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alyalyalycatSound effects are really annoyingA pretty decent podcast, but the sound effects are really cheesy and annoying at best and outright headache inducing at worst. I fell asleep to this podcast tonight and was woken up by the absolute worst background music/sounds effects, which went on for a solid 5 minutes straight. It was the episode where Mark disappears and Tamara is playing back audio to try and figure out what happened to him. Other than that, this podcast is pleasantly entertaining.
NatfeBinge-WorthyThis show has amazing production value, and really keeps you hooked. The pacing, dialogue, and storyline are great and I was very invested
ArmChairXprtHilarious! Too Bad it’s Meant to Be Scary…Compelling premise, excellent sound design, but the two principal actors sound as if they’re delivering every line sarcastically and become annoying in a hurry. As the dramatic (HA!) tension ramps up, the plot developments become absurd and downright laughable. The climax is predictable and the continued question of “are you recording this?” brings the entire reality of the series into question. It’s a Herculean task to suspend your disbelief and get drawn into the world this show tries to create. A failure on every level.
Your friend from that one timeRepeat ListenerThis is one of my favorites, if not my actual favorite podcast. I just finished my fourth time through it, and I am still impressed with the writing and production on this show. I still hope we will get a second season at some point, but the one season holds up fine on it’s own. The unanswered questions still swirl around in my head from time to time, and I go back and listen again to see if there was anything I missed. There are only a few podcasts I will consume a second time. This one is definitely worth a first time to anyone who is into this genre.
Jbreezy442Really enjoyed this!The acting was really on point and the sound effects sounded realistic. Great story; kept me riveted. I feel that the ending kinda sucked, but still a really good audio drama!
JayactivI hate TamraThat’s all I got. I hate Tamra. Great podcast.
jrogers0809Absolutely love!!I absolutely love this podcast! The audio drama are always my fav and this on the top of my list. However, there are some loose ends and I need to know what else happens next. I am hoping there is more to this story coming. Great job! I will definitely listen to this again. If you are looking into other audio drama podcast similar to this one, I totally recommend The Cellar Letters, Malevolent, Unwell, The Sheridan Tapes, The Parkdale Haunt and Paralyzed. If you need more suggestions, contact us on the Cellar Letters discord. :)
TLHart83AmazingI love this. Amazing story, voice acting, audio, everything. And I want to know more.
GNXgypsyBetter than Archive 81I completely agree with the other reviewer who says this is better than the half lame Netflix version of archive 81. I’ve actually listened to almost ALL full cast drama podcasts available. Seriously. But never Archive 81, it’s simply jot that great, whatever. Netflix is turning out some real turds along with their jems. Try The Black Tapes, Rabbits, We’re Alive or Leviathan if you interested in good pod drama. Hope to see season 2 of this. Even if I gotta pay a few bucks. Ever since pandemic I realize how valuable good audio drama is to me. This is great! 90’s vibe. Love it!
OstaraNeeds a Netflix showHate that this is owned by Shudder, meaning we’ll never see a show on Netflix. This blows Archive 81 out of the water.
Strobelight*#1Video Palace an Excellent Horror ShowExcellent show. As one season only, much like an episode from Twilight Zone. Would have loved If they had taken the time for additional seasons.
jojojokiokokokojojojlip smackingi was living this so much until towards the end the lip smacking got insane for some reason. if you have misophonia be warned. i’ve had to skip so much because they won’t drink water.
EmpressCirqueA nice story to binge!A nice story with great acting, I’ll def be picking up the book sometime in the future. That being said, it isn’t super scary or anything, while at times, the plot almost seemed to be too convoluted. I felt lost at times, which could be very frustrating. Overall though, a very fun story.
EqofBe ready to binge!The perfect creepy show! It is so easy to dive in and let yourself be enveloped by the story and the characters. As Mark dives deeper into his arc, it feels like I am sitting on his shoulder… urging him forward with trepidation. The world needs more podcasts of this quality.
lmredd86UNDERRATED!!The acting is amazing, the story line, make more!
JennjennybExcellentHands down one of my favorite podcasts. The voice acting is some of the best I’ve heard—good delivery and believable (even the side characters were great as far as the voice acting goes, sometimes better tbh). The story is really solid. I love that although there’s supplemental material out there to continue the lore, the podcast itself has a satisfying end. It’s refreshing to find a podcast that didn’t end up dragging for unnecessary seasons, and also managed to give us a satisfying conclusion within that single season. Really great work!
DreadfullyShaneWhat a narrativeI started this Podcast looking for a deep immersive story and The Video Palace hooked me in. It’s a quick listen, not because the episodes are 20ish minutes long, but because the story doesn’t let go of you. Enter The Video Palace.
Amanda Kathryn ScogginsWonderful, really fun, season 2 please!!!This was one of the best fictional podcasts I’ve listened to! Very quality production, easy to feel completely lost in the story.
Ghoul foolThis podcast is SCARY! Yay!I loved this so much! Please make a second season!!!
kirk_farrisWishful ThinkingI loved the podcast, it’s one of the better fictional ones I’ve listened to. The voice actors sound like they might be having a real conversation and not just reading a script.
Joeyr75Can’t wait!!So happy we’re getting more content. I can’t count how many times I’ve listened to “Video Palace.” Will be buying “In Search of the Eyeless Man” as soon as it’s available on Audible. Thank you!
Tara2828For Real ChillsGreat horror podcast. Gave real chills throughout. The pacing was spot on and the voice acting was terrific. It reminded me of the first two seasons of “TANIS” before that show lost the thread. If you haven’t listened yet, you are missing out.
stargourdAn audio horror series perfect for bingeingVery entertaining. Excited to see what happens next!
