The Political Orphanage

Politics #232

Politics minus bile plus jokes. Comedian and avowed independent Andrew Heaton interviews authors and thought leaders about policy and big thinky stuff.

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Recent Reviews
  • Quite Trippy
    Best Musical Ever!!
    I thoroughly enjoyed your debate musical. As usual, you were evenly critical and ever balanced. Thank you for the laughs.
  • If gib
    99% awesome podcast
    Started following the show probably 6 months ago and have become a huge fan! Heaton routinely brings in diverse voices and construct hypotheses to take difficult problems. That being said, on the campus protest episode his guest Kaplan starting the discussion saying the protest was about dressing up as Hamas and supporting the Oct 7th massacre, which is disingenuous at best. There’s nothing wrong with letting someone voice that opinion on your podcast, but Heaton seemed to just go along with it in agreement. Might avoid these “round table” episodes in the future.
  • Jeffgoddard
    If you are smart and still think farts are funny, this is your podcast.
    Andrew is a master interviewer who is happy to listen to all sides of a topic. Funny, smart, and informative.
  • gameninja2589
    Interesting topics, thoughtful discussion, funny
    Nice variety of topics with well reasoned and logical discussion of different viewpoints. Long format allows for nuanced and differing perspectives. Love the light, comedic style as well.
  • Todd Liles
    Funny, Educational, and Irreverent
    This is fun worth having.
  • Kyle S Ree
    Love-Hate relationship
    Love the podcast overall when it’s got a good topic. My only issue is Andrew has a little to much faith in capitalism, he seems to discount that the game is rigged from the start. Other than that funny well informed, interesting guests and books often.
  • deaconrigo
    Definitely the best podcast
    I am grateful for Mr Heaton insights and intuitions; he ask excellent questions, very well prepared and his guests are treated with respect and attention, well done Mr Heaton
  • yetanothereviewer
    Episode 159
    I was pleasantly impressed with this episode! I wasn’t going to listen to this one as I’m not a fan of Megyn Kelley but Steve Krakauer is a reasonable independent and very knowledgeable. Much better than her pod-rag would indicate!
  • bstrong71
    So much value in this podcast
    If you’re looking for a podcast that approaches a multitude of topics from an open, data-driven, and thoughtful perspective, this is the show for you. Refreshing and informative.
  • myhistorycanbeatupyourpolitics
    Good Podcast Good Exploration of Political Issues
    Worth it for the Affective Polarization episode alone.
  • protipster
    Funny and educational
    This podcast provides timely and thoughtful commentary on important issues. It doesn’t have a noticeable partisan bias, unlike most news/politics shows. And it’s funny! And it has no ads. Actually, there are ads, but they’re just joke advertisements, like on SNL. The Political Orphanage is basically just like SNL would be if it were still funny. And unbiased. And educational. OK, so the only common point is the joke ads. But now I’ve written this all out and am just going to go with it. Try this podcast! The only thing you’ve got to lose is the hundreds of hours you’ll spend listening to back-episodes, after you get addicted.
  • Your Friendly Not Racist Dude
    Definitely not a racist
  • abdknsn
    A place for plucky misfits & problem solvers
    An interesting look at topics with in depth analysis through an independent lens.
  • birddogfarm
    Excellent show
    If everyone in America listened to this political podcast, the country would be a better, more congenial place to live. As political commentators go, Andrew is amazing at correctly and daily stating the positions of both the conservative and liberal sides of an issue. I agree with a solid 75 percent of what he says, and for the remaining 25 percent he is at least showing me there is a clear reasonable logic to seeing things differently. Also, as a farmer in Austin Tx, I appreciate that there is someone out there willing to devote so much air time to the care and concern of horses, and the horse loving public. Best podcast sponsers ever!
  • Volk13
    Great pod
    Great episode. I listen to Kristaps all the time.
  • attanjp
    Amazing podcast for everyone to enjoy
    I’ve been following Andrew Heaton since his previous show and it just keeps getting better and better The Nuclear War podcast is a worthwhile listen. I would pay just for that episode alone!
  • Zaroso
    Totally rad!
    I just listened to the episode on nuclear war, which was a wonderful podception of a production!
  • Symatthews81
    Love this podcast!
