Something Scary

Arts #67

Something Scary is a horror podcast that brings listeners ghost stories, urban legends, and folktales from around the world. Hosted by Blair Bathory, the podcast features spine-chilling tales that explore the supernatural, from hauntings to strange encounters and gripping mysteries. Each week, they delve into the unknown, offering eerie narratives that are sure to leave you feeling unsettled. If you’re a fan of bone-chilling storytelling and unexplained phenomena, Something Scary is your go-to for all things spooky.Wanna hear something scary without ads? Click here: advertising opportunities please email

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Recent Reviews
  • Review person💅
    Something sCaRy
    I LOVE. This podcast. The YouTube videos for most of them are amazing too. I totally recommend this. So: stop reading reviews and just listen to some!
  • Captaincrasonts
    Top podcast ❤️
    Best bedtime stories (I listen to it every night) Do a episode on Bunnyman!!!❤️
  • Cas1995&
    Too forced and reaching
    The era of Saphire was incredible. Unfortunately Blair just has a very forced breathy voice that is so annoying to listen to and I can’t focus on the story. Sorry Blair, scary stuff just doesn’t suit your voice. We need a new voice.
  • Magmo12
    Love it!
    Great production quality and content. 10/10
  • ajshdifnsnsidixuxysgebsbjd
    My dog can read and write after hearing this podcast
    My dog is now fluent in every language and can read and write in them to after listening to this podcast
  • Make more episodes 😭🧚🏻‍♂️
    Best podcast ever for a little fright
    This pod cast is for horror fans and subscribe to their channel u really should check it out and it’s really good. It’s scary entities in slow voice voices that want learn into the jungle as the new episode. Check it out like check it out check it out. I give this a five star rating. You should too.
  • T..K86!
    I freaking just love these stories love u guys❤️
  • Abby L E 😺
    Awesome Podcast!
    The Something Scary Podcast is the best horror story podcast ever! 😁👍🏻
  • Maddie 2001
    Very good
    The way these stories are told are amazing. The right amount of spookiness and suspense.
  • princess annabella@
    I have been watching the something scary YouTube videos since 2017. It’s the prefect thrill, I love playing the podcast while I’m on the go. It deserves 5 stars!
  • Babedawl999
    Recently new fan of this podcast
    I’ve been listening to your podcast for the past 2 months and I’m totally hooked!!! I’ve tried listening to a few new scary podcasts and immediately came right back to this one!!!
  • ugcucurxtic ruch uur uf
    Pretty good
    I have heard lots of bad scary podcast’s but this one is amazing if u like scary story’s this is ur thing but I just wish the story’s were a little longer but keep up the good work 5⭐️ Ps- I’m 15 and it’s wonderful for studying
  • mimi123ema🥰
    Something scary is amazing
    If you love scary stories as much as I do, then you’ll love Something Scary! My favorite genre is definitely horror. Wether it’s scary movies, books, stories, or even podcasts. If you’re reading this trying to figure out if Something Scary is a good podcast, I really hope you try it out. I listen to Something Scary ever week, and it is just amazing. So what ever you’re doing, taking a walk, waiting for something, or even if you have nothing to do, listen to Something Scary. Trust me, this podcast will not disappoint. Thanks for taking the time to read this, now go listen to an episode of Something Scary!!
  • d Gunn hdhehdhdhrhf
    Love this podcast
    So I normally don’t find things that scare me at all but this podcast dose and as a 12 year old i know it’s not normal for things not to scare me but this dose I just love this podcast
  • SBPilotBB
    “Wanna hear something scary?!”
    Love this pod! Lovely voice, awesome stories, and thoughtful interludes. Keep up the great work!
  • smilinglyMel
    I LOVE THIS SO MUCH THE STORYTELLING IS SPOT ON can’t wait to hear more next week keep up the good work -M
  • Esquire13
    Wonderful Storytelling and Excellent Length
    I’ve been listening to this show since 2019 and the stories are great especially the ones from other countries. I love the length of the episodes and can easily get through an entire episode on my morning commute. Great job ladies and keep up the good work!
  • SpiritWalker13
    Miss Steffany Strange
    The show has been on hiatus over on YouTube but I see new episodes here without steffany :( where did she go?
  • Santiago Georgi
    Santiago Georgi
    I’ve loved this show since 2018 and I still listen to this day
  • redwolfhopw
    Deleted due to redirect,pay only I guess?
    Hit play 3 times, kept taking me to pay options. Good luck ladies. Seemed well done…..oh well.
  • Canttellya🤭
    Thank you for always uploading
    Been an active listener since 2018 and you guys never miss 🙏🏾✨
  • wuadir
    I love Stephanie more but the other voices are okay
    I came hear because I love Stephanie’s voice but it’s okay because the other member make it just as scary. The podcast overall in my opinion is a 10/10
  • Minecraftgamer_1234
    Good scary podcast
    All my other scary podcast aren’t really scary anymore so this show is scarier and better.
  • meow m ew
    What I say by London
    It’s hard to find a good podcast that sometimes gives you a scare I remember I was listening to a episode and I swear i saw a shadow run past me I was in my room in my bed my best friend was sitting next to me on his phone giving me a look of concern and I said I was fine but I was scared 😱
  • Av59_MN
    Sad to not hear Stephanie
    Good but…