~ Violet ~Derivative BaitThere are enough of these scary sounds will kill you and found tapes shows I’ve officially lost track of how many I’ve heard and which is which. It also seems to be a bait show ... season one of a show that continues on in a subscription service. Sound design is okay. Some of the acting is okay, but the writing is all over the place.
JalaikaNCLoved the end.It’s a hanger but it left me thinking About for months after. Probably forever
ryhaasBest podcast everToo bad they aren’t doing S2 Looking forward to whatever this “no eyes” thing is I keep hearing about in October
A$hley H.This podcast is one of my favoritesAs I am familiar new to listening to podcast I went into a downward spiral looking for something absolutely horrific and engaging to listen to. It definitely has a way of hooking you in and desperate to get to the end . Love this as it takes you on a journey like none other.
grouch20Lack of ENDINGWhat is the issue with all these mystery podcasts that don’t really END. Narratives need endings. Especially mysteries! If it’s deliberately open ended for a second season I definitely won’t want to listen bc it’ll be just as disappointing. Be creative enough to make your second season a whole new story after a satisfying ending to the first take.
Don't listen at nightDon't listen at nightRemember the clammy terror you had going into the basement as a kid—the creepy temperature change and the certainty something just moved in the corner? You get all of that and more with VP. Listen. Just not after 8pm.
TvmoviesparksI wish I found this soonerOn episode four and this one best horror drama play podcasts I have ever listened to I wish I found it sooner I happy subdued decide to a video which I will watch after I listen to this but I hope there is a season 2 different story with more thrills, chills and mystery I am invested
ohheyjohnPerfectly Chilling!I was looking for something in the vein of The Black Tapes or Tanis (but one that could stay on track) and found Video Palace. A one season, 10 episode series that kept my adrenaline up and the lights on as I finished this in one late night session. Great voice acting, multiple characters, and superb sound design nicely flesh out this universe, setting it apart from most of the current fiction podcasts that seem to only have a singular narrator speaking into tiny microphone.
aneseyesI wasn’t going to try it BUT...I did and I’m very pleased with my decision. This podcast created intense curiosity. It left me sad at the end though. I wish I could talk more in detail about it but... you’ll just have to see for yourself. I HIGHLY recommend that you do!!
YabbaBlabbaSeason 2, please!Well written, well acted, and very suspenseful. One of my favorite podcasts to date!
ctothefsMore of This!Totally engaging from the first episode to the last. Cleverly written, wonderfully executed, perfectly creepy. I did not want this one to end. Is there going to be a Season 2?!
CarolC_TCOminousIf you don't think an audio drama can freak you out or keep you up at night, think again! I loved everything about this podcast: writing, acting, sound effects, music. I don't usually listen to fictional podcasts, so I didn't know what to expect. It sounds like it was "filmed" on set for an expensive Hollywood production. It's not long before you connect with the characters and forget you're listening to fiction. I found myself actually talking to the characters, like, "No... don't do it!!" or "Omg omg omg!". Thankfully only my cats were here to witness that. As much as I want a season 2, this season stands on its own just fine. We don't need all the answers when the journey is already enjoyable.
TranaejonesPhenomenalI have yet to find another podcast that lives up to Video Palace in all its glory! The storyline, acting, character development, sound effects - incredible. I still find myself analyzing the details/ending over a year later
M.W.PetroMore White Tapes pleaseListened to this on my way to work and it made my commute more enjoyable. I blasted through the first season, so hopefully someone discovers more of those mysterious White Tapes.
BPrimo10Season 2, PleaseHave listened to this fantastic season twice and shared it with friends. I’m hopeful that Shudder will announce season 2.
Kag MagaGreat show, bad endingI really enjoyed “Video Palace,” it was fun to listen to, well-acted, and well-written. Unfortunately the ending was very disappointing. This kind of show screams for reveals, and we basically got none. Was it an extra-dimensional entity, like Chthulu? Was it the Devil? Time travel gone awry? Aliens? Nobody knows. And that sucked.
LydianalaModeExcellent and nostalgic — “Stranger Things” fans will love itThe first season of this podcast is an excellent, nostalgia-filled journey through a creepy “Videodrome” subculture. Fans of recent 80s revival hits like “Stranger Things” will love this series in particular though I think it has broad appeal. This features great writing — please deliver season two!!
katherine brosiqqWe need season 2Please! This is such a good story!
Ib4UTWe want season 2Season 2 please!!!!!
James StrayerMade with loveYou can tell this is made by horror fans and VHS freaks. Long live Shudder and let's hope for a S2.
Cousin BarnabasTruly remarkableI can’t recommend this series enough. Video Palace treats its central mystery with a level of respect that even David Lynch would have to admire. I hope it gets a second season but, if not, there are enough layers to be peeled back from season 1 to keep any horror fan engaged for a long, long time. LISTEN TO THIS SHOW NOW.
datatransferGood horror mystery podcastI like these stories which are presented as though the characters themselves are actually making a podcast. I prefer it to the standard radio drama style.
sleep so goodNew episode?I was binge listening to this forever ago and then the episodes just stopped. When will there be new episodes??
Tante143THIS PODCAST WAS GREAT!!I am always looking for great Fiction Podcasts. I loved this one!! Loved the Writing and the Acting. Great Story!!! This was my first SHUDDER Podcast and I will be digging around for more. Each short episode left you wanting to get to the next episode. Spooky, Eerie and Clever. THIS DEF CAN HAVE A SEASON 2 and I hope you’ll do one.
dhsauersGood storyReally good audio drama. The story is interesting and the acting is pretty good. Only complaint is that the girlfriend is incredibly annoying—glad she’s only a minor character.
PrestoFrescoSeason 2 pleaseUpdating my review to make a desperate plea for season 2. This is the best investigative fiction podcast to date and it hurts to be left hanging with the current ending
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