    A safe space for all orphans.
  • Joel Wittenmyer
    Research! Research! Research!
    Best researched and fact checked podcast available!!!
  • Llamashea89
    Well researched and entertaining
    Andrew does a great job keeping these topics interesting, even for those who aren’t excited by history. I don’t agree with all of his opinions but I’m here to listen and not argue. Thanks for acknowledging *most* of us fall somewhere in the middle.
  • Trainedmoose
    Love this podcast
    I’ve considered myself a political orphan since 2015ish so this show resonates with me. My favorite has been the one on the Berlin Wall but the more recent ones on Roe v Wade and gun control have been very well researched and executed. I highly recommend it.
  • justgenerateoneforme
    This is the first podcast that will receive my money when I’m not poor. Worth every future penny!
  • pjon0583
    So much to think about!
    Great listen! Favorite podcast!
  • rwunope
    What happened
    What happened to the Friday release valve and the history podcast?
  • MochaBearBooks
    Wife stealing top hat
    Andrew is by far my favorite podcaster and interviewer. It’s amazing getting so many points of views from his various guests and each being allowed to earnestly allowed to make a case for their views. I feel as though I know much more, and slowly becoming less stupid. This show will challenge political though without name calling or trying to make a person feel stupid for believing something they do. Andrew may disagree, but he acknowledges this it’s his belief and not a fact. He is willing to question and push back on ideas which only helps them to grow. This man is a godsend to the marketplace of ideas.
  • grandfatherofethan
    Woke Hysteria is Actually Class Warfare
    I heard Andrew on The Tom Woods Show and was fascinated by his explanation of International Relations (IR). So, I decided to check out his podcast. When I heard that Batya was a Marxist, I thought, “Whoa boy! What did I miss about Andrew?” His conversation with her was so informative and fun. Does anyone have a more genuine and gregarious laugh than her? She was absolutely charming! I really needed to hear her thoughts and perspective. Human are very complicated beings, and I’m reluctant to pigeonhole them into a particular box. Even so, I think Batya gave solid reasons for us to consider as to why “class warfare” is a big part of the puzzle. I will probably read her book. We need more constructive conversations like the one on this podcast. I’ve shared it with several friends. Well done, Batya and Andrew!
  • 💩🙈🙉👽🙊🏰
    The best political podcast for everyone!
    I have listened to so many different political podcasts on both sides and get extremely annoyed when I just hear people spew their opinions at you or fail to back up any facts. This podcast hands down is my favorite for its educational and entertaining value. I recommend this podcast to everyone and anyone. If I could give this more than 5 stars I absolutely would.
  • noah b w
    This podcast is awesome
    This podcast packs a punch with the knowledge, humor, and guests it provides. Most political podcasts are not nearly as entertaining or informational as this one. He is one of my favorite libertarian thought leaders, so I hope more and more people find this podcast!
  • LetsthinkharderShan824
    What makes a joke offensive
    Hi Andrew! I have been listening to your podcast off and on. This episode is really good and interesting. Often, I disagree with you. But, I continue to listen. Because you might have one of the most thoughtful and intelligent shows of all, on the air. I really appreciate your interesting guests and your take. I am a very progressive gen x mom. I like feeling challenged and you are very challenging. The first time I heard you was on fake the nation. I looked you up, and listened. I haven’t been disappointed. Do I think you are hilarious? Not always. But you do make me laugh and smile. Most of all, you inspire me to think and look at the world with a larger lens. All about it. I think you are fantastic. And I can’t imagine a more interesting dynamic than you dating AOC. (Just an idea. Remember an episode of you talking about difficulty dating.) Unashamedly would follow that scenario! Thanks for your podcast.
  • trembulaland
    Always a good listen!
    This podcast is always a good listen; I think we all need to challenge our world views more often, be a little less certain. Today’s episode was one such.
  • RanMan71
    Common Sense Is Alive!
    Brilliantly explaining things that people over-complicate, such as the power of government, all with a solid dose of history and common sense. #MustListenFeed
  • Jjjaaammmiiieeee
    Deleted the Newsom Ep?
