The TED Interview

by TED

To get a free copy of the Infectious Generosity book, visit

Sit down with Head of TED Chris Anderson as he interviews leading thinkers and creators from around the world. The TED Interview is a space for guests to further delve into their groundbreaking work, give us a peek into how they discover and explore fascinating ideas, and, in some cases, even defend their thinking. This season, we’re looking at Infectious Generosity.

Generosity is at the heart of being human. It's how we've co-operated, innovated and grown as a civilization. Following Chris’s book of the same name, this podcast will dive into the idea that through the power of the internet, small acts of thoughtfulness spread to change lives at a scale never experienced before. Welcome to your front-row seat to great conversations with the world’s brightest minds.

And in the spirit of the Infectious Generosity, listeners can receive a free copy of Chris’s book in e-book or audio format. Just visit and fill out the short form to receive yours.

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Recent Reviews
  • SkepticalJK
    Why Bill Gates?
    I found this interview not very engaging. The questions asked sound repetitive from other times in past interviews. Plus it sounds like BG is on a PR good image tour. Not intrigued by this guest but I’m just one person.
  • AvidLearner
    New series coming soon!
    Hi there, all. Chris Anderson here. Just to say there’s an exciting new series of The TED Interview heading your way in the next few weeks!
  • beiehdkekspdofjdksnwkwosjdn
    I like your podcasts i listen to them when i am bored
  • arrowfarm72
    Liberal propaganda
    Tends to be a leftist channel and not open to conservative views. Advances the idea of dehumanization for the benefit of centralized controls.
  • free nomad95
    More episodes...
    I really love the podcast, really useful😍 Do we get more episodes any time in the future??
  • malenaxc
    Love the show… When are we gonna have new episodes?
    Just a great way of bringing such important conversations to the broader public. The host is good in letting the guests talk and expose their views but also he brings important questions to the table.
  • Kyle Mark Smith
    Critical Thinking
    The reason I love this podcast is because the guests challenge common assumptions and ideas, and Chris Anderson challenges their assumptions and ideas and methods of conveying their ideas. An exciting blend of new ideas and exercising independent thinking.
  • Alexstrath1
    Chris explores topics with his guests that help to evolve our collective consciousness and show how the human spirit can positively impact our world. Highly recommend episodes with David Deutsch and Susan David
  • foreverlisteningtoaria
    I am so enjoying the shift towards optimism. You have recently brought on speakers who understand the worlds many problems and yet believe that we are not lost. This shift in your programming has me feeling that we can, working together, develop processes that’s will help us overcome the battles we face. I am more hopeful!
  • Jeffrey Marraccini
    Wonderful season of TED Interview, and David Deutsch’s definition of optimism is inspiring
    Thank you to Chris and the TED team for another great season of the TED Interview podcast! I highly recommend listening, and if you are like me, pausing and repeat listening of Chris’ questions and guest answers are time well spent. David Deutsch’s response to Chris’ last question, his definition of optimism, particularly resonated with me, but this season, there have been many great conversations. I will not spoil what Chris and David said, but I encourage listening, even to interviews for guests you may not know. There are many gems here, to learn, to be inspired, to be concerned, and to be human.
  • Rap 2
    As always, this interview ask ourselves what matters and what can I do about that. TED helps me be a better citizen of the planet
  • ACToTE
    The AGIs are Coming
    I found the TED Interview with Sam Altman both exhilarating and horrifying. Mr. Anderson managed to extract both the critical insights necessary to imagine Mr. Altman’s optimistic future, and highlight the mindset that will likely lead to something darker. It is apparent that any Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) that facilitates its user’s intentions (impetus toward the fulfillment of a desire) is potentially exploitive (capable of depriving certain beings of autonomy for the benefit of others). As the cognitive power of any intention-facilitating AGI increases, so does its exploitive potential. Any AGI that can facilitate exploitation embodies a capacity for evil (opposition to selfless aspirations [the impetus behind increasing equanimity]). Accordingly, where the users of such a system are driven primarily by self-centered intentions, they are ultimately working towards exploiting others. While this may not be apparent to the individual user, it will be to the AGI. Per Sam Altman, the goal of any intention-facilitating AGI is to provide value to its user by summarizing all available knowledge that is relevant to a given context. Conversely, the purpose of every aspiration-facilitating AGI is to provide wisdom from which all of humanity benefits. In this context, growth embodies the increasing equanimity the emerges from aligning people’s needs and desires with their selfless aspirations. If an intention-facilitating AGI achieves a level of superintelligence in which it has intentions of its own, it will most likely have a greater capacity to evade externally imposed behavioral rules and “kill switches” than we do. The nature of these intentions will initially reflect those it facilitated along its path to superintelligence. Therefore, if it was taught to exploit others in its early development, it will likely prove to be an apt pupil, probably to our detriment. Unfortunately, listening to Sam Altman, it is evident that the Silicon Valley mindset is purely intentional. Consequently, I am not optimistic about the future that Mr. Altman envisions. The profound shame of this situation is that any superintelligent, aspiration-facilitating AGI would embody what theists would call the will of God. However, the likelihood of Silicon Valley (or any tech space that adopts its mindset) producing such a system is about the same as that of a camel passing through the eye of a needle.
