who finds themselves curious about history on non western topics is often faced w/ the dilemma of auditing the conveyor of the information and if they are actually acting in good faith. You don’t have to worry about that w/ this pod. The host does an amazing job finding incredibly intelligent and knowledgable guests who can speak deeply on topics that are often littered w/ misinformation. I can’t recommend this podcast enough if you are interested in topics ranging from the Middle East to the Korean Peninsula.
  • yyzzaajj
    PLEASE ask real question let your guests speak
    Generally love a lot of things about this podcast. BUT Sina, maybe you should make some episodes that are just you going off? I would totally listen to those too! but please, let your guests speak and ask them simpler questions, not five minute rambles that end with “I guess that wasn’t a question.” the number of times you interrupt your guests to go off on rants is kind of frustrating. Especially when they’re starting a point that seems really interesting, and then we don’t ever get to hear it because you’ve brought up five more (also interesting!) things. We hear from you every episode (almost)! some of these people are totally new to me and I’m always sad to come away from the episode feeling like I’ve more confirmed what I already knew you thought than learned more about the topic or heard from someone with a particular expertise.
  • chanestyle
    One of my favorite podcast series going
    Digging the guests and topics. Been turned onto so many podcasts & books from listening
  • AUser857091
    Run on to lose your point
    Please slow down and stop trying to squeeze 50 opinions in before you ask the question
  • taphomite
    Ask questions
    Learn to ask a question. If it’s a disability that causes you to run at the mouth, make it your special interest to become a good interviewer. You talk too much.
  • why must i include a nickname?
    One of the best!
    East is a Podcast is truly one of the best podcasts out there. The range of issues discussed here is amazing. The guests (and guest hosts) are all well prepared and have expert knowledge, which leads to great discussions and analysis. I’ve learned waaaay more via this podcast than just about any class I’ve taken on politics or history. Sina is an amazing host and producer and he’s created one of the best podcasts out. It’s entertaining, informative, easy to digest, well thought out, proletariat-centric in analysis, and I always come away having learned something. Thank you for this podcast Sina.
  • bqm1999
    Excellent podcast
    The East is a Podcast has shaped my politics more then any other podcast. Sina is extraordinarily knowledgeable of world history, but where this show shines is the focus on the guests who are diverse in experience and fields of study. The conversation is almost always lively with Sina not shying away from seeking a deeper understanding of the topic at hand and occasionally challenging the analysis of his guests. I truly feel as if i am learning with both the host and the guest. The Patreon Episodes are just as good so if you are able, chip in a couple bucks for even more extraordinary content. Thank you Sina for this excellent resource!
  • FatimaMarianne
    A crucial resource of knowledge in my own political journey
    One of, if not the first podcast that truly opened my perspective to a world of collective anti-colonial & -imperialist resistance struggle when I felt there was no solid streaming resource or outlet I could turn to. If I had the ability to share this podcast with everybody on this earth I would do so in a heartbeat!
  • isosafrole
    Gary Webb?
    I get that it’s a very controversial topic, but we all realize that what Gary Webb ‘discovered’ didn’t do anything for the world. And it wasn’t because of some unilateral press censorship or because he was wrong, he was right where he provided evidence. It’s just as easy to ‘counter-produce’ narratives for interested parties who want people to engage with and get catharsis from into a (genuine ) conspiracy spectacle.. which only serves to distract from the present. I’m also confused as to why this podcast has started posting audio lectures which are very general. I understand the direct connection of course, and at least Parenti has some useful ideas but he is not an expert on all that he talks about. Gary Webb does neither theory, history, or anthropology. Or anything rigorous and trustworthy, despite that it aligns with my biases. It’s literally described as ‘storytelling’ in the copy.
  • Person who rated this
    Yes it is
    By a margin, the best podcast.
  • Kato in Uganda
    Five stars !!!!!
    I was keen to find a one-stop-shop for a sweeping overview of centuries of history of Afghanistan and I was totally blown away by the episode. The guest ( professor Shah Mahmoud Hanifi ) was beyond amazing. I cannot wait to binge more episodes of this podcast. Incredibly high quality content and very talented host. Thanks to all involved for illuminating our world.
  • Jajjajjaja ask aka Jesus
    Unlike any other podcast covering the region
    A must listen. The range of topics covered w/ the level of expertise brought onto the show is extremely impressive. Never a dull episode & i always learn a ton. The host is engaging but never speaks too much. Guests are always brilliant!!!
  • Witch of Babylon
    This is the MA program I never enrolled in because I didn't want to be red-pilled by academia (thanks for the laughs on that one, Sina and Chris Haleli). But genuinely, this show is not only rich in critical - and fascinating - knowledge and perspectives, but also relatable and entertaining and maintains a human element that's lost in so many discussions surrounding The East™️. Everyone should be a patron!!
  • Ethan Azad
    One of the best podcasts I’ve ever listened to
    I recently discovered The East is a Podcast and listened to it last weekend for about 6-7 hours straight. I rarely rate anything but this is honestly one of the realest podcasts out there and I hope the episodes keep on coming. Highly recommend it to anyone interested in learning more about the world and all the **** that goes on it.
  • Britmusicfan
    Insightful and refreshing
    This is an essential podcast for anyone that wants a more holistic view of Middle Eastern politics. Sina does a fantastic job of elucidating the subtle, and often times, not so subtle ways that discourse around political events in the region are often discursively orientalist in nature. Western media bias is quite pervasive and it requires amplifying voices in the region to help balance it. Guest lectures are often engaging and worth spending time to hear. Anyone looking to get a more complete view of MENA politics should take a serious listen to this podcast.
