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LeftistTechBroGood ShowI am learning a lot
Marco FernandoooPhilosophy review discussionsI like when you guys do philosophical reviews of non mainstream media like alchemy or wisdom books bc I don’t get that anywhere else! Very generous descriptions of alchemy and philosophy
Adwoa.xyzPerfect ASMRSometimes I am enthralled. Sometimes I have no idea what they’re saying. Either way if you love yappers to sleep to this one is for you.
fugglytAlways interestingAlways interesting guests and topics. Host does a good job of creating space in the conversation that pulls the guest out into their topic for an enlightening conversation.
gerechTodd McGowanI could listen exclusively to James & Todd McGowan analyzing and discussing
IlikewaterbottlesMany hits, but a few missesI’ve listened to quite a few of his episodes, though far from all. I agree with another reviewer that it can be hit or miss. However, some of the hits include most of the episodes with John Michael Greer, as well as the “Freedom, Attention, and Psychedelics with Ran Prieur.” The last one in particular is gold.
Strongforthemyawn more retvrnersStarting out saying something spiritual blah blah pretty interesting and the wounds of the self, sharp turn into writers don’t use physiognomy enough anymore and the world is turning into soup. But it was good before of course. Yeesh.
Billybill1984Thank you..
dill0455InterestingMany intelligent, thoughtful guests worth listening to. But the host seems rather troubled. Having made a spectacle of 'finding God' until it seems what was really the novelty of his newfound 'trad' aesthetic wore too tired for him. Additionally off-putting are the misogynistic views he occasionally shares with his following. But all in all, interesting discussions.
Joe (Developer)FavoriteWonderful podcast. Great guests. Varying perspectives. Fascinating discussions. Constant stream of thought provoking ideas.
wittgenstein apologistGreat podcast for people knowledgeable in western philosophyList the podcasts from most recent to oldest, rather than the current list from oldest to newest. Have to scroll all the way down the list to see the newest podcast.
RA1815Hit or missWill the host go full trad Cath… or will he follow the reactionary British hipster path toward Wahhabism? Tune in and find out!
Wink Master SupremeGoodI have always found this podcast to be edifying.
candy blingNarrow scopeLack of varying perspectives.
jimmythejimLesser traveled thoughtA good pod for thought about ideas that are not regularly traversed in philosophical podcasts: connections of technology, spirit and creativity. I enjoy, appreciate, and regularly listen to the discussions. I do wish guests would buy better microphones!
Original HurshGreat podcastReally enjoy this podcast. A sense of openness. Highly recommended.
TBGEMHTruly ImportantAs a winemaker, and as a man, I am constantly looking to expand my understanding of philosophy in a pragmatic and full way. This podcast offers guests and discussions which truly deliver and have helped me develop my own philosophies based around my life experiences and my own adventures. If you want something substantial, list to this podcast.
b1g 3yeUse up your discretion!You seemed pretty naive talking to this guy ‘Bob Dobbs’ who was making all types of wild claims such as saving trump from covid with his highly questionable supplements he is hucking. He claims to be 98 years old which is a flat out lie and quite convenient for someone involved in selling life extension technology. He’s been in prison for wire fraud and impersonation of an IRS agent amongst other things as well. Not saying good people and technology are not attacked by or imprisoned for no good reason but this guy sounded completely sleazy right off the bat. I couldn’t believe how quickly you asked him about sponsorship with the show. Use up your discretion!
Chris in SeattleRacist nerdsRacist nerds
.swinedriver.KnockwitCommunist occultism, what not to love? British idiocy.
Spencer Van SheepyUtter lack of rigorA host and guests discussing philosophy with the rigor of people educated entirely via Reddit. If you don’t actually understand the issues that are in play in contemporary philosophy or theology, but think things like weird gnostic terminology or numerology sound cool, this is the podcast for you. Cant get published by a legitimate press? Now you can submit to their journal!
uuuuuuuuuuuppiupi usuuto piipplklyry tqu is a wayhey did you get ya stamps an email address for sale for ya rent for ya mommy yard job or something like that rent a rental but i the time is it up yay i u the app uis pi has uighur u y
KingLJamesreallythe best
wilsonaw92Great curation of fringe thinkersGreat conversations with some truly interesting fringe thinkers. Consistent return to accelerationist apologia, from left and right perspectives.
intermediaticToo much disinformationWould be good if he stayed out of politics. That’s when the host and some of his guests get into disinformation and outright lunacy.
nogenresRare intelligenceThanking the heavens for this intellectual sacrament
SteamedLambsWhat’s Happening NowProbably the best single resource for all kinds of cutting edge discussions in philosophy and its cross-disciplinarians.
JohnPaulMcEwanExcellent!The interview with JH Kunstler is fabulous! Thank you for producing such a fantastic Podcast!
1234569babyWhere are theyI’m wondering why no women have been on the show? Plz advise
Kieranismad.Interviews are good. Discussions need way more structure.
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