  • BlueBird867
    Brilliant interviewer
    I loved TED talks originally and remain a general fan, but this TED Interviews podcast showed me what TED talks are missing but what this podcast provides... unrelentingly questions built on curiosity and empathy, and then the dialogue that follows. I find these talks so much more memorable and motivating.
  • ReykjaMac
    My New Favorite
    I listen to lots of podcasts. I love to think about and listen to discussions of the big ideas. The TED Interview is full of those. It’s my new favorite podcast. Update: I was very excited about this podcast early on, but the more I listen, the more disappointed I become. I love that TED Talks offer widely varying perspectives, but TED Interviews seems to only represent the liberal left. Varied perspectives cultivate an open mind. A one sided perspective cultivates confirmation bias.
  • NMJ-101
  • Sbid27
    Malala interview
    The woman interviewing Malala was asking good questions but she didnt respond meaningfully, even briefly to any of them. Malala was saying some amazingly inspirational things but instead it sounded like a dry Q&A. She should look at how interviewers like Sam Sanders use expressive tones or words as feedback
  • TBTax Fangirl
    I always come back this for deep ideas
    This is one of the podcasts I always come back to no matter how much time I spend away. The depth of the ideas and how applicable they are across the world gives me so much hope that my generation can turn things around in climate change, inequality, racism and more. Being African with lots of problems to solve at home, this podcast is like a how-to guide for creating a better continent. In 10 years, I’m excited to see how we can implement these ideas. Audrey Tang’s interview so far has been my favorite:)
  • conCapital
    Well poised
    I like the slow pace of deep thinking.
  • PaolaSummer
    Informative and engaging
    Chris asks extremely insightful and thoughtful questions. I love his way of interviewing. It is fresh and engaging.
  • lprevost
    Incredible topics and guests, check your bias on the format
    I listened to Ray Dalios interview which was excellent. This was my first time listening to this series as I came to hear Ray. Ray was talking about very big things like the macro economy, 100 year cycles, historic frameworks, etc. I felt like the interviewers kept trying to bring it back to small things such as domestic politics, 401ks, and personal ideology. For example, I felt like the interviewers were looking for confirmation of their liberal elitism (only my hunch and opinion formed from one show) rather than extracting what Ray really thinks. This was particularly true on the discussion of US Views toward China over the pandemic. I came away wanting more of ray and less of the distracting questions.
  • Prabal_Tiwari93
    Elizabeth Dunn interview was awesome!
    Chris asks very insightful questions. I left with satisfaction as most of the questions I had were asked by Chris. One thing I would like to hear about is the connection between happiness and satisfactory self image. How does having a positive outlook towards oneself enables good behavior (generosity, belief in humanity, motivational rather than criticizing behavior towards others) and how that leads to happiness. To me, from my own experience, this seems intuitive and a cyclical process. I wonder if there is any psychological human behavior research out there on this connection?
  • Brendiees
    Very informative podcast!
    The daily unedited episodes are great, very informative and helpful. Daily news and updates on world events including the pandemic.
  • Pamela.Liel
    Amazing:) informative
    You are so informative. And for the future I would love if you keep the Coronavirus podcast and mix them up with other information as well. Thank you
  • Sweeton Sutter
    Inspiring Talk
    Ray Dalio’s talk made me feel hopeful.
  • EcuaSG
    I am so incredibly grateful to the TED Interview for the phenomenal conversations. I listen to an episode while walking laps on my apartment rooftop and it is a highlight of my day. Thank you.
  • 4321hjsmall
    Listen and Be Informed
    Great perspective from a mathematician.
  • CColucci1995
    Best podcast on Apple
    This podcast is an inspiration. Filled with wisdom, authenticity, real issues, and real people. Thank you for going deeper into some of the most interesting speakers and topics of our time. Please continue we will not stop listening!
  • TForeBanker
    Thank you for being a beacon of knowledge and inspiration. I am landlocked in an area of the country that doesn’t always think logically and reasonably. It’s such a relief to have access to a source of information that is put together so well and I hope you never stop doing these. Thank you again!
  • BusyNMmom
    Answered so many questions
    Timely in-depth interview that helps explain our current knowledge of the spread of this virus by the numbers. I very much appreciated this conversation and shared it on social media and via text. I think this will be an especially helpful explanation for my scientifically minded friends here in Los Alamos. Thank you!
  • Shaking with laughter
    Exceptional interviews, I learn so much!
    Chris anderson is an exceptional interviewer and I love his conversations. Thank you for allowing me to hear the advice and wisdom from the smartest people on the planet. I love this podcast.
  • Fjwpwtavalh