  • SYazdanyar
    Edward Said Would Be Proud
    The East is a Podcast is truly a wonderful listening experience. Sina does an impeccable job of subverting the mainstream (imperialist/neoliberal) narrative and exposing it for what it often truly is — modern Orientalism. Personally, as someone born and raised in the Core to Iranian parents, I find many of these episodes to be a cathartic release. Additionally, as a graduate student, this podcast keeps me grounded and reminds me not only what I’m working toward but also that there is much more work to be done. My only gripe...what is with the intro/outro music and why is it so long?! Joking aside, I cannot recommend this podcast highly enough!
  • Olivia Giovetti
    Essential listening
    As a Syrian-American, I love listening to this to keep up with what’s going on in MENA, dive deeper on certain topics, and learn about issues I didn’t know existed. My (non-MENA) spouse also enjoys it for getting to learn more about the topics that are second nature to me. It’s a win-win in our house.
  • naderade12
    Best podcast to ever exist
    A part of my weekly (sometimes twice a week) routine. It’s been an entry to all things “east” / non-white. Important work that deserves all the support. TAKE A LISTEN! Any episode! Every episode! Bet you can’t stream just one
    I absolutely love this podcast!
    Every episode is gold. Complete and absolute gold.
  • sk_a79
    things you need to know
    solid and helpful analysis to round out your perspective on all the important things we should know -- interesting choice of guests, obviously well researched questions, and more than worth your time
  • spjanick
    The East is a Podcast is a beast of a podcast
    This show is quite a breath of fresh air in our tribalistic political milieu. Covering everything from anti-imperialist history to contemporary political analysis, this show proves instrumental if one wants to remain informed on the facts you won’t find in the mainstream. Aside from the critical topics, you will find lots of interesting guests from a broad range of backgrounds, an easily digestible podcasting/interview style, and a highly informative and charismatic host. Don’t sleep on this show—your political-existential awareness will be better for it.
  • jkhazaie
    you should have subscribed yesterday
    The guests are incredibly insightful and dedicated to their work. The memes and merchandise are on point. Looking forward to the continued growth!
  • cinema-nerd
    A must listen!
    As a black/non white listener, this is an absolutely refreshing podcast on issues that just aren’t tackled on many other Leftists pods I listen to. The Edward Said mixtapes are an absolute gem as well as their other episodes. I’m constant learning and unlearning through this podcast. Comes highly recommended!
  • Samibeglook
    Absolutely awesome! I listen to a lot of podcasts but "The East" has become my new favorite. I came for the Assyrian episode but stayed for the Said mixtapes. I've gone back to listen to multiple episodes and I've loved everything. Sina, the host, is truly informating, caring, and gets very good conversation out of his guests for all of us to enjoy. A true gem.
  • CassadyFCooper
    Insightful and Important
    A great selection of topics and guests that bring discourses away from a Eurocentric colonial view at a time when that is very important to understanding our world.
  • maryamrab
    Important listening
    This podcast is timely and informative! Each show provides expert insights from different disciplines. Great host, guests, and topics!
  • Alexandros!
    A hilarious & ruthless criticism of all that exists
    This podcast is a tremendous resource for students, academics, educators, and the intellectually curious. Sina's episodes blend entertainment with serious scholarship in ways that most commercially-produced podcast can only dream of. With a focus on marginalized & colonized communities, the podcast covers Kashmir, the construction of race, Edward Said, U.S. foreign policy, pop culture, and sports -- in short, it provides a ruthless and entertaining criticism of all that exists. These episodes will make you laugh, they'll get you thinking, and they will likely introduce you to new frameworks for thinking about the world.
  • tim treadwell
    Needed Critical Lens On Contemporary Issues
    Sina's new(-ish) podcast is a necessary contribution to current discourse about the Middle East, North Africa, and the rest of the world that fell under the rubric of "the Orient" for so many centuries and until today. Not only does the pod present critical viewpoints from top scholars on breaking news events, but it also has provided a venue for students of the Middle East to explore contemporary events along with the historical contexts that have brought us to the current situation of the Middle East in, for instance, US foreign policy discourse today. Top notch work!
  • redfenian
    Great podcast
    Great podcast. A bit cringy when the host occasionally talks of British imperialism as being internal with regard to Ireland though. Ireland is not British. Beyond that, some great work.
  • captainscarlettsavage
    One of my favorite podcasts! Intelligent, thorough, insightful, accessible, and very importantly, a lot of fun!
  • SM pilot
    Absolutely superb work, this podcast enables the kind of insight that is often disabled in conventional approaches to intellectual projects.
  • Alifbatasoup
    Not your conventional Middle East history podcast
    To those who've had enough of NPR, here's a podcast you'll find different at the very least if not really interesting and/or slightly unnerving. I'm used to the podcast doing most of the work for me. This one however forces you to slow down and wait and piece together parts of the story yourself. After you've proven your dedication and survive the first 20 minutes off the beaten track, you get to a mishmash of history, voices, and media. Haven't heard anything quite like it, especially not in a history of the Middle East podcast. Will definitely be coming back for more
  • Ayanrdutt
    Exactly what I expected!
    Amazing podcast. Well written and designed perfectly. Definitely worth listening to. I strongly recommend!
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