    There are way too many adds but other than that great stories/ podcast
  • Risty10
    First Favorite Scary story podcast
    This along with the YouTube channel have been the first scary story channel I feel in love with. I look forward to a story each week. The voices of the storytellers are hauntingly wonderful. Best way to hear a scary story. Would love to hear one of my stories on the channel
  • Shesker
    For pre-teens
    Not very scary or often sensical. Reminds me of bad creepypastas or listening to young kids telling made up ghost stories. Though I would think perfect for 7-12 year olds. Only got through 2 1/2 episodes as an adult. <shrug>
  • I listen to it all the time
    To scary I cont sleep for days
  • charles the bbg
    LOVE this podcast. every episode I LOVE!!! OMG soooooo scary!! Amazing stories. Keep it up! P.S, 10 stars because omg THE JUMP SCARES! Love this poscast, keep up the good work! Love the intro tune by the way!!
  • Silver9tails
    I love scary stories and myths! Great for chilling and for sleepovers 😍I wish they were a bit longer tho. And I don’t like swearing and i unfortunately can’t listen to the rest of the episode even tho I want to.
  • RiverC.L.
    Please do more episodes I love this it’s so good
  • Vuvuxhbi
    I love your podcasts
  • Wendigo Hunter #1
  • roxiee✨
  • 🥳🤩😘🥰😍
    Best podcast ever
    As a spooky fan, I love this podcast 1 more episode to go until I finish everything! ❤️
  • Siyoa
    Best scary podcast ever.
  • Evelyn . F
    Not all are scary
    Some podcasts are great and give me the fright I am looking for but others just are kinda boring. If you need a really good fright I would not recommend this
  • ella emma 2
    It’s ok
    I don’t like the storylines I don’t like the narrators voice (I mean I love your voice but not for like a narrating) I wish the stories were longer (I listen to these when I’m in school and I need it to be longer bc ya know , But it’s good I like some stories
  • Loopyboopy2000
    Fantastic horror podcast. New gav
  • Water girl23
    Water and death
    I just moved to Bellefonte in February and I was bored and I wanted to go to the park. So I said goodbye to my mom and then I went to the park and I was walking around with no purpose and so I sat on a bench and felt someone watching me so I turned my head and saw a hooded figure advancing towards me and I was stunned so I could not move and then a slimy hand with gray pealing skin and then I looked around and I saw a man with a black suite. I ran home and slammed my door. I woke up in the middle of the night and heard a scratch at my window and looked over and saw the figure outside my window and I screamed but my mother did not come. Then I heard a scream but it was not a normal scream! It was piercing the yowl of a cat. Then it was gone and I pasted out. I woke up and it was 8:00 am so I was about to see my mom when I felt a chill so I went to school instead and when I got home I went to my moms room and saw a horrific scene. The figure was standing over her and she was covered in blood and a disembodied voice said “You can’t escape” Then the hood went down and I saw my grandmother who had drowned 2 months and my mother had moved to get away from the memory and and then she consumed me in water mixed with blood and I faded away and I forever joined her.
  • RM Vice
    It’s good
    These are good and entertaining stories.
  • BaileyBoo 🤭
    I’ve been watching this podcast scene I think a little after you guys started.. I love it so much even with ads and everything I love it. I love how the scary background music makes it more creepy to the point I have to start looking behind me when I’m alone 😂
  • ss sus
    Love all I can say is love
    I love this podcast, and I was wondering if you could feature of a story the moon shone through the window at night beauty so deceiving of what it’s going to happen I see a glint through the window and then I see the blade blade of the midnight murder i’ll hide under my bed cause I know tonight I will be next then I hear pacing I close my eyes I want to cry, but I don’t it stops at my door a few seconds later, I felt a cold hand on my neck I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t then I knew my fate would be horrific
  • Al I ❤️ scary
    Spooky night
    Wow! I just love all the creeps and spooks! these Stories make me look behind my back in my room lol 🥹 perhaps you could add ones about the zodiacs by the way mine is December Sagittarius.
  • Loganfool
    Too many commercials,
    Seems like it’s less than 60% actual story. The commercials should be at the beginning, and at the end night all through the whole thing.
  • peyton girl power
    I love this podcast so much it’s the best! I love hearing about some people’s experiences I haven’t had many experiences but my aunt has seen a ghost with only green eyes! Anyway amazing podcast and forget about those hater’s.
  • OGSlayQueeen
    Good, not great
    The old episodes/hosts are great. The new host Blair is also very good. Unfortunately Steffany’s reading style is really difficult to listen to, with a lot of strange and unnecessary pauses. It can be distracting and makes it difficult to get into the story. They also have gotten a little excessive with ads recently. I still enjoy the podcast, but I hope it’ll get back to the same level it was with the previous hosts.
  • toca world is mr fav
    I have a story !!!!!!!
    One day I was grabbing a snack I was walked though the hall and then the lights flickered and saw an old man staring right up at me while sitting balled up on the floor and he said I miss you so much and I’m still scared about that!
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