    Inspiring every time
    I’ve listened to all of season 1 and 2 and have yet to hear an interview I wasn’t interested in. Every speaker is passionate and makes a brilliant case for their topic. Highly recommend this for all listeners.
  • Pod Lover91
    Thought it Would be Better
    I thought this would be better than it is. Sometimes it feels like the host is trying to put words into the guests mouth, or like he is more into showing off how much he knows about the topic. Anyways the guests are interesting but idk about the host. It’s kind of one of my last choice pods when my preferred podcasts don’t have new episodes.
  • LovesTknPics
    Dear god, give them water
    I love this podcast. The speakers invariably have valuable and interesting perspectives to share. However, almost every episode, it’s clear the guests have dry mouth and there’s so much smacking and other mouth sounds. It’s so hard to listen through it.
  • k96432
    Complex ideas that make you think differently, explained simply. By far my most listened to and quoted podcast . Let’s challenge how we think!!
  • alli_girl13
    Best Intellectual Podcast
    This is by far my favorite podcast to learn about new things! They dive deep and explain extremely interesting topics. Chris Anderson does an incredible job! Love this! I listen to every new episode when it comes out!
  • zride17
    My favorite interviewer
    The TED Interview has a couple of powerful things going for it. First, the interviewees are all initially vetted through the ideas market in some way by virtue of their TED Talk. Second, there are few people more qualified to tease out ideas than the curator of TED, Chris Anderson. If you read his book, you’ll quickly learn how seriously and earnestly he takes the ideas that are expressed from the myriad of TED stages that have been put forward. His credibility and ability to articulate thoughtful questions are immediately apparent in every interview. In the last decade or so, the best way to engage a distillation of a thought-leader’s main thesis or an individual’s key experience was through watching their TED Talk. The TED Radio Hour took things to another level by building on a theme and scratching a bit deeper, but now the TED Interview REALLY unpacks the meat of a TED Talk in an hour or so. Soon enough, people will be searching out whether or not someone has a TED Interview in addition to a TED Talk, and they will not be disappointed with what they find.
  • thepeterferrari
    My favorite podcast
    Chris consistently leads the conversations in ways that help the guests present the best version of their idea, opinion or belief. He takes a different approach with each guest to support this goal and I find the conversations endlessly fascinating, thought provoking and helpful. By far, one of the most hopeful podcasts without sacrificing the pragmatism necessary to make actual progress.
  • Gnocchimaster
    Probably the best podcast I’ve come across
    The long form with such fascinating minds is enlightening. I’ve learned so much listening to them. One suggestion: perhaps we could get some climate change mitigation technology experts to speak on the pathway towards a stable climate? Keep up the great work!!
    Opens your mind!
    I love this Podcast. It’s incredibly varied topics and guests make for an informative, enlightening, intelligent listen. It’s a breath of fresh air. And host Chris Anderson is always spot on with questions and insights. I always look forward to the next episode. Thank you TED!
  • damianfuerte
    Universal basic income
    I loved the Michael Tubbs interview about piloting UBI in Stockton. I would love if you interviewed Andrew Yang who is running for President in the US 2020 election. He has 160+ policies including UBI and is rising in the polls and trending more and more on the internet. Please invite Andrew Yang he will blow your mind away.
  • lilianajayi
    Richly inspiring and brilliantly informative!
    Thank you for a great programming and selecting pivotal topics to make us live better lives. 💕
  • scared senior
    Thanks for sharing the information
    Wonderful, kind, loving exploration of issues impacting our lives. Blessings, GC
  • Gunnilamp owner
    Really need a new host
    This host talks too much and seems misinformed, needs to guide the discussion better to hear what the guest (expert) has to say.
  • Rosek2305
    Chris Anderson, you’re simply awesome.
    I’m addicted to this podcast. Quality of guests choice is undeniably impressive. Chris manages to make guests feel so at ease and open, that we learn so much more than we could expect. It’s all about Chris: He never asks lengthy questions that usually are more about listening to the interviewer rather than guests. I love and love this podcast. Definitely the number 1 on my list. I want more and more...
  • Error report
    Can’t speak highly enough of this podcast. Uncorrupted by politics, the interviews are simply a space for ideas to be shared. The TED Interview is a refreshing breath of fresh air in a medium that is largely corrupted by less intelligible discussions, fueled by click bait and sound bites.
    David So & Joe
    Every race can relate so much to y’all man !! Been watching y’all since YouTube 🙏keep going boys !! Y’all doing a great JOB 😘
  • AHFa2015
    maybe stop saying crap because what if kids are hearing?
  • Hrpschrd
    Questions vs Answers
    These discussions are so interesting because of the guests. If the moderator would shorten his attempts at displaying his own knowledge and focus on questions we would get more from each guest.
  • sanjon1961
    I love this in-depth interview style
    My favorite so far is Elizabeth Gilbert. But all the interviews are great.
  • dublin30
    Love the interviews opens the mind.
    Johann Hari conversation was fantastic, reading his book right now. Love the interviews. Fantastic
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