The Horror of Dolores Roach

by Gimlet
Fiction #158Drama #57

With blood on her hands, the infamous Dolores Roach has fled the recent shocking destruction in Washington Heights and gone into hiding deep under New York City in an abandoned subway tunnel. But she’s not alone underground, and her dark night of the soul is interrupted by an extremist faction of similarly self-exiled tunnel-dwellers whose space she's invaded. Facing re-incarceration back above ground, but pushed to the limits of shame, paranoia, lust, hunger, and depraved entrepreneurialism below it, Dolores is the outcast of the outcasts again - until she takes her survival in the tunnels into her own Magic Hands. Season 2 of The Horror of Dolores Roach is written and directed by Aaron Mark and stars Daphne Rubin-Vega, Donnell Rawlings, and Amy Ryan.

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Recent Reviews
  • Gallio get out
    Don’t trust massage
    Top listening experience
  • Itschrysco
    Season 3?
    End of Season 2 left me wanting more! I hate cliff hangers. I hope there is a S3!
  • Podcasting enthusiast
    Gore galore
    The show is excellent, has me at the edge of my seat, would love a season 3
  • Br33zy24x
    Great thriller
    Such a great podcast. Might have to re-listen since prime is making it a series
  • ketolowcarber
    Love it
    Do I keep this podcast in my library? Nothing new for almost two years now… I need to know what happens in season 3!
  • Jgdhdbdh
    When is season 3 coming
    I’m glad I was able to enjoy season 1/2. Ya have to make this a series and or movie.
  • martell559
    where’s the rest?
    Where are the rest of the episodes? Today is 12/1/2020 and the only episode that is available is episode 1!!!!
  • Rea Mae1988
    Great Sound
    Great story telling. My imagination captured all of the essences of the sound.
  • ellajane19
    So good except...
    Why make the money-hungry landlord a Jew? Cmon now
  • Tarma Roving
    Creepy, gross, and AMAZING
    I was blown away by the voice acting in this podcast. Daphne Rubin Vega does an incredible job, and the other actors are excellent as well. It is a modern-day Sweeney Todd set in Manhattan, with everything you might imagine and more. The meat pies are traded for empanadas, the barber for a masseuse, the British cast of characters for a colorful bunch fitting the diverse and strange people who crowd a major U.S. city. It's gory, yes, but not in the way of a slasher flick - the violence is measured and unforgotten through Dolores' eyes. If you don't faint at the sight (or sound) of blood, you should absolutely listen to this one.
  • Ballsdeepinatiger
    Affirmative action Sweeney Todd
    Obviously this is a retelling of Sweeney Todd. They hit all the diversity points they could with this one man.. they even went as far as to have no white people whatsoever except for the big bad evil cops. This has got to be one of the worst, most phoned in podcasts I’ve even had the mispleasure to hear. Diversity for diversities sake ruins art. And you see it plain and clear here.
  • Lkathleen5768
    Gross noises
    Cannot stand all the eating and slurping noises that are so constant.
  • KayV.A
    Really entertaining felt like the end was told too fast. I loved Season 1.
  • Lilmommie70
    Great story
    When is Season 3 coming out.. Can wait to hear what happens not.
  • Nice wallpaper collector
    Amazing Story
    When should I expect more
  • TuTu Bear
    Very good!!
    I have to ask-is there more to expect?!
  • Crack Empanadas
    The Horrors of Delores Roach
    Would really like to see this made into a play of a series
  • __Dagger__
    Best Podcast to date
    I love this podcast with all my heart. I’ve listened to it fully at least 3 times. When the second season came out, I about screamed; I was so excited! The second season is amazing. The voice actors, the background sounds, everything is perfection. I can’t get over this podcast, please get it a listen.
  • Rion1975
    Couldn’t stop listening. The voices are spot on for this performance!
  • asuncionshija
    I didn't think this was my kind of thing - and normally it wouldn't be- but this is superbly written, superbly acted (seriously, kudos to the voice of Dolores, she's amazing), and brilliantly twisted. I admit that S1 seemed somewhat better but there was no stopping me once I got going. I can't believe how S2 ended and a *desperate* for more episodes! Please don't leave me hanging!
  • ron1190
    First podcast
    I’m hooked... it’s a good story I can see the story in my minds eye.
  • Agdjsksnanak
    A story to keep you interested.
    When I tell you that I am HOOKED..!!! Delores Roach is a character.
  • Kary GL
    The best!!!
    This is what got me hocked ip to podcast. Its weird and awesome. Love it!!!
  • AArmine
    I got everybody listening 😁👍🏼
  • @l3X174
    When is the next episode 😩 I’m hooked to this podcast. I binged it all last weekend. I need my fix of some empanada loca lol
  • Bethany J. Mahan
    3 Names Needed Only