    Did the Democrat illuminati get to you? 🤣
  • the_other_blobfish
    Almost Love It
    Andrew is likable and the show is generally interesting and well-researched. There have been times, however, where I’ve heard easily-debunked talking points repeated on here. I used to defend Obama from the sensational headlines coming from the right, and I’m just trying to be consistent; I get that it’s hard to give Trump the benefit of the doubt given some of the things he’s said. That being said, he never suggested injecting bleach into your veins to treat COVID. The transcript shows that he was taking about using light as a disinfectant, which is an existing technology. The infamous Charlottesville presser was treated similarly by the left-leaning press. Andrew has called out Fox News as propaganda, and I don’t disagree. Propaganda comes from both sides, however, and I would hope a show like this would call it out from both sides instead of believing it from one.
  • Balladman1
    Mandela did not save South Africa. He authored its destruction to Marxist evil rulers that now serve the CCP. You’re. Wrong!
  • chopper7926
    Funny and dead on.
    We need more honest comedy like this.
  • namaenick002
    Substantive and witty
    Don’t miss a chance to laugh at all the crap out there.
  • johnblaker
    Liberal Masquerading as Libertarian
    This podcast is pretty good if you view it not as libertarian but 1990s Blue Dog Democrat. Sorry bud. But you can’t call yourself a libertarian if you support mask mandates. It’s anti-science, anti-vaccine and anti-freedom. Everyone can get the vaccine. Mask mandates haven’t worked, they never worked. It’s all 9/11 style security theater. At the end of the day you still think the state is allowed to force everyone to do something stupid just because you think it’s “not a big deal”. That’s not a libertarian position. You’re still a statist. You’re just not a communist, so on that front you have it right.
  • Frequency24_7
    A recipe for thoughtful discussion.
    Two parts authentic pithy optimism. One part peaty bleeding heart libertarian. A dash of Captain Obvious. Shake up with diverse array guests. Strain into an Old Fashioned glass. Garnish with tweed and elbow patches.
  • Intercourseu
    The Smartest Man in Podcasting
    History would do well to regard this man as the Benjamin Franklin of his generation.
  • GrumpyToad
    The podcast I look forward to all week
    This is without a doubt my favorite podcast. Heaton is funny and witty, but also does his research. Those hoping for a red team vs blue team fight should look elsewhere as you’re not going to find pointless political name calling here.
  • this_show_is_racist
    Great podcast
    Heard about Mr. Heaton on Tom Woods podcast, and he is outstanding. Heaton’s episode on the fall of the Berlin Wall was amazing!
  • birdienow
    This is great!
    I especially like hearing from Jen Briney of Congressional Dish! Good stuff.
  • Rujimbob
    Yeeesh! Going woke in the name of...Libertarianism ?
    let’s rename it the We Hate Trump and Republicans are bad podcast. At least then it would be honest. Apparently bipartisan means libertarians and Democrats only to Mr. Heaton.
  • Sounds like a Heaton
    Horse Sense
    Do you feel left out of the conversation? The Red team Blue team narrative doesn’t make sense? Try something new! You may not agree but you might learn something new and get a laugh along the way.
  • JonnyBingo
    Thought Provoking and entertaining except...
    Been following Andrew for a little over a year now. The political orphanage is an exploration of some really interesting concepts with humor and fairness. However, the contempt for Trump seems almost personal. But hey, more than half the country feels that way.
  • Jack - Political Orphan
    Episode - The Election Wasn't Rigged
    Every American should listen to this episode. This was one of those Edward R. Murrow moments where someone stands-up and tells it like it is. This was well-researched and well-spoken. Thank you, Andrew Heaton, for this.
  • parker-1
    Why do people like this crap
    It’s not that good
  • Dwarg II
    A good and funny dude
    In a world of outrageous hottakes sometimes it may be of benefit to listen to the humourous musings of a reasonably sane man.
  • dsnell1
    The Prince of Critical Thought
    I love this show pretty much every time I listen to it! Well thought out ideas from many angles and perspectives all in one humorous podcast!
  • BusyBee Senior
    Culture Wars Reframed
    Thank you, Andrew, for this great episode! The division between authoritarian and pluralist is spot on. I have already shared this episode with friends. I really enjoy your positive and objective attitude toward the issues of the day. The rancor and stridency of so many discussions make my stomach hurt, but I never have to worry about that with you! Thanks again!
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