Confessions Of A Crappy Christian Podcast


The Crappy Christian Podcast strives to shed a light on the topics the church often forgets. In this space, you'll find conversations with people who have gone through the fire and come back with buckets of water for the people still in it. Hosted by @thegirlnamedblake, this podcast packs a punch (the good kind) and touches on everything from mental health to sex to divorce to the everyday life of a Christian, & the good news that God in the midst of it all.

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Recent Reviews
  • sarahd..
    Relatable and relevant
    I love your podcast. I listen to it on days that I bake (I run a small business out of my home) and it helps me feel like I still get my Bible time on days when I really can’t squeeze it in.
  • Annie Marie Grace
    the show
  • BeccaJR89
    So encouraging!
    I enjoy all of Blake’s content! She has such wise perspective on many various topics. I really enjoyed the podcast on changing churches as I’m in the process of that. I would highly recommend this podcast!!!!
  • Kendall A Taylor
    So Informative
    I absolutely LOVE this podcast! It goes over things that aren’t really spoken about in churches today, and definitely shed a light on some topics I always questioned growing up! I’ve listened to all of them starting in February of this year and I’m sad that they have all been heard!! Blake is so heartfelt and compassionate about what she does and it sucked me in! 10/10 recommend to anyone who asks me! ☺️
  • Lillian Cherryhoof Sso
    I like it
    It’s a podcast where not every episode is for me but then there are episodes I really enjoy!
  • ghmyahooka
    What a Blessing
    This show is a blessing for sure. Sometimes I need to hear from the Lord and I can't digest something super heavy and this show is so light and easy to understand and uplifting. It makes me feel like im not the only one who feels like im not always being the best and the encouragement is just so appreciated. It's often hard for me to just sit and read the Bible so I have to give God ways to speak anyway I can and this show is great for that. Its a nice break from shows like Blurry Creatures and Haunted Cosmos who, while are Christians, deal with paranormal topics and sometimes I just need to hear something more related to my day to day. So if you're looking to give God a little bit more of your time, give this a chance.
  • Pearly_Liz
    I could be wrong but I did listen to a couple episodes and maybe if I listen too all I might have a different opinion but I truly can’t be bothered. the podcast eps I did listen too give close minded and borderline propaganda. I feel like Jesus is hardly mentioned and they do not do a good job of speaking of loving others and showing grace. To me these are the conversations and people that cause one to walk away from god.
  • C.V.S.J.D.S.
  • Daily dose of relief
    Daily Dose of Relief
    I discovered this podcast when I struggled with feeling guilty about my past, and questions about my Christian walk. That is, until I found this podcast. Upon leaving a cult, and struggling with toxic teachings, I decided to listen to an episode of this podcast. What started with hesitancy and anxiety ended in tears of relief. I’m grateful that Blake, and her guests, are willing to tackle many issues/topics the American church ignores head on.
  • Flutter44
    Love this!!
    Sure do love your podcasts Blake!! I just listened to the crappy wife episode, it hit me deep! Thank you very much for this.
  • eesitz1s
    My only source of news
    Blake is my spirit animal. She speaks in a way that I resonate with & her views/mindset on all the controversial topics are identical to mine. I love that she plays devils advocate sometimes and gives you both sides of the coin to ponder over without being overly biased, but backing up her words with facts and bible is what I love the most. Can’t deny the truth! So thankful I found her on IG and got introduced to this podcast!
  • Colter T
    New fan
    Love the realness!
  • Withnicoleb
    Always learning
    I’ve enjoyed the variety of topics Blake talks about and although I find our family’s value many of the same things and I generally agree with so many of her viewpoints, I also really enjoy hearing her view and opposing views on topics.
  • Conrad Cam
    Love her
    She’s so real and easy to listen to.
  • katheirne37384)6282
    Listening to your guest Seth was so sad. I can’t believe people like him exist. I pray both of you never need to be in a position where you are in a position where being pro choice is the only way to show mercy. I also pray Jesus will open both your hearts and your minds. I always think, in the Bible, people like you and Seth are the hypocrites who Jesus always points out and says not to be like. You both just spent the entire podcast slamming anyone who doesn’t think like you. You both just isolated and turned off any person that isn’t an extreme right conservative. I can’t imagine how many followers you lost to your podcast after this episode. Also, I must add, no man should have ANY say over a woman’s body.
  • KellyT020
    So good!
    I love listening to this podcast! Blake is willing to talk about things that other podcasts refuse to talk about. Especially loved the vaccine podcast today! I’m pregnant and asked god to give me a sign if we need to vaccinate our child - then this episode popped up on my feed! Well needless to say I got my sign and loved all the I formation I received during this episode and every other episode of Blake’s. Please keep making these episodes!
  • BrookeSTG
    Love love love
    Genuine.. authentic.. great show
  • MaddisonSandell
    One of my favs
    I love to listen to podcasts and this one talks about all the subjects that I like to deep dive into!
  • andrea.e.c
    My favorite podcast!!