    ....and they are: 1.Daphne. 2.Rubin. 3.Vega. Coming from a social worker’s perspective at first I was, like, “She’s gotta make it, she’s just gotta!” The typical “a-black-woman-is-victimized-once-again-by-the-judicial-system-via-white-power-narrative” is TURNED ON IT’S HEAD. It’s like watching a car wreck happen right in front of you: So horrifically traumatic yet averting these ears I will not. The Horror of Delores Roach is an audaciously spell-binding auditory feast I gladly gorge upon. I may vomit via visceral gut-wrenching disgust. Recovery is a must. Maybe I’ll go get a massage after Ive listened to the final episode.
  • Marie Penna Reed
    Delores is my dark horse
    Please, I need more! The Best Podcast ever written and acted!
  • Gonzotoo
    Deep and dark writing is great
    Love the deep dark and twisted story. It’s a pretty scary look at how quickly things can get out of hand and get dark. Evil in fact . The voice acting is great! Makes for a great story while commuting to work
  • gooatz
    Mind blowing head shaking creativity!
    This evolves down crazy twisty dark tunnels. Amazing writing and great acting. Huh?!! What???!!! Constantly shocking yet real. Love this!!!
  • TeeKB3AT
    Shocked at 2nd season
    Obviously Gimlet didn’t go above and beyond for the 2nd season like they had for season 1. Season 2 starts well but goes down hill quickly. They wrapped this story up so quickly that it leaves the listener confused. I for sure thought there would at least be another episode.
  • Robbinband
    Tobyyyyy where are ya loveeeeee
  • dfdfdsfadsfsa
    Love it!
    I’ve never reviewed a podcast before but I love this one! It starts out innocent enough but then starts taking twisted turns. The pace isn’t too fast but just enough to keep me intrigued. Very well done!
  • Andy's Podcaster Podcast
    The score by Allison Layton-Brown!
    Superb. Also sick and twisted, in a good way. Give it space and time and listen in the dark. Very monologue heavy but this is a pleasure because the voice is Daphne Rubin Vega. If she was a drink she would be an aged mescal in a crystal goblet shaped like the skull of Mark Twain. The score is... amazing, it doesn’t intrude but it drives the whole mood of the piece to perfection. Full review at Spoiler - it gets a Mystery Meat and a ‘Saucy Jack.’
  • Love Audio Dramas
    Excellent acting. No clue where the story is going but I’m hooked.
  • MsRose22
    2nd season
    Is that it for the second season? 5 episodes?
  • MusicSusanna
    So freaking gory
    Well made podcast so gave it 4 stars but it’s so gory and nasty that I had to stop listening to it. Nasty crazy and just totally sick
  • djtiaely
    Maybe I just don’t like the NY accent. Episode 1 was boring to me honestly.
  • GabbsE
    This show.....
    This show was my introduction to podcasts and I can honestly say. I have listened to a lot since I heard season 1. Nothing beats it. Nothing.
  • Smith Law
    2nd season mediocre
    First season was good second season not good
  • frequentj
    So glad to see this back!
    I love horror podcasts, and when I stumbled across this, I was hooked from word one. The voice actress is phenomenal, and season one is one you’ll want to listen to again, because the second time through is a whole new experience. Can’t wait to listen to season two!
  • pizzacasey
    Needlessly gross
    I’m thrilled that Gimlet is making fiction podcasts. I hope they do more. But this second season is a miss for me. I suppose it’s fine if you’re into learning how to filet a human body, but it’s pretty grotesque for no reason, without a ton of plot so far
  • Ynot3245
    Love season 2! I cannot believe my ears! Episode 5 - talk about a cliff hanger!
  • Step on Dean
    Just When You Thought...
    Dolores could not get any freakier, season 2 does! It’s awesome! Best way to experience her tale is riding the NYC subways. It takes it to a whole new level. Great way to pass the commute time. Don’t look down the tunnels too long. You might see and hear things...
  • ZaydaRenae
    Where’s the rest?
    Does season 2 end at episode 5???
  • Sons of Charlemagne
    Modernized, Gender Switched Sweeney Todd
    It’s everything I love. Welcome back, Dolores!
  • Mielniczek91
    Love it ! So juicy !
    I am obsessed with Dolores !! Omg when are more episodes coming ?!
  • Earl Sewell
    This is such a great podcast! I’m so happy that there are stories like this around. I found 2 great fiction podcasts in one day. This one and another called Lennie Gray.
  • 5DDU
    Welcome back
    I have been anxiously awaiting for her return and all I can say is welcome back Delores
  • AKells47
    All I can say is wow!! This is a wonderfully told story! I had no idea what to expect when I started & I was totally blown away with The HORROR of Deloris Roach! The actors were absolutely great! The Deloris Roach actress is phenomenal!
  • Jewelsmariee
    Bad for anyone with misophonia
    I should’ve guessed it. Don’t listen to this podcast if you’re triggered by mouth or eating noises. I mean, it is about cannibals so i should’ve supposed there may be some, but they started off strong with that nonsense in the first episode. Too many ads anyway. Well, maybe i could handle the number of ads if they were given all in one shot instead of sprinkled throughout the episode. It totally delineates from the immersive aspect of the podcast and always takes me out of it completely. This is the main reason why i try not to listen to podcasts by gimlet unless i’m really struggling to find something to listen to.
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