    Blake is my favorite personality on instagram, so it only makes sense that her podcast is my favorite too! I’m absolutely loving this new season where we get to hear more about what Blake thinks on these topics. 🥰
  • BekaRay
    No nonsense, Always good
    Blake has a way to share about God, Faith, Culture, Politics…the heavy hitting stuff…with sound reasoning and expert and industry leading thinkers. We are all crappy Christmas (or non-believers) but having a band of crappy friends trying to do better makes up stronger. Take a listen!
  • NattyGaddy
    The things no one wants to talk about
    Blake has on fire guest on to talk about things people don’t want to talk about for fear of getting cancelled. It’s refreshing to listen to people from different backgrounds share their experiences. Blake leaves room to disagree and doesn’t push people to think and believe exactly the way she does. I look forward to listening every week!
  • Holly Jo Patel
    My absolute fav podcast
    I absolutely adore Confessions of a Crappy Christian podcast! Blake really researches the topics and does her homework and has some of the best guests on the show. 99% of the time I’m lovingly challenged to think about a topic in a different perspective and reconsider how I feel about a topic. Which in turn causes me to do my own research and make my own decision. Not just base my decision based off of what I’ve been told my whole life. I would 10/10 recommend this podcast!
  • pnw crunchy mom of 3
    It is so refreshing to have someone who speaks truth without filters, beating around the bush, or hinting at things. Blake just says it like it is. Her boldness is powerful, and encouraging!
  • dnl0124
    Here for the Speakeasy’s
    I was a finicky fan at best with CC podcast. It took turns with other podcasts. Then Blake explained on her Insta stories about her Speakeasy segment & I was intrigued. It’s Blake from Insta stories but via podcast - without the distractions of Instagram. It’s Blake speaking out what we’re all thinking & wrestling with, or playing “devils advocate” (although in this instance I think “Gods advocate” might be the better term). The topics could be heavy but they’re also light hearted in their intentions. She makes all my thoughts make sense by the way she eloquently articulates her own. I tend to listen while in the gym, which means I’m probably definitely nodding my head vigorously or saying amen while lifting. Blake’s podcast is anything but Crappy + is now in my regular podcast rotation.
  • Steph.M.H
    Listen to Confessions of a Crappy Christian!
    This podcast is great! Interesting topics and interesting perspectives that make you think.
  • Anne415N
    Wanted to love this because I love the idea. Unfortunately, Blake is pretty judgmental and petty. Crappy Christian is the perfect title!
  • sb1234566
    Love Love Love!
    Such a great podcast for women (young, older, old, pregnant, wanting a family, not wanting a family, grandma’s, aunts, the list goes on). Blake is real and authentic and the way she asks genuine questions and has tea conversations makes her podcast easy to listen to. Love the guest speakers she brings on that are a wealth of knowledge, share from their hearts and love hearing different perspectives once in a while too. Listen to 5 episodes and I think your mind will be blown with the information you receive.
  • V jxjxjd
    Such an encouragement
    I have been so blessed listening to Blake and her perspective on things. A lot of it has encouraged me to think broader, and to dig deeper.
  • “smart” girl
    Praise from a Teenage Christian!!!!
    This is genuinely the BEST thing i’ve ever found. I’m 14 right now, but i’ve grown up as a gifted christian kid. which always made me feel so…..different. It also means i have big questions about faith, questions that certainly kids don’t want to talk about, and adults never provide a straight answer for. I feel really alone sometimes but i’m still curious and full of doubts. I hide away in fictional analyses and true crime, until i found philosophical real-life christian girl talk. I’m obsessed and you’re my absolute new favorite podcast. please please please keep getting deep and staying silly!!
  • 🙊✨
    I’ve loved your show since becoming saved two years ago. But recently I’ve noticed a shift in the content you’re creating. Though I’m all for shaking up the room with Christian perspectives on biblical and worldly concepts it seems you’ve lost sight of what made this a great podcast. Now with having a atheist on a Christian podcast it just sends the wrong message to those who are either discovering the faith or babes in the faith.. Wishing you well!
  • Genesis J. Alvarez
    Loved the episode with Ginny Yurich from 1000 hours outside! 💜
    Thoroughly enjoyed the discussion with Ginny Yurich regarding all things childhood, technology, and tools to optimize and revive our society’s family life!
  • Godshaylo
    What we need in our lives!!
    I’ve always loved this podcast. But today, it hit differently. I listened to the “Why kids should be outside and why school isn’t making sense”. Wow. So many amazing nuggets. I am in my fourth year of homeschooling. I always wonder if I will somehow screw my kids up by letting them have too much electronic time, or by keeping them sheltered from public school. This episode was such a great reminder that it’s okay for our kids to struggle. It’s okay for us to question our parenting. We won’t always get it right. Our kids definitely won’t always get it right. Thank goodness for God’s sweet grace.
  • BookNerd1217
    My favorite podcast
    Last year I decided to walk back into my faith, well maybe I should say take baby steps and Blake’s podcast and book were the first things recommended to me by my best friend. I haven’t looked back. She is one of the reasons I have kept on this path even when it’s been hard through some of my own personal revelations and wanting to give up because I didn’t think I had the strength to deal. I look forward to a new podcast popping up in my notifications every week.
  • Allyson Boop
    Best Podcast Ever
    I absolutely love Blake’s podcast! It feels like you are sitting down with your best friend talking about real life. I always glean something each time I listen. Love that I can walk away from this podcast and be able to apply things talked about to my life. Also love that I feel seen and heard…. And that I’m not alone. If you need a safe space to be in, this is the one. Thanks Blake for an amazing podcast!!
  • Julie20
    Episode 284 Homeschooling
    Homeschooling has been on my heart so much this past month. I have a 2nd grader who is struggling to read and at our parent teacher conference just yesterday I was presented a form telling me if we don’t get her caught up she will be held back. Holding her back would absolutely crush her. I don’t know how I’m going to do it but I’m determined to homeschool next year. I can’t wait to dive into all the book recommendations talked about in the podcast and watch your journey with homeschooling unfold.
  • preciousbri95
    Best Podcast
    The Kevin Thom episode was amazing! The two of you should do more. Weekly listener here! Amazing podcast 10/10 recommend
  • jenn7usa
    Crappy Christian Fan
    I listen to 10-15 podcast a week and Blake is by far one of my favorites. She is courageous and speaks truth that is covered in grace. And that my friends is the definition of Biblical love and kindness at its finest!
  • AmberHobson
    I’m 2 episodes in & I already love Blake! She is my vibe. I love how she’s just so authentic and real. I’m so thankful I found this podcast!
  • DejaLF
    Love it
    Very relatable and great topics while I’m cleaning. I love this podcast!!!
  • Jackie PioneersofOutlawCountry
    Questions are Welcome!
    It has been a blessing to listen in on Blake’s journey of faith and hear my questions echoed - and explored. My faith has only been strengthened by this journey so I just wanted to give a shout out to Crappy Christians everywhere! I grew up in a Southern Baptist church - with hippy leaders and an eclectic congregation from all walks of life (welcome to rural Alaska!) As kids, we were encouraged to ask questions because the adults around us all asked questions. As a teenager, we went to a Nazarene church in Fairbanks - where none of the members were Nazarene but were attracted by the pastors who bucked the standards. Now as an adult, I’m grateful to hear this podcast - and be led to other podcasters - where Christians are encouraged to question and learn. Thank you, Blake! I’ve followed you for awhile and just wanted to let you know you have been a blessing in my adventure on Earth!
  • Jessijem
    I’m Not Alone
    Thank you for making me feel normal and asking questions and interviewing these remarkable people. I really love listening, I had a lot of religious trauma as a child but as an adult Im getting reacquainted with my christian roots & reestablishing my faith & relationship with God. In such a secular world listening to you and this is helping me adapt.
  • Yaaaaasssssssss
    Asks the hard questions
    Love that Blake asks the hard questions and bring a fresh perspective to Christianity. Finding this podcast was more influential in my faith than 15 years of private Christian/Catholic education. It has strengthened me relationship with God. What she does here is truly a ministry, and it has been a blessing in my life.
  • D Farney
    Wish she referenced scripture and not her feelings
    Started off with some okay episodes then slowly drifted away. Scripture is barely references in any of the episodes. Acts 17:11 I feel like the heart of the podcast is in the right place but missing the mark on leading the audience to God. I hope 2024 brings more sustenance in the episodes and a clarity that God and His word are the center of the podcast.
  • K Scherer
    Thank you!
    God doesn’t just speak through burning bushes. Sometimes you have to look for His voice. I stumbled upon an episode when it was exactly what I needed to hear. It’s so beautiful how God works like that. Thank you! Love how down-to-earth and relatable this is!
  • wishfjicidnenrkfoofnd
    Great Podcast!
    A friend raved about this podcast and I love it!
  • Heather hsquared
    An important voice
    Thank you for being such an important voice in this space. Thank you for tackling the hard questions without slipping into know it all or self righteousness. Appreciate you!
  • hmb12340
    So Powerful and Insightful
    Love that Blake and her guests talk about topics that seem like taboo sometimes in the Christian world. I always feel so invigorated and inspired after listening to the episodes and like I’m gaining more tools for my path in following Jesus. Absolutely love this show!
  • KatieCake84
    Great podcast!
    I have followed Blake on Instagram for a while and love her take on things. Downloaded the podcast a while ago but only just started listening. Now that I’m listening, I can’t believe how much resonates with me. Every episode has been meaningful and I’m so grateful for it! I’m in a season of growth/healing and it is WAY more painful and confusing than I expected. This is so helpful, and relatable. Thank you for putting this out into the world!!
  • mlspnwmama
    Ahhhh I wish there was a progressive Christian podcast
    I was hoping this was it, it is not. 🤦‍♀️ If you’re an ally to LQBTQIA+, open minded, or pro science all while being a Christian-just skip along, because this ain’t it. My search continues….
  • Mnm05
    A sister in Christ not afraid to use her voice
    I love this podcast and the fact that it delves into the new topics you won’t hear about anywhere else.
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